Walmart arrest; racist or not?

Bass and CommonSense just need to get a room and fuck each other's brains out. Invite in Jeny for an orgy of racist numskullness.
Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!

Uh, I called Charlie a racist, dumbass.
Link to what, fuckwad?

I related two personal experiences. There is no link, dickhead.

My must be hard to carry around that damned empty head of yours through life.

:woohoo: :rofl: :woohoo: :rofl:

Personal experiences by a white racist =zero support for argumentation. You're probably lying anyways.

Just because YOU lie in your race-baiting, anti-white racist screeds, Mr. "The Bass", does not mean that I do. :eusa_naughty:

You can ask many folks who've known me for years (some folks online have actually met me in real life and even been to my home). They can tell you that I am NOT lieing.

YOU, however, are. With every race-baiting hate filled anti-white bitch session you post.

O please. You're a pathological liar.
Ok, I'm confused. Why do people always refer to Ravi as unattractive and fat? Do they know something I don't?

I've always thought she sounds like a socially acceptable & social butterfly sort. As much as I'd love to slap her silly.

Not that I have anything against ugly fat chicks. I've gone from babe to middle aged overweight hag. The middle aged part means I honestly don't give a crap, and I handed over the beauty queen tiara to my daughter the day she was born...I'm all about being proud of my kids these days and have nothing to prove and no desire to compete in the beauty department....but the point is...why is she considered fat and ugly? I think she sounds pretty and kinda ditzy.
Bass and CommonSense just need to get a room and fuck each other's brains out. Invite in Jeny for an orgy of racist numskullness.

Are you stupid? The Bass dishes out to racists what they dish out to black people, if people are all sensitive and weak to deal with that, that isn't the Bass' fault.
Until marriage is embraced and fathers start to take responsibilty for their own children, .

Marriage is a high price to pay to stay out of poverty!

Best to get wealthy and then marry at will.

Or not.
Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!
In reality, the consensus is that you and the Bass are no different.

Still afraid to type out the word ****** I see. :lol:
Ok, I'm confused. Why do people always refer to Ravi as unattractive and fat? Do they know something I don't?

I've always thought she sounds like a socially acceptable & social butterfly sort. As much as I'd love to slap her silly.

Not that I have anything against ugly fat chicks. I've gone from babe to middle aged overweight hag. The middle aged part means I honestly don't give a crap, and I handed over the beauty queen tiara to my daughter the day she was born...I'm all about being proud of my kids these days and have nothing to prove and no desire to compete in the beauty department....but the point is...why is she considered fat and ugly? I think she sounds pretty and kinda ditzy.
:eusa_shhh: It's Soggy's fantasy of my looks. He only seems to have a chance with ugly, grossly obese women.
Ok, I'm confused. Why do people always refer to Ravi as unattractive and fat? Do they know something I don't?

I've always thought she sounds like a socially acceptable & social butterfly sort. As much as I'd love to slap her silly.

Not that I have anything against ugly fat chicks. I've gone from babe to middle aged overweight hag. The middle aged part means I honestly don't give a crap, and I handed over the beauty queen tiara to my daughter the day she was born...I'm all about being proud of my kids these days and have nothing to prove and no desire to compete in the beauty department....but the point is...why is she considered fat and ugly? I think she sounds pretty and kinda ditzy.
:eusa_shhh: It's Soggy's fantasy of my looks. He only seems to have a chance with ugly, grossly obese women.

Are you kidding me? Notice that i've never treated you as anything other than a bloated, crusty, greasy, 12 sandwich eating hog. By your logic I should be flirting with you all over this board. But, here in reality-land....
Personal experiences by a white racist =zero support for argumentation. You're probably lying anyways.

Just because YOU lie in your race-baiting, anti-white racist screeds, Mr. "The Bass", does not mean that I do. :eusa_naughty:

You can ask many folks who've known me for years (some folks online have actually met me in real life and even been to my home). They can tell you that I am NOT lieing.

YOU, however, are. With every race-baiting hate filled anti-white bitch session you post.

O please. You're a pathological liar.

You know this how? I've never met you. You've never met me.

And you certainly the hell have never been to my house. And never will.

However, there *are* people we know mutually who HAVE met me in real life.

Met several of them at Shepherd Spinal Center around this time last year after the son of one of our mutual online acquaintences was shot in the head.

I noticed you were absent from the group of folks who helped that family through the hardest times of their lives.

Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!
In reality, the consensus is that you and the Bass are no different.

Still afraid to type out the word ****** I see. :lol:
LOL, if by "consensus", you mean what two white-guilt liberals are trying to spin, then yes, it is a consensus!

And again, stop with your silly angle about the word "******". It's retarded at this point. I'm using "N-word" in a mocking tone, of which you aren't understanding. I have said "******" a few times in this thread. Once again, I'll call you out on your bull shit, and show you the post.
Na, people like me don't get bent out of shape when they hear the "n-word". It's just a word like any other. It's popularized by those in the black community, who tell us out of one side of their mouths whites can't use it, but then support a song or artist who uses the word 20 times in their song. We hear about how terrifying a word it is from the black community, yet the black community continues to use it. The hypocrisy of the whole situation lingers, yet liberals like you are blind to it.

See, this is that liberal debating tactic. Someone calls liberals out on their elitist views(me), so a liberal turns around and accuses a guy whom they've never met(once again, me), never heard say a word(again, me), of being racist and using the "n-word", LOL. How desperate are you? Typical cliché, liberal tactic! But it's weak, and once again, I'm calling you on it!

Saying the "n-word" DOES NOT make you a racist. Have you ever heard of human emotion? Let me give you an example: The incident where Michael Richards used the "n-word" at his comedy show. He used the "N-word" as an insult to the black people who were heckling him. NOT every black person around the world. It wasn't a premeditated act. It was a heat of the moment, hurled insult. It was the equivalent of him saying "You fucking heckling asshole pieces of shit, who happen to be black". He didn't call them the "n-word" because they were black. He called them the "n-word" because they were assholes who happened to be black. There's a difference. Unfortunately, the only people who can see that difference are non-exploitive black people, and non-white guilt, white people.
Why are you so afraid to say ******?
I was using his form of the word. Hence the sarcastic overuse of the phrase "N-word", in quotations. You aren't very quick to the uptake, are you?

To use the term "N-word", is silly. Society says "N-word" is ok, but "******" is extremely offensive. It's all silly, political correctness! None of it should be taken seriously. The news, who's suppose to report what happens, created this political correctness. For instance, when they report a story where the word "******" was spray-painted on a wall, or carved into a desk, they never say "******". They report it as the "N-word" having been the offensive word, that's been used.

We live in a country of ultra-liberal, politically correct, pussies!
Here's the post, of which you continue to struggle with it's concept.

Can you pussy liberals get your politically correct accusations straight? Two of you say that we use the "N-word" too much in our personal life, without having ever heard us speak. And you say I don't use the word "******" enough.

You gotta love the coward hypocrisy, that liberals bring to the table!
The single biggest factor in poverty and crime is single motherhood and that ghetto mentality has spilled into the suburbs. Until marriage is embraced and fathers start to take responsibilty for their own children, racism will get even worse. We are not moving forward on this issue. We are moving backward. And whites can't fix it Bass.

Sorry, but this just sounds like spam for marriage, not logical reasoning.
Logical reasoning KK would tell you that children deserve two parents. I didn't think that was even debatable.

No. We became a vast species because of the ancient practices, which did not include the two-parent family unit. What is not debatable is that change happens with teaching children to be good adults, period. How many parents a child has isn't the issue, it's how much of a balance there is between attention and freedom that is the true issue.
Logical reasoning KK would tell you that children deserve two parents. I didn't think that was even debatable.

No. We became a vast species because of the ancient practices, which did not include the two-parent family unit. What is not debatable is that change happens with teaching children to be good adults, period. How many parents a child has isn't the issue, it's how much of a balance there is between attention and freedom that is the true issue.
:clap2:Sometimes you almost seem sane. :lol:
Logical reasoning KK would tell you that children deserve two parents. I didn't think that was even debatable.

No. We became a vast species because of the ancient practices, which did not include the two-parent family unit. What is not debatable is that change happens with teaching children to be good adults, period. How many parents a child has isn't the issue, it's how much of a balance there is between attention and freedom that is the true issue.
:clap2:Sometimes you almost seem sane. :lol:

Don't let wisdom be confused with sanity. ;)
Just because YOU lie in your race-baiting, anti-white racist screeds, Mr. "The Bass", does not mean that I do. :eusa_naughty:

You can ask many folks who've known me for years (some folks online have actually met me in real life and even been to my home). They can tell you that I am NOT lieing.

YOU, however, are. With every race-baiting hate filled anti-white bitch session you post.

O please. You're a pathological liar.

You know this how? I've never met you. You've never met me.

And you certainly the hell have never been to my house. And never will.

However, there *are* people we know mutually who HAVE met me in real life.

Met several of them at Shepherd Spinal Center around this time last year after the son of one of our mutual online acquaintences was shot in the head.

I noticed you were absent from the group of folks who helped that family through the hardest times of their lives.


If someone was as sick you always claim to be, they'd have dropped dead thirty times by this point.
Unattractive girl(jd_2b), Zona, Polk, and Ravi, fear calling Charlie out on his racism, because he's black. Charlie is an obvious race baiting, racist. Yet liberals, like our friends in this thread, would never call Charlie out on his shit. They fear minorities, and see them as being beneath them, hence they placate to them, and treat them like lap dogs. Meanwhile, these same liberals have called white people in this thread racist, without hesitation. That is the scared, cowardly, liberal way! A few of these liberal posters have even gone to the extreme of saying that other posters use the "N-word", when they've never even heard them speak a word. This is how low the liberal ideals have sunk!

I said it once, and I'll say it again:

Ultra-liberals are the biggest hurdle in progressing race-relations in this country!
In reality, the consensus is that you and the Bass are no different.

Still afraid to type out the word ****** I see. :lol:

The Bass doesn't care for what the consensus says, he will continue to speak his mind and no he isn't a racist not by any stretch, the Bass' sole purpose for posting in this manner is to expose the hidden and latent racism of hypocritical white so called liberals who claim to be for totally equality of black people but in reality they are only for the type of progress that keeps black people under their heel. Black people having the same equality and social and economic standing as these same white so called liberals is seen as too much progress and a threat, which incidentally are the same things white so called liberals like to call out white right wing nuts jobs on, the only difference been that these fake, hypocritical white so called liberals pretend to be the friends of black people.

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