Walking Away From the Left: Blue Collar Logic

It's amazing that someone is an adult and still believes that socialism works. What other fairy-tales do you believe in?

He must be a real super-genius for figuring out that Santa isn't real as well.

Communism doesn't work.. But Capitalism isn't a heck if a lot better.

So what's your solution Euro-Boy? Anarchy? Abolish private property rights? Jail the rich? What? Or do you just complain. Yeah, thought so.

How about cracking down on those who outsource & hire illegals?

How about cracking down on Liberal media & Hollywood degenerate, smut & Liberalism?

How about abolishing Pornography & Abortion?

How about strong unions, healthcare & housing for everybody?

How about more national parks?

How about raising taxes on gas & fines on food waste to combat global warming?

How about forcing work on welfare recipients who can work?
(1) Illegals do not have their status tatooed on their shoulders like cows. Employers can't tell an illegal with a well-manufactured phony id card from a legal one with a card that looks identical.
(2) The only way to crack down on liberal media is to set aside the First Amendment. And star power tends to set aside the truth in favor of a pretty or handsome face and physique. You might as well pass a law illegalizing beauty. It is impractical.
(3) Porn is a means for oversexed people to jerk off in private most of the time. We don't know why, but some people get bored with their partner over a lifetime and may be using it to prevent family dissolution that would hurt the children of the bored union. Porn is bad, but for some people, it enables them to give their children a long and fulfilling childhood.
(4) Abortion will never end until the Congress acknowledges that human life begins at conception, not at birth. Birth is a stage of development that began at conception. And since Congress is a coward, they will not rule on something that could make them lose their future power by not getting re-elected. Pro choice people threaten to take on anyone who is a threat to their practice of killing their own children. There was a time in American history when parents were expected to get rid of their own family problems, and many a bad boy who died was buried before there were coroners because a family caught him raping a sister or family friend, killing multiple servants/slaves, etc. Nobody asked questions for which they already suspected the reason. The powers that be decided all crimes had to be resolved with public knowledge and scrutiny, and that throwing money at a problem was worth it. The truth can be ugly and sorry as hell. Pro-choicers want womens' privacy to be sacred. The same people may want a rapist's privacy known to all. All things are subjective, depending on what one picks to be just or not. So therefore, privacy is fluid--some get it, some don't.

And I'm out of time. You raised some very good issues, Mr. SobieskiSavedEurope. Kudos.

1.)The government can, and should take steps to punish employers who hire illegals.

2.)At this rate the first amendment is being ruined by Capitalist medias.

3.) We should crack down the producers of Porn & the sites & mags which distribute it.

4.) Abortion is evil & disgusting...A complete amoral monstrosity.

What would the FZ do without number 3?

Whoever "funnied" that, he ain't lyin' bitch.

The Founding Fathers were Liberals.

Not what the leftists masquerading as liberals are today, yes the Founding Fathers were real liberals.
True story. Read you some history.

Perhaps ideologies change to fit the period we are presently living in? Do we still need our militia to keep their guns at home in case of an attack?
It'd be wise, I'm certain, particularly because socialism as I understand it from people who call themselves American Socialists are not all that far less devoted to making the village the center of their childrens lives than the Bolsheviks, who couldn't stop killing after wiping out the Czar's family. The Soviet Socialists Republic went on to exterminate dissidents through Lenin and Stalin reigns of terror that left 24 million Russians dead during the war years of the twentieth century. I am particularly inclined to feeling horror at the manner in which the Bolsheviks starved out the farmers in the Ukraine--killing livestock, burning fields of crops and grains, and repeated returns to individual farmhouses to clean out and burn food storage areas including pantrys inside and outside storage basements and silos of the Ukranian farmers homes. They kept going back until the farmers and their families no longer looked healthy until they died off from starvation. Had World Wars not been going on it would have outraged editors of newspapers worldwide. They struck when the world's foci were directed toward Hitler's latest atrocity which were occurring daily more often than not.

The American Socialists have become rather anal about getting rid of people's armaments.
The Democrats will likely be a lot worse than Commies.

Democrats are far more anti-White than the Bolsheviks were.

Dems are sincere in squashing the Whites out of existence.

Surprise, surprise like with Bolsheviks the Democrats are largely financed by the Chosen people.

Don't you say it!


Aw hell, I'll do it fer ya:

Do you really believe that? :aargh:

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1/2 of Democrat funding comes from Kosher sources.

Yehbut, I don't think Lil Cutie Ms. Stinky feet has anything to do with that.

Matter of fact, we all liked her so much about 30 people never told her her feet stunk.

To this day I will not! :funnyface:
So how is it to know everything there is to know? Must be great to be a super-genius just because you are a conservative.

It's amazing that someone is an adult and still believes that socialism works. What other fairy-tales do you believe in?

He must be a real super-genius for figuring out that Santa isn't real as well.

Communism doesn't work.. But Capitalism isn't a heck if a lot better.

So what's your solution Euro-Boy? Anarchy? Abolish private property rights? Jail the rich? What? Or do you just complain. Yeah, thought so.

How about cracking down on those who outsource & hire illegals?

Outsource no. You can't tell companies they can't have overseas operations. Illegals yes, penalize those who use them.

How about cracking down on Liberal media & Hollywood degenerate, smut & Liberalism?

Can't do it. Free speech/1st Amendment. Turn them off. Make them starve unless they change.

How about abolishing Pornography & Abortion?

Again, 1st Amendment. Some abortions are necessary for medical reasons.

How about strong unions, healthcare & housing for everybody?

Unions only protect the bad performers. Healthcare and housing are not "Rights". Earn them. If you can't afford healthcare you can still get it for free.

How about more national parks?

We have enough Federal and State owned land.

How about raising taxes on gas & fines on food waste to combat global warming?

Climate change is occurring naturally. Gas is already taxed at very high rates. Poor people have to buy gas too.

How about forcing work on welfare recipients who can work?

Agree. If able bodied, you should work for your welfare.

Outsourcing is a major issue.
Which the offenders should be thrown behind bars.

Hollywood & media need to be regulated...Because they're ruining America through indoctrination.

Unions helped build the middle class.
Since the fall of Unions upper class wages have soared, everybody elses real wages stagnated & declined.

Globally warming is happening & strongly appears to be partially manmade.
It's amazing that someone is an adult and still believes that socialism works. What other fairy-tales do you believe in?

He must be a real super-genius for figuring out that Santa isn't real as well.

Communism doesn't work.. But Capitalism isn't a heck if a lot better.

So what's your solution Euro-Boy? Anarchy? Abolish private property rights? Jail the rich? What? Or do you just complain. Yeah, thought so.

How about cracking down on those who outsource & hire illegals?

How about cracking down on Liberal media & Hollywood degenerate, smut & Liberalism?

How about abolishing Pornography & Abortion?

How about strong unions, healthcare & housing for everybody?

How about more national parks?

How about raising taxes on gas & fines on food waste to combat global warming?

How about forcing work on welfare recipients who can work?
(1) Illegals do not have their status tatooed on their shoulders like cows. Employers can't tell an illegal with a well-manufactured phony id card from a legal one with a card that looks identical.
(2) The only way to crack down on liberal media is to set aside the First Amendment. And star power tends to set aside the truth in favor of a pretty or handsome face and physique. You might as well pass a law illegalizing beauty. It is impractical.
(3) Porn is a means for oversexed people to jerk off in private most of the time. We don't know why, but some people get bored with their partner over a lifetime and may be using it to prevent family dissolution that would hurt the children of the bored union. Porn is bad, but for some people, it enables them to give their children a long and fulfilling childhood.
(4) Abortion will never end until the Congress acknowledges that human life begins at conception, not at birth. Birth is a stage of development that began at conception. And since Congress is a coward, they will not rule on something that could make them lose their future power by not getting re-elected. Pro choice people threaten to take on anyone who is a threat to their practice of killing their own children. There was a time in American history when parents were expected to get rid of their own family problems, and many a bad boy who died was buried before there were coroners because a family caught him raping a sister or family friend, killing multiple servants/slaves, etc. Nobody asked questions for which they already suspected the reason. The powers that be decided all crimes had to be resolved with public knowledge and scrutiny, and that throwing money at a problem was worth it. The truth can be ugly and sorry as hell. Pro-choicers want womens' privacy to be sacred. The same people may want a rapist's privacy known to all. All things are subjective, depending on what one picks to be just or not. So therefore, privacy is fluid--some get it, some don't.

And I'm out of time. You raised some very good issues, Mr. SobieskiSavedEurope. Kudos.

1.)The government can, and should take steps to punish employers who hire illegals.

2.)At this rate the first amendment is being ruined by Capitalist medias.

3.) We should crack down on the producers of Porn & the sites & mags which distribute it.

4.) Abortion is evil & disgusting...A complete amoral monstrosity.
I'm sure you have good reasons if not sterlingly great reasons. That's what makes the freedom of speech precious. It protects you from saying something that is 180 degrees different from the country's leadership if it is true to you and your interests. By the same token, we have to respect other's rights to free speech, agree or not. I am not including calumny nor false witness in the free speech category, however. Free speech does have its dark horses.
I have obligations today. Hope you have a great day.
Slave owners used the Bible to justify their actions. Religion is like fire-neither good nor bad on its own, but depending on how it is used. Crusades, Jihad, eye for an eye, devil worshipers all commit "evil deeds".

In this case Christianity was used so that it built the greatest Western civilization ever.

And I bet, you take a shit all over it.
You bet wrong-while pedophile priests are evil, orphanages and summer camps are good. While Evangelists build great homes and churches for themselves, their parish faithful struggle. But, those who need counseling and ministering find it. Like I said good and bad. And non-Christians help build the civilization as well.

About 2% of Catholic priests are pedos.

Not really fair to label them as such.

Just another reason for Catholics to be anti-Democrat...Their media slanders Catholics.
The media here published a story a few months back that 167 priests were being indicted for sexual crimes against minors. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be a young Catholic and to read that article that was published online and probably in a newspaper as well. When the Kennedys were in the White House, most Roman Catholics in this country were democrats, at least that was accepted as true back then. The priests I remember from that decade were activist Democrats and very influential. Nobody knew back then there were problems with priests abusing children. Nowadays, whatever happens that used to be private is front page news. Go figure.

There's a difference between accused & convicted.

There's also some Protestant Ministers & Jewish Rabbis being accused & convicted of abuse.
Did you read where I wrote Evangelists? And eye for an eye is reference to Old Testament Jews. Nobody is a saint.
So how is it to know everything there is to know? Must be great to be a super-genius just because you are a conservative.

It's amazing that someone is an adult and still believes that socialism works. What other fairy-tales do you believe in?

He must be a real super-genius for figuring out that Santa isn't real as well.

Communism doesn't work.. But Capitalism isn't a heck if a lot better.

So what's your solution Euro-Boy? Anarchy? Abolish private property rights? Jail the rich? What? Or do you just complain. Yeah, thought so.

How about cracking down on those who outsource & hire illegals?

Outsource no. You can't tell companies they can't have overseas operations. Illegals yes, penalize those who use them.

How about cracking down on Liberal media & Hollywood degenerate, smut & Liberalism?

Can't do it. Free speech/1st Amendment. Turn them off. Make them starve unless they change.

How about abolishing Pornography & Abortion?

Again, 1st Amendment. Some abortions are necessary for medical reasons.

How about strong unions, healthcare & housing for everybody?

Unions only protect the bad performers. Healthcare and housing are not "Rights". Earn them. If you can't afford healthcare you can still get it for free.

How about more national parks?

We have enough Federal and State owned land.

How about raising taxes on gas & fines on food waste to combat global warming?

Climate change is occurring naturally. Gas is already taxed at very high rates. Poor people have to buy gas too.

How about forcing work on welfare recipients who can work?

Agree. If able bodied, you should work for your welfare.
Earn your welfare
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.

You mean like Republicans are for polluted water, Republicans want to take seniors health care, Republicans want to starve children, Republicans are warmongers, Republicans will take away free speech, Republicans are for gun violence, Republicans are more likely to be terrorists and on and on, those claims to cause irrational people to vote for the Democrats?
Communism doesn't work.. But Capitalism isn't a heck if a lot better.

So what's your solution Euro-Boy? Anarchy? Abolish private property rights? Jail the rich? What? Or do you just complain. Yeah, thought so.

How about cracking down on those who outsource & hire illegals?

How about cracking down on Liberal media & Hollywood degenerate, smut & Liberalism?

How about abolishing Pornography & Abortion?

How about strong unions, healthcare & housing for everybody?

How about more national parks?

How about raising taxes on gas & fines on food waste to combat global warming?

How about forcing work on welfare recipients who can work?
(1) Illegals do not have their status tatooed on their shoulders like cows. Employers can't tell an illegal with a well-manufactured phony id card from a legal one with a card that looks identical.
(2) The only way to crack down on liberal media is to set aside the First Amendment. And star power tends to set aside the truth in favor of a pretty or handsome face and physique. You might as well pass a law illegalizing beauty. It is impractical.
(3) Porn is a means for oversexed people to jerk off in private most of the time. We don't know why, but some people get bored with their partner over a lifetime and may be using it to prevent family dissolution that would hurt the children of the bored union. Porn is bad, but for some people, it enables them to give their children a long and fulfilling childhood.
(4) Abortion will never end until the Congress acknowledges that human life begins at conception, not at birth. Birth is a stage of development that began at conception. And since Congress is a coward, they will not rule on something that could make them lose their future power by not getting re-elected. Pro choice people threaten to take on anyone who is a threat to their practice of killing their own children. There was a time in American history when parents were expected to get rid of their own family problems, and many a bad boy who died was buried before there were coroners because a family caught him raping a sister or family friend, killing multiple servants/slaves, etc. Nobody asked questions for which they already suspected the reason. The powers that be decided all crimes had to be resolved with public knowledge and scrutiny, and that throwing money at a problem was worth it. The truth can be ugly and sorry as hell. Pro-choicers want womens' privacy to be sacred. The same people may want a rapist's privacy known to all. All things are subjective, depending on what one picks to be just or not. So therefore, privacy is fluid--some get it, some don't.

And I'm out of time. You raised some very good issues, Mr. SobieskiSavedEurope. Kudos.

1.)The government can, and should take steps to punish employers who hire illegals.

2.)At this rate the first amendment is being ruined by Capitalist medias.

3.) We should crack down on the producers of Porn & the sites & mags which distribute it.

4.) Abortion is evil & disgusting...A complete amoral monstrosity.
I'm sure you have good reasons if not sterlingly great reasons. That's what makes the freedom of speech precious. It protects you from saying something that is 180 degrees different from the country's leadership if it is true to you and your interests. By the same token, we have to respect other's rights to free speech, agree or not. I am not including calumny nor false witness in the free speech category, however. Free speech does have its dark horses.
I have obligations today. Hope you have a great day.

The issue is the Left has used Facebook, Youtube, Google, Media, Hollywood, and even the Public Education system to indoctrinate the masses into a Liberal stupor.

Everyone of those is run by the Chosen people you love so much. Except perhaps public education, which still could be, just not proven.

If the Right wing doesn't fight back, they will lose it all.
So what's your solution Euro-Boy? Anarchy? Abolish private property rights? Jail the rich? What? Or do you just complain. Yeah, thought so.

How about cracking down on those who outsource & hire illegals?

How about cracking down on Liberal media & Hollywood degenerate, smut & Liberalism?

How about abolishing Pornography & Abortion?

How about strong unions, healthcare & housing for everybody?

How about more national parks?

How about raising taxes on gas & fines on food waste to combat global warming?

How about forcing work on welfare recipients who can work?
(1) Illegals do not have their status tatooed on their shoulders like cows. Employers can't tell an illegal with a well-manufactured phony id card from a legal one with a card that looks identical.
(2) The only way to crack down on liberal media is to set aside the First Amendment. And star power tends to set aside the truth in favor of a pretty or handsome face and physique. You might as well pass a law illegalizing beauty. It is impractical.
(3) Porn is a means for oversexed people to jerk off in private most of the time. We don't know why, but some people get bored with their partner over a lifetime and may be using it to prevent family dissolution that would hurt the children of the bored union. Porn is bad, but for some people, it enables them to give their children a long and fulfilling childhood.
(4) Abortion will never end until the Congress acknowledges that human life begins at conception, not at birth. Birth is a stage of development that began at conception. And since Congress is a coward, they will not rule on something that could make them lose their future power by not getting re-elected. Pro choice people threaten to take on anyone who is a threat to their practice of killing their own children. There was a time in American history when parents were expected to get rid of their own family problems, and many a bad boy who died was buried before there were coroners because a family caught him raping a sister or family friend, killing multiple servants/slaves, etc. Nobody asked questions for which they already suspected the reason. The powers that be decided all crimes had to be resolved with public knowledge and scrutiny, and that throwing money at a problem was worth it. The truth can be ugly and sorry as hell. Pro-choicers want womens' privacy to be sacred. The same people may want a rapist's privacy known to all. All things are subjective, depending on what one picks to be just or not. So therefore, privacy is fluid--some get it, some don't.

And I'm out of time. You raised some very good issues, Mr. SobieskiSavedEurope. Kudos.

1.)The government can, and should take steps to punish employers who hire illegals.

2.)At this rate the first amendment is being ruined by Capitalist medias.

3.) We should crack down on the producers of Porn & the sites & mags which distribute it.

4.) Abortion is evil & disgusting...A complete amoral monstrosity.
I'm sure you have good reasons if not sterlingly great reasons. That's what makes the freedom of speech precious. It protects you from saying something that is 180 degrees different from the country's leadership if it is true to you and your interests. By the same token, we have to respect other's rights to free speech, agree or not. I am not including calumny nor false witness in the free speech category, however. Free speech does have its dark horses.
I have obligations today. Hope you have a great day.

The issue is the Left has used Facebook, Youtube, Google, Media, Hollywood, and even the Public Education system to indoctrinate the masses into a Liberal stupor.

Everyone of those is run by the Chosen people you love so much. Except perhaps public education, which still could be, just not proven.

If the Right wing doesn't fight back, they will lose it all.

What Chosen People?
Judge Jeanine Pirro interviews "Walk Away Founder" Brandon Stracka. He said that he was denied service: "It took my breath away." He was in a camera store, the leftist salesperson refused to sell him equipment because he organized the Walkaway Group.

A black voter did his own research and was surprised at what he found and says "Here's why I pulled the lever for Trump."
Judge Jeanine Pirro interviews "Walk Away Founder" Brandon Stracka. He said that he was denied service: "It took my breath away." He was in a camera store, the leftist salesperson refused to sell him equipment because he organized the Walkaway Group.

Very powerful and very true. Thanks to that young man.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.

You mean like Republicans are for polluted water, Republicans want to take seniors health care, Republicans want to starve children, Republicans are warmongers, Republicans will take away free speech, Republicans are for gun violence, Republicans are more likely to be terrorists and on and on, those claims to cause irrational people to vote for the Democrats?
You still living in the 70’s eh? You should go get some relief
Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.

You mean like Republicans are for polluted water, Republicans want to take seniors health care, Republicans want to starve children, Republicans are warmongers, Republicans will take away free speech, Republicans are for gun violence, Republicans are more likely to be terrorists and on and on, those claims to cause irrational people to vote for the Democrats?
You still living in the 70’s eh? You should go get some relief

Do you can’t follow a conversation? Occupied believes that Republicans terrify their base, I pointed out that Democrats use it better than anyone.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.

You mean like Republicans are for polluted water, Republicans want to take seniors health care, Republicans want to starve children, Republicans are warmongers, Republicans will take away free speech, Republicans are for gun violence, Republicans are more likely to be terrorists and on and on, those claims to cause irrational people to vote for the Democrats?
You still living in the 70’s eh? You should go get some relief

Do you can’t follow a conversation? Occupied believes that Republicans terrify their base, I pointed out that Democrats use it better than anyone.
Point taken. I merely read your post
The Jexodus movement encourages Jewish citizens to walk away from the Democrat Party. Here's their story:

Due to the recent hatred expressed against Jews by the AOC left, they've become strong antisemetic forces. Savvy Jews are encouraging Jews, who they say should now stop the problem by joining the walk away from The Democra Party.​

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