Walkaway Banned from Facebook As Apple Threatens Parler

And where did Twitter claim that it had no restrictions on what could be posted there? Their TOS is very clear that there are restrictions.

In your campaign to prove me wrong, you apparently did not bother to read the governing rules set forth by Twitter:

The Twitter Rules

Twitter's purpose is to serve the public conversation. Violence, harassment and other similar types of behavior discourage people from expressing themselves, and ultimately diminish the value of global public conversation. Our rules are to ensure all people can participate in the public conversation freely and safely.

And in the very paragraph you quoted......

"Twitter's purpose is to serve the public conversation. Violence, harassment and other similar types of behavior discourage people from expressing themselves, and ultimately diminish the value of global public conversation. Our rules are to ensure all people can participate in the public conversation freely and safely."

They literally contradict your silly claim that they offer unrestricted speech. Laying out some of the restrictions in the very paragraph you quoted. And lay out 15 entire categories of posts that will get you banned with half a hundred specific types of speech that will get you banned.

View attachment 439780

So I ask again, where did Twitter ever say they had no restrictions on speech? As it clearly wasn't on the page you cited, which lists 15 entire categories with dozens of individual example of types of speech that will get you banned.

.... you've got strawman stuffing all over yourself.

Yes! YES! Cherrypick all you like. The paragraph makes contradictory statements, then, by saying they wish to allow people to freely express themselves, whilst dictating terms on what types of expression are and are not acceptable.


Dude.......almost the entire page is an enormous list of restrictions on speech on Twitter.

View attachment 439790

But I'm "cherry picking"? I don't think the phrase means what you think it means. I'm noting the restrictions you insist Twitter doesn't have.

So I ask for a third time......where did Twitter ever say that they have unrestricted speech on their platform?

As so far, that's just a strawman you propped up just to knock down.

So, why does it claim that it seeks to disallow behavior that inhibits or discourages people from "freely expressing themselves" then? Both of these things cannot be true then.
they're banning anything they can't control.

as for insurection and crap on parler - do you really think they'd plan something like that on an open network? get the info, details, users and the like and let the law go after them. getting them out of the store isn't about security, it's about control.

Ya...they did..

Which begs the question...why were the Capital Police so underprepared?

If you feel there should be no censorship on private platforms, shouldn’t ISIS be allowed to operate there?
Which begs the question, why did the capital police move the barrier to let them in then open the doors for them

You miis those questions.

Yes. That is in my list of questions.

Here is another. Should ISIs be allowed free speech rights on these platforms?
And shouldn't it be up to our government to declare laws were broken and a platform "evil"?

Since when did a "private business" have that power?

A private has the right to create rules (or TOS) for users of its platform and as a private entity it has the right to boot or censor those who break it.

Are you suggesting it doesn’t have that right and must allow every and anything until the Government steps in?

So ISIS should be allowed?
Gab social media was just banned by Google now too.

Were they insurecting also?

ISIS is allowed. You keep ignoring that.

Is it?
And where did Twitter claim that it had no restrictions on what could be posted there? Their TOS is very clear that there are restrictions.

In your campaign to prove me wrong, you apparently did not bother to read the governing rules set forth by Twitter:

The Twitter Rules

Twitter's purpose is to serve the public conversation. Violence, harassment and other similar types of behavior discourage people from expressing themselves, and ultimately diminish the value of global public conversation. Our rules are to ensure all people can participate in the public conversation freely and safely.

And in the very paragraph you quoted......

"Twitter's purpose is to serve the public conversation. Violence, harassment and other similar types of behavior discourage people from expressing themselves, and ultimately diminish the value of global public conversation. Our rules are to ensure all people can participate in the public conversation freely and safely."

They literally contradict your silly claim that they offer unrestricted speech. Laying out some of the restrictions in the very paragraph you quoted. And lay out 15 entire categories of posts that will get you banned with half a hundred specific types of speech that will get you banned.

View attachment 439780

So I ask again, where did Twitter ever say they had no restrictions on speech? As it clearly wasn't on the page you cited, which lists 15 entire categories with dozens of individual example of types of speech that will get you banned.

.... you've got strawman stuffing all over yourself.

Yes! YES! Cherrypick all you like. The paragraph makes contradictory statements, then, by saying they wish to allow people to freely express themselves, whilst dictating terms on what types of expression are and are not acceptable.


Dude.......almost the entire page is an enormous list of restrictions on speech on Twitter.

View attachment 439790

But I'm "cherry picking"? I don't think the phrase means what you think it means. I'm noting the restrictions you insist Twitter doesn't have.

So I ask for a third time......where did Twitter ever say that they have unrestricted speech on their platform?

As so far, that's just a strawman you propped up just to knock down.

So, why does it claim that it seeks to disallow behavior that inhibits or discourages people from "freely expressing themselves" then? Both of these things cannot be true then.

So you admit that Twitter has NEVER claimed to offer unrestricted speech on their platform.

But instead linked to Twitter laying out 15 different categories of speech that are restricted.

Thank you for proving the absurdity of your own argument.
So I ask for a third time......where did Twitter ever say that they have unrestricted speech on their platform?

The very first paragraph, you blind fool.

Here's the first paragraph:


No where does it say it offers unrestricted speech on its platform. But instead, lays out the reasoning for why it has restrictions.

You've just destroyed your entire argument. You're just not very good at this, are you?
they're banning anything they can't control.

as for insurection and crap on parler - do you really think they'd plan something like that on an open network? get the info, details, users and the like and let the law go after them. getting them out of the store isn't about security, it's about control.

Ya...they did..

Which begs the question...why were the Capital Police so underprepared?

If you feel there should be no censorship on private platforms, shouldn’t ISIS be allowed to operate there?
Which begs the question, why did the capital police move the barrier to let them in then open the doors for them

You miis those questions.

Yes. That is in my list of questions.

Here is another. Should ISIs be allowed free speech rights on these platforms?
And shouldn't it be up to our government to declare laws were broken and a platform "evil"?

Since when did a "private business" have that power?

A private has the right to create rules (or TOS) for users of its platform and as a private entity it has the right to boot or censor those who break it.

Are you suggesting it doesn’t have that right and must allow every and anything until the Government steps in?

So ISIS should be allowed?
Gab social media was just banned by Google now too.

Were they insurecting also?

ISIS is allowed. You keep ignoring that.

Is it?
Well first you said you are OK with private enterprise enacting law enforcement. Wanna be sure we note that.

And I can find pro ISIS posts all over them.

But if parler, why Wimkin, gab, and everyone else? No one insurecting there?

When is it bullshit to you? Please, don't let it be ONLY when it impacts you. Cause it will.
Upon further evaluation:

" Platform manipulation and spam: You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter."

And what does Twitter do? It uses its own property to "artificially amplify and/or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people's experience on Twitter"

So, is that not a contradiction? The moderation pattern clearly indicates a bias.
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.

Apple, Facebook, twitter and all private business aren't the government. The government has nothing to do with those businesses.

Why would anyone storm the government because of what a private company does?

Why not storm the private company?

You people aren't too smart are you?
Upon further evaluation:

" Platform manipulation and spam: You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter."

And who, according to Twitter, gets to decide when that happens?

Spoiler alert.......its not you.
No where does it say it offers unrestricted speech on its platform. But instead, lays out the reasoning for why it has restrictions.

The use of the word "freely" in the last sentence contradicts that claim, Skylar.
No where does it say it offers unrestricted speech on its platform. But instead, lays out the reasoning for why it has restrictions.

The use of the word "freely" in the last sentence contradicts that claim, Skylar.

Save of course....it doesn't. Twitter has never claimed to offer unrestricted speech. But instead has laid out extensive restrictions on speech.......as demonstrated by the link you provided.

All 15 categories.

Try again...this time not ignoring the very page you linked to. When did Twitter EVER say it had unrestricted speech on its platform?
they're banning anything they can't control.

as for insurection and crap on parler - do you really think they'd plan something like that on an open network? get the info, details, users and the like and let the law go after them. getting them out of the store isn't about security, it's about control.

Ya...they did..

Which begs the question...why were the Capital Police so underprepared?

If you feel there should be no censorship on private platforms, shouldn’t ISIS be allowed to operate there?
Which begs the question, why did the capital police move the barrier to let them in then open the doors for them

You miis those questions.

Yes. That is in my list of questions.

Here is another. Should ISIs be allowed free speech rights on these platforms?
And shouldn't it be up to our government to declare laws were broken and a platform "evil"?

Since when did a "private business" have that power?

A private has the right to create rules (or TOS) for users of its platform and as a private entity it has the right to boot or censor those who break it.

Are you suggesting it doesn’t have that right and must allow every and anything until the Government steps in?

So ISIS should be allowed?
Gab social media was just banned by Google now too.

Were they insurecting also?

ISIS is allowed. You keep ignoring that.

Is it?

Yet... Is there.

And if they can't just wipe out ISIS, how can they wipe out parler?
Last edited:
they're banning anything they can't control.

as for insurection and crap on parler - do you really think they'd plan something like that on an open network? get the info, details, users and the like and let the law go after them. getting them out of the store isn't about security, it's about control.

Ya...they did..

Which begs the question...why were the Capital Police so underprepared?

If you feel there should be no censorship on private platforms, shouldn’t ISIS be allowed to operate there?
Which begs the question, why did the capital police move the barrier to let them in then open the doors for them

You miis those questions.

Yes. That is in my list of questions.

Here is another. Should ISIs be allowed free speech rights on these platforms?
And shouldn't it be up to our government to declare laws were broken and a platform "evil"?

Since when did a "private business" have that power?

A private has the right to create rules (or TOS) for users of its platform and as a private entity it has the right to boot or censor those who break it.

Are you suggesting it doesn’t have that right and must allow every and anything until the Government steps in?

So ISIS should be allowed?
Gab social media was just banned by Google now too.

Were they insurecting also?

ISIS is allowed. You keep ignoring that.

Is it?

Yet... Is there.
View attachment 439825

That's not ISIS.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist

You obviously don't know what Communism is.

Communism is an ECONOMIC policy.

Actually those who are pointing out that those private companies have the freedom to do as they want within our laws aren't the communists.

Anyone who wants to stop private ownership is a a communist.

That's what communism is. An economic system where there is no private ownership. The state or government owns and controls everything.

So in your view those people who want to keep the government out of private business is a communist but those who want government in private business isn't.

You have things backwards.

Here's some good advice. Read a dictionary. Learn the meaning of words in the English language. Then once you have mastered the English language read an economics book. I recommend economics for dummies. Hopefully that won't be too advanced for you.
No where does it say it offers unrestricted speech on its platform. But instead, lays out the reasoning for why it has restrictions.

The use of the word "freely" in the last sentence contradicts that claim, Skylar.

Save of course....it doesn't. Twitter has never claimed to offer unrestricted speech. But instead has laid out extensive restrictions on speech.......as demonstrated by the link you provided.

All 15 categories.

Try again...this time not ignoring the very page you linked to. When did Twitter EVER say it had unrestricted speech on its platform?

Freely: without restriction or interference. I rest my case.

The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.

The founders would have stormed the capitol because a social media ban?

I'm checking the Declaration of Independence now and........nope. Not there.

It's not there, because social media did not exist in their time.

These people were serious about liberty, private companies controlling speech would have never been fine with them, ever. Especially directed to anti-American, Stalinist ideological means.

The only anti-American speech I freqently see on FaceBook is the lies and ill-liberal facism of today's Republican Party. White grievance,

It's so typical of you assholes that when people tell you you're offensive and to stop, you scream about your rights to say what you want. What about OUR rights not to be bombarded with bullshit and lies?
No where does it say it offers unrestricted speech on its platform. But instead, lays out the reasoning for why it has restrictions.

The use of the word "freely" in the last sentence contradicts that claim, Skylar.

Save of course....it doesn't. Twitter has never claimed to offer unrestricted speech. But instead has laid out extensive restrictions on speech.......as demonstrated by the link you provided.

All 15 categories.

Try again...this time not ignoring the very page you linked to. When did Twitter EVER say it had unrestricted speech on its platform?

Freely: without restriction or interference. I rest my case.

View attachment 439832

In the very paragraph you cited (ignoring everything else on the page, of course) they literally lay out the argument for why there are restrictions.


Twitter has never claimed that they have no restrictions on speech on their platform.


So why would they be forbidden from banning anyone who violated their TOS?
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.

The founders would have stormed the capitol because a social media ban?

I'm checking the Declaration of Independence now and........nope. Not there.

They would be leading the charge to protect all those airports trump said they protected.
they're banning anything they can't control.

as for insurection and crap on parler - do you really think they'd plan something like that on an open network? get the info, details, users and the like and let the law go after them. getting them out of the store isn't about security, it's about control.

Ya...they did..

Which begs the question...why were the Capital Police so underprepared?

If you feel there should be no censorship on private platforms, shouldn’t ISIS be allowed to operate there?
Which begs the question, why did the capital police move the barrier to let them in then open the doors for them

You miis those questions.

Yes. That is in my list of questions.

Here is another. Should ISIs be allowed free speech rights on these platforms?
And shouldn't it be up to our government to declare laws were broken and a platform "evil"?

Since when did a "private business" have that power?

A private has the right to create rules (or TOS) for users of its platform and as a private entity it has the right to boot or censor those who break it.

Are you suggesting it doesn’t have that right and must allow every and anything until the Government steps in?

So ISIS should be allowed?
Gab social media was just banned by Google now too.

Were they insurecting also?

ISIS is allowed. You keep ignoring that.

Is it?
Well first you said you are OK with private enterprise enacting law enforcement. Wanna be sure we note that.

How did you pull THAT out of what I said?

Private entities have the right to create their own rules or TOS in regards to their property (within the constraints of US law and the Constitution). That is not enacting law enforcement. If I go into a restaurant and start dancing nekkid on the tables do you think they are going to stand by and let me do it or escort me off the premises?

And I can find pro ISIS posts all over them.

Why aren’t you reporting them?

But if parler, why Wimkin, gab, and everyone else? No one insurecting there?

On social media sites used by the far-right, such as Gab and Parler, directions on which streets to take to avoid the police and which tools to bring to help pry open doors were exchanged in comments. At least a dozen people posted about carrying guns into the halls of Congress.

When is it bullshit to you? Please, don't let it be ONLY when it impacts you. Cause it will.

It has already impacted me. We had a violent insurrection in our nation’s capital, and an attempt to overthrow our government. That isn’t bullshit.

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