Wall St Billionaires Laughing at YOU :D And you deserve it, unless....

Wanna bet?

Websters Dictionary definition of a moron:

Person or persons who make completely pointless bets with random strangers on the Internet and think that is means something.

The fact that you believe America is dumb enough to elect someone like Sanders is all the payment is need.

What do you mean pointless?

If you lose the bet, you donate to the veterans
If I lose the bet, I donate to the children

If you think this is "pointless", sorry but, you are the real "moron" grampa...
I don't need the encouragement of an idiot to be charitable.
Please get a grip.

Yes you don't, you are very charitable, to wall st billionaire crooks, we all know that.

I am just trying to steer you "charitability" to the right direction...
Vets and children could benefit more from your charity, than these crooks, you know...
My charity goes to homeless shelters & food pantries.

Now kindly fuck off

I didnt invite you here to defend wall st crooks grampa
sorry but, you can go kindly fuck off...
Websters Dictionary definition of a moron:

Person or persons who make completely pointless bets with random strangers on the Internet and think that is means something.

The fact that you believe America is dumb enough to elect someone like Sanders is all the payment is need.

What do you mean pointless?

If you lose the bet, you donate to the veterans
If I lose the bet, I donate to the children

If you think this is "pointless", sorry but, you are the real "moron" grampa...
I don't need the encouragement of an idiot to be charitable.
Please get a grip.

Yes you don't, you are very charitable, to wall st billionaire crooks, we all know that.

I am just trying to steer you "charitability" to the right direction...
Vets and children could benefit more from your charity, than these crooks, you know...
My charity goes to homeless shelters & food pantries.

Now kindly fuck off

I didnt invite you here to defend wall st crooks grampa
sorry but, you can go kindly fuck off...
I think we should keep in mind that there are small and mid sized companies that have to work very hard to compete.
What do you mean pointless?

If you lose the bet, you donate to the veterans
If I lose the bet, I donate to the children

If you think this is "pointless", sorry but, you are the real "moron" grampa...
I don't need the encouragement of an idiot to be charitable.
Please get a grip.

Yes you don't, you are very charitable, to wall st billionaire crooks, we all know that.

I am just trying to steer you "charitability" to the right direction...
Vets and children could benefit more from your charity, than these crooks, you know...
My charity goes to homeless shelters & food pantries.

Now kindly fuck off

I didnt invite you here to defend wall st crooks grampa
sorry but, you can go kindly fuck off...
I think we should keep in mind that there are small and mid sized companies that have to work very hard to compete.

I understand that but what is the point to dive into a topic, that is "specific" to the Wall St crooks who sucked the blood out of everyone with a 401K and all tax payers, with a lightning speed and start complaining....

Just unbelievable.
I would almost think he is a Wall St billionaire.......
Sanders kicked Hillary's ass regarding Wall Street during the debate:

This has blown me away. Never in a million years would I have believed I would be standing here tonight saying that we have received $3.5 million individual contributions from well over a million people. Now, Secretary Clinton’s super PAC, as I understand it, received $25 million last reporting period, $15 million from Wall Street. Our average contribution is $27. I’m very proud of that.”

“Let me respond. We are mixing apples and oranges. My 750,000 donors have contributed donations. That demonstrates the strength of support we have among people who want to see change in our country. But the real issue I think the senator is injecting into this is that if you had a super PAC, like President Obama had, which now says it wants to support me—it’s not my PAC—if you take donations from Wall Street, you can’t be independent. ... So let’s not in any way imply here that either President Obama or myself would in any way not take on any vested interest, whether it’s Wall Street or drug companies or insurance companies or frankly the gun lobby to stand up to do what’s best for the American people!”"

Let’s not insult the intelligence of the American people. People aren’t dumb. Why in God’s name does Wall Street make huge campaign contributions? I guess just for the fun of it. They want to throw money around. Why does the pharmaceutical industry make any contribution? Any connection to our people paying the highest amount of money for prescription drugs? Why does the fossil fuel industry pay huge amounts of money in contributions? ... But when we talk about Wall Street, you have Wall Street and major banks have paid $200 billion in fines since the great crash. No Wall Street executive has been prosecuted.”

Feel the Bern, Hillary!

Sanders to Hillary on Wall Street Ties: 'Let's Not Insult the Intelligence of the American People' - Breitbart
I don't need the encouragement of an idiot to be charitable.
Please get a grip.

Yes you don't, you are very charitable, to wall st billionaire crooks, we all know that.

I am just trying to steer you "charitability" to the right direction...
Vets and children could benefit more from your charity, than these crooks, you know...
My charity goes to homeless shelters & food pantries.

Now kindly fuck off

I didnt invite you here to defend wall st crooks grampa
sorry but, you can go kindly fuck off...
I think we should keep in mind that there are small and mid sized companies that have to work very hard to compete.

I understand that but what is the point to dive into a topic, that is "specific" to the Wall St crooks who sucked the blood out of everyone with a 401K and all tax payers, with a lightning speed and start complaining....

Just unbelievable.
I would almost think he is a Wall St billionaire.......
Every Conservative here who posts 24/7 makes it sound like they're busting their asses 24/7.
Sanders kicked Hillary's ass regarding Wall Street during the debate:

This has blown me away. Never in a million years would I have believed I would be standing here tonight saying that we have received $3.5 million individual contributions from well over a million people. Now, Secretary Clinton’s super PAC, as I understand it, received $25 million last reporting period, $15 million from Wall Street. Our average contribution is $27. I’m very proud of that.”

“Let me respond. We are mixing apples and oranges. My 750,000 donors have contributed donations. That demonstrates the strength of support we have among people who want to see change in our country. But the real issue I think the senator is injecting into this is that if you had a super PAC, like President Obama had, which now says it wants to support me—it’s not my PAC—if you take donations from Wall Street, you can’t be independent. ... So let’s not in any way imply here that either President Obama or myself would in any way not take on any vested interest, whether it’s Wall Street or drug companies or insurance companies or frankly the gun lobby to stand up to do what’s best for the American people!”"

Let’s not insult the intelligence of the American people. People aren’t dumb. Why in God’s name does Wall Street make huge campaign contributions? I guess just for the fun of it. They want to throw money around. Why does the pharmaceutical industry make any contribution? Any connection to our people paying the highest amount of money for prescription drugs? Why does the fossil fuel industry pay huge amounts of money in contributions? ... But when we talk about Wall Street, you have Wall Street and major banks have paid $200 billion in fines since the great crash. No Wall Street executive has been prosecuted.”

Feel the Bern, Hillary!

Sanders to Hillary on Wall Street Ties: 'Let's Not Insult the Intelligence of the American People' - Breitbart

Wall St is a gold mine for any politician in the current atmosphere.

Hillary is obviously in the toxic ground right now with her past records.

Reps will need to dig deeper into that mine to get the general elections.
But I don't see potential from anybody else other than Trump...
How? By exploiting labor, environmental issues and taxes. That is how they do it and grandad is happy that others are used for the gain of the few. And by "lobbying" Congress to pass bills to favor them.

You know, that "deep" christian attitude.

Jealousy is a bitch. You apparently married her

Awwww, Bernie is gonna take their "hard earned" billions... And Grampa is very worried about them...
How could they afford their private jets, yachts, big mansions they bought with tax payer money otherwise
How sad...

Maybe you should loan more fed money to them ha Grampa? What do you think?
How about loaning some of your own retirement fund?
Oh, right, you already did, in 2008, didnt you :lmao:
Good for you Grampa, you showed us how generous you are...
The Democratic National Committee has rolled back restrictions introduced by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 that banned donations from federal lobbyists and political action committees.

The decision, which may provide an advantage to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, was viewed with disappointment Friday morning by good government activists who saw it as a step backward in the effort to limit special interest influence in Washington.

Don't look now, but the DNC just decided to come crawling to the Lobbyist, Special Interest Groups, and Wall Street CEO 'cat calls' as they wave a dollar bill. In the process they just gave a big ol 'F* YOU' to the a'verage joe' Liberal supporter, telling them they don't give a damn what they have to say because they are taking their marching orders from now on from the federal lobbyists and 'big money'. Bernie was right in the debate... Hillary is willing to sell her soul, and the DNC just made sure she can get even more money doing it.

DNC allowing donations from federal lobbyists and PACs
How? By exploiting labor, environmental issues and taxes. That is how they do it and grandad is happy that others are used for the gain of the few.
You know, that "deep" christian attitude.

Jealousy is a bitch. You apparently married her

Awwww, Bernie is gonna take their "hard earned" billions... And Grampa is very worried about them...
How could they afford their private jets, yachts, big mansions they bought with tax payer money otherwise
How sad...

Maybe you should loan more fed money to them ha Grampa? What do you think?
How about loaning some of your own retirement fund?
Oh, right, you already did, in 2008, didnt you :lmao:
Good for you Grampa, you showed us how generous you are...

Yup the good ol "christian" values; Help the rich crooks, screw the hard workers :D
The Democratic National Committee has rolled back restrictions introduced by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 that banned donations from federal lobbyists and political action committees.

The decision, which may provide an advantage to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, was viewed with disappointment Friday morning by good government activists who saw it as a step backward in the effort to limit special interest influence in Washington.

Don't look now, but the DNC just decided to come crawling to the Lobbyist, Special Interest Groups, and Wall Street CEO 'cat calls' as they wave a dollar bill. In the process they just gave a big ol 'F* YOU' to the a'verage joe' Liberal supporter, telling them they don't give a damn what they have to say because they are taking their marching orders from now on from the federal lobbyists and 'big money'. Bernie was right in the debate... Hillary is willing to sell her soul, and the DNC just made sure she can get even more money doing it.

DNC allowing donations from federal lobbyists and PACs

Hilda running out of money ha :lmao:
How? By exploiting labor, environmental issues and taxes. That is how they do it and grandad is happy that others are used for the gain of the few.
You know, that "deep" christian attitude.

Jealousy is a bitch. You apparently married her

Awwww, Bernie is gonna take their "hard earned" billions... And Grampa is very worried about them...
How could they afford their private jets, yachts, big mansions they bought with tax payer money otherwise
How sad...

Maybe you should loan more fed money to them ha Grampa? What do you think?
How about loaning some of your own retirement fund?
Oh, right, you already did, in 2008, didnt you :lmao:
Good for you Grampa, you showed us how generous you are...

Yup the good ol "christian" values; Help the rich crooks, screw the hard workers :D

Yet more ignorance. I'm not a Christian and my charity goes to the poorest among us. I don't like the big money in politics but I have absolutely no problem with the rich being rich.
How? By exploiting labor, environmental issues and taxes. That is how they do it and grandad is happy that others are used for the gain of the few.
You know, that "deep" christian attitude.

Jealousy is a bitch. You apparently married her

Awwww, Bernie is gonna take their "hard earned" billions... And Grampa is very worried about them...
How could they afford their private jets, yachts, big mansions they bought with tax payer money otherwise
How sad...

Maybe you should loan more fed money to them ha Grampa? What do you think?
How about loaning some of your own retirement fund?
Oh, right, you already did, in 2008, didnt you :lmao:
Good for you Grampa, you showed us how generous you are...

Yup the good ol "christian" values; Help the rich crooks, screw the hard workers :D

Yet more ignorance. I'm not a Christian and my charity goes to the poorest among us. I don't like the big money in politics but I have absolutely no problem with the rich being rich.

Nobody has any problem with rich being rich, unless of course, they are stealing from people to get rich.

But you seem to be perfectly fine with that.
That shows how soft you are.
I don't show no mercy to anyone who is stealing from me...
Thats what bible says...
And, you like it or not, this is a "christian" country...
How? By exploiting labor, environmental issues and taxes. That is how they do it and grandad is happy that others are used for the gain of the few.
You know, that "deep" christian attitude.

Jealousy is a bitch. You apparently married her

Awwww, Bernie is gonna take their "hard earned" billions... And Grampa is very worried about them...
How could they afford their private jets, yachts, big mansions they bought with tax payer money otherwise
How sad...

Maybe you should loan more fed money to them ha Grampa? What do you think?
How about loaning some of your own retirement fund?
Oh, right, you already did, in 2008, didnt you :lmao:
Good for you Grampa, you showed us how generous you are...

Yup the good ol "christian" values; Help the rich crooks, screw the hard workers :D

Yet more ignorance. I'm not a Christian and my charity goes to the poorest among us. I don't like the big money in politics but I have absolutely no problem with the rich being rich.

Nobody has any problem with rich being rich, unless of course, they are stealing from people to get rich.

But you seem to be perfectly fine with that.
That shows how soft you are.
I don't show no mercy to anyone who is stealing from me...
Thats what bible says...
And, you like it or not, this is a "christian" country...
You don't show mercy? Lol

You're delusional. This is an anonymous message board you dumbfuck. NO ONE gives a damn what you or I say. This board is nothing more than a source of entertainment. So your warrior ways are just comical to me
How? By exploiting labor, environmental issues and taxes. That is how they do it and grandad is happy that others are used for the gain of the few.
You know, that "deep" christian attitude.

Awwww, Bernie is gonna take their "hard earned" billions... And Grampa is very worried about them...
How could they afford their private jets, yachts, big mansions they bought with tax payer money otherwise
How sad...

Maybe you should loan more fed money to them ha Grampa? What do you think?
How about loaning some of your own retirement fund?
Oh, right, you already did, in 2008, didnt you :lmao:
Good for you Grampa, you showed us how generous you are...

Yup the good ol "christian" values; Help the rich crooks, screw the hard workers :D

Yet more ignorance. I'm not a Christian and my charity goes to the poorest among us. I don't like the big money in politics but I have absolutely no problem with the rich being rich.

Nobody has any problem with rich being rich, unless of course, they are stealing from people to get rich.

But you seem to be perfectly fine with that.
That shows how soft you are.
I don't show no mercy to anyone who is stealing from me...
Thats what bible says...
And, you like it or not, this is a "christian" country...
You don't show mercy? Lol

You're delusional. This is an anonymous message board you dumbfuck. NO ONE gives a damn what you or I say. This board is nothing more than a source of entertainment. So your warrior ways are just comical to me

What does this have to do with this message board?
Who is talking about this message board?
Who gives a fuck about this message board?

How you are adoring and worshipping the "wall st", rather than the "lord", is what we are talking about here.........
The fact that you believe America is dumb enough to elect someone like Sanders is all the payment is need.

It will be funny to watch the dread set in as Sanders' momentum continues to grow.
His momentum may very well continue to grow in the primaries. Democrats have demonstrated a clear lack of concern for the well being of our nation. However when the election goes into the general I expect Bernie would get destroyed. Kinda like how Reagan won every state but one
His momentum may very well continue to grow in the primaries. Democrats have demonstrated a clear lack of concern for the well being of our nation. However when the election goes into the general I expect Bernie would get destroyed. Kinda like how Reagan won every state but one

He's doing better than Clinton with independents right now. He's also doing better than her against Republicans in hypothetical polls. Conservatives are going to regret underestimating Bernie.
But why let the rich control the infrastructure of our government?

How? By exploiting labor, environmental issues and taxes. That is how they do it and grandad is happy that others are used for the gain of the few.
You know, that "deep" christian attitude.

Jealousy is a bitch. You apparently married her

Awwww, Bernie is gonna take their "hard earned" billions... And Grampa is very worried about them...
How could they afford their private jets, yachts, big mansions they bought with tax payer money otherwise
How sad...

Maybe you should loan more fed money to them ha Grampa? What do you think?
How about loaning some of your own retirement fund?
Oh, right, you already did, in 2008, didnt you :lmao:
Good for you Grampa, you showed us how generous you are...

Yup the good ol "christian" values; Help the rich crooks, screw the hard workers :D

Yet more ignorance. I'm not a Christian and my charity goes to the poorest among us. I don't like the big money in politics but I have absolutely no problem with the rich being rich.

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