Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

I wonder if Redfish is serious when he claimed, "Those on the left want to eliminate that option (shopping at Wal-Mart) and make the poor suffer more than they already do. No one could be that stupid to make such a claim, the post must be sarcasm.
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
Poor misguided conservative

Yes you could pay for college with minimum wage. I paid my tuition making $2.10 an hour over the summer

In 1974, you could buy a brand new Chevy Nova for $2400. That would take you a little over six months at minimum wage

Today, at $7.25 an hour you would earn $7250 in six months. What kind of car would that buy you at the dealership?

First off, the part of the reason the prices of automobiles have gone up, is because of Federal regulations. In 1974, there were still dozens of independent auto manufacturers. By the 1990s, there were three.... and that was pretty much it. All the regulations and controls of the Federal government, killed all competition, and as a result, the big three did not have to compete with all the independent makers.

Second, EPA emission requirements, and the use of plastics and aluminum, instead of steel, and the need to design extensive safety measures, to make up for lack of steel, all of which is due to CAFE standards, all drive up the cost of the automobile.

Third, cars today have many features and abilities and functions, that cars back then didn't have. You could in fact buy a much cheaper car, if you decided to get a stripped down car.

Back in 2006, people forget about the Detroit Auto Show, in which Geely, a Chinese Auto Manufacturer, showed off their sub-$10,000 car.

Now the interesting part of this article, is that Geely has been selling cars for just under $5,000 across the world. Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

But.... in the US, not one of the models they sell, meets the US environmental and safety standards.

Geely has announced plans to sell a 4-door model in the US.... for just under $10,000.

Now think about that. Just meeting the regulations, makes the price double.

We're paying for that when we buy a car. Now you can say, all those regulations are required and necessary. And maybe you are even right.

But when you complain that "you can't buy a car on minimum wage!" this is why. You have caused your own problem.

Fourth, the credit culture. Back in the 70s even, we had a culture of, if you want something, you have to save up and buy it. In the 80s, unfortunately, we turned into a credit culture. Everyone turned into the "I want it now" people.

The entire industry, when they spend millions of dollars designing and creating a new vehicle, they do so with a specific target price, and target buyer in mind. Before, when people had to save up money to buy a product, the auto makers understood this, and had a target price in mind, that was reasonable for the buyers they wished to get.

This dramatically shifted when consumers moved to using credit instead of cash, to buy cars. Now people could afford to buy a much more expensive car, on payments, than they could if they were purchasing with cash.

People showed up with saying "oh you mean for only $2,000 down, I can buy this expensive model, instead of the $5,000 car I can afford?". This shifted manufacturers to build more expensive models, knowing people are going to buy on credit, not cash.

So, while it's true you can't buy a bran new car, for a comparable amount of money, most of that is due to government regulations and controls, and most of the rest is due to culture.

As for education, you still can pay for an education on minimum wage. I know people who have done it. Of course you can't go to an expensive school, and you are not going to be living in luxury.

See, the problem here is the same. if you look at old dorms, and the facilities of Universities decades ago... they were pretty sparse. I found these old photos from the University of Wisconsin, 1945.


That's not a military boot camp barracks. That's the dorm room. Not a ton of extras. Not a whole lot of amenities. Don't see any dorm refrigerators here. Total cost for the month? $13 a month. In today's dollars, that would be $170.

Today's dorms have of course electricity, and heating and air conditioning, but then you also have phone and high speed internet, and then all the other extras.

Now when you compare this, to dorms today.... it's not even remotely comparable. Even if you compared them to dorms in the 1970s, it's not all that comparable. Dorms with individual rooms. Dorms with 19 by 16 floor plans. Dorms with "game rooms" and "lounge rooms". 24-hour professional assistance, claims OSU Dorm services. That costs money don't you think?

Check out this article.
The Luxification of College Dorms New Republic

Granite counter tops. Large Flat screen TVs. Fire pits. Swimming pools, pool tables, Arcades, and Stainless Steel Kitchen appliances.

And you wonder why dorms now cost $3,000 a quarter?

Somehow, I am not shocked. And again, this goes back to culture. When everyone is paying for education on credit, then universities are geared towards the highest bidder. You have students, who have never worked a day in their whole lives honestly, and most are going to school 100% on loans. Without a concept of the hard work required to earn money, to them which ever school has the best stuff, wins.

There's a reason they have "top party schools" lists that come out every other year or whatever.

Regardless, the real point is what we've been saying for ages now. The minimum wage kills jobs. It always has, it always will. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs. Every single report I have ever read, says the same. Even reports that support the minimum wage, say as much, they just say the benefits outweigh the negatives, which is ridiculous.

If the minimum wage does not kill jobs, then why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars, and now everyone, everywhere, from youngest to oldest, from every race, from every culture, from every part of the country, New Jersey to Mississippi, everyone throughout the entire country will be millionaires and rich, and wealthy?

Well of course, anyone who really considers that, understands that is ridiculous. No one is going to pay a million dollars for a McDonald's burger, just because the minimum wage for the guy flipping the burger over, is a Million an hour.
Shall we go further on what I could buy on my $2.10 minimum wage salary in 1974....

A gallon of gas cost 30 cents. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10. Today's min wage worker can buy two

I could rent an apartment for $150 a month. Less than a half months pay. Can't do that today

Conservatives scream that minimum wage is a "starter wage" not a living wage. I could get started on minimum wage. Pay for college, buy a car, rent an apartment

Today's young workers cant

What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

Walmart enjoys the Tax breaks and Slave Labor, while you the Taxpayer picks up the tab. A good percentage of their Employees are receiving Government Entitlements. Walmart could do better. America could do better. It could treat its Workers much better. Sometimes defending workers is just the right thing to do. Doesn't matter whether you call yourself Conservative or Liberal.
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.
We hear this bullshit scare tactic every time minimum wage is raised.
Never seems to pan out. The market adjusts and life goes on
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
Poor misguided conservative

Yes you could pay for college with minimum wage. I paid my tuition making $2.10 an hour over the summer

In 1974, you could buy a brand new Chevy Nova for $2400. That would take you a little over six months at minimum wage

Today, at $7.25 an hour you would earn $7250 in six months. What kind of car would that buy you at the dealership?

First off, the part of the reason the prices of automobiles have gone up, is because of Federal regulations. In 1974, there were still dozens of independent auto manufacturers. By the 1990s, there were three.... and that was pretty much it. All the regulations and controls of the Federal government, killed all competition, and as a result, the big three did not have to compete with all the independent makers.

Second, EPA emission requirements, and the use of plastics and aluminum, instead of steel, and the need to design extensive safety measures, to make up for lack of steel, all of which is due to CAFE standards, all drive up the cost of the automobile.

Third, cars today have many features and abilities and functions, that cars back then didn't have. You could in fact buy a much cheaper car, if you decided to get a stripped down car.

Back in 2006, people forget about the Detroit Auto Show, in which Geely, a Chinese Auto Manufacturer, showed off their sub-$10,000 car.

Now the interesting part of this article, is that Geely has been selling cars for just under $5,000 across the world. Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

But.... in the US, not one of the models they sell, meets the US environmental and safety standards.

Geely has announced plans to sell a 4-door model in the US.... for just under $10,000.

Now think about that. Just meeting the regulations, makes the price double.

We're paying for that when we buy a car. Now you can say, all those regulations are required and necessary. And maybe you are even right.

But when you complain that "you can't buy a car on minimum wage!" this is why. You have caused your own problem.

Fourth, the credit culture. Back in the 70s even, we had a culture of, if you want something, you have to save up and buy it. In the 80s, unfortunately, we turned into a credit culture. Everyone turned into the "I want it now" people.

The entire industry, when they spend millions of dollars designing and creating a new vehicle, they do so with a specific target price, and target buyer in mind. Before, when people had to save up money to buy a product, the auto makers understood this, and had a target price in mind, that was reasonable for the buyers they wished to get.

This dramatically shifted when consumers moved to using credit instead of cash, to buy cars. Now people could afford to buy a much more expensive car, on payments, than they could if they were purchasing with cash.

People showed up with saying "oh you mean for only $2,000 down, I can buy this expensive model, instead of the $5,000 car I can afford?". This shifted manufacturers to build more expensive models, knowing people are going to buy on credit, not cash.

So, while it's true you can't buy a bran new car, for a comparable amount of money, most of that is due to government regulations and controls, and most of the rest is due to culture.

As for education, you still can pay for an education on minimum wage. I know people who have done it. Of course you can't go to an expensive school, and you are not going to be living in luxury.

See, the problem here is the same. if you look at old dorms, and the facilities of Universities decades ago... they were pretty sparse. I found these old photos from the University of Wisconsin, 1945.


That's not a military boot camp barracks. That's the dorm room. Not a ton of extras. Not a whole lot of amenities. Don't see any dorm refrigerators here. Total cost for the month? $13 a month. In today's dollars, that would be $170.

Today's dorms have of course electricity, and heating and air conditioning, but then you also have phone and high speed internet, and then all the other extras.

Now when you compare this, to dorms today.... it's not even remotely comparable. Even if you compared them to dorms in the 1970s, it's not all that comparable. Dorms with individual rooms. Dorms with 19 by 16 floor plans. Dorms with "game rooms" and "lounge rooms". 24-hour professional assistance, claims OSU Dorm services. That costs money don't you think?

Check out this article.
The Luxification of College Dorms New Republic

Granite counter tops. Large Flat screen TVs. Fire pits. Swimming pools, pool tables, Arcades, and Stainless Steel Kitchen appliances.

And you wonder why dorms now cost $3,000 a quarter?

Somehow, I am not shocked. And again, this goes back to culture. When everyone is paying for education on credit, then universities are geared towards the highest bidder. You have students, who have never worked a day in their whole lives honestly, and most are going to school 100% on loans. Without a concept of the hard work required to earn money, to them which ever school has the best stuff, wins.

There's a reason they have "top party schools" lists that come out every other year or whatever.

Regardless, the real point is what we've been saying for ages now. The minimum wage kills jobs. It always has, it always will. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs. Every single report I have ever read, says the same. Even reports that support the minimum wage, say as much, they just say the benefits outweigh the negatives, which is ridiculous.

If the minimum wage does not kill jobs, then why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars, and now everyone, everywhere, from youngest to oldest, from every race, from every culture, from every part of the country, New Jersey to Mississippi, everyone throughout the entire country will be millionaires and rich, and wealthy?

Well of course, anyone who really considers that, understands that is ridiculous. No one is going to pay a million dollars for a McDonald's burger, just because the minimum wage for the guy flipping the burger over, is a Million an hour.
Shall we go further on what I could buy on my $2.10 minimum wage salary in 1974....

A gallon of gas cost 30 cents. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10. Today's min wage worker can buy two

I could rent an apartment for $150 a month. Less than a half months pay. Can't do that today

Conservatives scream that minimum wage is a "starter wage" not a living wage. I could get started on minimum wage. Pay for college, buy a car, rent an apartment

Today's young workers cant

What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?

Walmart should pay what the labor is worth in the labor market. If a person cannot survive on what he/she makes at that job, then he/she needs to either get a second job or lower his/her living expenses.

The govt should only subsidize those who are unable to work. The taxpayers do not OWE able bodied citizens anything
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.
We hear this bullshit scare tactic every time minimum wage is raised.
Never seems to pan out. The market adjusts and life goes on

We hear it because its true. Labor is a cost of doing business. If any cost of doing business goes up, prices have to go up. Economics 101
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
Poor misguided conservative

Yes you could pay for college with minimum wage. I paid my tuition making $2.10 an hour over the summer

In 1974, you could buy a brand new Chevy Nova for $2400. That would take you a little over six months at minimum wage

Today, at $7.25 an hour you would earn $7250 in six months. What kind of car would that buy you at the dealership?

First off, the part of the reason the prices of automobiles have gone up, is because of Federal regulations. In 1974, there were still dozens of independent auto manufacturers. By the 1990s, there were three.... and that was pretty much it. All the regulations and controls of the Federal government, killed all competition, and as a result, the big three did not have to compete with all the independent makers.

Second, EPA emission requirements, and the use of plastics and aluminum, instead of steel, and the need to design extensive safety measures, to make up for lack of steel, all of which is due to CAFE standards, all drive up the cost of the automobile.

Third, cars today have many features and abilities and functions, that cars back then didn't have. You could in fact buy a much cheaper car, if you decided to get a stripped down car.

Back in 2006, people forget about the Detroit Auto Show, in which Geely, a Chinese Auto Manufacturer, showed off their sub-$10,000 car.

Now the interesting part of this article, is that Geely has been selling cars for just under $5,000 across the world. Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

But.... in the US, not one of the models they sell, meets the US environmental and safety standards.

Geely has announced plans to sell a 4-door model in the US.... for just under $10,000.

Now think about that. Just meeting the regulations, makes the price double.

We're paying for that when we buy a car. Now you can say, all those regulations are required and necessary. And maybe you are even right.

But when you complain that "you can't buy a car on minimum wage!" this is why. You have caused your own problem.

Fourth, the credit culture. Back in the 70s even, we had a culture of, if you want something, you have to save up and buy it. In the 80s, unfortunately, we turned into a credit culture. Everyone turned into the "I want it now" people.

The entire industry, when they spend millions of dollars designing and creating a new vehicle, they do so with a specific target price, and target buyer in mind. Before, when people had to save up money to buy a product, the auto makers understood this, and had a target price in mind, that was reasonable for the buyers they wished to get.

This dramatically shifted when consumers moved to using credit instead of cash, to buy cars. Now people could afford to buy a much more expensive car, on payments, than they could if they were purchasing with cash.

People showed up with saying "oh you mean for only $2,000 down, I can buy this expensive model, instead of the $5,000 car I can afford?". This shifted manufacturers to build more expensive models, knowing people are going to buy on credit, not cash.

So, while it's true you can't buy a bran new car, for a comparable amount of money, most of that is due to government regulations and controls, and most of the rest is due to culture.

As for education, you still can pay for an education on minimum wage. I know people who have done it. Of course you can't go to an expensive school, and you are not going to be living in luxury.

See, the problem here is the same. if you look at old dorms, and the facilities of Universities decades ago... they were pretty sparse. I found these old photos from the University of Wisconsin, 1945.


That's not a military boot camp barracks. That's the dorm room. Not a ton of extras. Not a whole lot of amenities. Don't see any dorm refrigerators here. Total cost for the month? $13 a month. In today's dollars, that would be $170.

Today's dorms have of course electricity, and heating and air conditioning, but then you also have phone and high speed internet, and then all the other extras.

Now when you compare this, to dorms today.... it's not even remotely comparable. Even if you compared them to dorms in the 1970s, it's not all that comparable. Dorms with individual rooms. Dorms with 19 by 16 floor plans. Dorms with "game rooms" and "lounge rooms". 24-hour professional assistance, claims OSU Dorm services. That costs money don't you think?

Check out this article.
The Luxification of College Dorms New Republic

Granite counter tops. Large Flat screen TVs. Fire pits. Swimming pools, pool tables, Arcades, and Stainless Steel Kitchen appliances.

And you wonder why dorms now cost $3,000 a quarter?

Somehow, I am not shocked. And again, this goes back to culture. When everyone is paying for education on credit, then universities are geared towards the highest bidder. You have students, who have never worked a day in their whole lives honestly, and most are going to school 100% on loans. Without a concept of the hard work required to earn money, to them which ever school has the best stuff, wins.

There's a reason they have "top party schools" lists that come out every other year or whatever.

Regardless, the real point is what we've been saying for ages now. The minimum wage kills jobs. It always has, it always will. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs. Every single report I have ever read, says the same. Even reports that support the minimum wage, say as much, they just say the benefits outweigh the negatives, which is ridiculous.

If the minimum wage does not kill jobs, then why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars, and now everyone, everywhere, from youngest to oldest, from every race, from every culture, from every part of the country, New Jersey to Mississippi, everyone throughout the entire country will be millionaires and rich, and wealthy?

Well of course, anyone who really considers that, understands that is ridiculous. No one is going to pay a million dollars for a McDonald's burger, just because the minimum wage for the guy flipping the burger over, is a Million an hour.
Shall we go further on what I could buy on my $2.10 minimum wage salary in 1974....

A gallon of gas cost 30 cents. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10. Today's min wage worker can buy two

I could rent an apartment for $150 a month. Less than a half months pay. Can't do that today

Conservatives scream that minimum wage is a "starter wage" not a living wage. I could get started on minimum wage. Pay for college, buy a car, rent an apartment

Today's young workers cant

What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?

Walmart should pay what the labor is worth in the labor market. If a person cannot survive on what he/she makes at that job, then he/she needs to either get a second job or lower his/her living expenses.

The govt should only subsidize those who are unable to work. The taxpayers do not OWE able bodied citizens anything

Ok then

Workers should get a second job. There are 30 million working Americans getting government assistance

Can you point to the 30 million second jobs waiting to be filled?
I wonder if Redfish is serious when he claimed, "Those on the left want to eliminate that option (shopping at Wal-Mart) and make the poor suffer more than they already do. No one could be that stupid to make such a claim, the post must be sarcasm.

When you demand that walmart be forced to raise its pay scale, that is exactly what you are asking for. I am sorry that you are too stupid to grasp that simple concept.
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
Poor misguided conservative

Yes you could pay for college with minimum wage. I paid my tuition making $2.10 an hour over the summer

In 1974, you could buy a brand new Chevy Nova for $2400. That would take you a little over six months at minimum wage

Today, at $7.25 an hour you would earn $7250 in six months. What kind of car would that buy you at the dealership?

First off, the part of the reason the prices of automobiles have gone up, is because of Federal regulations. In 1974, there were still dozens of independent auto manufacturers. By the 1990s, there were three.... and that was pretty much it. All the regulations and controls of the Federal government, killed all competition, and as a result, the big three did not have to compete with all the independent makers.

Second, EPA emission requirements, and the use of plastics and aluminum, instead of steel, and the need to design extensive safety measures, to make up for lack of steel, all of which is due to CAFE standards, all drive up the cost of the automobile.

Third, cars today have many features and abilities and functions, that cars back then didn't have. You could in fact buy a much cheaper car, if you decided to get a stripped down car.

Back in 2006, people forget about the Detroit Auto Show, in which Geely, a Chinese Auto Manufacturer, showed off their sub-$10,000 car.

Now the interesting part of this article, is that Geely has been selling cars for just under $5,000 across the world. Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

But.... in the US, not one of the models they sell, meets the US environmental and safety standards.

Geely has announced plans to sell a 4-door model in the US.... for just under $10,000.

Now think about that. Just meeting the regulations, makes the price double.

We're paying for that when we buy a car. Now you can say, all those regulations are required and necessary. And maybe you are even right.

But when you complain that "you can't buy a car on minimum wage!" this is why. You have caused your own problem.

Fourth, the credit culture. Back in the 70s even, we had a culture of, if you want something, you have to save up and buy it. In the 80s, unfortunately, we turned into a credit culture. Everyone turned into the "I want it now" people.

The entire industry, when they spend millions of dollars designing and creating a new vehicle, they do so with a specific target price, and target buyer in mind. Before, when people had to save up money to buy a product, the auto makers understood this, and had a target price in mind, that was reasonable for the buyers they wished to get.

This dramatically shifted when consumers moved to using credit instead of cash, to buy cars. Now people could afford to buy a much more expensive car, on payments, than they could if they were purchasing with cash.

People showed up with saying "oh you mean for only $2,000 down, I can buy this expensive model, instead of the $5,000 car I can afford?". This shifted manufacturers to build more expensive models, knowing people are going to buy on credit, not cash.

So, while it's true you can't buy a bran new car, for a comparable amount of money, most of that is due to government regulations and controls, and most of the rest is due to culture.

As for education, you still can pay for an education on minimum wage. I know people who have done it. Of course you can't go to an expensive school, and you are not going to be living in luxury.

See, the problem here is the same. if you look at old dorms, and the facilities of Universities decades ago... they were pretty sparse. I found these old photos from the University of Wisconsin, 1945.


That's not a military boot camp barracks. That's the dorm room. Not a ton of extras. Not a whole lot of amenities. Don't see any dorm refrigerators here. Total cost for the month? $13 a month. In today's dollars, that would be $170.

Today's dorms have of course electricity, and heating and air conditioning, but then you also have phone and high speed internet, and then all the other extras.

Now when you compare this, to dorms today.... it's not even remotely comparable. Even if you compared them to dorms in the 1970s, it's not all that comparable. Dorms with individual rooms. Dorms with 19 by 16 floor plans. Dorms with "game rooms" and "lounge rooms". 24-hour professional assistance, claims OSU Dorm services. That costs money don't you think?

Check out this article.
The Luxification of College Dorms New Republic

Granite counter tops. Large Flat screen TVs. Fire pits. Swimming pools, pool tables, Arcades, and Stainless Steel Kitchen appliances.

And you wonder why dorms now cost $3,000 a quarter?

Somehow, I am not shocked. And again, this goes back to culture. When everyone is paying for education on credit, then universities are geared towards the highest bidder. You have students, who have never worked a day in their whole lives honestly, and most are going to school 100% on loans. Without a concept of the hard work required to earn money, to them which ever school has the best stuff, wins.

There's a reason they have "top party schools" lists that come out every other year or whatever.

Regardless, the real point is what we've been saying for ages now. The minimum wage kills jobs. It always has, it always will. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs. Every single report I have ever read, says the same. Even reports that support the minimum wage, say as much, they just say the benefits outweigh the negatives, which is ridiculous.

If the minimum wage does not kill jobs, then why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars, and now everyone, everywhere, from youngest to oldest, from every race, from every culture, from every part of the country, New Jersey to Mississippi, everyone throughout the entire country will be millionaires and rich, and wealthy?

Well of course, anyone who really considers that, understands that is ridiculous. No one is going to pay a million dollars for a McDonald's burger, just because the minimum wage for the guy flipping the burger over, is a Million an hour.
Shall we go further on what I could buy on my $2.10 minimum wage salary in 1974....

A gallon of gas cost 30 cents. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10. Today's min wage worker can buy two

I could rent an apartment for $150 a month. Less than a half months pay. Can't do that today

Conservatives scream that minimum wage is a "starter wage" not a living wage. I could get started on minimum wage. Pay for college, buy a car, rent an apartment

Today's young workers cant

What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?

Walmart should pay what the labor is worth in the labor market. If a person cannot survive on what he/she makes at that job, then he/she needs to either get a second job or lower his/her living expenses.

The govt should only subsidize those who are unable to work. The taxpayers do not OWE able bodied citizens anything

Ok then

Workers should get a second job. There are 30 million working Americans getting government assistance

Can you point to the 30 million second jobs waiting to be filled?[/QUOTE


Lets see, how many illegals are currently working in the USA? Could it be---------------30 million? Hmmmmm?[/
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.

I do stay away, Redfish, and I suppose I was wrong and should apologize. There is one person so stupid, and that one person is you.

Since the Wal-Mart heirs are each in the top ten of richest Americans, please explain why they would need to raise their prices if the minimum wage was increased? Why wouldn't they simply go out of business? They would never have to work again (did they ever?) if they simply walked away. But greed has no limit, and exploiting the poor - those who work for them - must be so gratifying, especially since the US Taxpayers subsidize many of their workers and each of those siblings living on inherited wealth.
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
Poor misguided conservative

Yes you could pay for college with minimum wage. I paid my tuition making $2.10 an hour over the summer

In 1974, you could buy a brand new Chevy Nova for $2400. That would take you a little over six months at minimum wage

Today, at $7.25 an hour you would earn $7250 in six months. What kind of car would that buy you at the dealership?

First off, the part of the reason the prices of automobiles have gone up, is because of Federal regulations. In 1974, there were still dozens of independent auto manufacturers. By the 1990s, there were three.... and that was pretty much it. All the regulations and controls of the Federal government, killed all competition, and as a result, the big three did not have to compete with all the independent makers.

Second, EPA emission requirements, and the use of plastics and aluminum, instead of steel, and the need to design extensive safety measures, to make up for lack of steel, all of which is due to CAFE standards, all drive up the cost of the automobile.

Third, cars today have many features and abilities and functions, that cars back then didn't have. You could in fact buy a much cheaper car, if you decided to get a stripped down car.

Back in 2006, people forget about the Detroit Auto Show, in which Geely, a Chinese Auto Manufacturer, showed off their sub-$10,000 car.

Now the interesting part of this article, is that Geely has been selling cars for just under $5,000 across the world. Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

But.... in the US, not one of the models they sell, meets the US environmental and safety standards.

Geely has announced plans to sell a 4-door model in the US.... for just under $10,000.

Now think about that. Just meeting the regulations, makes the price double.

We're paying for that when we buy a car. Now you can say, all those regulations are required and necessary. And maybe you are even right.

But when you complain that "you can't buy a car on minimum wage!" this is why. You have caused your own problem.

Fourth, the credit culture. Back in the 70s even, we had a culture of, if you want something, you have to save up and buy it. In the 80s, unfortunately, we turned into a credit culture. Everyone turned into the "I want it now" people.

The entire industry, when they spend millions of dollars designing and creating a new vehicle, they do so with a specific target price, and target buyer in mind. Before, when people had to save up money to buy a product, the auto makers understood this, and had a target price in mind, that was reasonable for the buyers they wished to get.

This dramatically shifted when consumers moved to using credit instead of cash, to buy cars. Now people could afford to buy a much more expensive car, on payments, than they could if they were purchasing with cash.

People showed up with saying "oh you mean for only $2,000 down, I can buy this expensive model, instead of the $5,000 car I can afford?". This shifted manufacturers to build more expensive models, knowing people are going to buy on credit, not cash.

So, while it's true you can't buy a bran new car, for a comparable amount of money, most of that is due to government regulations and controls, and most of the rest is due to culture.

As for education, you still can pay for an education on minimum wage. I know people who have done it. Of course you can't go to an expensive school, and you are not going to be living in luxury.

See, the problem here is the same. if you look at old dorms, and the facilities of Universities decades ago... they were pretty sparse. I found these old photos from the University of Wisconsin, 1945.


That's not a military boot camp barracks. That's the dorm room. Not a ton of extras. Not a whole lot of amenities. Don't see any dorm refrigerators here. Total cost for the month? $13 a month. In today's dollars, that would be $170.

Today's dorms have of course electricity, and heating and air conditioning, but then you also have phone and high speed internet, and then all the other extras.

Now when you compare this, to dorms today.... it's not even remotely comparable. Even if you compared them to dorms in the 1970s, it's not all that comparable. Dorms with individual rooms. Dorms with 19 by 16 floor plans. Dorms with "game rooms" and "lounge rooms". 24-hour professional assistance, claims OSU Dorm services. That costs money don't you think?

Check out this article.
The Luxification of College Dorms New Republic

Granite counter tops. Large Flat screen TVs. Fire pits. Swimming pools, pool tables, Arcades, and Stainless Steel Kitchen appliances.

And you wonder why dorms now cost $3,000 a quarter?

Somehow, I am not shocked. And again, this goes back to culture. When everyone is paying for education on credit, then universities are geared towards the highest bidder. You have students, who have never worked a day in their whole lives honestly, and most are going to school 100% on loans. Without a concept of the hard work required to earn money, to them which ever school has the best stuff, wins.

There's a reason they have "top party schools" lists that come out every other year or whatever.

Regardless, the real point is what we've been saying for ages now. The minimum wage kills jobs. It always has, it always will. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs. Every single report I have ever read, says the same. Even reports that support the minimum wage, say as much, they just say the benefits outweigh the negatives, which is ridiculous.

If the minimum wage does not kill jobs, then why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars, and now everyone, everywhere, from youngest to oldest, from every race, from every culture, from every part of the country, New Jersey to Mississippi, everyone throughout the entire country will be millionaires and rich, and wealthy?

Well of course, anyone who really considers that, understands that is ridiculous. No one is going to pay a million dollars for a McDonald's burger, just because the minimum wage for the guy flipping the burger over, is a Million an hour.
Shall we go further on what I could buy on my $2.10 minimum wage salary in 1974....

A gallon of gas cost 30 cents. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10. Today's min wage worker can buy two

I could rent an apartment for $150 a month. Less than a half months pay. Can't do that today

Conservatives scream that minimum wage is a "starter wage" not a living wage. I could get started on minimum wage. Pay for college, buy a car, rent an apartment

Today's young workers cant

What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?

Walmart should pay what the labor is worth in the labor market. If a person cannot survive on what he/she makes at that job, then he/she needs to either get a second job or lower his/her living expenses.

The govt should only subsidize those who are unable to work. The taxpayers do not OWE able bodied citizens anything

Ok then

Workers should get a second job. There are 30 million working Americans getting government assistance

Can you point to the 30 million second jobs waiting to be filled?

second point, not all of those 30 million are able to work. so all 30 million are not looking for work.

as usual, you are being disengenuous
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
Poor misguided conservative

Yes you could pay for college with minimum wage. I paid my tuition making $2.10 an hour over the summer

In 1974, you could buy a brand new Chevy Nova for $2400. That would take you a little over six months at minimum wage

Today, at $7.25 an hour you would earn $7250 in six months. What kind of car would that buy you at the dealership?

First off, the part of the reason the prices of automobiles have gone up, is because of Federal regulations. In 1974, there were still dozens of independent auto manufacturers. By the 1990s, there were three.... and that was pretty much it. All the regulations and controls of the Federal government, killed all competition, and as a result, the big three did not have to compete with all the independent makers.

Second, EPA emission requirements, and the use of plastics and aluminum, instead of steel, and the need to design extensive safety measures, to make up for lack of steel, all of which is due to CAFE standards, all drive up the cost of the automobile.

Third, cars today have many features and abilities and functions, that cars back then didn't have. You could in fact buy a much cheaper car, if you decided to get a stripped down car.

Back in 2006, people forget about the Detroit Auto Show, in which Geely, a Chinese Auto Manufacturer, showed off their sub-$10,000 car.

Now the interesting part of this article, is that Geely has been selling cars for just under $5,000 across the world. Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

But.... in the US, not one of the models they sell, meets the US environmental and safety standards.

Geely has announced plans to sell a 4-door model in the US.... for just under $10,000.

Now think about that. Just meeting the regulations, makes the price double.

We're paying for that when we buy a car. Now you can say, all those regulations are required and necessary. And maybe you are even right.

But when you complain that "you can't buy a car on minimum wage!" this is why. You have caused your own problem.

Fourth, the credit culture. Back in the 70s even, we had a culture of, if you want something, you have to save up and buy it. In the 80s, unfortunately, we turned into a credit culture. Everyone turned into the "I want it now" people.

The entire industry, when they spend millions of dollars designing and creating a new vehicle, they do so with a specific target price, and target buyer in mind. Before, when people had to save up money to buy a product, the auto makers understood this, and had a target price in mind, that was reasonable for the buyers they wished to get.

This dramatically shifted when consumers moved to using credit instead of cash, to buy cars. Now people could afford to buy a much more expensive car, on payments, than they could if they were purchasing with cash.

People showed up with saying "oh you mean for only $2,000 down, I can buy this expensive model, instead of the $5,000 car I can afford?". This shifted manufacturers to build more expensive models, knowing people are going to buy on credit, not cash.

So, while it's true you can't buy a bran new car, for a comparable amount of money, most of that is due to government regulations and controls, and most of the rest is due to culture.

As for education, you still can pay for an education on minimum wage. I know people who have done it. Of course you can't go to an expensive school, and you are not going to be living in luxury.

See, the problem here is the same. if you look at old dorms, and the facilities of Universities decades ago... they were pretty sparse. I found these old photos from the University of Wisconsin, 1945.


That's not a military boot camp barracks. That's the dorm room. Not a ton of extras. Not a whole lot of amenities. Don't see any dorm refrigerators here. Total cost for the month? $13 a month. In today's dollars, that would be $170.

Today's dorms have of course electricity, and heating and air conditioning, but then you also have phone and high speed internet, and then all the other extras.

Now when you compare this, to dorms today.... it's not even remotely comparable. Even if you compared them to dorms in the 1970s, it's not all that comparable. Dorms with individual rooms. Dorms with 19 by 16 floor plans. Dorms with "game rooms" and "lounge rooms". 24-hour professional assistance, claims OSU Dorm services. That costs money don't you think?

Check out this article.
The Luxification of College Dorms New Republic

Granite counter tops. Large Flat screen TVs. Fire pits. Swimming pools, pool tables, Arcades, and Stainless Steel Kitchen appliances.

And you wonder why dorms now cost $3,000 a quarter?

Somehow, I am not shocked. And again, this goes back to culture. When everyone is paying for education on credit, then universities are geared towards the highest bidder. You have students, who have never worked a day in their whole lives honestly, and most are going to school 100% on loans. Without a concept of the hard work required to earn money, to them which ever school has the best stuff, wins.

There's a reason they have "top party schools" lists that come out every other year or whatever.

Regardless, the real point is what we've been saying for ages now. The minimum wage kills jobs. It always has, it always will. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs. Every single report I have ever read, says the same. Even reports that support the minimum wage, say as much, they just say the benefits outweigh the negatives, which is ridiculous.

If the minimum wage does not kill jobs, then why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars, and now everyone, everywhere, from youngest to oldest, from every race, from every culture, from every part of the country, New Jersey to Mississippi, everyone throughout the entire country will be millionaires and rich, and wealthy?

Well of course, anyone who really considers that, understands that is ridiculous. No one is going to pay a million dollars for a McDonald's burger, just because the minimum wage for the guy flipping the burger over, is a Million an hour.
Shall we go further on what I could buy on my $2.10 minimum wage salary in 1974....

A gallon of gas cost 30 cents. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10. Today's min wage worker can buy two

I could rent an apartment for $150 a month. Less than a half months pay. Can't do that today

Conservatives scream that minimum wage is a "starter wage" not a living wage. I could get started on minimum wage. Pay for college, buy a car, rent an apartment

Today's young workers cant

What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?

Walmart should pay what the labor is worth in the labor market. If a person cannot survive on what he/she makes at that job, then he/she needs to either get a second job or lower his/her living expenses.

The govt should only subsidize those who are unable to work. The taxpayers do not OWE able bodied citizens anything

Ok then

Workers should get a second job. There are 30 million working Americans getting government assistance

Can you point to the 30 million second jobs waiting to be filled?[/QUOTE


Lets see, how many illegals are currently working in the USA? Could it be---------------30 million? Hmmmmm?[/

No, there are not 30 million illegals working in the US

Try again
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.

I do stay away, Redfish, and I suppose I was wrong and should apologize. There is one person so stupid, and that one person is you.

Since the Wal-Mart heirs are each in the top ten of richest Americans, please explain why they would need to raise their prices if the minimum wage was increased? Why wouldn't they simply go out of business? They would never have to work again (did they ever?) if they simply walked away. But greed has no limit, and exploiting the poor - those who work for them - must be so gratifying, especially since the US Taxpayers subsidize many of their workers and each of those siblings living on inherited wealth.

you are unable to understand that the Walton family is not Walmart corporation. But if you did a little research you would learn that the Waltons contribute billions to charity. Unlike the Clintons, Gore, Pelosi, Soros, and the rest of you left wing loons
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
Poor misguided conservative

Yes you could pay for college with minimum wage. I paid my tuition making $2.10 an hour over the summer

In 1974, you could buy a brand new Chevy Nova for $2400. That would take you a little over six months at minimum wage

Today, at $7.25 an hour you would earn $7250 in six months. What kind of car would that buy you at the dealership?

First off, the part of the reason the prices of automobiles have gone up, is because of Federal regulations. In 1974, there were still dozens of independent auto manufacturers. By the 1990s, there were three.... and that was pretty much it. All the regulations and controls of the Federal government, killed all competition, and as a result, the big three did not have to compete with all the independent makers.

Second, EPA emission requirements, and the use of plastics and aluminum, instead of steel, and the need to design extensive safety measures, to make up for lack of steel, all of which is due to CAFE standards, all drive up the cost of the automobile.

Third, cars today have many features and abilities and functions, that cars back then didn't have. You could in fact buy a much cheaper car, if you decided to get a stripped down car.

Back in 2006, people forget about the Detroit Auto Show, in which Geely, a Chinese Auto Manufacturer, showed off their sub-$10,000 car.

Now the interesting part of this article, is that Geely has been selling cars for just under $5,000 across the world. Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

But.... in the US, not one of the models they sell, meets the US environmental and safety standards.

Geely has announced plans to sell a 4-door model in the US.... for just under $10,000.

Now think about that. Just meeting the regulations, makes the price double.

We're paying for that when we buy a car. Now you can say, all those regulations are required and necessary. And maybe you are even right.

But when you complain that "you can't buy a car on minimum wage!" this is why. You have caused your own problem.

Fourth, the credit culture. Back in the 70s even, we had a culture of, if you want something, you have to save up and buy it. In the 80s, unfortunately, we turned into a credit culture. Everyone turned into the "I want it now" people.

The entire industry, when they spend millions of dollars designing and creating a new vehicle, they do so with a specific target price, and target buyer in mind. Before, when people had to save up money to buy a product, the auto makers understood this, and had a target price in mind, that was reasonable for the buyers they wished to get.

This dramatically shifted when consumers moved to using credit instead of cash, to buy cars. Now people could afford to buy a much more expensive car, on payments, than they could if they were purchasing with cash.

People showed up with saying "oh you mean for only $2,000 down, I can buy this expensive model, instead of the $5,000 car I can afford?". This shifted manufacturers to build more expensive models, knowing people are going to buy on credit, not cash.

So, while it's true you can't buy a bran new car, for a comparable amount of money, most of that is due to government regulations and controls, and most of the rest is due to culture.

As for education, you still can pay for an education on minimum wage. I know people who have done it. Of course you can't go to an expensive school, and you are not going to be living in luxury.

See, the problem here is the same. if you look at old dorms, and the facilities of Universities decades ago... they were pretty sparse. I found these old photos from the University of Wisconsin, 1945.


That's not a military boot camp barracks. That's the dorm room. Not a ton of extras. Not a whole lot of amenities. Don't see any dorm refrigerators here. Total cost for the month? $13 a month. In today's dollars, that would be $170.

Today's dorms have of course electricity, and heating and air conditioning, but then you also have phone and high speed internet, and then all the other extras.

Now when you compare this, to dorms today.... it's not even remotely comparable. Even if you compared them to dorms in the 1970s, it's not all that comparable. Dorms with individual rooms. Dorms with 19 by 16 floor plans. Dorms with "game rooms" and "lounge rooms". 24-hour professional assistance, claims OSU Dorm services. That costs money don't you think?

Check out this article.
The Luxification of College Dorms New Republic

Granite counter tops. Large Flat screen TVs. Fire pits. Swimming pools, pool tables, Arcades, and Stainless Steel Kitchen appliances.

And you wonder why dorms now cost $3,000 a quarter?

Somehow, I am not shocked. And again, this goes back to culture. When everyone is paying for education on credit, then universities are geared towards the highest bidder. You have students, who have never worked a day in their whole lives honestly, and most are going to school 100% on loans. Without a concept of the hard work required to earn money, to them which ever school has the best stuff, wins.

There's a reason they have "top party schools" lists that come out every other year or whatever.

Regardless, the real point is what we've been saying for ages now. The minimum wage kills jobs. It always has, it always will. Every time the minimum wage goes up, people lose their jobs. Every single report I have ever read, says the same. Even reports that support the minimum wage, say as much, they just say the benefits outweigh the negatives, which is ridiculous.

If the minimum wage does not kill jobs, then why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars, and now everyone, everywhere, from youngest to oldest, from every race, from every culture, from every part of the country, New Jersey to Mississippi, everyone throughout the entire country will be millionaires and rich, and wealthy?

Well of course, anyone who really considers that, understands that is ridiculous. No one is going to pay a million dollars for a McDonald's burger, just because the minimum wage for the guy flipping the burger over, is a Million an hour.
Shall we go further on what I could buy on my $2.10 minimum wage salary in 1974....

A gallon of gas cost 30 cents. I could buy seven gallons of gas for that $2.10. Today's min wage worker can buy two

I could rent an apartment for $150 a month. Less than a half months pay. Can't do that today

Conservatives scream that minimum wage is a "starter wage" not a living wage. I could get started on minimum wage. Pay for college, buy a car, rent an apartment

Today's young workers cant

What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?

Walmart should pay what the labor is worth in the labor market. If a person cannot survive on what he/she makes at that job, then he/she needs to either get a second job or lower his/her living expenses.

The govt should only subsidize those who are unable to work. The taxpayers do not OWE able bodied citizens anything

Ok then

Workers should get a second job. There are 30 million working Americans getting government assistance

Can you point to the 30 million second jobs waiting to be filled?[/QUOTE


Lets see, how many illegals are currently working in the USA? Could it be---------------30 million? Hmmmmm?[/

No, there are not 30 million illegals working in the US

Try again

OK make it 20 million. How many of the 30 million receiving govt aid are retired, disabled, or otherwise unable to work? my point is valid, yours is not
So much stupid from conservatives and liberals in this thread.

We're doomed as a nation.

PS - Conservatives , don't try to make the argument that "the minimum wage law kills jobs" because what you are effectively saying is that companies would LOVE to offer less than $7.25 an hour and some people would have to accept it b/c they need any job which only serves to strengthen the argument for a a minimum wage law.

My God
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.

I do stay away, Redfish, and I suppose I was wrong and should apologize. There is one person so stupid, and that one person is you.

Since the Wal-Mart heirs are each in the top ten of richest Americans, please explain why they would need to raise their prices if the minimum wage was increased? Why wouldn't they simply go out of business? They would never have to work again (did they ever?) if they simply walked away. But greed has no limit, and exploiting the poor - those who work for them - must be so gratifying, especially since the US Taxpayers subsidize many of their workers and each of those siblings living on inherited wealth.

you are unable to understand that the Walton family is not Walmart corporation. But if you did a little research you would learn that the Waltons contribute billions to charity. Unlike the Clintons, Gore, Pelosi, Soros, and the rest of you left wing loons

The Walton children donate billion of dollars to charity? Please post which charities and how much each child gives. Also, please post how much they receive in compensation annually for being the children of Sam Walton (notice I didn't say how much do they earn).

I can't speak for the Clintons or the others and if I could I'd not take the bait. Red Herrings are the product of those not smart enough to debate an issue.
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive. Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.

I do stay away, Redfish, and I suppose I was wrong and should apologize. There is one person so stupid, and that one person is you.

Since the Wal-Mart heirs are each in the top ten of richest Americans, please explain why they would need to raise their prices if the minimum wage was increased? Why wouldn't they simply go out of business? They would never have to work again (did they ever?) if they simply walked away. But greed has no limit, and exploiting the poor - those who work for them - must be so gratifying, especially since the US Taxpayers subsidize many of their workers and each of those siblings living on inherited wealth.

you are unable to understand that the Walton family is not Walmart corporation. But if you did a little research you would learn that the Waltons contribute billions to charity. Unlike the Clintons, Gore, Pelosi, Soros, and the rest of you left wing loons

The Walton children donate billion of dollars to charity? Please post which charities and how much each child gives. Also, please post how much they receive in compensation annually for being the children of Sam Walton (notice I didn't say how much do they earn).

I can't speak for the Clintons or the others and if I could I'd not take the bait. Red Herrings are the product of those not smart enough to debate an issue.

The Waltons certainly donate millions to charity, has nothing to do with this topic of course, but they absolutely do.
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.

I do stay away, Redfish, and I suppose I was wrong and should apologize. There is one person so stupid, and that one person is you.

Since the Wal-Mart heirs are each in the top ten of richest Americans, please explain why they would need to raise their prices if the minimum wage was increased? Why wouldn't they simply go out of business? They would never have to work again (did they ever?) if they simply walked away. But greed has no limit, and exploiting the poor - those who work for them - must be so gratifying, especially since the US Taxpayers subsidize many of their workers and each of those siblings living on inherited wealth.

you are unable to understand that the Walton family is not Walmart corporation. But if you did a little research you would learn that the Waltons contribute billions to charity. Unlike the Clintons, Gore, Pelosi, Soros, and the rest of you left wing loons

The Walton children donate billion of dollars to charity? Please post which charities and how much each child gives. Also, please post how much they receive in compensation annually for being the children of Sam Walton (notice I didn't say how much do they earn).

I can't speak for the Clintons or the others and if I could I'd not take the bait. Red Herrings are the product of those not smart enough to debate an issue.

The Waltons certainly donate millions to charity, has nothing to do with this topic of course, but they absolutely do.

Not billions? LOL, do they write off these millions, and which charities (non profits, maybe?) do they support? Not all giving is done without quid pro quo, yes?

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