Walmart arrest; racist or not?

The woman isn't black you idiot, Coley is white.

I stand corrected. another liberal talking head who only gets attention for spouting politically correct platitudes, not for her scholarship.
Quote: Originally Posted by Shogun
Quote: Originally Posted by Charlie Bass
Quote: Originally Posted by Shogun

More blacks, Latinos in jail than college dorms
Civil rights advocates say Census Bureau figures are startling

More blacks, Latinos in jail than college dorms - Race & ethnicity-

you tell me...

Monkey, read, this is why citing a stat in itself is not good enough:

Commuter students not included

The new data has limitations. In addition to not including commuter students, it does not provide racial breakdowns by gender or age, though it does show that males make up 90 percent of prison inmates.

Also, most prison inmates are 25 or older while 96 percent of people in college housing are age 18 to 24.

Come on monkey, explain what that means.......
It means that you will look for any excuse in the world to blame whitey for what the statistics convey about your race. Again, I can quote the CDC, the DOJ, and any number of other sources that don't filter their numbers just to polish the turd of your cancerous culture. As I told ravir, if YOU need to filter out left handed blacks and those with jherri curls and those who are too light skinned just to achieve a stat that doesn't chaffe your ego then so be it. I guess blaming whitey only goes so far..

Faggot, any stats from any source you wish to post them from the Bass can dissect and breakdown to refute any stupid position you wish to bring. You assertion has been challenged and refuted, post some research, don't be a puss and hide behind and distort stats.

that 'stat' is a sound bite made famous by none other than Jesse Jackson. if you dont like it then tell jesse to stop repeating it.
Stop lying you stupid twit.

I took a glance at your signature line link and it is a racist anti-white site
I also googled that lady and found some references to her but no actual study and certainly no facts and figures. just another black talking head who only gets attention because she is black, not for her scholarship

The woman isn't black you idiot, Coley is white. The link in the Bass' sig isn't racist, the Bass and a friend of his like to catalog crimes by whites for use in debates with white racist s . The site is not the Bass' site.

You and your friend are the flip side of the idiots at Stormfront.

Racist buttwipes.

And....stop referring to yourself in the Third Person.

You're nobody....just some black supremecist racist fuckwit on the internet.

"The Bass". TOO FUCKING FUNNY!! :rofl:
Chuck Bass, ever consider this?

No crime, no time.

Asians are a minority in the US but have the lowest levels in US prisons.

Because they take their frustrations out in legal economic revenge, in other words they kick academic and economic ass.

No culture of complaint has every survived in this world, none.

You have to do to survive, not whine.

You realize that's just as racist as saying blacks are prone to criminality, right?
The single biggest factor in poverty and crime is single motherhood and that ghetto mentality has spilled into the suburbs. Until marriage is embraced and fathers start to take responsibilty for their own children, racism will get even worse. We are not moving forward on this issue. We are moving backward. And whites can't fix it Bass.

Because white people don't have those same problems...
how many times does it have to be proved to you? illegitimacy, crime, high school drop out rates, etc, etc. can you find any evidence that blacks are like whites. besides someone's personal testimonial of course.

You still have provided no evidence, yet again just another white supremacist nutter making claims with no evidence.

OK Bass, find some stats showing that black out-of-wedlock births are not higher than the white rates, or that the black crime rate is not multiples of the white rate (even when hispanics are added in), or that the black drop out rate is smaller or equal to the white drop out rate. these are all things continually discussed by the media and others.

and I have noticed you still haven't responded to the evidence (by peer reviewed researchers in the field of criminology) that there is no significant bias against blacks in the justice system.

Cum hoc ergo propter hoc.
Once again, don't give into Charlie Bass! He's just a race baiter, who gets off on stirring up white people. Facts, logic, science, history, none of these things are included in Charlie's debates. He's only interested in spouting off shit that he knows will anger white people, nothing more.

Make no mistake about it, most black people DO NOT support guys like Charlie. He does NOT represent the black community. The only thing he represent, is his own feelings of racial insecurity. Hence his silly website, linked to his profile, listing all the crimes white people have committed.

It's funny how the ultra-liberals in this thread have called at least three different WHITE people racist. Yet when a guy like Charlie here posts, they shit their pants, and some even support him. Liberals shit their pants when confronted by black people. Liberals are so uncomfortable with other races, that the only way in which they know how to communicate with them, is by kissing their asses. LIBERALS DO NOT KNOW HOW TO TREAT MINORITIES EQUAL, BECAUSE THEY SEE MINORITIES AS BEING BENEATH THEM. HENCE THE CONSTANT PLACATING OF MINORITIES!

So don't give into Charlie here. Just pat him on the head, and feel really bad for him!
I've actually seen this very same thing play out in my local walmart. The black woman who tried to cut ahead in line was allowed to do her thing---she raised hell and loudly called everyone not black a racist--but the checker and management let her go to the head of the line. And she wasn't joining anyone. She was just in a gawd-awful hurry and didn't think she should have to wait.


This kind of behavior doesn't surprise me in the least. The black kids at my children's middle school started acting like this when Obama was elected and they flat out told the white kids that they'd "better get used to it, cuz blacks own this country now". it seems they are right.

Link, or did you just conviently make this story up in a timely manner?
Once again, don't give into Charlie Bass! He's just a race baiter, who gets off on stirring up white people. Facts, logic, science, history, none of these things are included in Charlie's debates. He's only interested in spouting off shit that he knows will anger white people, nothing more.

Personal attack in another form of fallacious argumentation and you accuse the Bass of fallacious argumentation?

Make no mistake about it, most black people DO NOT support guys like Charlie.

Want to make a bet on that one?

He does NOT represent the black community. The only thing he represent, is his own feelings of racial insecurity. Hence his silly website, linked to his profile, listing all the crimes white people have committed.

The blog is a list of crimes done by whites to counter claims by racist whites that blacks are the only ones who commit henious crimes. Racist whites like posting links to henious crimes done by blacks and then say its proof that blacks are an inferior race, thus the purpose of the blog. The comments and commentary are not the Bass' but the links to the crimes are partly the work of the Bass.
I've actually seen this very same thing play out in my local walmart. The black woman who tried to cut ahead in line was allowed to do her thing---she raised hell and loudly called everyone not black a racist--but the checker and management let her go to the head of the line. And she wasn't joining anyone. She was just in a gawd-awful hurry and didn't think she should have to wait.


This kind of behavior doesn't surprise me in the least. The black kids at my children's middle school started acting like this when Obama was elected and they flat out told the white kids that they'd "better get used to it, cuz blacks own this country now". it seems they are right.

Link, or did you just conviently make this story up in a timely manner?

Link to what, fuckwad?

I related two personal experiences. There is no link, dickhead.

My must be hard to carry around that damned empty head of yours through life.

:woohoo: :rofl: :woohoo: :rofl:
I've actually seen this very same thing play out in my local walmart. The black woman who tried to cut ahead in line was allowed to do her thing---she raised hell and loudly called everyone not black a racist--but the checker and management let her go to the head of the line. And she wasn't joining anyone. She was just in a gawd-awful hurry and didn't think she should have to wait.


This kind of behavior doesn't surprise me in the least. The black kids at my children's middle school started acting like this when Obama was elected and they flat out told the white kids that they'd "better get used to it, cuz blacks own this country now". it seems they are right.

Link, or did you just conviently make this story up in a timely manner?

Link to what, fuckwad?

I related two personal experiences. There is no link, dickhead.

My must be hard to carry around that damned empty head of yours through life.

:woohoo: :rofl: :woohoo: :rofl:

Personal experiences by a white racist =zero support for argumentation. You're probably lying anyways.
Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!
Link, or did you just conviently make this story up in a timely manner?

Link to what, fuckwad?

I related two personal experiences. There is no link, dickhead.

My must be hard to carry around that damned empty head of yours through life.

:woohoo: :rofl: :woohoo: :rofl:

Personal experiences by a white racist =zero support for argumentation. You're probably lying anyways.

Just because YOU lie in your race-baiting, anti-white racist screeds, Mr. "The Bass", does not mean that I do. :eusa_naughty:

You can ask many folks who've known me for years (some folks online have actually met me in real life and even been to my home). They can tell you that I am NOT lieing.

YOU, however, are. With every race-baiting hate filled anti-white bitch session you post.
Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!

Third time in this thread you've repeated the same thing, is this a recording?
Link to what, fuckwad?

I related two personal experiences. There is no link, dickhead.

My must be hard to carry around that damned empty head of yours through life.

:woohoo: :rofl: :woohoo: :rofl:

Personal experiences by a white racist =zero support for argumentation. You're probably lying anyways.

Just because YOU lie in your race-baiting, anti-white racist screeds, Mr. "The Bass", does not mean that I do. :eusa_naughty:

You can ask many folks who've known me for years (some folks online have actually met me in real life and even been to my home). They can tell you that I am NOT lieing.

YOU, however, are. With every race-baiting hate filled anti-white bitch session you post.

You have posted nothing to corroborate your stories and a racist like you cannot be taken serious.
Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!

Third time in this thread you've repeated the same thing, is this a recording?
Oh shit, what's the matter racist Charlie, the truth getting to ya? I had to make sure you and your ultra-liberal, white guilt friends, the kind of people who placate to you, all get called out on your shit!

By the way, I had my black girlfriend, her brother, and her parents, look at the stuff you write, and your blog. You DISGUST them! They said to tell you, that you do NOT represent them. They are embarrassed at your bull shit attempts to represent a race. As I've stated, the only thing you represent, is your own insecure feelings!
Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!

Third time in this thread you've repeated the same thing, is this a recording?
Oh shit, what's the matter racist Charlie, the truth getting to ya? I had to make sure you and your ultra-liberal, white guilt friends, the kind of people who placate to you, all get called out on your shit!

By the way, I had my black girlfriend, her brother, and her parents, look at the stuff you write, and your blog. You DISGUST them! They said to tell you, that you do NOT represent them. They are embarrassed at your bull shit attempts to represent a race. As I've stated, the only thing you represent, is your own insecure feelings!

Yeah sure, you have a black girlfriend and they are so disgusted with the Bass, why lie to yourself, the forum and the Bass? Nothing you said and will say can ever get to the Bass.
Third time in this thread you've repeated the same thing, is this a recording?
Oh shit, what's the matter racist Charlie, the truth getting to ya? I had to make sure you and your ultra-liberal, white guilt friends, the kind of people who placate to you, all get called out on your shit!

By the way, I had my black girlfriend, her brother, and her parents, look at the stuff you write, and your blog. You DISGUST them! They said to tell you, that you do NOT represent them. They are embarrassed at your bull shit attempts to represent a race. As I've stated, the only thing you represent, is your own insecure feelings!

Yeah sure, you have a black girlfriend and they are so disgusted with the Bass, why lie to yourself, the forum and the Bass? Nothing you said and will say can ever get to the Bass.
I love watching "The Bass" cower in a corner. Take your beating like a man, you racist pussy. I bet "The Bass" loves the fact that I'm white, and I'm dating a black woman. I bet "The Bass" further loves the fact that my black girlfriend, and her family are disgusted by your beliefs, and the things that you say. "The Bass" is taking it on the chin, hard!

Don't worry, "The Bass" has the white-guilt liberals, who support him. You could guilt them into wiping your racist ass, if you wanted to!
I love watching "The Bass" cower in a corner. Take your beating like a man, you racist pussy.

Racist p---y? Whom does the Bass fear? No one except God and the Bass is no racist, as before mentioned, the Bass simply digs up the links and another posts them to the blog, the Bass has made no comments on that site.

I bet "The Bass" loves the fact that I'm white, and I'm dating a black woman.

The Bass is married to a beautiful black woman and as long as you're not doing anything with her[and you never could or would] the Bass cares less about whom you're dating, but its great to hear that you actually care alot about what the Bass may be thinking about, that proves the Bass is on your mind.

Don't worry, "The Bass" has the white-guilt liberals, who support him. You could guilt them into wiping your racist ass, if you wanted to!

No white liberal supports the Bass and everyone in this forum except for your retarded self knows the Bass is very critical of white liberals, the hypocritical ones that is.
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