Walking Away From the Left: Blue Collar Logic

If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

What constantly astounds me is the dems' inablilty to get it. The banks melted down the economy in 2000, and Obama bailed them out and not the folks who couldn't pay the mortgages. I understand why, but not why he didn't make the bank's pay it back, for real. And why did he let the banks foreclose.

And now we have AOC, who was a bartender and proud of it, and good for her. But I don't know any 20 year olds working in the restaurant industry who appreciate having to buy into Obamacare.

the gop has no clue, and neither really does Trump, because Jobs are not coming back. But Trump never got his hands dirty, nor did W, and the dems have no damn excuse.
Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.

I didn't say all. Some people never learn. Joe B will never change his stance, he just hates the country and everyone who is living in it.

It's both funny and sad that your masters have actually convinced you to not only believe this, but to repeat it.

My masters? Do you mean myself? I am my own master... not everyone lives like a scripted NPC.

I should repeat it again, but too much repetition gets boring. That's exactly why I choose not to be an NPC like you guys. Oh there I said it, the word "choice", at least there is something for your algorithm to get offended by.

I get it, you've been programmed to think you're an independent thinking, self-starter. Good for you.

Classic NPC response, you can't comprehend anything other than programming.

You just said Joe Biden hates this country and everyone living in it. You are the definition of brainwashed.
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET

Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else.

The dems problem is the free lunch …. free college for anyone who doesn't want to work.
America was created by liberals,

Whoever "funnied" that, he ain't lyin' bitch.

The Founding Fathers were Liberals.

Not what the leftists masquerading as liberals are today, yes the Founding Fathers were real liberals.
True story. Read you some history.
America was created by liberals,
Funny you'd say that, because liberals are now against all wars. Washington and his men were not only ready for it, they were eager to get the Brits off their nation's back. They earned their way, but someone else was reaping the profits that should have been their wages which were nigh to nonexistent. The Boston Tea Party in particular reflected that sentiment that they'd had it with having their money expropriated through force by tax collectors.

And were these "colonists" ready to make certain their children never had to bow to anyone else again? My grandmother, who was born 125 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed, lectured her granddaughters never, never, bow or curtsy to anybody. NEVER! And she put the fear of God into every one of us if we should ever cross such a line. How many generations later was she born than when our forefathers came over on the Mayflower? Several, but back then, parents were careful to tell their children to engage in no behavior that would ever, ever put you into the position the colonists were routinely put into by the British over here who may or may not have been royalty but were their subjects and frequently engaged in obsequious behaviors when "outranked" either socially or militarily.
America was created by liberals,

Whoever "funnied" that, he ain't lyin' bitch.

The Founding Fathers were Liberals.

Not what the leftists masquerading as liberals are today, yes the Founding Fathers were real liberals.
True story. Read you some history.

Perhaps ideologies change to fit the period we are presently living in? Do we still need our militia to keep their guns at home in case of an attack?
America was created by liberals,

Whoever "funnied" that, he ain't lyin' bitch.

The Founding Fathers were Liberals.

Not what the leftists masquerading as liberals are today, yes the Founding Fathers were real liberals.
True story. Read you some history.

Perhaps ideologies change to fit the period we are presently living in? Do we still need our militia to keep their guns at home in case of an attack?

Uhmm..hell yes?! I felt comfort in that Mr. Johnson had his .06 leaned up against the door and said he's ready to blow a niggas head off if they come this way. McDuffy riots. Hell, I saw a rioter get shut down with an m16 headshot by a black National Guard. Where you from, boy?

Mr Johnson was my next door neighbor during the McDuffy riots. Black man, last name McDuffy. Sounds kinda Irish, no? Mr. Johnson was an old white man. I think he was 79.
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Bunch of explanations... the fact is people come more conservative as they get older. Destroying your own nation ain't so hip and cool when your kids lives depend on the success of it.

It didn't happen that way for me. I've always been more conservative than liberal but some things drove me further right like coming home from being in Vietnam and having had the opportunity to see what a hard time actually looks like. Not that I've been a fan of all Republican politicians because I wasn't. For instance W is a dufas and has shit for brains but I am a fan of Donald Trump because I think he is doing his best to save this nation from itself while employing a hell of a lot of common sense in the effort. I was also a fan of Reagan. I find that most demo dumbasses are overtly evil and only interested in themselves, the only exception that comes to mind was Jimmy Carter who was basically a good man just misguided, ineffectual and not very bright for a nuclear engineer. He's devoutly religious which probably explains how he can be both a decent person and a Democrat at the same time.
America was created by liberals,

Whoever "funnied" that, he ain't lyin' bitch.

The Founding Fathers were Liberals.

Not what the leftists masquerading as liberals are today, yes the Founding Fathers were real liberals.
True story. Read you some history.

Perhaps ideologies change to fit the period we are presently living in? Do we still need our militia to keep their guns at home in case of an attack?
It'd be wise, I'm certain, particularly because socialism as I understand it from people who call themselves American Socialists are not all that far less devoted to making the village the center of their childrens lives than the Bolsheviks, who couldn't stop killing after wiping out the Czar's family. The Soviet Socialists Republic went on to exterminate dissidents through Lenin and Stalin reigns of terror that left 24 million Russians dead during the war years of the twentieth century. I am particularly inclined to feeling horror at the manner in which the Bolsheviks starved out the farmers in the Ukraine--killing livestock, burning fields of crops and grains, and repeated returns to individual farmhouses to clean out and burn food storage areas including pantrys inside and outside storage basements and silos of the Ukranian farmers homes. They kept going back until the farmers and their families no longer looked healthy until they died off from starvation. Had World Wars not been going on it would have outraged editors of newspapers worldwide. They struck when the world's foci were directed toward Hitler's latest atrocity which were occurring daily more often than not.

The American Socialists have become rather anal about getting rid of people's armaments.
Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
The far left is isolating all Christians in their party to make a choice. My prayer is that any excommunicated Democrats will come to understand that their salvation did not come from atheism, and may look to the Walkaway movement as their pathway back to the founders' America we know, understand, and support. :hands:

I am an atheist... please don't mix me with the Luciferians that are running the democrat party.
Please don't ask us to delete and rewrite the scriptures, Norman. I hope you can set aside any antipathy you may have against religion and simply measure the effects of the founders, all of whom received their education within the confines of Christian churches, to a man, including Thomas Jefferson, whose own words reflected a oneness he had with the Christ, as his issues were with men, not Christ. Many of his writings say as much and are greatly obfuscated by the atheist community who now and again tries to make him out to be a pure atheist. That was not ever true. I know, because I researched his writings and found his Christianity to be all it ever had to be--an affinity with the words of our great Savior of mankind. I'm not trying to offend your beliefs, but atheism in and of itself offends the first of the ten commandments in Mosaic Law. Please do not form anger at the messenger, Norman, but keep in mind this nation's problems stem from stepping away from the newcomers to America who sought relief from the world class atheists, first of Rome, then of the aristocratic elements of Europe who'd long ago forsaken every commandment, not to mention Christ's very words about living the Kingdom on this side of the veil. Thank you for hearing me out for you to reconsider some of the tenets you may already experience as true, to help you with what matters and what doesn't matter. You're very close to the heart of God, imho, but then, I'm not a prophet, I simply see what you're not seeing yet. Deal?
Slave owners used the Bible to justify their actions. Religion is like fire-neither good nor bad on its own, but depending on how it is used. Crusades, Jihad, eye for an eye, devil worshipers all commit "evil deeds".

In this case Christianity was used so that it built the greatest Western civilization ever.

And I bet, you take a shit all over it.
You bet wrong-while pedophile priests are evil, orphanages and summer camps are good. While Evangelists build great homes and churches for themselves, their parish faithful struggle. But, those who need counseling and ministering find it. Like I said good and bad. And non-Christians help build the civilization as well.
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET

Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else.

The dems problem is the free lunch …. free college for anyone who doesn't want to work.

Begging your pardon, bendog, but the Dems actually do tend to give American property to someone else, and the latest two are now under the control of two different Communist countries.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal which is now operating under the auspices of a Communist country known as Red China. Red China: Gatekeeper of the Panama Canal -- November 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report
And I think you missed Barack Obama's giveaway of 8 Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea that were a part of the state of Alaska since 1881. Obama Gives Away Part of Alaska
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET

Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else.

The dems problem is the free lunch …. free college for anyone who doesn't want to work.

Begging your pardon, bendog, but the Dems actually do tend to give American property to someone else, and the latest two are now under the control of two different Communist countries.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal which is now operating under the auspices of a Communist country known as Red China. Red China: Gatekeeper of the Panama Canal -- November 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report
And I think you missed Barack Obama's giveaway of 8 Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea that were a part of the state of Alaska since 1881. Obama Gives Away Part of Alaska

None of your post had anything to do with wealth or property redistribution to achieve American equality. Please don't stray off topic, since it's your topic, please.

Your attempt to equate dems with venezuala is a logical failure for failure to make factually appropriate analogy. Although, I'm not a fan of current dem economic policy.
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET

Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else.

The dems problem is the free lunch …. free college for anyone who doesn't want to work.

Begging your pardon, bendog, but the Dems actually do tend to give American property to someone else, and the latest two are now under the control of two different Communist countries.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal which is now operating under the auspices of a Communist country known as Red China. Red China: Gatekeeper of the Panama Canal -- November 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report
And I think you missed Barack Obama's giveaway of 8 Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea that were a part of the state of Alaska since 1881. Obama Gives Away Part of Alaska

None of your post had anything to do with wealth or property redistribution to achieve American equality. Please don't stray off topic, since it's your topic, please.

Your attempt to equate dems with venezuala is a logical failure for failure to make factually appropriate analogy. Although, I'm not a fan of current dem economic policy.

I guess I misunderstood you when you said, and I quote: "Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else." It just reminded me of some unfortunate giveaways Democrats have done, and I didn't even mention the pay-to-play Uranium One that resulted in a $3 million dollar gift from Putin to the Clinton Foundation, which is under scrutiny for leftist money laundering that is time sensitive to the same months in which President Trump was falsely accused of colluding with Russians. When someone enters a statement that bears looking into, seems that all this denial business speaks for itself, which is why, alak and alas, the walkaways from the left are occurring. Most humbly begging your indulgence for pursuing a subject you introduced. :D
If you are a leftist who knows things just aren't adding up in the Leftist Lockstep Party, you may chart a course to help you escape from the lies, obfuscation, and nonsense of hating the right. It takes a huge amount of courage to do what this man did about the things that didn't then and never will add up:

It's hard to walk away from the government tit thesis, but it can be done.

We've seen redistribution destroy Venezuela in real time TODAY!

I'm not kidding when I say that we need to send Bernie and the other redistributers there IMMEDIATELY with a ONE WAY TICKET

Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else.

The dems problem is the free lunch …. free college for anyone who doesn't want to work.

Begging your pardon, bendog, but the Dems actually do tend to give American property to someone else, and the latest two are now under the control of two different Communist countries.

Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal which is now operating under the auspices of a Communist country known as Red China. Red China: Gatekeeper of the Panama Canal -- November 1999 Phyllis Schlafly Report
And I think you missed Barack Obama's giveaway of 8 Aleutian Islands in the Bering Sea that were a part of the state of Alaska since 1881. Obama Gives Away Part of Alaska

None of your post had anything to do with wealth or property redistribution to achieve American equality. Please don't stray off topic, since it's your topic, please.

Your attempt to equate dems with venezuala is a logical failure for failure to make factually appropriate analogy. Although, I'm not a fan of current dem economic policy.

I guess I misunderstood you when you said, and I quote: "Dems are fools, but the dems aren't actually taking property away to give it to someone else." It just reminded me of some unfortunate giveaways Democrats have done, and I didn't even mention the pay-to-play Uranium One that resulted in a $3 million dollar gift from Putin to the Clinton Foundation, which is under scrutiny for leftist money laundering that is time sensitive to the same months in which President Trump was falsely accused of colluding with Russians. When someone enters a statement that bears looking into, seems that all this denial business speaks for itself, which is why, alak and alas, the walkaways from the left are occurring. Most humbly begging your indulgence for pursuing a subject you introduced. :D

I've often wondered why stuff never stuck to the Clintons.

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