Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

True. But when you are in need of cheap, unnecessary plastic objects from China - Walmart is just the ticket.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

Hey hey rabbit. I noticed a big milestone coming up for you; 44000 posts of bullshit and distortions..
You going to Walmart to celebrate?
If I do I'll make sure to tip you for carrying my bags out.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

I would certainly argue that the government subsidizing wages because voters are too stupid to realize that tax money is used to subsidize low prices is unAmerican.
You probably would. As usual you would be wrong.
The gov't is not subsidizing wages. That is a typical lib talking point distortion. If they eliminated welfare, food stamps, etc do you think WM would pay any more? No. WM pays the least it can to attract the workers they need. Like every other business.

The next time the Bear is wrong, will be the first.

A) I'm not a liberal I clearly disagree with both sides on this issue. They are fools for wanting $15/HR or more, you're a fool for screaming about eliminating welfare.

Americans want low prices.

Companies have a few ways of making that happen.

1. is Pay low wages
2. is Make less profit
3. is pay as little as possible for goods

Now, IF we did as you suggest and took welfare away from these people, they would respond by demanding that these lower wage employers pay more or they wouldn't work there. Now these places HAVE to have employees , so of course they would respond by paying more, BUT they are already buying goods as cheap as they can, and they absolutely would NOT choose to make less profit, and as a result would raise prices at which time you and yours would be in here bitching about higher prices.

So you see, the American idiot, by demanding lower prices goods coupled with welfare is allowing these companies to pay low wages. Your solution of "get rid of welfare" solves nothing. In order for it to solve anything it MUST be coupled with a raise in the minimum wage. Now notice I said coupled with because you dolt, if you raise the minimum wage you effectively end welfare for tens of thousands of people without having the ask the liberals to compromise on welfare reform.

It's simple economics.
The point here does not make sense...Walmart is not a is not a welfare program...they pay a wage for the work they need done...if people like the wage they accept it and work their if they don't, they find another job is not Walmarts job to provide any jobs at all, and they pay what they need to pay to get their business going...wether or not the employees who work for them are on welfare or not Walmart's business...

Stating that Walmart doesn't pay enough so then it's workers need welfare...dumb point...

A more focused point is why isn't the education system educating Americans in a way that they can go out and make a living...

What is the government doing that prevents normal Americans from going out and making a good living

Those are two things that need to be addressed...

Here is a all those whining about have disposable income...right...why aren't you giving it to poor people on welfare so that they don't need welfare...? After have extra money...just like Walmart...yet you don't hold yourself to the standard you hold a private business until every penny of disposable income goes to your poorer neighbors...why don't you leave Walmart alone...since they actually provide jobs to a lot more people than you probably well as provide goods that people want...

Till then...
The point here does not make sense...Walmart is not a is not a welfare program...they pay a wage for the work they need done...if people like the wage they accept it and work their if they don't, they find another job is not Walmarts job to provide any jobs at all, and they pay what they need to pay to get their business going...wether or not the employees who work for them are on welfare or not Walmart's business...

Stating that Walmart doesn't pay enough so then it's workers need welfare...dumb point...

A more focused point is why isn't the education system educating Americans in a way that they can go out and make a living...

What is the government doing that prevents normal Americans from going out and making a good living

Those are two things that need to be addressed...

Here is a all those whining about have disposable income...right...why aren't you giving it to poor people on welfare so that they don't need welfare...? After have extra money...just like Walmart...yet you don't hold yourself to the standard you hold a private business until every penny of disposable income goes to your poorer neighbors...why don't you leave Walmart alone...since they actually provide jobs to a lot more people than you probably well as provide goods that people want...

Till then...

You of course have no idea what anyone on here does or does not give to charity.

On to your point about education. You know what we'd have if every American adult had a PhD?

We'd have people with PhDs serving Big Macs.Oh , it would do something else to, it would depress the wages of those who DO have those degrees. So EVERYONE would be educated , and poor.

The simple fact of the matter is our economy NEEDS people who are willing to do "menial" jobs. We used to pay accordingly. The minimum wage is worth 88% of what it was in 1964. That is a FACT. I don't make 88% of what I did 5 years ago. Do you?

The "get an education" is a red herring designed to confuse people who are too stupid to realize facts. We don't NEED 100M college grads in our economy.
On to your point about education

Who said they need to be Ph.Ds...? Education is more than a liberal arts degree in women's studies... We need government to get out of the way of people who want to start businesses, out of the way of people who own businesses and let people innovate and create without having to pay the street tax to corrupt, greedy politicians...
If they can't pay for college on minimum wage who the fuck do you think they are going to make more than minimum wage when almost every freaken job that pays more requires college?

The last thing we need are more people with college degrees. The market is already saturated with Bachelor's Degrees. I have an MBA and I applied for several positions outside of my company before I took this promotion in Vegas and I couldn't even get an interview anywhere with that graduate degree and years of experience under my belt.

That's not the problem.

Your specific problem is not the result of education, or degrees, or the economy, or anything we've talked about here.

The problem you ran into... is the result of the internet, unemployment compensation, and moral decline.

I know that seems strange, but I've talked with dozens of CEOs, and they all say the same thing. So hear me out... please.

First, the internet.

Today, more than at any other time in human history, a job can be broadcast to literally MILLIONS of people. And today, more than at any other time, MILLIONS of people can apply for a job, in sweat pants, without a shower, smelling like poo, drinking a beer, while watching ESPN.

It's hard enough to sift through several dozen applications. Now the average corporation, receives 250 applications for every advertised position. You think that little HR girl, is going to go through every single application in detail? You think she's going to call back even 20 of them?

Second, unemployment compensation.

Many states, like Ohio for example, require people to apply for two jobs every week. Note, they don't have to actually get the job, or even put in a real effort to get the job. But nevertheless, you must apply, or you are cut off from Unemployment Comp.

As a result, employers are routinely swamped with dozens of applications from people who are not really interested in getting a job, but rather just to keep the Unemployment Comp checks coming. They show up unshaven, in inappropriate attire, knowing they won't be hired.

Employers try and sift out these applications, because it's a waste of their time. Unfortunately, it's not easy to differentiate between potential employees and fakers.

Thirdly, and almost as bad as the other two, moral decline.

People lie. They lie a lot. It would be so nifty, if you could trust what people sent in was entirely true. But they can't. HR people end up spending time checking background information, and trying to verify information. So they punch in your name, and if they accidentally end up with the wrong person, suddenly your application is tossed out because they added a 'k' to your name accidentally, or got someone in a different zip code.

Worse yet, the time it takes to hunt down, drives many to hunt for the first few applications where the information checks out. Unless you are one of the first few on the desk, they may never bother to get to yours.

As a result of these factors, the chances of you getting into a job, is lower than ever before in American history.

If you ever need a job in the future, and to anyone else who is looking for a job.....

Call the HR department, or recruitment office, about 5 days after submitting your application.

Work any connections you have. Anyone you know, who might know someone.

Don't be afraid to go to the company and present yourself. Just showing up, even if they send you away without talking to you, can give you an edge over the sweat pants people clicking a button while watching the Steelers.

Any effort beyond filling in an application online, may be enough to distinguish yourself from the Unemployment Comp Applications.
The point here does not make sense...Walmart is not a is not a welfare program...they pay a wage for the work they need done...if people like the wage they accept it and work their if they don't, they find another job is not Walmarts job to provide any jobs at all, and they pay what they need to pay to get their business going...wether or not the employees who work for them are on welfare or not Walmart's business...

Stating that Walmart doesn't pay enough so then it's workers need welfare...dumb point...

A more focused point is why isn't the education system educating Americans in a way that they can go out and make a living...

What is the government doing that prevents normal Americans from going out and making a good living

Those are two things that need to be addressed...

Here is a all those whining about have disposable income...right...why aren't you giving it to poor people on welfare so that they don't need welfare...? After have extra money...just like Walmart...yet you don't hold yourself to the standard you hold a private business until every penny of disposable income goes to your poorer neighbors...why don't you leave Walmart alone...since they actually provide jobs to a lot more people than you probably well as provide goods that people want...

Till then...

You of course have no idea what anyone on here does or does not give to charity.

On to your point about education. You know what we'd have if every American adult had a PhD?

We'd have people with PhDs serving Big Macs.Oh , it would do something else to, it would depress the wages of those who DO have those degrees. So EVERYONE would be educated , and poor.

The simple fact of the matter is our economy NEEDS people who are willing to do "menial" jobs. We used to pay accordingly. The minimum wage is worth 88% of what it was in 1964. That is a FACT. I don't make 88% of what I did 5 years ago. Do you?

The "get an education" is a red herring designed to confuse people who are too stupid to realize facts. We don't NEED 100M college grads in our economy.

That's not entirely true. If you take a look at Norway, they have only a few McDonald per capita, compared to the US. The reason why is because people got education, and moved on to higher income jobs. As a result, the cost of labor for McDonald is nearly double that of here, which of course drove up prices, and reduces the number of McDonald's type jobs.

The Capitalist Free-Market system works.

Ironically, I in fact did earn 88% of what I did 5 years ago. Oh well. Such is my life.
Why do they just choose Walmart to attack for these policies? It's not as though they're going to change anything by attacking one company. Just add Target, Sears, Macy's, and all the others to the article. Why not? The politicians make too much money from big companies. They won't bite the hand that feeds them, but they will decry an outcry in order to pander to the outcries while pocketing the lobbying dollars.

Why do they just choose Walmart [/B]to attack for these policies? It's not as though they're going to change anything by attacking one company. Just add Target, Sears, Macy's, and all the others to the article. Why not? The politicians make too much money from big companies. They won't bite the hand that feeds them, but they will decry an outcry in order to pander to the outcries while pocketing the lobbying dollars.


Well, if you know of any other number one retailer in the world who is privately held, makes billions and employs tens of thousands of these low wage workers who are on government assistance, selling billions of dollars of cheaply made Chinese merchandise to millions of lower class Americans, let me know and I'll bitch about them too.

MacD's might be close, Their company policy was to offer advice to employees on how to receive government assistance.
Why do they just choose Walmart [/B]to attack for these policies? It's not as though they're going to change anything by attacking one company. Just add Target, Sears, Macy's, and all the others to the article. Why not? The politicians make too much money from big companies. They won't bite the hand that feeds them, but they will decry an outcry in order to pander to the outcries while pocketing the lobbying dollars.


Well, if you know of any other number one retailer in the world who is privately held, makes billions and employs tens of thousands of these low wage workers who are on government assistance, selling billions of dollars of cheaply made Chinese merchandise to millions of lower class Americans, let me know and I'll bitch about them too.

MacD's might be close, Their company policy was to offer advice to employees on how to receive government assistance.

So, they're #1. So what?

All that is happening is words that pander to the masses.
Why do they just choose Walmart [/B]to attack for these policies? It's not as though they're going to change anything by attacking one company. Just add Target, Sears, Macy's, and all the others to the article. Why not? The politicians make too much money from big companies. They won't bite the hand that feeds them, but they will decry an outcry in order to pander to the outcries while pocketing the lobbying dollars.


Well, if you know of any other number one retailer in the world who is privately held, makes billions and employs tens of thousands of these low wage workers who are on government assistance, selling billions of dollars of cheaply made Chinese merchandise to millions of lower class Americans, let me know and I'll bitch about them too.

MacD's might be close, Their company policy was to offer advice to employees on how to receive government assistance.

So, they're #1. So what?

All that is happening is words that pander to the masses.

The "so what" part is that as the number one retailer they are the ones people will take notice of what they do.

It's part of being in that number one position. Surprised you didn't know that.

And the only reason any one takes a shot at Walmart is that they make billions, pay cheap and have lots of employees on government assistance (meaning people like me are helping Walmart employees so people like you can enjoy the Walmart experience.)

Doesn't seem right to me.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

I would certainly argue that the government subsidizing wages because voters are too stupid to realize that tax money is used to subsidize low prices is unAmerican.
You probably would. As usual you would be wrong.
The gov't is not subsidizing wages. That is a typical lib talking point distortion. If they eliminated welfare, food stamps, etc do you think WM would pay any more? No. WM pays the least it can to attract the workers they need. Like every other business.

The next time the Bear is wrong, will be the first.

A) I'm not a liberal I clearly disagree with both sides on this issue. They are fools for wanting $15/HR or more, you're a fool for screaming about eliminating welfare.

Americans want low prices.

Companies have a few ways of making that happen.

1. is Pay low wages
2. is Make less profit
3. is pay as little as possible for goods

Now, IF we did as you suggest and took welfare away from these people, they would respond by demanding that these lower wage employers pay more or they wouldn't work there. Now these places HAVE to have employees , so of course they would respond by paying more, BUT they are already buying goods as cheap as they can, and they absolutely would NOT choose to make less profit, and as a result would raise prices at which time you and yours would be in here bitching about higher prices.

So you see, the American idiot, by demanding lower prices goods coupled with welfare is allowing these companies to pay low wages. Your solution of "get rid of welfare" solves nothing. In order for it to solve anything it MUST be coupled with a raise in the minimum wage. Now notice I said coupled with because you dolt, if you raise the minimum wage you effectively end welfare for tens of thousands of people without having the ask the liberals to compromise on welfare reform.

It's simple economics.
Virtually every post has at least something wrong.
Let's start with your statements.
Americans want low prices. Brother, everyone wants low prices. Or not low prices but the best value, which to many means simply cheap.
Second, companies pocket the difference between revenue, cost of goods sold plus overhead. So you've already failed to identify overhead as an area of cost control. Working more efficiently, taking advantage of economies of scale, careful sourcing are all traditional methods of cost cutting.
People can demand what they want. Wal Mart is free not to pay that. If WM discovered they could not attract employees at min wage, they would pay more. That is the case in North Dakota where there is a labor shortage. Eventually that shortage will resolve itself, or if it doesnt WM will have to change its business model to reflect the reality of higher wages. In any case your explanation is grossly oversimplified to the point of parody.
It's simple economics, and you don't understand it. What does that say about you?
Why do they just choose Walmart [/B]to attack for these policies? It's not as though they're going to change anything by attacking one company. Just add Target, Sears, Macy's, and all the others to the article. Why not? The politicians make too much money from big companies. They won't bite the hand that feeds them, but they will decry an outcry in order to pander to the outcries while pocketing the lobbying dollars.


Well, if you know of any other number one retailer in the world who is privately held, makes billions and employs tens of thousands of these low wage workers who are on government assistance, selling billions of dollars of cheaply made Chinese merchandise to millions of lower class Americans, let me know and I'll bitch about them too.

MacD's might be close, Their company policy was to offer advice to employees on how to receive government assistance.

So, they're #1. So what?

All that is happening is words that pander to the masses.

The "so what" part is that as the number one retailer they are the ones people will take notice of what they do.

It's part of being in that number one position. Surprised you didn't know that.

And the only reason any one takes a shot at Walmart is that they make billions, pay cheap and have lots of employees on government assistance (meaning people like me are helping Walmart employees so people like you can enjoy the Walmart experience.)

Doesn't seem right to me.
WalMart doesnt have as many people on government assistance as you have living in your house.
I don't get is there any connection between what Walmart pays and wether or not people who work for them apply for welfare...??? Once they clock out, those people are not the concern of Walmart...the same as when Walmart has a bad year, the employees don't care unless it means they lose their job...

Liberals think funny...
I don't get is there any connection between what Walmart pays and wether or not people who work for them apply for welfare...??? Once they clock out, those people are not the concern of Walmart...the same as when Walmart has a bad year, the employees don't care unless it means they lose their job...

Liberals think funny...
It's some twisted ferkacht logic they teach who knows where.
The truth is if WalMart had to raise prices they would lay off employees, who would be completely dependent on the government instead of only partially dependent.
WalMart subsidizes teh taxpayer by providing a strream of income the government doesnt have to.
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

Plenty of Democrats voted against them as well. It's easy to advocate for something popular (even when you know it's a bad idea) when that something will never happen.

No they didn't

The minimum wage has been held down by republicans for the last 30 years. They needed a low wage workforce and they got it
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

Plenty of Democrats voted against them as well. It's easy to advocate for something popular (even when you know it's a bad idea) when that something will never happen.

No they didn't

The minimum wage has been held down by republicans for the last 30 years. They needed a low wage workforce and they got it

As though Democrats never had the majority. Sorta like the Republicans are soley to blame for the surveillance state (the one Obama has turned up to eleven). Bullshit is bullshit. The Democrats don't the minimum wage for the same reason Republicans don't raise it. It's populist pablum to stir up the base. Nothing more.
And granting legal status to illegals is going to help raise wages? Liberals think funny...

and for 40 years the democrats controlled the house of Representatives...

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