Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

Oh I'm very sure.

Blacks are by far the most violent race. 7% of the US population is black male yet they commit 50% of all violent crime. So it would make sense that states with high numbers of black people would have high murder rates.

It's not the republicans fault. It's the citizens of the states, who are OVERWHELMINGLY black.

Thanks, I see you saw the point about the actual percentage of the population doing the murders....I didn't find that on my own, I think Andrew Klavan or Derek Hunter....maybe Ben shapiro pointed it out on one of their podcasts...I forget which one...
Oh I'm very sure.

Blacks are by far the most violent race. 7% of the US population is black male yet they commit 50% of all violent crime. So it would make sense that states with high numbers of black people would have high murder rates.

It's not the republicans fault. It's the citizens of the states, who are OVERWHELMINGLY black. And since police are scared to death to arrest a black man in fear of him yelling "racism" and becoming the next George Floyd, they don't want to go near these violent negros.

I was shot by a black male in Mississippi.

Mic Drop.
Why are all of you turning this into a race issue?

This is about political affiliation, not race.
Wrong.....I haven't seen you before so I will just go with the idea that you don't understand certain facts about the murder rate...

Red States have blue cities that drive up the murder rate......the worst cities in the country for violent crime and murder are almost all democrat party controlled cities.........

In February 2022, CBS News published a report about cities with the highest homicide rate, "Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities." Of the top 10 deadliest cities in the country, all of them are cities with Democratic mayors. Moreover, of the 65 cities on this list with the highest murder rates, the overwhelming majority had Democratic mayors. And, to quote Clinton, "that's just a fact."
On Nov. 4, the Heritage Foundation released a study showing that "high-crime counties are governed largely by Democrats." It revealed that of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the country, 27 have Democratic mayors. Furthermore, of those 27 cities, nearly half (14) have radical left-wing prosecutors funded or inspired by affluent billionaire and leftist political activist George Soros and the Open Society Foundation.
"The high murder rate is almost exclusively cabined in cities run by Democrats and with Democrat district attorneys, many of whom are Soros bought-and-paid-for rogue prosecutors or inspired by Soros, groups like the egregiously misnamed Fair and Just Prosecution and other battering rams of the movement," the authors of the study stated.

Don't believe Democrats' lies — blue cities, not red states, have the violent crime problem

From poster, Toobfreak.

I chose 58 cities as that was the largest number I could fit on a page. I then went through each city one by one to look up the major of every city. Aside from the fact that you can forget finding any pattern of cities in "red" states being the most with the highest crime as the idiot Marc tries to claim, but I went down the list marking all the mayors of the highest crimes cities in America in BRIGHT RED who were DEMOCRATS.

Look at what I found:

Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 7.02.25 PM.png

Every city above in red is RUN BY A DEMOCRAT!

Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities
Blue states also have blue cities. See post 109 if you are confused.
Why do you say that? I would not be a vehicle for federally mandated gun removal from crazy people. As I am not crazy, I am not concerned about my gun.

Do you have some evidence that this shooter was crazy prior to him shooting up the break room at Wal-Mart?
Almost 100% male.

And? Almost all different types of crime are committed by men...........and at the same time, they are chased and captured by majority men as well..........

It isn't the male part that is the problem, it is the way they are raised that is the biggest problem.......raise them in democrat party ghettos, and you get violence.....raise them in good homes with mothers and fathers and you will get a majority of good men.
Almost 100% male.

But the majority of all murder in the committed by 7% of the male population....young black men....murdering other young black men in democrat party controlled cities....

Care to address that fact?
And? Almost all different types of crime are committed by men...........and at the same time, they are chased and captured by majority men as well..........

It isn't the male part that is the problem, it is the way they are raised that is the biggest problem.......raise them in democrat party ghettos, and you get violence.....raise them in good homes with mothers and fathers and you will get a majority of good men. are seeing that males are the problem. Christian male too?
Another male. Was he left-handed too? Christian?

And all the individuals who went in to capture him?

All males.........

It isn't the male part that is the is the good or evil part that is the issue...and the democrat party policies that create more evil people in the cities they control.

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