Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

If any man is emasculated it is 100% his own fault. Can’t blame women.
True, you can't blame women, but male's growing up fatherless in liberal Democrat leaning household's, does leave the males highly vulnerable to leftist culture and accepted propaganda during the critical up bringing of their live's. The failure's of family in America has come at one hell of a huge price. The devil sits in the bush like a lion waiting for the cubs to become separated from the mother, just as the cub is allowed to stray just a little to far. The parallels or parables are huge when comparison's are made.
True, you can't blame women, but male's growing up fatherless in liberal Democrat leaning household's, does leave the males highly vulnerable to leftist culture and accepted propaganda during the critical up bringing of their live's. The failure's of family in America has come at one hell of a huge price. The devil sits in the bush like a lion waiting for the cubs to become separated from the mother, just as the cub is allowed to stray just a little to far. The parallels or parables are huge when comparison's are made.
The liberal sexual revolution has been hard on children

Boys in particular
Don't make people start posting the hood's in America, and showing their condition's along with the crime within these very violent hoods. It's not purdy.

Feel free. Not sure how it effects my point.

PS. Poverty doesn't create crime, crime is a choice. People need to learn this big time. This goes for any impoverished hood/neighborhood/community. It matters not if it's black white or whatever the color is, poverty doesn't create crime. The criminal mind creates crime, and usually it is looking for vulnerabilities among the impoverished communities to exploit or take advantage of those who are in poverty. However if crime and it's punishment were way tougher and stern, then the criminal's and/or criminal minded wouldn't be so quick to jump their targets for fear of the retribution that would come next.
Then win elections and get tough on crime.
You have to import because your party and some in our party are looking for cheap labor. That's right even lawyers, doctor's, and etc work cheaper from over seas than they do in this COUNTRY, so guess who gets the Jobs ?? Has nothing to do with being edumacated or not... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣
Fair point...aside from the typical bias. I would agree that multiple issues contribute to importing jobs.
Because political affiliation has nothing to do with murders. I KNOW what you're doing. What I'm doing is pointing out that the racial makeup of the citizens of a state seems to have a direct correlation on the crime in that state, not whether its a "blue or red" state.

Louisiana is blue, and is number 2 in murders. Also number 2 in percent of black people per capita. Mississippi is a red state, number one in murders, number one in black peope per capita.
Sure, and a fair arguement you may have, yet if race is the issue then all the claims of "dem run cities" is nonsense.

Of course an entirely new thread would be needed to address the correlation of race repeatedly brought up in this thread but again, not something I want to delve into on this thread. I got a bird to cook, beer to drink and football to watch. Just trying to close up all these responses.
You don't even know where the shooter obtained the firearm. Did he buy it himself? Did someone else buy it for him? Was he even eligible to posses a firearm? Did he use one that belonged to a family member? Did he steal it? Did he simply take one out of the cabinet in the sporting goods department?

I've bought scads of firearms with no questions asked: Gun shows, flea markets, yard sales, personal transactions. And yet, I've never shot anyone.
And yet others have the same manner to possess a firearm in which you do and others who shouldn't have the ability to commit murders and kill other innocents before committing suicide.

Q. When will the United States become a more civilized nation?
A. When the 2nd A. is rewritten and "shall not be infringed" is deleted.
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Another notch in the guns of the NRA. When will the leaders in office come to the conclusion that "shall not be infringed" needs to be struck from the 2nd A.?
No, the free gun zones is what has led to the free reign killing spree's chosen by the mentally ill in the cases that unfortunately ended up going undetected or ignored by law enforcement until it was too late. When law enforcement doesn't work, then the good citizen's is all there is left. Deal with it. Response time's are usually to late to stop any carnage regardless of the type, so the paperwork is all that is left to do when arrive on the scenes... The people's right to self defense shall not be infringed. Got it ???
And yet others have the same manner to possess a firearm in which others do and shouldn't have the ability to commit suicide and murder others innocent with them.

Q. When will the United States become a more civilized nation?
A. When the 2nd A. is rewritten and "shall not be infringed" is deleted.
If the Democrat leftist liberals would get the hell out of instructing judges, and law enforcement upon how to do it's job, then the illegal gun's would be stripped from the hands of the criminal's, and life would go back to normal again.
No, the free gun zones is what has led to the free reign killing spree's chosen by the mentally ill in the cases that unfortunately ended up going undetected or ignored by law enforcement until it was too late. When law enforcement doesn't work, then the good citizen's is all there is left. Deal with it. Response time's are usually to late to stop any carnage regardless of the type, so the paperwork is all that is left to do when arrive on the scenes...
"The people's right to self defense shall not be infringed. Got it ???"

You don't "Got it"! There are those who cannot illegally buy firearms in this country and do so all of the time.
The reason is clear, the gun business is a billion dollar a year profit. Even those who purchase or obtain a firearm legally end up murders, killing members of their family or others and even themselves. All of which cost the counties/parishes, cities or towns big bucks.
Another notch in the guns of the NRA. When will the leaders in office come to the conclusion that "shall not be infringed" needs to be struck from the 2nd A.?

How is this any fault of the NRA....

Please show us any NRA literature or policy positions that advocate shooting underlings at your place of work.... a fucking brave person and find those policies for us....
So I haven’t heard much of this Walmart shooting.

Is the media going to ask who indoctrinated the shooter?
What kind of rhetoric was he listening to?
Who influenced him the most?

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