Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?

I don't know. I guess in your view they all just die, right?
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?

I don't know. I guess in your view they all just die, right?
It is your proposal

Tell us how you would implement it
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?
Case ya havent notice libs have proudly accomplished this alrdy with more people collecting than paying........hope ya got a solution
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?
Case ya havent notice libs have proudly accomplished this alrdy with more people collecting than paying........hope ya got a solution
Doesnt answer the question

What do we do with 30 million people who work and still need government assistance?
Why should I pay WalMart's cost of doing business?

OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?
Case ya havent notice libs have proudly accomplished this alrdy with more people collecting than paying........hope ya got a solution
Doesnt answer the question

What do we do with 30 million people who work and still need government assistance?
So you dont have a solution...didnt think so...full speed ahead on enrolling more....damn the deficit.
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?
Case ya havent notice libs have proudly accomplished this alrdy with more people collecting than paying........hope ya got a solution
Doesnt answer the question

What do we do with 30 million people who work and still need government assistance?
So you dont have a solution...didnt think so...full speed ahead on enrolling more....damn the deficit.
I do have a solution

I think that an employer should make up more of the difference in what an employee makes and what it takes to live in the community.

I prefer the employer pay rather than the taxpayer?....that is what adds to the deficit
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.

True. But Walmart is so dank. It's Third World stinky mayhem. Shopping there is an all-around unpleasant experience. I shop elsewhere. You do pay more, but it's so worth it.

walmart provides a money saving option for low income people. Those on the left want to eliminate that option and make the poor suffer more than they already do.

I see that some Wry asshole disagrees with what I said. Lets go slowly, OK. Walmart is forced by the government to raises it wage scale. Walmart has to raise prices in order to pay the higher wages. Walmart loses sales because of higher prices, Walmart has to lay off employees and/or close stores. The poor who shop at walmart no longer have a low cost option for their necessitives.

Retail grocery outlets do not make high profits. 4-5% is average. They do not have enough margin to raise labor costs and hold prices and stay in business.

And, as several have said, no one is forced to work or shop at walmart. If you don't like them stay away.

I do stay away, Redfish, and I suppose I was wrong and should apologize. There is one person so stupid, and that one person is you.

Since the Wal-Mart heirs are each in the top ten of richest Americans, please explain why they would need to raise their prices if the minimum wage was increased? Why wouldn't they simply go out of business? They would never have to work again (did they ever?) if they simply walked away. But greed has no limit, and exploiting the poor - those who work for them - must be so gratifying, especially since the US Taxpayers subsidize many of their workers and each of those siblings living on inherited wealth.

If the Walton's "walked away" from Walmart, they would sell their shares. Then someone else would own the company, and they would run it exactly the same way the Waltons run it. if the adopted the policies you endorse and went out of business, how would that help their employees? A minimum wage job is better than no job.

If you don't like "subsidizing" Walmart's employees, then abolish the programs that do it. It's really that simple.

Whatever Redfish's intelligence, he's a rocket scientist compared to you.
The Waltons certainly donate millions to charity, has nothing to do with this topic of course, but they absolutely do.

Not billions? LOL, do they write off these millions, and which charities (non profits, maybe?) do they support? Not all giving is done without quid pro quo, yes?

"Writing off" your charitable donations doesn't mean they don't subtract from your net wealth. Liberal turds like you don't seem to understand what the term means.
So you dont have a solution...didnt think so...full speed ahead on enrolling more....damn the deficit.
I do have a solution

I think that an employer should make up more of the difference in what an employee makes and what it takes to live in the community.

I prefer the employer pay rather than the taxpayer?....that is what adds to the deficit

You think that because you're a moron. How much it takes to "live in the community" is purely subjective. Furthermore, most minimum wage employees are kids in high school who are living at home or students going to college.

Why should someone stocking store shelves be paid more than the minimum wage? Is that a rare skill? Does it take extensive training?
What's really foolish with this entire thread is that Walmart does not pay minimum wage. Neither do most fast food ourlets. Second, when you were making $2.10/hr you did not get any benefits with that job, Walmart employees get insurance, retirement, profit sharing, vacations, and sick leave.

The whole minimum wage narrative is nothing but another left wing attempt to divide the country.
It goes beyond minimum wage. It is the whole lower tier wage structure where workers need taxpayer support to survive

Who should pay for Walmarts workers.......Walmart or the taxpayer?

The term "pay for" is political propaganda. It's meaningless in the real world. Businesses pay the market wage. There's no reason for them to pay any other wage.
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?

I don't know. I guess in your view they all just die, right?
It is your proposal

Tell us how you would implement it

There's nothing to "implement". I just answered your question. Who should help people in need? Whoever wants to.

You didn't find my answer satisfying because your question isn't honest. What you're really asking is, "Who should be forced to help people in need?" To that, I'd answer "no one".
Minimum wage is a fake issue. I'm convinced that most people who've given it much thought realize this. Primarily, it's a populist canard to expand government power to dictate our economic decisions and broaden the state's power to set wages and prices.
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And granting legal status to illegals is going to help raise wages? Liberals think funny...

and for 40 years the democrats controlled the house of Representatives...

and if so called conservatives don't start looking for ways to you know actually give people what they want, Dems will control the federal government for 40 more.

If the Dems give people what they want, the result will be an economic crash, that will make the Great Depression look like a bad hair day.

Then perhaps the Republicans should start using their fucking heads and start giving the people at least SOME of what they want; because I hate to break it to you but our very government was set up to give the people what they want, or rather give the peoples' representatives what they want.

The job of the conservatives needs to change from constantly saying "no no no no" like a bunch of god damned petulant to children to .."look , we can't do this and here is why..... but, how about if we do this instead"

if you tell a man he can't have a steak and punch him in the face he isn't going to ask you to come around any more, but if you tell a guy he can't have a steak but he can have a hamburger, he's likely to ask you around again.

Clearly a civil servant mandated minimum living wage is required.

People Before Profits Comrades !!!

Actually, 'People before Profits' sounds like a really honorable creed to me. It's what Jesus would want. America has lost its way. Greed kills. And it's definitely killing America.

No. People before profits is a hollow, Godless, communist slogan only empty headed hope and changers could pretend is their salvation...
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?

I don't know. I guess in your view they all just die, right?
It is your proposal

Tell us how you would implement it

There's nothing to "implement". I just answered your question. Who should help people in need? Whoever wants to.

You didn't find my answer satisfying because your question isn't honest. What you're really asking is, "Who should be forced to help people in need?" To that, I'd answer "no one".
Your solution still leaves tens of millions of workers needing government assistance and does nothing to resolve the problem
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?

But the entire premise is faulty. In 2011, I earned a taxable income of only $12,000. I still survived. Was it fun? No. But I am still here.

You can survive on minimum wage. Get a second job. Two minimum wage jobs, is $31,000 a year. You can survive on that.
OK conservatives....what is your plan?

30 million American workers need government assistance to survive.

Everyone needs assistance to survive

Who should make up the difference

The Taxpayer or the Employer?

Whoever wants to.

Not sure of what you are talking about

Yes, everyone needs to survive. If they work full time and can't subsist on what they make, who should make up the difference.

Now, you say "whoever wants to"
If we have 30 million people who do not make enough to live on and only 5 million people "want to" help. What happens to the other 25 million?

I don't know. I guess in your view they all just die, right?
It is your proposal

Tell us how you would implement it

There's nothing to "implement". I just answered your question. Who should help people in need? Whoever wants to.

You didn't find my answer satisfying because your question isn't honest. What you're really asking is, "Who should be forced to help people in need?" To that, I'd answer "no one".
Your solution still leaves tens of millions of workers needing government assistance and does nothing to resolve the problem

I haven't offered a solution. I'm telling you it's not a problem for government.

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