Wall Street finally taught Zuckerberg the lesson he deserved

Obama and the CIA made Facebook what it is today; Google and Amazon too for that matter
Crony Capitalism.............Gov't picks and chooses the winners and losers.

Sort of like Trump is doing with his tariffs and bailouts

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BS.................he's firing back trying to force negotiation..........for them to stop their abuses.......and I agree......

You............not so much...........we've already had that discussion on balls.

Yes we have had many talks about you licking Trump’s balls, but you keep right on licking

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Your name calling amounts to nothing...........you say you aren't a lib .......but talk just like one.

You don't like it when people don't agree with you........so you call them names and say they are licking balls............and you actually think it means something.

It means as much to me with you doing it .............as it does with a wacked out lib doing it............I don't care........

Shall we walk 10 paces and turn around and cuss each other out...........yeah that's a winner...........

I agree with Trump taking them on...........PERIOD...........Nothing you say will change that.............

Now go lick Hillary's balls .....I think she had some. LOL
Facebook still has the most valuable product on Earth. Facebook is the collector of the most comprehensive database of market-based research on the planet. Back in the day, advertisers had to use polling or focus groups to find out how consumers reacted to products/services/ideas and even if the people questioned told the truth (and they often didn't), the poll sample was statistically meaningless and skewed to urban middle class.

Now Facebook has a look inside the hearts and minds of literally every person on Earth, every country, every socio-economic class, and without them knowing (or realizing) their like and dislikes, kinks, hates, obsessions, and innermost thoughts and fantasies are being collected/collated and made into the most comprehensive market research in human history.

Until something comes along to replace it, and it will, it still remains the most intimate window into how the world thinks, what it likes, and what it's likely to buy.

I'm not judging the moral implications of this massive breach of personal privacy, I'm just saying it's currently the most valuable resource on Earth.
Facebook just pissed-off half of their customer base. They are staging a mass exodus.going forwards, revenue growth will be chronically in the negative direction. Facebook could easily go bankrupt in a few years.
And the NFL will go bankrupt, too! LMAO!

What deplorables don't get is that Facebook isn't a constitutional right. They cry about "censoring" of free speech, when much of the speech by deplorables is libel/slander.

Deplorables, hooked on xenophobia and racism, and their cult leader incites them like 1930s Germans.
Obama and the CIA made Facebook what it is today; Google and Amazon too for that matter
Crony Capitalism.............Gov't picks and chooses the winners and losers.

Sort of like Trump is doing with his tariffs and bailouts

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
BS.................he's firing back trying to force negotiation..........for them to stop their abuses.......and I agree......

You............not so much...........we've already had that discussion on balls.

Yes we have had many talks about you licking Trump’s balls, but you keep right on licking

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Your name calling amounts to nothing...........you say you aren't a lib .......but talk just like one.

You don't like it when people don't agree with you........so you call them names and say they are licking balls............and you actually think it means something.

It means as much to me with you doing it .............as it does with a wacked out lib doing it............I don't care........

Shall we walk 10 paces and turn around and cuss each other out...........yeah that's a winner...........

I agree with Trump taking them on...........PERIOD...........Nothing you say will change that.............

Now go lick Hillary's balls .....I think she had some. LOL

Typical statist snowflake, calls people names and then whines when it happens to him

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Facebook still has the most valuable product on Earth. Facebook is the collector of the most comprehensive database of market-based research on the planet. Back in the day, advertisers had to use polling or focus groups to find out how consumers reacted to products/services/ideas and even if the people questioned told the truth (and they often didn't), the poll sample was statistically meaningless and skewed to urban middle class.

Now Facebook has a look inside the hearts and minds of literally every person on Earth, every country, every socio-economic class, and without them knowing (or realizing) their like and dislikes, kinks, hates, obsessions, and innermost thoughts and fantasies are being collected/collated and made into the most comprehensive market research in human history.

Until something comes along to replace it, and it will, it still remains the most intimate window into how the world thinks, what it likes, and what it's likely to buy.

I'm not judging the moral implications of this massive breach of personal privacy, I'm just saying it's currently the most valuable resource on Earth.
Facebook just pissed-off half of their customer base. They are staging a mass exodus.going forwards, revenue growth will be chronically in the negative direction. Facebook could easily go bankrupt in a few years.
And the NFL will go bankrupt, too! LMAO!

What deplorables don't get is that Facebook isn't a constitutional right. They cry about "censoring" of free speech, when much of the speech by deplorables is libel/slander.

Deplorables, hooked on xenophobia and racism, and their cult leader incites them like 1930s Germans.
Oh well...........actions have consequences..........cause financial losses...........the NFL understood that.........thus changed the rules.........Losing 2 million customers was a messge that they understood............FB lost ads and lost money........

Oh well............it is a two edged sword........cuts both ways...........
Crony Capitalism.............Gov't picks and chooses the winners and losers.

Sort of like Trump is doing with his tariffs and bailouts

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
BS.................he's firing back trying to force negotiation..........for them to stop their abuses.......and I agree......

You............not so much...........we've already had that discussion on balls.

Yes we have had many talks about you licking Trump’s balls, but you keep right on licking

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Your name calling amounts to nothing...........you say you aren't a lib .......but talk just like one.

You don't like it when people don't agree with you........so you call them names and say they are licking balls............and you actually think it means something.

It means as much to me with you doing it .............as it does with a wacked out lib doing it............I don't care........

Shall we walk 10 paces and turn around and cuss each other out...........yeah that's a winner...........

I agree with Trump taking them on...........PERIOD...........Nothing you say will change that.............

Now go lick Hillary's balls .....I think she had some. LOL

Typical statist snowflake, calls people names and then whines when it happens to him

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Pot paints kettle black.......you don't like my opinion........I don't like yours.........so the name calling......and you now play innocent of it......and your TDS.

Facebook still has the most valuable product on Earth. Facebook is the collector of the most comprehensive database of market-based research on the planet. Back in the day, advertisers had to use polling or focus groups to find out how consumers reacted to products/services/ideas and even if the people questioned told the truth (and they often didn't), the poll sample was statistically meaningless and skewed to urban middle class.

Now Facebook has a look inside the hearts and minds of literally every person on Earth, every country, every socio-economic class, and without them knowing (or realizing) their like and dislikes, kinks, hates, obsessions, and innermost thoughts and fantasies are being collected/collated and made into the most comprehensive market research in human history.

Until something comes along to replace it, and it will, it still remains the most intimate window into how the world thinks, what it likes, and what it's likely to buy.

I'm not judging the moral implications of this massive breach of personal privacy, I'm just saying it's currently the most valuable resource on Earth.
How reliable is that info with millions of bots in the mix.....,
Sort of like Trump is doing with his tariffs and bailouts

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
BS.................he's firing back trying to force negotiation..........for them to stop their abuses.......and I agree......

You............not so much...........we've already had that discussion on balls.

Yes we have had many talks about you licking Trump’s balls, but you keep right on licking

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Your name calling amounts to nothing...........you say you aren't a lib .......but talk just like one.

You don't like it when people don't agree with you........so you call them names and say they are licking balls............and you actually think it means something.

It means as much to me with you doing it .............as it does with a wacked out lib doing it............I don't care........

Shall we walk 10 paces and turn around and cuss each other out...........yeah that's a winner...........

I agree with Trump taking them on...........PERIOD...........Nothing you say will change that.............

Now go lick Hillary's balls .....I think she had some. LOL

Typical statist snowflake, calls people names and then whines when it happens to him

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Pot paints kettle black.......you don't like my opinion........I don't like yours.........so the name calling......and you now play innocent of it......and your TDS.


No, I am not the one playing innocent, you are the one whining about being called names, not me.

You are the statist snowflake, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
BS.................he's firing back trying to force negotiation..........for them to stop their abuses.......and I agree......

You............not so much...........we've already had that discussion on balls.

Yes we have had many talks about you licking Trump’s balls, but you keep right on licking

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Your name calling amounts to nothing...........you say you aren't a lib .......but talk just like one.

You don't like it when people don't agree with you........so you call them names and say they are licking balls............and you actually think it means something.

It means as much to me with you doing it .............as it does with a wacked out lib doing it............I don't care........

Shall we walk 10 paces and turn around and cuss each other out...........yeah that's a winner...........

I agree with Trump taking them on...........PERIOD...........Nothing you say will change that.............

Now go lick Hillary's balls .....I think she had some. LOL

Typical statist snowflake, calls people names and then whines when it happens to him

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Pot paints kettle black.......you don't like my opinion........I don't like yours.........so the name calling......and you now play innocent of it......and your TDS.


No, I am not the one playing innocent, you are the one whining about being called names, not me.

You are the statist snowflake, not me.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
My god.............geesh...............Okay..........

You are the statist.............am not .......you are.............

How the fuck old are you.............Mr. TDS man..........poor thing...........

Now Trump needs to have the DOJ file an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook since they are using their monopoly power to to persecute groups they don't agree with.


This week Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally got the whack across the nose that many had hoped Congress would give him back in April.

The social-media giant’s stock price took a spectacular nose dive Thursday after the company forecast a slowdown in the rate of new user sign-ups. Analysts reckon Facebook’s limp response to the European Union’s recently enacted digital privacy laws also soured investors on its near-term financial future.

While Zuckerberg spent the first half of 2018 listening to but not really hearing complaints about how Facebook mishandles user data, it’s a good bet he’s listening now. All told, Thursday’s trading vaporized $119 billion of the Menlo Park, Calif., company’s market value. That’s roughly the equivalent of the gross domestic product of Kuwait.

Public patience with Zuckerberg’s often unconvincing — and at times duplicitous — statements about the heroic lengths Facebook goes to protect user data appears to have come to an end. A rolling tide of revelations this year about persistent privacy breaches has eviscerated Facebook’s credibility on the issue. People have been logging off in droves.

Facebook has long claimed that its mission is to develop social infrastructure and — *gag* — build community. That no longer passes the giggle test. What they really want to do is follow people around the Internet, collect and organize what they learn and sell that information to the highest bidder.

To the three people who don’t realize it already: Facebook doesn’t think of you as the customer; they think of you as the product.

Congress raked Zuckerberg across the coals this spring. It made for satisfying viewing but ultimately came to nothing. No one in Washington appears up to the task of regulating America’s favorite time-waster.

Now the market has done what government failed to do — discipline Facebook...

So, picking winners and losers?
Now Trump needs to have the DOJ file an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook since they are using their monopoly power to to persecute groups they don't agree with.


This week Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally got the whack across the nose that many had hoped Congress would give him back in April.

The social-media giant’s stock price took a spectacular nose dive Thursday after the company forecast a slowdown in the rate of new user sign-ups. Analysts reckon Facebook’s limp response to the European Union’s recently enacted digital privacy laws also soured investors on its near-term financial future.

While Zuckerberg spent the first half of 2018 listening to but not really hearing complaints about how Facebook mishandles user data, it’s a good bet he’s listening now. All told, Thursday’s trading vaporized $119 billion of the Menlo Park, Calif., company’s market value. That’s roughly the equivalent of the gross domestic product of Kuwait.

Public patience with Zuckerberg’s often unconvincing — and at times duplicitous — statements about the heroic lengths Facebook goes to protect user data appears to have come to an end. A rolling tide of revelations this year about persistent privacy breaches has eviscerated Facebook’s credibility on the issue. People have been logging off in droves.

Facebook has long claimed that its mission is to develop social infrastructure and — *gag* — build community. That no longer passes the giggle test. What they really want to do is follow people around the Internet, collect and organize what they learn and sell that information to the highest bidder.

To the three people who don’t realize it already: Facebook doesn’t think of you as the customer; they think of you as the product.

Congress raked Zuckerberg across the coals this spring. It made for satisfying viewing but ultimately came to nothing. No one in Washington appears up to the task of regulating America’s favorite time-waster.

Now the market has done what government failed to do — discipline Facebook...

So, picking winners and losers?
I have no ability to pick winners and losers.
He's a typical Limousine Liberal/Democrat asshole. He only supports speech that expresses Democrat Bootlicking. He censors everything else. More & more folks are catching on. They're ditching Facebook in droves.
Zuckerberg just last weekend said he wouldnt censor Holocaust denial. Doesnt seem like democrat bootlicking to let far-right hate speech stay up.

Also let anti-vaccine hoaxes stay up.
The threshold seems to be when death threats are made.

He's on a 'Fake News' crusade. Which is really just code for 'Censor anything Democrats don't like.' Twitter and YouTube have joined the crusade as well. Just more proof Communists/Democrats don't support our Constitution. They despise it.
Did you not read a word I posted? Facebook didnt' Holocaust deniers, nor did they censor anti-vaxxer hoaxes. Facebook is still reeling from letting Russians spread their fake shit.

First amendment protections dont apply to these online services. However, when users are breaking laws, if these online services dont control it, then they become an aider/abetter to the unlawful act.
He's a typical Limousine Liberal/Democrat asshole. He only supports speech that expresses Democrat Bootlicking. He censors everything else. More & more folks are catching on. They're ditching Facebook in droves.
Zuckerberg just last weekend said he wouldnt censor Holocaust denial. Doesnt seem like democrat bootlicking to let far-right hate speech stay up.

Also let anti-vaccine hoaxes stay up.
The threshold seems to be when death threats are made.

He's on a 'Fake News' crusade. Which is really just code for 'Censor anything Democrats don't like.' Twitter and YouTube have joined the crusade as well. Just more proof Communists/Democrats don't support our Constitution. They despise it.
Did you not read a word I posted? Facebook didnt' Holocaust deniers, nor did they censor anti-vaxxer hoaxes. Facebook is still reeling from letting Russians spread their fake shit.

First amendment protections dont apply to these online services. However, when users are breaking laws, if these online services dont control it, then they become an aider/abetter to the unlawful act.
What laws did the Russians break?
He's a typical Limousine Liberal/Democrat asshole. He only supports speech that expresses Democrat Bootlicking. He censors everything else. More & more folks are catching on. They're ditching Facebook in droves.
Zuckerberg just last weekend said he wouldnt censor Holocaust denial. Doesnt seem like democrat bootlicking to let far-right hate speech stay up.

Also let anti-vaccine hoaxes stay up.
The threshold seems to be when death threats are made.

He's on a 'Fake News' crusade. Which is really just code for 'Censor anything Democrats don't like.' Twitter and YouTube have joined the crusade as well. Just more proof Communists/Democrats don't support our Constitution. They despise it.
Did you not read a word I posted? Facebook didnt' Holocaust deniers, nor did they censor anti-vaxxer hoaxes. Facebook is still reeling from letting Russians spread their fake shit.

First amendment protections dont apply to these online services. However, when users are breaking laws, if these online services dont control it, then they become an aider/abetter to the unlawful act.
What laws did the Russians break?
From this indictment, it would be laws relating to foreign attack on our democracy.
He's a typical Limousine Liberal/Democrat asshole. He only supports speech that expresses Democrat Bootlicking. He censors everything else. More & more folks are catching on. They're ditching Facebook in droves.
Zuckerberg just last weekend said he wouldnt censor Holocaust denial. Doesnt seem like democrat bootlicking to let far-right hate speech stay up.

Also let anti-vaccine hoaxes stay up.
The threshold seems to be when death threats are made.

He's on a 'Fake News' crusade. Which is really just code for 'Censor anything Democrats don't like.' Twitter and YouTube have joined the crusade as well. Just more proof Communists/Democrats don't support our Constitution. They despise it.
Did you not read a word I posted? Facebook didnt' Holocaust deniers, nor did they censor anti-vaxxer hoaxes. Facebook is still reeling from letting Russians spread their fake shit.

First amendment protections dont apply to these online services. However, when users are breaking laws, if these online services dont control it, then they become an aider/abetter to the unlawful act.
What laws did the Russians break?
From this indictment, it would be laws relating to foreign attack on our democracy.

Russians aren't subject to American law, dumbass, especially when they aren't even on American territory.
Now Trump needs to have the DOJ file an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook since they are using their monopoly power to to persecute groups they don't agree with.


This week Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally got the whack across the nose that many had hoped Congress would give him back in April.

The social-media giant’s stock price took a spectacular nose dive Thursday after the company forecast a slowdown in the rate of new user sign-ups. Analysts reckon Facebook’s limp response to the European Union’s recently enacted digital privacy laws also soured investors on its near-term financial future.

While Zuckerberg spent the first half of 2018 listening to but not really hearing complaints about how Facebook mishandles user data, it’s a good bet he’s listening now. All told, Thursday’s trading vaporized $119 billion of the Menlo Park, Calif., company’s market value. That’s roughly the equivalent of the gross domestic product of Kuwait.

Public patience with Zuckerberg’s often unconvincing — and at times duplicitous — statements about the heroic lengths Facebook goes to protect user data appears to have come to an end. A rolling tide of revelations this year about persistent privacy breaches has eviscerated Facebook’s credibility on the issue. People have been logging off in droves.

Facebook has long claimed that its mission is to develop social infrastructure and — *gag* — build community. That no longer passes the giggle test. What they really want to do is follow people around the Internet, collect and organize what they learn and sell that information to the highest bidder.

To the three people who don’t realize it already: Facebook doesn’t think of you as the customer; they think of you as the product.

Congress raked Zuckerberg across the coals this spring. It made for satisfying viewing but ultimately came to nothing. No one in Washington appears up to the task of regulating America’s favorite time-waster.

Now the market has done what government failed to do — discipline Facebook...

So, picking winners and losers?
I have no ability to pick winners and losers.

That is why you are begging for the government to do it for you, that is what all good statist want to happen

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Now Trump needs to have the DOJ file an antitrust lawsuit against Facebook since they are using their monopoly power to to persecute groups they don't agree with.


This week Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally got the whack across the nose that many had hoped Congress would give him back in April.

The social-media giant’s stock price took a spectacular nose dive Thursday after the company forecast a slowdown in the rate of new user sign-ups. Analysts reckon Facebook’s limp response to the European Union’s recently enacted digital privacy laws also soured investors on its near-term financial future.

While Zuckerberg spent the first half of 2018 listening to but not really hearing complaints about how Facebook mishandles user data, it’s a good bet he’s listening now. All told, Thursday’s trading vaporized $119 billion of the Menlo Park, Calif., company’s market value. That’s roughly the equivalent of the gross domestic product of Kuwait.

Public patience with Zuckerberg’s often unconvincing — and at times duplicitous — statements about the heroic lengths Facebook goes to protect user data appears to have come to an end. A rolling tide of revelations this year about persistent privacy breaches has eviscerated Facebook’s credibility on the issue. People have been logging off in droves.

Facebook has long claimed that its mission is to develop social infrastructure and — *gag* — build community. That no longer passes the giggle test. What they really want to do is follow people around the Internet, collect and organize what they learn and sell that information to the highest bidder.

To the three people who don’t realize it already: Facebook doesn’t think of you as the customer; they think of you as the product.

Congress raked Zuckerberg across the coals this spring. It made for satisfying viewing but ultimately came to nothing. No one in Washington appears up to the task of regulating America’s favorite time-waster.

Now the market has done what government failed to do — discipline Facebook...

So, picking winners and losers?
I have no ability to pick winners and losers.

That is why you are begging for the government to do it for you, that is what all good statist want to happen

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I have no problem with using the same methods statists use on us to punish them. They earned it.

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