Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

Yet another mass shooting. When will it end?
When the punishment starts meeting the crime's that's when. It's time to put real teeth back in the punishment for crime's.

This whining ace crybaby bull crap liberal leftist tolerate any and everything stupidity has got to end.

Time to reinstall the hanging judges. Time to start public hangings and building the gallows again for these evil bastard's from hell.

Toleration doesn't mean that the citizen should be willing or worse forced to tolerate the worst of our society.

Sentence these heinous bastard's accordingly, and then put them in front of the public as they are hanged by their necks until dead. Then let their bodies hang for a day as a reminder of what not to do in society if thinking about it.

It's the only way to deal with evil.

Sympathy for the devil is unexceptable. Period.

We've seen the face of evil, and it's time to push back big time.
When the punishment starts meeting the crime's that's when. It's time to put real teeth back in the punishment for crime's.

This whining ace crybaby bull crap liberal leftist tolerate any and everything stupidity has got to end.

Time to reinstall the hanging judges. Time to start public hangings and building the gallows again for these evil bastard's from hell.

Toleration doesn't mean that the citizen should be willing or worse forced to tolerate the worst of our society.

Sentence these heinous bastard's accordingly, and then put them in front of the public as they are hanged by their necks until dead. Then let their bodies hang for a day as a reminder of what not to do in society if thinking about it.

It's the only way to deal with evil.

Sympathy for the devil is unexceptable. Period.

We've seen the face of evil, and it's time to push back big time.

Most states that enact the death penalty don't know how to kill someone anymore!
Things have gotten this incompetent.
So they die of old age on death row, instead, sucking up taxpayer dollars.
It's shameful.
Most states that enact the death penalty don't know how to kill someone anymore!
Things have gotten this incompetent.
So they die of old age on death row, instead, sucking up taxpayer dollars.
It's shameful.
How does a state not know how to execute a child rapist, a mass shooter, a senior citizen killer and rapist, and worst of all a serial killer ? You are right, the incompetence is staggering, but the sympathy for the devil is way worse than that.
Just word yet on fatalities.

Red states are shit holes because they have lacking infastructure, high obesity rates, terrible schools. This creates anger among residents and causes them to murder more.

Bunch of fat people who went to bad schools hit to many potholes and went on a murdering spree.
Don't make people start posting the hood's in America, and showing their condition's along with the crime within these very violent hoods. It's not purdy.

PS. Poverty doesn't create crime, crime is a choice. People need to learn this big time. This goes for any impoverished hood/neighborhood/community. It matters not if it's black white or whatever the color is, poverty doesn't create crime. The criminal mind creates crime, and usually it is looking for vulnerabilities among the impoverished communities to exploit or take advantage of those who are in poverty. However if crime and it's punishment were way tougher and stern, then the criminal's and/or criminal minded wouldn't be so quick to jump their targets for fear of the retribution that would come next.
Nope. All in red states.

Blue states have big cities too.

Nope. Repubs are fucksticks and can't run anything.

Do you know how much obesity drains our medical system? Red state obesity costs us billions in obesity related medical procedures/processes.

How do you expect to compete in the global stage when red states don't fund education and support public schools? We have to import scientists and engineers from other countries to make up for the lack of highly educated people in red states. That's why china and Europe are starting to pass us by.

You have to import because your party and some in our party are looking for cheap labor. That's right even lawyers, doctor's, and etc work cheaper from over seas than they do in this COUNTRY, so guess who gets the Jobs ?? Has nothing to do with being edumacated or not... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣
Red states are the should know.
All the inner city ghetto schools suck. The union janitors for the schools that support the Democrat leaders may make $150K a year but the kids don't learn jack shit.

It is the same in both Red States and Blues states.

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