Walking Conflict Of Interest Ginni Thomas Finally Catching Peoples Attention

How were 9 out of 10 going to be thrown out?
All the votes in the seven states that produced the 84 fake Trump electors were to be thrown out. The plan was to throw out Trump votes , Biden votes - every single legitimate vote was to be thrown out to reduce Biden’s electoral college vote total lower than Trump’s. By throwing out all the votes, Trump was also throwing out nine of ten black votes that went for Biden.

The one in ten black votes were Trump voters so they presumably wouldn’t care because Trump wins the red states and the White House.
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Why would 1 out of 10 black American votes be kept?
They were not to be kept. Thrown out like all the rest. Ten percent of black voters didn’t vote for Biden. 90 percent would rightfully be pissed if Trump had his way and could throw them out so he could win. would Trump make you happy if he pulled that off.

Trump said you would be happy on Jan6

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT​
A conflict of interest is a crime. Or had you not noticed that in the matter of "Executive privilege" to keep White House records from January 6th from the Investigating Committee, the ONLY SC Justice to vote against turning those record over to the committee was Justice Thomas. Because his wife's name was all over that stuff.
It sounds so juvenile.... especially when compared to what Hillary did and what the Biden's do....
Because the SC put a stop to Gore’s attempt to drag it out, Dumbass.
The SC ruled in polite terms that DJT is a liar.

The court rejected a separate legal challenge against Mr Biden's victory in Pennsylvaniaearlier this week, dismissing it in a one-sentence ruling.​

Mr Trump has made repeated unsubstantiated assertions that "illegal votes" cost him a second presidential term​
Why do you support DJT when he ignored the obvious truth that the SC handed him prior to Jan6
Because the SC put a stop to Gore’s attempt to drag it out, Dumbass.
The first of two very incompetent and dishonest Presidents which the people voted against, but the Electoral College inflicted on the American people, to disastrous consequences in the case of both Bush 43 and Trump.
It sounds so juvenile.... especially when compared to what Hillary did and what the Biden's do....

Hillary Clinton has done nothing illegal and she has 25+ investigations of every rumour FOX News and the Republican Party have made up about her over the years.

No investigation has ever found a shred of evidence, or an actual crime she has committed. If the woman had jaywalked in Washington, she would have been arrested. Contrary to Donald Trump, who is facing real criminal charges after attempting to overturn the results of the US Election.
The first of two very incompetent and dishonest Presidents which the people voted against, but the Electoral College inflicted on the American people, to disastrous consequences in the case of both Bush 43 and Trump.
Once again you demonstrate your complete and total ignorance of how we do things in the US. Google: Electoral college, Dumbass.

Go fix your shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property if they disagree with your government.
Hillary Clinton has done nothing illegal and she has 25+ investigations of every rumour FOX News and the Republican Party have made up about her over the years.

No investigation has ever found a shred of evidence, or an actual crime she has committed. If the woman had jaywalked in Washington, she would have been arrested. Contrary to Donald Trump, who is facing real criminal charges after attempting to overturn the results of the US Election.
Comey laid your multiple crimes, then said he decided to do nothing because he decided to insert “intent” into the statutes she violated, Halfwit.
The first of two very incompetent and dishonest Presidents which the people voted against, but the Electoral College inflicted on the American people, to disastrous consequences in the case of both Bush 43 and Trump.
The people voted against Slick Willy, twice. Was he a legit President?
Unless you prove one case of voter fraud in Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Georgia, Michigan or Nevada it is zero.

And voter fraud is a criminal act you dumb ass
Voter fraud is certainly a crime, you imbecile. But we weren’t discussing criminal charges. We were discussing the allegations of organized efforts to commit such crimes.

You would also have to be willing to acknowledge evidence right under your nose. But a hack like you never would.
Hillary Clinton has done nothing illegal and she has 25+ investigations of every rumour FOX News and the Republican Party have made up about her over the years.

No investigation has ever found a shred of evidence, or an actual crime she has committed. If the woman had jaywalked in Washington, she would have been arrested. Contrary to Donald Trump, who is facing real criminal charges after attempting to overturn the results of the US Election.
Hillary used her influence and a phony dossier to weaponize the FBI and the CIA to try and unseat a duly elected president.....
No they didn’t. There were 5 Presidents who lost the popular vote:

Andrew Jackson
John Quincy Adams
Rutherford Hayes
George W Bush
Donald Trump.

Hardly a distinguished list.
Um, you forgot Bill Clinton. Lost the popular vote twice, Dumbass.
No they didn’t. There were 5 Presidents who lost the popular vote:

Andrew Jackson
John Quincy Adams
Rutherford Hayes
George W Bush
Donald Trump.

Hardly a distinguished list.

FYI, Jackson didn't lose the popular vote,
not in any of his three elections for president.
The December 14 deadline is established in the Constitution. It does not make sense that the loser of the presidential election could drag the process on and on forever looking for a fraudulent vote as an excuse to stop the peaceful Transfer of power to the clear-cut winner of the election. It’s been how long and Trump has still not found any evidence that there was widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Trump is a liar. You have been scammed. Did you send the lying bastard any money to investigate election fraud. A lot of his dimwit cult following did. From reading your posts, you sure seem to be susceptible to the big lie and sending Trump money.
Getting the vote count right is important. Trump should have declared martial law until the fraudulent votes were removed from the vote count.
Getting the vote count right is important. Trump should have declared martial law until the fraudulent votes were removed from the vote count.
It’s been a year and a half since the 2020 election, Trump took a couple hundred million dollars from you idiots supposedly to find the voter fraud but has not turned up a single vote that is fraudulent against him. He’s only found more votes for Biden,

.You have to be a complete and utter moron stupefied so deep in the Trump cult to still be talking about fraudulent votes at this point in time. Have you no self respect that you can openly display such blatant ignorance message after message on this board?

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