Walk Around NYC compared to a walk around Moscow

Oh fuck off, I was born and lived many years in Russia before moving to United States, save your bullshit for someone else Boris.

Russia is a repressive, corrupt shithole compared to developed democracies. If you really think it's so great then just pack your shit and go live there for a while, so you can get a dose of reality.

Then why are you trying to turn the US into a Russia copy?

You stupid or something?
It kind of reminds us of what New York City looked like in the 1950s.
This sentence really resonated with me. Thanks.

Whenever I watch the 1959 film "North by Northwest," I am impressed by how clean New York City was back then and how everyone was dressed nicely (all the men wearing suits and hats, and the women wearing dresses).

Back then no one could have even imagined that they stood the chance of suddenly being sucker punched. Or murdered on the subway.
Look at the street view of Russia on Google Maps.

Outside of small areas of Moscow and St Petersburg it’s total 100% 3rd world.

Nothing but corrugated steel shacks, weeds as tall as a grown man and crumbling infrastructure.

90% of Russia looks like the shittiest parts of Gary, Indiana

Seriously, check it out



We all already know that those unable to think for themselves. ..Those living in the matrix will say things like “this guy is a Russian agent” to me call me a putin Agent or something. Of course, as always, I don’t care about it one bit.

Because I am free. My mind is free. I am a true liberal. I’d like to think outside the box and I tell my fellow Democrats think outside the box. Be unique. Be an individual get the hell out of the matrix. Or maybe not Biden supporters keep stuffin your mouth with McDonald’s hamburgers and drugs….

I’ve never supported communism never will. But I am my own man and I also like Russia, because they stood tall and World War II and they stood for what was right when the Germans were attempting to exterminate every Jew of the world it was the Americans and Soviets that liberated the concentration camps.

As for the videos look at the undeniable differences. While there is some remnants of greatness in New York City, Anybody who can see what’s going on can see the cultural decline and filth in the video above right in the screenshot. What happened to men in New York City? You look around and you see tons of obese people. You see folks who are not dressed up very well. They look like slobs. It wasn’t like this in the American past you go back to the 1950s you go to any baseball game all the men wearing suits all the women wearing dresses.

Now look at the video showing the walk around Moscow. There’s not really many obese people. Almost everyone is dressed up to the 9s for the occasion. It kind of reminds us of what New York City looked like in the 1950s. So many beautiful women. The architecture of modern New York City has kind of gotten a little bit dull. But look at the architecture in Moscow it is beautiful it is stunning. In Moscow men are men, women are women. We can learn a lot from this as Americans we can learn from the Russian people.

No one dresses in NYC anymore ...fucking slobs
What should they be wearing? Suit and tie and those dumb 1950’s hats? No thanks
Those were the days man the 1950s.


Our middle class was much stronger. Look at the degradation we have in America today that we did not have in the past.

New York City was a cleaner , safer and better place in the 1950s compared to today

But don’t ask the far left about this issue. Apparently, they hate their own family who grew up in this country before them. That’s a shame and it’s a disgrace. They think everyone was a Racist. Their views are based on anti-American propaganda.
You can bitch and whine all you want about how horrible things have gotten since the 50s, but truth of the matter is that things are only going to get worse and in 70 years or so, these will be the good old days.
God willing one day I’ll be able to visit in Moscow. And maybe even say thank you to a Soviet World War II vet who Stood tall with us Americans
"us" Americans? Oh really?
Feel free to immigrate if you like Russia so well. Don't just visit. Move back home to stay.
Watch out for the occasional drone or tank column staging a coup.
The difference is immigration. The more immigrants the filthier, the more crime ridden the city.
You support every fascist policy of the democrats, dumbass.
More fluff from very own fluff master.

I, and most other Democrats strongly support freedom of speech (including independent media),

Seperation of powers (including independent courts that are essential to protection of Constitutionally guaranteed personal rights).

Presidential term limits and competetive elections.

You won't find any of that in today's corrupt, authoritarian Russia, but usefull tools like you are just too damn ignorant to have any real perspective.
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More fluff from very own fluff master.

I, and most other Democrats strongly support freedom of speech (including independent media),

Seperation of powers (including independent courts that are essential to protection of Constitutionally guaranteed personal rights).

Presidential term limits and competetive elections.

You won't find any of that in today's corrupt, authoritarian Russia, but usefull tools like you are just too damn ignorant to have any real perspective.

No, you don’t. You label dissenting opinion as "misinformation" and censor, EXACTLY like the Nazis did.
No, you don’t. You label dissenting opinion as "misinformation" and censor, EXACTLY like the Nazis did.
No moron, Nazis weren't Nazis because they "labeled" something. They disapeared you, like this:

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No moron, Nazis weren't Nazis because they "labeled" something. They disapeared you, like this:

Yeah, just like you dipshits want to do. You want to mandate vaccines. You want vaccine passports. Guess what dumbshit.

The Nazis had those.

Yeah, just like you dipshits want to do.
No dummy, we do not.

Democrats and Republicans fully agree that a right to assembly and peaceful protest is fundamental to democracy.

I don't why you need to make up all the grotesque lies you do.
No dummy, we do not.

Democrats and Republicans fully agree that a right to assembly and peaceful protest is fundamental to democracy.

I don't why you need to make up all the grotesque lies you do.

Yeah, dumbass. The demofascists were all calling for vaccine mandates.

These aren't lies. These are the policies YOU supported.



We all already know that those unable to think for themselves. ..Those living in the matrix will say things like “this guy is a Russian agent” to me call me a putin Agent or something. Of course, as always, I don’t care about it one bit.

Because I am free. My mind is free. I am a true liberal. I’d like to think outside the box and I tell my fellow Democrats think outside the box. Be unique. Be an individual get the hell out of the matrix. Or maybe not Biden supporters keep stuffin your mouth with McDonald’s hamburgers and drugs….

I’ve never supported communism never will. But I am my own man and I also like Russia, because they stood tall and World War II and they stood for what was right when the Germans were attempting to exterminate every Jew of the world it was the Americans and Soviets that liberated the concentration camps.

As for the videos look at the undeniable differences. While there is some remnants of greatness in New York City, Anybody who can see what’s going on can see the cultural decline and filth in the video above right in the screenshot. What happened to men in New York City? You look around and you see tons of obese people. You see folks who are not dressed up very well. They look like slobs. It wasn’t like this in the American past you go back to the 1950s you go to any baseball game all the men wearing suits all the women wearing dresses.

Now look at the video showing the walk around Moscow. There’s not really many obese people. Almost everyone is dressed up to the 9s for the occasion. It kind of reminds us of what New York City looked like in the 1950s. So many beautiful women. The architecture of modern New York City has kind of gotten a little bit dull. But look at the architecture in Moscow it is beautiful it is stunning. In Moscow men are men, women are women. We can learn a lot from this as Americans we can learn from the Russian people.

I agree that the Moscow images were more pleasant than the NYC ones. (On a personal note, I no longer wear skirts and dresses and would not like to be expected to go back to that as the norm for women, but that's just me.)

I recently saw videos of supermarkets in Moscow and they were amazingly modern, well stocked, visually appealing etc.

The proof is not in any nation's 'show' cities though. Go to Beijing and your impression is that the Chinese are doing very well. Go into the rural areas though and it is a much different story while rural America may not be as affluent as city folk but most live quite comfortably. Go to Baghdad and see a modern thriving city. In much of the Iraqi countryside, however, you find people mostly living off the grid and struggling just to survive.

It is all relative of course. What one person classifies as 'poverty' another might see it as being reasonably well off. For instance I spent a summer in Appalachia and had occasion to visit with a lot of West Virginia's 'poor' mountain folk. Most lived on very low incomes but they didn't go hungry raising cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, chicken etc. as well as bountiful home gardens. Homes were small but clean and well kept and paid for. WV has the highest home ownership percentage in the country.

So okay. Maybe Russians in Moscow are more classy than Americans in NYC. I am pretty sure most Russians would opt to remain Russian and Americans will opt to remain Americans. New Yorkers don't have to deal with Putin and Muscovites don't have to deal with Democrats. :)
Yeah, dumbass. The demofascists were all calling for vaccine mandates.

Vaccination requirement has NOTHING to do with fundamental free speech rights and seperation of powers that have become foreign concepts in Putin's Russia.

You know you are full of bullshit, so you try to deflect.
Vaccination requirement has NOTHING to do with fundamental free speech rights and seperation of powers that have become foreign concepts in Putin's Russia.

You know you are full of bullshit, so you try to deflect.

Actually, it does.

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