Waitress Receives A Penny For Her Services

Have you had the pleasure of being waited on by the cordial and attentive staff at The Poop Deck in Jamaica? Now, the name might turn Americans off but offers the best seafood with catch of the day specials in Nassau!

We go to Negril. It's where the hippy thing started in Jamaica,it was a small fishing village for the longest time and there were no big all inclusive hotels. Of course it's changed a lot from when we first started going there. Back in the day beer was a buck a bottle and you could get two lobster tails for 5 bucks.
We have quite a few locals that we're friends with.
I always make it a point to tip one penny for poor service.

As for her making one cent...she works for tips.

Can we have an honest evaluation of those earnings?

Of course we can't...agendas.
Did you get your food?

That's worth 10% just for that. If she had known you weren't going to tip she should have left your food in the kitchen...or spit in it if she did deliver it.

But there's always next time
Kinda depends on where one lives. But in a place like NYC 20 bucks. In a place like Idaho 10. There hasn't been a federal increase since 2009. Time to add at least 50% to the $7.25 and let the states decide what they want to do beyond that.

IOW, it'd be impossible for the feds to dictate based on cost of living.

I don't think $20 an hour would get you all that much farther in NYC. I make a six figure salary and I would struggle in NYC or the Bay Area. I could pull it off, but I certainly wouldn't have the standard of living I have now.

The bottom line, nobody has a right to a job or a "living wage," which you guys never seem to really be able to define. Jobs are a byproduct of someone starting up a business to provide goods and services to others. Since they generally can't do the work themselves they have to hire others to do it. You can choose to work for what they are willing to pay or not. If they can't find people who are willing to work for what they are offering then they'll have to find a way to adjust their business model to offer more, but part of that adjustment can and will likely include higher costs passed on to the consumer.
Did you get your food?

That's worth 10% just for that. If she had known you weren't going to tip she should have left your food in the kitchen...or spit in it if she did deliver it.

But there's always next time
I have a very low bar when I get to a restaurant.

However, when that VERY LOW bar is not met then I am pretty unforgiving.

Example; the Mrs. a few weeks ago was going on and on about this pizza joint in the hills

"oh the view...and they have craft beer...we should go...we should go"

So we call ahead, see if we can secure a table, can't, FC FS...go there anyway...wait an HOUR to be seated...fair enough...

Get seated...not asked what drinks we want by host.

Waitress has us waiting for TWENTY minutes before acknowledging our existence

THEN has the ever loving sack to say..."Oh I had a phone call"

Gets our drink and food order

20 minutes brings drinks

Comes back 45! minutes later with pizza...cold

Drinks empty.

Pizza cold.

Sent the shit back.

Two feckin hours I spent in that GD shitty pizza place and no food.

No, that's wrong. People should only tip for good service and not as a rule. We in Canada tip much less and sometimes not at all when the food and service is poor.

The main reason for the difference between us and the US is that tipping in Canada is only an extra reward to people in the services industries. They aren't dependent of tips to survive. We have social programs and socially responsible government to fall back on when people experience times of need.
In America, people in need are referred to as lazy sponging lowlife.

There's no indication of any change in attitude coming to America and so the quality of life will only decline more.

On the bright side, threads are starting to appear on this board that expose the failing 'quality of life'.
Do keep in mind that if the food is not all that good, the person who brings it to you is not the person who cooked it and so if you are going to thumb your nose at anyone, it should be whoever is directly responsible for the lousy meal and not the deliverer.

God bless you and every wait staff person always!!!

I have a very low bar when I get to a restaurant.

However, when that VERY LOW bar is not met then I am pretty unforgiving.

Example; the Mrs. a few weeks ago was going on and on about this pizza joint in the hills

"oh the view...and they have craft beer...we should go...we should go"

So we call ahead, see if we can secure a table, can't, FC FS...go there anyway...wait an HOUR to be seated...fair enough...

Get seated...not asked what drinks we want by host.

Waitress has us waiting for TWENTY minutes before acknowledging our existence

THEN has the ever loving sack to say..."Oh I had a phone call"

Gets our drink and food order

20 minutes brings drinks

Comes back 45! minutes later with pizza...cold

Drinks empty.

Pizza cold.

Sent the shit back.

Two feckin hours I spent in that GD shitty pizza place and no food.

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Good thing you ain't goin back (I'd advise you not to) Loogies for you
The little private lake I lived on in Boise was AMAZING for the Craws. For several years I didn't even realize they were there until my neighbor dropped a trap over the dock.

Yeah, let the little guys go. The big ones looked like small lobsters. There was even a little bite out of those big claws. We had some great neighborhood boils! 😋


Wow, that looks pretty good. I never had lobster before,.. is it like shrimp? (I'm not a huge fan of that as I am with fish.)
I'd resign in a heartbeat. She can do a lot better than this. Anybody who doesn't tip their waiters or waitresses are cheapskates.

I gave a waitress a dime once....and I felt I over tipped her. She was beyond awful---well beyond. And I usually tip well---I tip waiters and waitress a good amount more than the 20% for lower priced places but less at higher priced areas because I don't understand why a steak house college student should be tipped more than a waffle house single mother unless it was the one that I gave .10 Cents to. There are some people who don't even deserve the $2.13 per hour.
Hey now - Should all pretty girls with tats be regarded as hookers? :confused-84:
On TikToc? Probably. Contact and make them an offer if you are interested.
Oh I think you go to a lot of places where the wait staff "know" you
You know where I NEVER have a problem with the wait staff even if the food isn't always great?

Asian places.

Asian broads know how to serve, and they are slim.

It's in their culture.

Service, appearance.

American women have lost that.

Rude, entitled, and a lot of them are fat and unpleasant to look at.
The OP link was nothing but a prostitution advertisement. I think that's pretty awful.
The OP link was nothing but a prostitution advertisement. I think that's pretty awful.

I have to say that I took a look again at the pictures and now I can see why people are saying that. Especially the second one.

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