Walking Away From the Left: Blue Collar Logic

terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.

What is rational about transgenderism, socialism, free stuff for illegal aliens, open borders and infanticide. If you are so rational, explain why those things that your filthy degenerate party stands for are good.

We are all waiting for your rational defense of transgenderism, socialism, free stuff for illegal aliens, open borders and infanticide.

Still waiting
Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.

So you are saying Republicans use scare tactics. At the moment, Socialism seems to be the target of those tactics. What about Democrats trying to scare us into thinking we will all be under water unless we invest in the Green New deal or sign back on with the Paris Accord?

If you don't see Socialism as a bigger threat to the US than Climate change, then there is nothing anyone can do for you.
The biggest threat we face is people too afraid to face the future. America used to be up to any challenge but now we can't even fix our roads and educate our people.
And yet we are spending record amounts of money on them. A trillion dollars for Obie’s shovel ready infrastructure jobs. Massive amounts of Union ran school tax dollars. And both still suck. It’s almost as if there’s a philosophy problem instead of a desire or ability problem.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

The lefties terrify me. Armageddon in 12 years, and all that stuff.
terrified people are incapable of rational thought. This fact is central to republican politics.

So you are saying Republicans use scare tactics. At the moment, Socialism seems to be the target of those tactics. What about Democrats trying to scare us into thinking we will all be under water unless we invest in the Green New deal or sign back on with the Paris Accord?

If you don't see Socialism as a bigger threat to the US than Climate change, then there is nothing anyone can do for you.
The biggest threat we face is people too afraid to face the future. America used to be up to any challenge but now we can't even fix our roads and educate our people.
And yet we are spending record amounts of money on them. A trillion dollars for Obie’s shovel ready infrastructure jobs. Massive amounts of Union ran school tax dollars. And both still suck. It’s almost as if there’s a philosophy problem instead of a desire or ability problem.
The problem of infrastructure is neglect. Been putting off things for way too long while people in know have been saying that waiting is not going make anything any cheaper.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.

Rebpublicans aren't peddling fear but rather reality. Socialism will be a DISASTER for the US. Basically, it is time for those who are envious of sucessful people to get off their duffs, put on their big boy pants and grow up. Liberals never seem to emotionally mature. Those that do become Republicans.
So how is it to know everything there is to know? Must be great to be a super-genius just because you are a conservative.

Thank you for the compliment, but it only takes a modicum of intelligence to recognize that Socialism will ruin our country. The problem is that we have reached the point where 50% of our country doesn't even have that much.
Even better than walking away from the left, is the left finally walking away from America to their socialist shitholes.

And please don't bring up countries that are almost 100% white and "socialist" as a response.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
The far left is isolating all Christians in their party to make a choice. My prayer is that any excommunicated Democrats will come to understand that their salvation did not come from atheism, and may look to the Walkaway movement as their pathway back to the founders' America we know, understand, and support. :hands:
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
The far left is isolating all Christians in their party to make a choice. My prayer is that any excommunicated Democrats will come to understand that their salvation did not come from atheism, and may look to the Walkaway movement as their pathway back to the founders' America we know, understand, and support. :hands:

I am an atheist... please don't mix me with the Luciferians that are running the democrat party.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
I'm an old lefty and it offends me when someone tries to scare me. That is literally all the republicans do. They infect you with fearfulness and then sell you the cure.
You need not be afraid of us, old Lefty. You need to be afraid of things written generations ago in the Bible. That puts fear back where it belongs, wouldn't you agree, particularly if the Bible is on your disregard list, or if you diss it with JoeB's list that comes from the atheist set of disbeliefs, conveniently blamed on everybody else except their frames of reference, which is the leftist's credo. All one needs to do is go to a channel carrying Democrat presidential nominees, and count the number of times blame is passed on to anyone else except themselves.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.

Take Bernie Sanders for instance.

And Nancy Pelosi, when I can decipher what she's mumbling about.

And there's another one. Who wears pretentious spectacles half way down his nose.
/——/ Those three might be more conservative than they let on, but they have power and position they would lose if they let their base know what they really think.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.

Take Bernie Sanders for instance.

And Nancy Pelosi, when I can decipher what she's mumbling about.

And there's another one. Who wears pretentious spectacles half way down his nose.
/——/ Those three might be more conservative than they let on, but they have power and position they would lose if they let their base know what they really think.

They must love their creature comforts more than hunkering down with the great unwashed.
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.

Take Bernie Sanders for instance.

And Nancy Pelosi, when I can decipher what she's mumbling about.

And there's another one. Who wears pretentious spectacles half way down his nose.
/——/ Those three might be more conservative than they let on, but they have power and position they would lose if they let their base know what they really think.
Good call. However, it took the Democrat leadership 3 years to grant humanitarian relief to illegals, and they only did that because their own Senators proposed a threat they could not walk away from, albeit they obfuscated to beat the band the reality of their situation.
The biggest threat we face is people too afraid to face the future......

You heard it folks. This DICKHEAD thinks that socialism is the future.

Shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit.

Nice rage, your emperor would be proud of how you told off the bad old liberal.

You still haven't explained how socialism is the future, probably because you can't. I busted your punk ass and you know it.
My old boss went thru the 60's with an American flag patch on his ass. He later supported Carter, then became a business owner and member of a bank board. He told me in the 90's, "these flag burners ought to be thrown in prison". Was it coming of age or hypocrisy? I was center of him then, and center of him now-does that make me special?
My old boss went thru the 60's with an American flag patch on his ass. He later supported Carter, then became a business owner and member of a bank board. He told me in the 90's, "these flag burners ought to be thrown in prison". Was it coming of age or hypocrisy? I was center of him then, and center of him now-does that make me special?

You're okay. :)
.......people come more conservative as they get older........

Not necessarily. Morons and idiots get old too. There's plenty of old Lefties.
The far left is isolating all Christians in their party to make a choice. My prayer is that any excommunicated Democrats will come to understand that their salvation did not come from atheism, and may look to the Walkaway movement as their pathway back to the founders' America we know, understand, and support. :hands:

I am an atheist... please don't mix me with the Luciferians that are running the democrat party.
Please don't ask us to delete and rewrite the scriptures, Norman. I hope you can set aside any antipathy you may have against religion and simply measure the effects of the founders, all of whom received their education within the confines of Christian churches, to a man, including Thomas Jefferson, whose own words reflected a oneness he had with the Christ, as his issues were with men, not Christ. Many of his writings say as much and are greatly obfuscated by the atheist community who now and again tries to make him out to be a pure atheist. That was not ever true. I know, because I researched his writings and found his Christianity to be all it ever had to be--an affinity with the words of our great Savior of mankind. I'm not trying to offend your beliefs, but atheism in and of itself offends the first of the ten commandments in Mosaic Law. Please do not form anger at the messenger, Norman, but keep in mind this nation's problems stem from stepping away from the newcomers to America who sought relief from the world class atheists, first of Rome, then of the aristocratic elements of Europe who'd long ago forsaken every commandment, not to mention Christ's very words about living the Kingdom on this side of the veil. Thank you for hearing me out for you to reconsider some of the tenets you may already experience as true, to help you with what matters and what doesn't matter. You're very close to the heart of God, imho, but then, I'm not a prophet, I simply see what you're not seeing yet. Deal?
Leftism, and Progressive thought, etc did NOT create the great country we have. White men, that worked hard, were innovative, creative, and had vision created this country. Along with those willing to work hard, make things, fix things, build things, etc. Not this mamby, pamby psycho babble laden, hypocrisy we have today.

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