Waitress Receives A Penny For Her Services

Everybody keeps saying that but I thought that's where she got her penny from?
The penny was from the $2.10 an hour her employer paid minus what she owed in taxes, Social Security, Insurance

Meant she got to keep all her tips tax free
Ahh... So you are saying waitress and waiters should not have the job because it is not a living wage job.
I'm saying a person who washes a car shouldn't expect a living wage.
That job is what is known as a stepping stone to a better job.

As far as waitresses and waiters, most who are worth their weight make a living wage.
If they don't, perhaps they need to look at themselves for not being able to make a living wage in their profession.
Well said American Capitolism is just wrong at so many levels. Why if amerika is so great do we have to have a class of worker who is not paid a living wage by the employer???.
Good question and so I'll reply below for the benefit of so many others.
Here's a U.S source of information created especially for pissants.

America does much better on this one!
20's good!
I'm saying a person who washes a car shouldn't expect a living wage.
That job is what is known as a stepping stone to a better job.

As far as waitresses and waiters, most who are worth their weight make a living wage.
If they don't, perhaps they need to look at themselves for not being able to make a living wage in their profession.
I take your point on stepping stone jobs in a positive way. However who is doing the stepping stone job. A young person living at moms house is a canadate for a stepping stone job. But an adult not living at home should not be forced into a stepping stone job.
Well interesting point. However why in the supposed greatest nation in the world is there not simply a constutional gurantee that everyone function with and has the same equal rights.
Men paid more than women and whites paid more than browns seems so racially xenophobic as to be laughable.
The penny was from the $2.10 an hour her employer paid minus what she owed in taxes, Social Security, Insurance

Meant she got to keep all her tips tax free

We got taxed on the tips we declared. We had to declare all CC tips and/or 8% of our sales.
Tipping is an archaic practice that needs to be cast off.
Perhaps. But what is really happening at a restraunt were a tip is added to the bill regardless. This serms like the employer is using tips to inflate the wage of the employee.
The penny was from the $2.10 an hour her employer paid minus what she owed in taxes, Social Security, Insurance

Meant she got to keep all her tips tax free

which is illegal. Tips are supposed to be reported as income
Well interesting point. However why in the supposed greatest nation in the world is there not simply a constutional gurantee that everyone function with and has the same equal rights.
Men paid more than women and whites paid more than browns seems so racially xenophobic as to be laughable.
Your assertion is laughable. I worked in central CA for 50 years alongside every ethnicity and gender and NEVER in any of the places that I worked, were like jobs paid differently. You will find great disparities between geographic locations though. Hourly wages in the central valley of CA are less than half of those one hundred miles away in the bay area across ALL genders and ethnicities.
L.A. asked a very relevant question:

Well said American Capitolism is just wrong at so many levels. Why if amerika is so great do we have to have a class of worker who is not paid a living wage by the employer???.

To which there's an obvious answer. Americans are convinced that they must uphold the status quo for the benefit of the very wealthy.

But the good news is that that's being challenged by Americans across a wide spectrum of political preferences.
Many working class Americans felt they needed to abandon the establishment way that Biden and the Democrats offered and so gravitated toward Trump.

Trump offered that which was and is the common need of American working people. A break away from bad government!

But sadly, Trump lied to those people and failed to deliver.

Somehow, some way, the ordinary American working class people are going to find a way to come together and unite under one leader. A leader who will deliver!

Can that be Trump? Yes it can be but then Trump will again fail to deliver, and then what?

Could it then be an awakening in which the working class people come to realize that they're been snookered into being beholding to the very wealthy once again?

Can Trump, a multi-millionaire at least, ever forsake his friends to deliver to the poor?

The poor as in, the 60% of Americans who can't scratch up $800 to get their car fixed?
I'd resign in a heartbeat. She can do a lot better than this. Anybody who doesn't tip their waiters or waitresses are cheapskates.

Liny is a very pretty lady. She should move to Oregon. They're so hard up for waitresses in my coastal tourist town that they're offering $15 an hour PLUS tips!

I volunteer to show her around :)

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