Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Why are you bringing Obama into a discussion about scott walker?

Why are you trying so desperately hard to change the subject off of the fact that scott walker cut 300 million from education to give two thirds of it to a rich person who doesn't need any money?

However I would like to point out the following:
Your opinion means nothing. You don't make the decisions on who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.

So your words mean nothing.

What does mean something are the people who do make those decisions. They decided that Obama did deserve that award.

I happen to agree with them.

You don't.

So what?

If you want to debate Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize you're very welcome to do so. Just start a new thread and post to your heart's content.

Stop trying to derail this thread.

Since you obviously didn't follow the thread, Obama entered the picture when the insane claim was put forth that Walker had not accomplished anything, as if that, even if true, were some kind of disqualification. Obama proves that to be false.

You're right. I scroll right by most right winger posts. I read very few of them. Mostly when I read a reply from an intelligent person I see what they're replying to.

I read your post because I had not seen your posts before and I always read all posts until the person shows that they don't use the brains they were born with.

Don't worry, I've been scrolling past most of your posts too.

As for Obama, well that has nothing to do with scott walker. The fact that scott walker is a failure has nothing to do with Obama and the fact that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize has nothing to do with scott walker's failures and this thread. Trying to excuse scott walker's failures by point an accusing finger at someone else is childish, immature and an obvious sign that you've lost the argument.

If you want to talk about Obama and his peace prize, start a new thread about it. Leave this one to remain on scott walker.

1. Since you are not a mod with special powers, I will continue posting as I see fit.
2. The idiotic claim was put forth that Walker supposedly has not accomplished anything and thus is disqualified to be president. Setting aside the absolute absurdity of the first part of that statement (it is false and hardly needs addressing), it is relevant to point that the second part is also absurd, given that the current POTUS had no accomplishments to his name prior to election either.
Yes folks, democrats really are this moronic.

I know

Imagine supporting a university over a professional basketball team

Where are their priorities?
That's right cause we can't support a budget for the university and sports complexes in one state. You either support one or the other... ROFL democrats are so funny when they start talking about math. You actually believe cutting how much you give a university is not supporting that university. ROFL

In the failed Governor of Wisconsins case, he made it clear who he supports
Yeah he supports both. Duh! Were you born this silly, or did it take years of practice & education?


Unlike the failed Governor of Wisconsin, I have a college degree. I appreciate how important education is as opposed to giving taxpayer funded handouts to billionaires

So do I, yet I can also appreciate how important it is to keep overly powerful unions in check so as to improve a state's economic outlook. And, I can also appreciate how a proven track record of accomplishment is far more important than a college degree. Apparently, the democrat elitists don't think so.
With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Why are you bringing Obama into a discussion about scott walker?

Why are you trying so desperately hard to change the subject off of the fact that scott walker cut 300 million from education to give two thirds of it to a rich person who doesn't need any money?

However I would like to point out the following:
Your opinion means nothing. You don't make the decisions on who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.

So your words mean nothing.

What does mean something are the people who do make those decisions. They decided that Obama did deserve that award.

I happen to agree with them.

You don't.

So what?

If you want to debate Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize you're very welcome to do so. Just start a new thread and post to your heart's content.

Stop trying to derail this thread.

Since you obviously didn't follow the thread, Obama entered the picture when the insane claim was put forth that Walker had not accomplished anything, as if that, even if true, were some kind of disqualification. Obama proves that to be false.

You're right. I scroll right by most right winger posts. I read very few of them. Mostly when I read a reply from an intelligent person I see what they're replying to.

I read your post because I had not seen your posts before and I always read all posts until the person shows that they don't use the brains they were born with.

Don't worry, I've been scrolling past most of your posts too.

As for Obama, well that has nothing to do with scott walker. The fact that scott walker is a failure has nothing to do with Obama and the fact that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize has nothing to do with scott walker's failures and this thread. Trying to excuse scott walker's failures by point an accusing finger at someone else is childish, immature and an obvious sign that you've lost the argument.

If you want to talk about Obama and his peace prize, start a new thread about it. Leave this one to remain on scott walker.
What scott walker failures are YOU talking about?

Apparently, the page that tells them how to destroy Walker without looking like morons hasn't come through yet.
We have to "make" jobs so that billionaires can make more money?

How bout we "make" jobs to help the public good......roads, bridges, schools

I would argue a new stadium for Milwaukee is a public good.

First, thousands of people will be employed building it.

Second, hundreds of people will be employed working at it.

Third, the Bradley Center is an inadequate venue. It's too small and lacks amenities. A new stadium would generate more commerce and therefor more revenues.

Fourth- other teams and events will be held there.

Here's the problem. The NBA has mandated that the Bucks either get a new stadium or move to another city by 2017. Sounds to me like Walker is doing a solid helping the city and state keep an important source of jobs and civic pride.
First....make the billionaire owners build their own arena without free stuff from the taxpayers
Second.....tell your failed governor to build stuff that helps the people not the billionaires

Should we spend money on education or to help billionaires make more money?

We know where the dropout governor wants to spend money

Perhaps, having seen that it is quite possible to be a huge success without a degree, he realizes that simply pumping more money into an already bloated system isn't going to really help the students much at all, or did you already think of that one?
The University of Wisconsin ranks #13 in the country among public universities. Most states would be proud to have such a presitigious university

Top Public Schools Rankings Top National Universities US News

But the dropout failed Governor of Wisconsin is willing to gut his university just so he can build a playground for billionaire basketball team owners. Shows where education stands with this potential Presidential candidate


Here's where your idiocy comes to the fore. Please do us all a favor and post the university's annual budget, then post $300 mil under it for comparison. Just for giggles, write the numbers out completely. Then, after you've done that, explain to all of us how taking the smaller number away from the bigger number = "gutting" the university. Go ahead, we'll wait, but don't look to your fax machine, it's broken.
With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine

You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Why are you bringing Obama into a discussion about scott walker?

Why are you trying so desperately hard to change the subject off of the fact that scott walker cut 300 million from education to give two thirds of it to a rich person who doesn't need any money?

However I would like to point out the following:
Your opinion means nothing. You don't make the decisions on who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.

So your words mean nothing.

What does mean something are the people who do make those decisions. They decided that Obama did deserve that award.

I happen to agree with them.

You don't.

So what?

If you want to debate Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize you're very welcome to do so. Just start a new thread and post to your heart's content.

Stop trying to derail this thread.

Since you obviously didn't follow the thread, Obama entered the picture when the insane claim was put forth that Walker had not accomplished anything, as if that, even if true, were some kind of disqualification. Obama proves that to be false.

You're right. I scroll right by most right winger posts. I read very few of them. Mostly when I read a reply from an intelligent person I see what they're replying to.

I read your post because I had not seen your posts before and I always read all posts until the person shows that they don't use the brains they were born with.

Don't worry, I've been scrolling past most of your posts too.

As for Obama, well that has nothing to do with scott walker. The fact that scott walker is a failure has nothing to do with Obama and the fact that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize has nothing to do with scott walker's failures and this thread. Trying to excuse scott walker's failures by point an accusing finger at someone else is childish, immature and an obvious sign that you've lost the argument.

If you want to talk about Obama and his peace prize, start a new thread about it. Leave this one to remain on scott walker.

1. Since you are not a mod with special powers, I will continue posting as I see fit.
2. The idiotic claim was put forth that Walker supposedly has not accomplished anything and thus is disqualified to be president. Setting aside the absolute absurdity of the first part of that statement (it is false and hardly needs addressing), it is relevant to point that the second part is also absurd, given that the current POTUS had no accomplishments to his name prior to election either.

24 pages into this thread and nobody has managed to post a single accomplishment of Walkers

The failed governor of Wisconsin is unfit to be a dog catcher .....Dog catchers have more education
The University of Wisconsin ranks #13 in the country among public universities. Most states would be proud to have such a presitigious university

Top Public Schools Rankings Top National Universities US News

But the dropout failed Governor of Wisconsin is willing to gut his university just so he can build a playground for billionaire basketball team owners. Shows where education stands with this potential Presidential candidate


Here's where your idiocy comes to the fore. Please do us all a favor and post the university's annual budget, then post $300 mil under it for comparison. Just for giggles, write the numbers out completely. Then, after you've done that, explain to all of us how taking the smaller number away from the bigger number = "gutting" the university. Go ahead, we'll wait, but don't look to your fax machine, it's broken.

$300 million is a major hit to any public university especially at a time when the failed governor is gifting $220 million to a couple of billionaires
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Sorry.....they have more than enough money....time to stop soaking the middle class for professors who don't teach.....

So, you mean the Billion dollars they have in reserve shouldn't be touched.....

Even with Walker’s reductions, the university’s two largest funding sources have increased by 64 percent since 2000. The system also receives federal aid, gifts and grants, and other revenues, but these tend to have strings attached, so it’s not entirely fair for them to be counted in the university’s budget. If they were, though, the increase in revenues would be even greater.

It also didn’t particularly help UW’s case when legislators found the system had been sitting on nearly $1 billion in reserves, stashed away for a rainy day. Perhaps Walker’s budget will provoke them to pull out their umbrellas.
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Best Governor and possibly the next President of the United States..........it is time someone told the greedy assholes in Universities that they need to stop increasing their tuition when they are sitting on a billion dollars........and other universities are worse.....again, good for him.....
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Sorry.....they have more than enough money....time to stop soaking the middle class for professors who don't teach.....

So, you mean the Billion dollars they have in reserve shouldn't be touched.....

Even with Walker’s reductions, the university’s two largest funding sources have increased by 64 percent since 2000. The system also receives federal aid, gifts and grants, and other revenues, but these tend to have strings attached, so it’s not entirely fair for them to be counted in the university’s budget. If they were, though, the increase in revenues would be even greater.

It also didn’t particularly help UW’s case when legislators found the system had been sitting on nearly $1 billion in reserves, stashed away for a rainy day. Perhaps Walker’s budget will provoke them to pull out their umbrellas.

I love it when conservatives bash universities as useless and bloated as they shovel taxpayer dollars to billionaire sports team owners
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Sorry.....they have more than enough money....time to stop soaking the middle class for professors who don't teach.....

So, you mean the Billion dollars they have in reserve shouldn't be touched.....

Even with Walker’s reductions, the university’s two largest funding sources have increased by 64 percent since 2000. The system also receives federal aid, gifts and grants, and other revenues, but these tend to have strings attached, so it’s not entirely fair for them to be counted in the university’s budget. If they were, though, the increase in revenues would be even greater.

It also didn’t particularly help UW’s case when legislators found the system had been sitting on nearly $1 billion in reserves, stashed away for a rainy day. Perhaps Walker’s budget will provoke them to pull out their umbrellas.

I love it when conservatives bash universities as useless and bloated as they shovel taxpayer dollars to billionaire sports team owners

If that is what happened, you might be right. But thats not what happened. As usual, you are lying
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Sorry.....they have more than enough money....time to stop soaking the middle class for professors who don't teach.....

So, you mean the Billion dollars they have in reserve shouldn't be touched.....

Even with Walker’s reductions, the university’s two largest funding sources have increased by 64 percent since 2000. The system also receives federal aid, gifts and grants, and other revenues, but these tend to have strings attached, so it’s not entirely fair for them to be counted in the university’s budget. If they were, though, the increase in revenues would be even greater.

It also didn’t particularly help UW’s case when legislators found the system had been sitting on nearly $1 billion in reserves, stashed away for a rainy day. Perhaps Walker’s budget will provoke them to pull out their umbrellas.

I love it when conservatives bash universities as useless and bloated as they shovel taxpayer dollars to billionaire sports team owners

If that is what happened, you might be right. But thats not what happened. As usual, you are lying
It is exactly what is happening

Giving $220 million to billionaire sports owners and slashing your university system to pay for it

Worst Governor ever
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Sorry.....they have more than enough money....time to stop soaking the middle class for professors who don't teach.....

So, you mean the Billion dollars they have in reserve shouldn't be touched.....

Even with Walker’s reductions, the university’s two largest funding sources have increased by 64 percent since 2000. The system also receives federal aid, gifts and grants, and other revenues, but these tend to have strings attached, so it’s not entirely fair for them to be counted in the university’s budget. If they were, though, the increase in revenues would be even greater.

It also didn’t particularly help UW’s case when legislators found the system had been sitting on nearly $1 billion in reserves, stashed away for a rainy day. Perhaps Walker’s budget will provoke them to pull out their umbrellas.

I love it when conservatives bash universities as useless and bloated as they shovel taxpayer dollars to billionaire sports team owners

If that is what happened, you might be right. But thats not what happened. As usual, you are lying
It is exactly what is happening

Giving $220 million to billionaire sports owners and slashing your university system to pay for it

Worst Governor ever

The university system will be just fine, the arena will bring much more revenue to the city and state than the money spent.

Ever notice when tuition started going up? When the feds started giving unlimited student loans and then waiving repayment. The colleges figured it out pretty quick, raise tuitions, make more money, get more students, and the taxpayers will foot the bill. typical libtardian government-------failed.

Obama===========Worst president in history, bar none.
Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Sorry.....they have more than enough money....time to stop soaking the middle class for professors who don't teach.....

So, you mean the Billion dollars they have in reserve shouldn't be touched.....

Even with Walker’s reductions, the university’s two largest funding sources have increased by 64 percent since 2000. The system also receives federal aid, gifts and grants, and other revenues, but these tend to have strings attached, so it’s not entirely fair for them to be counted in the university’s budget. If they were, though, the increase in revenues would be even greater.

It also didn’t particularly help UW’s case when legislators found the system had been sitting on nearly $1 billion in reserves, stashed away for a rainy day. Perhaps Walker’s budget will provoke them to pull out their umbrellas.

I love it when conservatives bash universities as useless and bloated as they shovel taxpayer dollars to billionaire sports team owners

If that is what happened, you might be right. But thats not what happened. As usual, you are lying
It is exactly what is happening

Giving $220 million to billionaire sports owners and slashing your university system to pay for it

Worst Governor ever

The university system will be just fine, the arena will bring much more revenue to the city and state than the money spent.

Ever notice when tuition started going up? When the feds started giving unlimited student loans and then waiving repayment. The colleges figured it out pretty quick, raise tuitions, make more money, get more students, and the taxpayers will foot the bill. typical libtardian government-------failed.

Obama===========Worst president in history, bar none.

If the billionaire owners cough up the $220 million it will bring the same number of jobs and revenue to the state

Better yet, let the failed Governor spend the $220 million on roads, bridges, schools, medical research, healthcare

It will provide more jobs and revenue than a new arena
Yes folks, democrats really are this moronic.

I know

Imagine supporting a university over a professional basketball team

Where are their priorities?
That's right cause we can't support a budget for the university and sports complexes in one state. You either support one or the other... ROFL democrats are so funny when they start talking about math. You actually believe cutting how much you give a university is not supporting that university. ROFL

In the failed Governor of Wisconsins case, he made it clear who he supports
Yeah he supports both. Duh! Were you born this silly, or did it take years of practice & education?


Unlike the failed Governor of Wisconsin, I have a college degree. I appreciate how important education is as opposed to giving taxpayer funded handouts to billionaires
Do you have a link to these handouts to billionaires or are you just blowing smoke again?

Have you been the Governor of a State? Or are you trying to say you got a degree that is worth less.

I'm thinking you patting yourself on the back for having a worthless education is pretty silly.
The University of Wisconsin ranks #13 in the country among public universities. Most states would be proud to have such a presitigious university

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But the dropout failed Governor of Wisconsin is willing to gut his university just so he can build a playground for billionaire basketball team owners. Shows where education stands with this potential Presidential candidate


Here's where your idiocy comes to the fore. Please do us all a favor and post the university's annual budget, then post $300 mil under it for comparison. Just for giggles, write the numbers out completely. Then, after you've done that, explain to all of us how taking the smaller number away from the bigger number = "gutting" the university. Go ahead, we'll wait, but don't look to your fax machine, it's broken.

$300 million is a major hit to any public university especially at a time when the failed governor is gifting $220 million to a couple of billionaires

IOW, you didn't do the assignment. You do know that passing in incomplete work is an automatic fail, right?
And of course this is a lie......as is all left wing nuttiness...

Scott Walker and Wisconsin s Starving University System National Review Online

In his recently introduced budget, Walker cuts state aid to the university by $150 million, then freezes that funding level for a second year (which is why it is often characterized as a “$300 million cut,” even though the university doesn’t really need to cut anything the second year; it simply must make do with the prior year’s allotment).

However, an important component of Walker’s budget plan is that the university system will get operational flexibility to make up for those cuts in the future. For instance, in theory, the university has the ability to set its own tuition, but the legislature rarely grants it that authority. Walker’s plan would give the system that autonomy in the future, as well as the ability to negotiate its own employee contracts and bond for its own buildings. This is similar to the operational flexibility that Virginia granted to its universities nearly a decade ago.

So while the university’s budget would go down slightly, in the short term it would have the ability to manage those cuts the way it saw fit, and in the long term it would be able to make up for them via tuition increases.

Further, a long-term look at the University of Wisconsin system shows a university that isn’t exactly emaciated. Here’s a chart that shows the two major components of university funding — state aid and tuition — since 2000. The last two years (2016 and 2017) represent Walker’s proposal.

Never trust the left......

Conservatives and math...

$150 million in year one plus $150 million in year two equals $300 million less than current funding

If Walker wants to give the school autonomy, it doesn't take $300 million to do that. He can give them autonomy right now....no strings attached

Worst Governor ever

Liberal ignorance on display. $150 mil less one year, followed by the same funding level the second year = $150 mill cut. That's reality.
You still have failed to produce one accomplishment Obama did that warranted earning the prize. Getting elected does not cut it.

Why are you bringing Obama into a discussion about scott walker?

Why are you trying so desperately hard to change the subject off of the fact that scott walker cut 300 million from education to give two thirds of it to a rich person who doesn't need any money?

However I would like to point out the following:
Your opinion means nothing. You don't make the decisions on who gets the Nobel Peace Prize.

So your words mean nothing.

What does mean something are the people who do make those decisions. They decided that Obama did deserve that award.

I happen to agree with them.

You don't.

So what?

If you want to debate Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize you're very welcome to do so. Just start a new thread and post to your heart's content.

Stop trying to derail this thread.

Since you obviously didn't follow the thread, Obama entered the picture when the insane claim was put forth that Walker had not accomplished anything, as if that, even if true, were some kind of disqualification. Obama proves that to be false.

You're right. I scroll right by most right winger posts. I read very few of them. Mostly when I read a reply from an intelligent person I see what they're replying to.

I read your post because I had not seen your posts before and I always read all posts until the person shows that they don't use the brains they were born with.

Don't worry, I've been scrolling past most of your posts too.

As for Obama, well that has nothing to do with scott walker. The fact that scott walker is a failure has nothing to do with Obama and the fact that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize has nothing to do with scott walker's failures and this thread. Trying to excuse scott walker's failures by point an accusing finger at someone else is childish, immature and an obvious sign that you've lost the argument.

If you want to talk about Obama and his peace prize, start a new thread about it. Leave this one to remain on scott walker.

1. Since you are not a mod with special powers, I will continue posting as I see fit.
2. The idiotic claim was put forth that Walker supposedly has not accomplished anything and thus is disqualified to be president. Setting aside the absolute absurdity of the first part of that statement (it is false and hardly needs addressing), it is relevant to point that the second part is also absurd, given that the current POTUS had no accomplishments to his name prior to election either.

24 pages into this thread and nobody has managed to post a single accomplishment of Walkers

The failed governor of Wisconsin is unfit to be a dog catcher .....Dog catchers have more education

I see no failures of note, as opposed to an enormously successful and popular conservative governor in a very blue state. No wonder you pee your pants every time you think of him.

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