Walking Away From the Left: Blue Collar Logic

We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET
Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else.

The dems problem is the free lunch …. free college for anyone who doesn't want to work.
Begging your pardon, bendog, but the Dems actually do tend to give American property to someone else, and the latest two are now under the control of two different Communist countries.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal which is now operating under the auspices of a Communist country known as Red China. Red China: Gatekeeper of the Panama Canal -- November 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report
And I think you missed Barack Obama's giveaway of 8 Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea that were a part of the state of Alaska since 1881. Obama Gives Away Part of Alaska
None of your post had anything to do with wealth or property redistribution to achieve American equality. Please don't stray off topic, since it's your topic, please.

Your attempt to equate dems with venezuala is a logical failure for failure to make factually appropriate analogy. Although, I'm not a fan of current dem economic policy.
I guess I misunderstood you when you said, and I quote: "Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else." It just reminded me of some unfortunate giveaways Democrats have done, and I didn't even mention the pay-to-play Uranium One that resulted in a $3 million dollar gift from Putin to the Clinton Foundation, which is under scrutiny for leftist money laundering that is time sensitive to the same months in which President Trump was falsely accused of colluding with Russians. When someone enters a statement that bears looking into, seems that all this denial business speaks for itself, which is why, alak and alas, the walkaways from the left are occurring. Most humbly begging your indulgence for pursuing a subject you introduced. :D

I've often wondered why stuff never stuck to the Clintons.
They must've hoarded an awful lot of WD-40 and its 1001 slippery uses. :deal:
We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET
Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else.

The dems problem is the free lunch …. free college for anyone who doesn't want to work.
Begging your pardon, bendog, but the Dems actually do tend to give American property to someone else, and the latest two are now under the control of two different Communist countries.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal which is now operating under the auspices of a Communist country known as Red China. Red China: Gatekeeper of the Panama Canal -- November 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report
And I think you missed Barack Obama's giveaway of 8 Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea that were a part of the state of Alaska since 1881. Obama Gives Away Part of Alaska
None of your post had anything to do with wealth or property redistribution to achieve American equality. Please don't stray off topic, since it's your topic, please.

Your attempt to equate dems with venezuala is a logical failure for failure to make factually appropriate analogy. Although, I'm not a fan of current dem economic policy.
I guess I misunderstood you when you said, and I quote: "Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else." It just reminded me of some unfortunate giveaways Democrats have done, and I didn't even mention the pay-to-play Uranium One that resulted in a $3 million dollar gift from Putin to the Clinton Foundation, which is under scrutiny for leftist money laundering that is time sensitive to the same months in which President Trump was falsely accused of colluding with Russians. When someone enters a statement that bears looking into, seems that all this denial business speaks for itself, which is why, alak and alas, the walkaways from the left are occurring. Most humbly begging your indulgence for pursuing a subject you introduced. :D

I've often wondered why stuff never stuck to the Clintons.

If it didn't stick, she'd be potus. LOL I'm not sure it would be a significant improvement, though.
Leftism, and Progressive thought, etc did NOT create the great country we have. White men, that worked hard, were innovative, creative, and had vision created this country. Along with those willing to work hard, make things, fix things, build things, etc. Not this mamby, pamby psycho babble laden, hypocrisy we have today.
/——/ The Mambly pamby libtards should read this about the Americans who built this country: https://www.amazon.com/Nothing-Like...criptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=ff0d01-20

Here's a link to the railroads and how the big tycoons used government land grants to build them. Conservatives would call this free stuff if this government program were used to help ordinary citizens. No, socialism helped build this country also.

Railroads in the Late 19th Century - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress
Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
The far left is isolating all Christians in their party to make a choice. My prayer is that any excommunicated Democrats will come to understand that their salvation did not come from atheism, and may look to the Walkaway movement as their pathway back to the founders' America we know, understand, and support. :hands:

I am an atheist... please don't mix me with the Luciferians that are running the democrat party.
Please don't ask us to delete and rewrite the scriptures, Norman. I hope you can set aside any antipathy you may have against religion and simply measure the effects of the founders, all of whom received their education within the confines of Christian churches, to a man, including Thomas Jefferson, whose own words reflected a oneness he had with the Christ, as his issues were with men, not Christ. Many of his writings say as much and are greatly obfuscated by the atheist community who now and again tries to make him out to be a pure atheist. That was not ever true. I know, because I researched his writings and found his Christianity to be all it ever had to be--an affinity with the words of our great Savior of mankind. I'm not trying to offend your beliefs, but atheism in and of itself offends the first of the ten commandments in Mosaic Law. Please do not form anger at the messenger, Norman, but keep in mind this nation's problems stem from stepping away from the newcomers to America who sought relief from the world class atheists, first of Rome, then of the aristocratic elements of Europe who'd long ago forsaken every commandment, not to mention Christ's very words about living the Kingdom on this side of the veil. Thank you for hearing me out for you to reconsider some of the tenets you may already experience as true, to help you with what matters and what doesn't matter. You're very close to the heart of God, imho, but then, I'm not a prophet, I simply see what you're not seeing yet. Deal?
Slave owners used the Bible to justify their actions. Religion is like fire-neither good nor bad on its own, but depending on how it is used. Crusades, Jihad, eye for an eye, devil worshipers all commit "evil deeds".

In this case Christianity was used so that it built the greatest Western civilization ever.

And I bet, you take a shit all over it.

And these 'christians' used slave labor to help build America, don't forget. Now christians and conservatives try to figure out ways to keep these freed slaves from voting.
The far left is isolating all Christians in their party to make a choice. My prayer is that any excommunicated Democrats will come to understand that their salvation did not come from atheism, and may look to the Walkaway movement as their pathway back to the founders' America we know, understand, and support. :hands:

I am an atheist... please don't mix me with the Luciferians that are running the democrat party.
Please don't ask us to delete and rewrite the scriptures, Norman. I hope you can set aside any antipathy you may have against religion and simply measure the effects of the founders, all of whom received their education within the confines of Christian churches, to a man, including Thomas Jefferson, whose own words reflected a oneness he had with the Christ, as his issues were with men, not Christ. Many of his writings say as much and are greatly obfuscated by the atheist community who now and again tries to make him out to be a pure atheist. That was not ever true. I know, because I researched his writings and found his Christianity to be all it ever had to be--an affinity with the words of our great Savior of mankind. I'm not trying to offend your beliefs, but atheism in and of itself offends the first of the ten commandments in Mosaic Law. Please do not form anger at the messenger, Norman, but keep in mind this nation's problems stem from stepping away from the newcomers to America who sought relief from the world class atheists, first of Rome, then of the aristocratic elements of Europe who'd long ago forsaken every commandment, not to mention Christ's very words about living the Kingdom on this side of the veil. Thank you for hearing me out for you to reconsider some of the tenets you may already experience as true, to help you with what matters and what doesn't matter. You're very close to the heart of God, imho, but then, I'm not a prophet, I simply see what you're not seeing yet. Deal?
Slave owners used the Bible to justify their actions. Religion is like fire-neither good nor bad on its own, but depending on how it is used. Crusades, Jihad, eye for an eye, devil worshipers all commit "evil deeds".

In this case Christianity was used so that it built the greatest Western civilization ever.

And I bet, you take a shit all over it.

And these 'christians' used slave labor to help build America, don't forget. Now christians and conservatives try to figure out ways to keep these freed slaves from voting.

So fucking what? They built the best civilization ever... and the blacks were better off than blacks in Africa anyway. I don't agree with the style, but they got the shit done.

Of course elsewhere in the West this was accomplished without slaves so your point is retarded. Everyone else also used slaves - and continue to use them today. You are silent. In fact you idolize the Muslim brotherhood don't you?
Leftism, and Progressive thought, etc did NOT create the great country we have. White men, that worked hard, were innovative, creative, and had vision created this country. Along with those willing to work hard, make things, fix things, build things, etc. Not this mamby, pamby psycho babble laden, hypocrisy we have today.
/——/ The Mambly pamby libtards should read this about the Americans who built this country: https://www.amazon.com/Nothing-Like...criptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=ff0d01-20

Here's a link to the railroads and how the big tycoons used government land grants to build them. Conservatives would call this free stuff if this government program were used to help ordinary citizens. No, socialism helped build this country also.

Railroads in the Late 19th Century - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress
/---/ If you read the book, which I know you never will, it's about the day to day life of the men who built the railroad, not about the tycoons.
Leftism, and Progressive thought, etc did NOT create the great country we have. White men, that worked hard, were innovative, creative, and had vision created this country. Along with those willing to work hard, make things, fix things, build things, etc. Not this mamby, pamby psycho babble laden, hypocrisy we have today.
/——/ The Mambly pamby libtards should read this about the Americans who built this country: https://www.amazon.com/Nothing-Like...criptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=ff0d01-20

Here's a link to the railroads and how the big tycoons used government land grants to build them. Conservatives would call this free stuff if this government program were used to help ordinary citizens. No, socialism helped build this country also.

Railroads in the Late 19th Century - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress

Building national infrastructure is not 'socialism.' The Post Office is not 'socialism' these are things we all pay for and operate at a loss for our convenience. A far cry from a socialistic system where one works, and is mandated to share their earnings with the government which will take a large chunk of that taxpayer revenue to fund 'distribution' of a pittance to everyone whether they work or not.
I am an atheist... please don't mix me with the Luciferians that are running the democrat party.
Please don't ask us to delete and rewrite the scriptures, Norman. I hope you can set aside any antipathy you may have against religion and simply measure the effects of the founders, all of whom received their education within the confines of Christian churches, to a man, including Thomas Jefferson, whose own words reflected a oneness he had with the Christ, as his issues were with men, not Christ. Many of his writings say as much and are greatly obfuscated by the atheist community who now and again tries to make him out to be a pure atheist. That was not ever true. I know, because I researched his writings and found his Christianity to be all it ever had to be--an affinity with the words of our great Savior of mankind. I'm not trying to offend your beliefs, but atheism in and of itself offends the first of the ten commandments in Mosaic Law. Please do not form anger at the messenger, Norman, but keep in mind this nation's problems stem from stepping away from the newcomers to America who sought relief from the world class atheists, first of Rome, then of the aristocratic elements of Europe who'd long ago forsaken every commandment, not to mention Christ's very words about living the Kingdom on this side of the veil. Thank you for hearing me out for you to reconsider some of the tenets you may already experience as true, to help you with what matters and what doesn't matter. You're very close to the heart of God, imho, but then, I'm not a prophet, I simply see what you're not seeing yet. Deal?
Slave owners used the Bible to justify their actions. Religion is like fire-neither good nor bad on its own, but depending on how it is used. Crusades, Jihad, eye for an eye, devil worshipers all commit "evil deeds".

In this case Christianity was used so that it built the greatest Western civilization ever.

And I bet, you take a shit all over it.

And these 'christians' used slave labor to help build America, don't forget. Now christians and conservatives try to figure out ways to keep these freed slaves from voting.

So fucking what? They built the best civilization ever... and the blacks were better off than blacks in Africa anyway. I don't agree with the style, but they got the shit done.

Of course elsewhere in the West this was accomplished without slaves so your point is retarded. Everyone else also used slaves - and continue to use them today. You are silent. In fact you idolize the Muslim brotherhood don't you?
Rome's Empire lasted longer so far. Some of it with Christians, some of it without.
Leftism, and Progressive thought, etc did NOT create the great country we have. White men, that worked hard, were innovative, creative, and had vision created this country. Along with those willing to work hard, make things, fix things, build things, etc. Not this mamby, pamby psycho babble laden, hypocrisy we have today.
/——/ The Mambly pamby libtards should read this about the Americans who built this country: https://www.amazon.com/Nothing-Like...criptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=ff0d01-20

Here's a link to the railroads and how the big tycoons used government land grants to build them. Conservatives would call this free stuff if this government program were used to help ordinary citizens. No, socialism helped build this country also.

Railroads in the Late 19th Century - American Memory Timeline- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources - Library of Congress
Free shit to Illegals is just like building a railroad


380,000 people are fed up with the Democrats and joined this Walk Away group since it started on May 26. It became viral and mushroomed. There are testimonials on you tube (where I first saw this).

"This is not the Party I grew up with" - 70-year old former lifelong Democrat woman, and became a proud Walk Away supporter now. (from video)​
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Latino's Exit from the Dems......LEXIT
That's actually true to an extent. Latinos here legally trying to make a better life sometimes don't appreciate the dems apparent attempts to make sure every illegal immigrant stays and gets free healthcare and education
Well, there's a little truth there, but it doesn't take the Latinos long to realize that once they start making a living, they'd like to not have to pay more money to the government than they get to take home. And AOC is threatening to take taxes up to the 70% bracket so somebody else can pick what people used to get a free choice in choosing.

The immigrants really dig freedom. It's just that simple. They'll be Republicans the minute they open a private business. They may not speak perfect English yet, but y'know, Latinos really, really know their math, and they know for a fact who is going to benefit them the most once the tinsel falls away. And when they learn American History and get into how the freedoms were formed through the Bill of Rights and Amendments to the Constitution they will sign on to the Republican effort, which is their best bet they'll get to keep their own business profits, not the government.

Supporting free enterprise works. You don't have to tell Latinos twice. They're as smart as we are, plus most of them know one more language than us quite fluently, too.
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If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

The extremities of this latest toxic strain of lefty liberalism turned me to the right.

Lucky us! Thanks, Mindful. You know what I like about being a righty? We can talk to each other, even if we don't see eye-to-eye on everything, we still respect the other person's point of view, and it gives us due cause to review the details and improve the idea of doing what's best for the most and still remain in the parameters of doing the right thing. It'd be so much better if all of society worked together in the organized, polite manner the founders practiced in order to facilitate good outcomes in group decisions from the four corners of the nation.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.
You fear the right.
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

The extremities of this latest toxic strain of lefty liberalism turned me to the right.

Lucky us! Thanks, Mindful. You know what I like about being a righty? We can talk to each other, even if we don't see eye-to-eye on everything, we still respect the other person's point of view, and it gives us due cause to review the details and improve the idea of doing what's best for the most and still remain in the parameters of doing the right thing. It'd be so much better if all of society worked together in the organized, polite manner the founders practiced in order to facilitate good outcomes in group decisions from the four corners of the nation.

The most outstanding feature is the lack of humour.

Although I do find Nancy Pelosi's latest rallying cry rather amusing.
Just imagine, if Bernie Sanders became POTUS, he might nationalise people's back gardens, (compulsory purchase and all that) and turn them into communal allotments.

/——/ And you can only grow corn for ethanol and kale to feed your family

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