Walensky Falsely Claimed That Data Existed Showing COVID Vaccines Stopped the Spread: Pfizer Says Tests Were Never Performed


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Walensky and Fauci must have bets on who can tell the biggest lies with the straightest face.

"The Director of the CDC during the COVID vaccine roll-out, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, told a US Senate committee in May of 2021 that “data have emerged” showing that vaccinated people cannot pass on the virus, even if they catch COVID, a first in vaccine science.

“Stopping the spread” of COVID was the central and most forceful argument used for pushing the US population into taking the COVID mRNA injections, which are actually not vaccines since they rely on a different technology than dead-virus inoculations.

On March 29, 2021 Walensky told MSNBC that:

“Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick. And that it’s not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real world data.”

And before a US Senate committee in May of 2021, Walensky said:

“Data have emerged again that [demonstrate] that even if you were to get infected during post vaccination that you can’t give it to anyone else,”

But there is a major problem with Walensky’s Senate testimony under oath and her public pronouncements. In August of 2022 a Pfizer president revealed under questioning in the European Parliament that not only did Pfizer’s product not stop transmission. It was never even tested for it.

In the case of Moderna, studies on transmission did not begin until April 2021, which lasted five months, which means the data would not have been available until September of 2021 at the earliest. This was five months after Walensky said ““Data have emerged again” that the vaccines stopped the spread."

EU parliament member Rob Roos, October 2022, questioning Pfizer president (view at Rumble)

Below source: MSN News headline



This is an illustration of how the only actual qualification you need to work in the US government today is your ability to lie with a straight face. The better you lie, the higher you rise. Our government is populated with liars. That's why it is so corrupt.
It was one in a series of lies.

The only shocking part to me was how many people continued, and continue, to believe these utter pieces of shit as the lies stacked up. They terrified people, and those people buckled into simpering puddles of mush, who were more than willing to hand over any rights they had for the illusion that Govidaddy would protect them, and throw their friends, families, coworkers, even the nation's children directly under the proverbial bus.

Utterly pathetic and embarassing to watch how easily people are manipulated.
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This is what passes for "the science."

"The science" is not science, it is leftwing bullshit pretending to be science...

Co2 fraud
Covid fraud
Murderous Fraud Vax

That's close to our entire Federal Debt right there

$10 trillion loss for Covid fraud

$20 trillion for the Co2 fraud
It's pretty bad when medical men/women lie about something that will have an impact on the future generations of a nation with 340 million people in it.
DC & MSM lies to us about everything.
They sprinkle in a little truth smothered in massive lies so that they can sound credible & they have been doing this for decades

It's pretty bad when medical men/women lie about something that will have an impact on the future generations of a nation with 340 million people in it.

Just never notice which demographic is doing all the lying about Murderous Fraud Vax starting with Rachel...
Walensky and Fauci must have bets on who can tell the biggest lies with the straightest face.

"The Director of the CDC during the COVID vaccine roll-out, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, told a US Senate committee in May of 2021 that “data have emerged” showing that vaccinated people cannot pass on the virus, even if they catch COVID, a first in vaccine science.

“Stopping the spread” of COVID was the central and most forceful argument used for pushing the US population into taking the COVID mRNA injections, which are actually not vaccines since they rely on a different technology than dead-virus inoculations.

On March 29, 2021 Walensky told MSNBC that:

“Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick. And that it’s not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real world data.”

And before a US Senate committee in May of 2021, Walensky said:

“Data have emerged again that [demonstrate] that even if you were to get infected during post vaccination that you can’t give it to anyone else,”

But there is a major problem with Walensky’s Senate testimony under oath and her public pronouncements. In August of 2022 a Pfizer president revealed under questioning in the European Parliament that not only did Pfizer’s product not stop transmission. It was never even tested for it.

In the case of Moderna, studies on transmission did not begin until April 2021, which lasted five months, which means the data would not have been available until September of 2021 at the earliest. This was five months after Walensky said ““Data have emerged again” that the vaccines stopped the spread."

EU parliament member Rob Roos, October 2022, questioning Pfizer president (view at Rumble)

Below source: MSN News headline



In a sane nation, she and Fauci would face a firing squad.
Of course she did. It doesn't even bother them that millions died because of the injection. What matters is that they got them some money.

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