Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

WAlmart is the largest employer in the country, so yeah, it will get a lot of workplace violence. Nothing to see here. There is plenty to criticize WalMart for but this particular 'talking point' is just stupid.
WAlmart is the largest employer in the country, so yeah, it will get a lot of workplace violence. Nothing to see here. There is plenty to criticize WalMart for but this particular 'talking point' is just stupid.

Wal Mart employees are not allowed to carry concealed while on the clock so they were sitting ducks.

That break room was a gun free zone. Except for the bad guy, of course.
"The people's right to self defense shall not be infringed. Got it ???"

You don't "Got it"! There are those who cannot illegally buy firearms in this country and do so all of the time.
The reason is clear, the gun business is a billion dollar a year profit. Even those who purchase or obtain a firearm legally end up murders, killing members of their family or others and even themselves. All of which cost the counties/parishes, cities or towns big bucks.
You want to try that again in English ? Good grief.
Wal Mart employees are not allowed to carry concealed while on the clock so they were sitting ducks.

That break room was a gun free zone. Except for the bad guy, of course.
Where was walmart's security ? Oh that's right, it probably went the way of Walmart cashier's (out the door).

Senior citizen's are being mis-treated at Walmart, because they want a cashier to ring them out, but Walmart greed has won the day.

Wonder if Walmart figured it could greedily operate without adequate security ? And better yet it was all because of it's greed ? If so they are going to face some huge lawsuit's now.
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This is the dumbest comment I've read in a long time, even more foolish than the first person who I will not name and still posts I will not name and still does.

As an officer of the court, I never saw in my 32 years anyone tell anyone to "get the hell of out instructing judges and law enforcement"- other than someone like you who ended up in contempt of court and/or jail.
Like I'm saying that as a jail bird in court... LOL... No it's the truth where as leftist Democrat's have sought to influence and even place leftist judges on the bench in order to get the outcomes that we are witnessing far to much to date.
Where was walmart's security ? Oh that's right, it probably went the way of Walmart cashier's (out the door).

Senior citizen's are being mis-treated at Walmart, because they want a cashier to ring them out, but Walmart greed has won the day.

Wonder if Walmart figured it could greedily operate without adequate security ? And better yet it was all because of it's greed ? If so they are going to face some huge lawsuit's now.

Um, security is watching customers take items out the front door. They aren't providing security for the break room in the back.
Um, security is watching customers take items out the front door. They aren't providing security for the break room in the back.
Well it looks like that might change. Still yet is there any armed security in a Walmart ? I don't remember seeing any.
Um, security is watching customers take items out the front door. They aren't providing security for the break room in the back.
Besides, unless LEO's, security personnel are usually low level perimeter monitors.....not LEO's
When will the left quit living in denial ??

It's time they rejoin the real world, and quit being brainwashed by pandering evil politician's that use them to gain or stay in power.

The Democrat's are ending up with a huge amount of blood on their hands.
The statist left has a serious problem with violence. The street violence with the statist left was just as vicious back in the 60's/70's. Some folks say the lefty street violence actually started in America during the 50's but if it did I have no info about it. That marxist religion the statist left feeds on is a pretty toxic brew for sure.
Nope. All in red states.

Blue states have big cities too.

Nope. Repubs are fucksticks and can't run anything.

Do you know how much obesity drains our medical system? Red state obesity costs us billions in obesity related medical procedures/processes.

How do you expect to compete in the global stage when red states don't fund education and support public schools? We have to import scientists and engineers from other countries to make up for the lack of highly educated people in red states. That's why china and Europe are starting to pass us by.

China certainly passes us by. They don't teach CRT or gender identity.
Besides, unless LEO's, security personnel are usually low level perimeter monitors.....not LEO's
Regardless, I don't remember seeing any security officer's at a Walmart (I may have miss them).. Have you seen one or even two at a WalMart ?

My wife worked at a grocery store years ago, and they had a security officer on duty. They hired the officer's who were LEO's during their day, but also wanted to work a job part time on their off hour's.

They didn't just work the front of the store, but rather they would grab a buggy and walk through out the store checking for shop lifter's etc. Otherwise they made their rounds ending back up front where they started from while on their shift.

Does Walmart have security ? Anyone know ? I know they have employee's up front checking receipts and bags as the customers exit the store, and it is that they have camera's I'm sure, but do they have armed security or an armed security guard ???

If not they best get them one or maybe two. A trained security firm could send them a trained armed monitor who might be more than just a guard, but could be more like a cooler that was depicted in the movie roadhouse with Patrick Swayze. Otherwise a security cooler is mindful of one's speak, one's character through one's action's or other characteristics that might give away the possibility of a crime or disturbance about to be committed before it takes place.

Believe it or not we do have such people with these types of skills who could be saving people in a preventive proactive way instead of having to hopefully save them in a reactive way after the fact.

Of course everything cost money, and there lay the issue for most, because even mega corporation's are trying to skin it back to the bone when it comes to their operating cost. The people can't even have a humanbeing to check them out at the registers any more, and the elderly are suffering the most, but do you think that a mega corporation gives a crap about that anymore ? Hell to the no they don't, and now they don't undoubtedly screen their help being hired, because who ever heard not so long ago of "mass shootings" in the retail industries, otherwise before they became soft target's or easy pickings for mentally distraught and disturbed people anymore ??

The worst part is that many companies are becoming so politically correct or woke in their hiring practices, we wonder if they are actually hiring or letting potential killers slip through the interviews now ??? Not good if that's the case today.

Companies need to check themselves, and government needs to stay the hell out of the private sectors business with it's social engineering and bull crap game's being played. These shootings and such should be the signs that what is going on now a days isn't working, and it's time to revert back to what was working. COMMON SENSE !!!!!
The statist left has a serious problem with violence. The street violence with the statist left was just as vicious back in the 60's/70's. Some folks say the lefty street violence actually started in America during the 50's but if it did I have no info about it. That marxist religion the statist left feeds on is a pretty toxic brew for sure.
I think it started in the 60s with the hippie and drug culture that got started. The 50s was coming off of a great victory after world war two, and we were busy growing our COUNTRY back into a new futuristic modernized nation that was blessed after our sacrifices were given in such a horrific time period of fighting a major war on two fronts.
Stupid Question ^^^.

Answer this, how many times each day is someone murdered, committed suicide or accidently killed with a firearm?
How many of them are criminals?:
How many are murdered each year in schools, movie theaters, on the streets, at a concert or fair, or in churches, restaurants or at work? How many were shot and killed driving on the roads (road rage)?
What;s this have to do with the NRA?

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