Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

If you think Walmart is screwing the country, don't shop there, boycott them. Then when they lose business they can lay off employees and we can pay 100% of their maintenance costs.

Liberals are such idiots, it never ceases to amaze.

We could boycott them...or else we can insist on an increase in the minimum wage

Ok, so we increase the minimum wage. Walmart has to raise its prices in order to stay in business. Their business volume goes down due to higher prices, they have to lay off employees. So who is better off? The exact same scenario would play out at every fast food outlet in the country.

Funny that we never see walmart employees complaining, they all seem glad to have jobs and good benefits.

its only you left wing nuts who spend your entire lives whining about anyone who is more successful than you are that keep bitching and stirring up shit. Screw you and the horse Sharpton rode in on.
People working at WM for min wage are more successful than the liberals on this board. Ponder that for a moment.
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.
What is unreasonable about it? What kid needs more money when they are living at home, eating their parents food, sleeping in their parents bed, and have no significant bills?

That is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. If you have 85 kids, 3 mistresses (all demanding money), two houses, and a BMW 320i and you have just the minimum wage job, then you have issues.

I did

As a 16 year old entering the workforce at minimum wage, I was saving money for college. I was able, making $2.10 an hour, to pay for four years of college working just summers

THAT is what a starting job with minimum wage is designed to do. Get you a start in life. Pay for college, get you a car so you can get to work, maybe get you started in an apartment.

Minimum wage used to do that, it no longer does

Interesting how that worked out, isn't it?

Yes it is

Kids of my generation had access to a minimum wage where they could pay for college, buy a new car, get an apartment.....Get a start on life

Republicans have blocked minimum wage increases so that is no longer possible

horseshit. No one paid for college and a car on minimum wage. Supply and demand should set the price of labor, not some radical teary eyed libtardian.
If they can't pay for college on minimum wage who the fuck do you think they are going to make more than minimum wage when almost every freaken job that pays more requires college?

The construction trades don't require college.
Signing up for the military to gain skills doesn't require college.
Plus working hard at alot of these minimum wages jobs gets your ass promoted and to a better wage. There may be a ceiling without a college degree, but thats what night school is for.

But, but, but that would require work and motivation------------liberals want it given to them.
Nobody is forced to work at Walmart.

I actually agree somewhat with the 'Evil Corporation' crowd when it comes to Walmart. They pay their Employees shite and treat em like shite. But on the other hand, the People want their cheap goods. Most just don't take the time to understand how Walmart is able to provide those cheap goods. They do it by way of Slave Labor in China and here at home. Most goods at Walmart are produced in China.

So actually, many who work at Walmart are also receiving Government Entitlements. They can't survive on Walmart wages. The Taxpayer is picking up the slack because many large Corporations are engaged in Slave Labor practices. Walmart just represents the worst of the worst. Why would Corporations like Walmart pay more? They understand the Taxpayer will pick up the tab. But hey, would you pay more for your goods if you knew it would lead to Employees being compensated more fairly? I hate to say it, but most Americans would say 'HELLS NOO!!" It is the high cost of low prices.
Again proving that libertarians are one step off from liberals.
They dont shit. They pay market wages. They dont treat them like shit. If they did no one would work there. I spoke to one girl once who said she liked working there because she didnt have to worry her paycheck would bounce, which can be a problem.
But nice to see a narco libertarian railing against a market economy in labor and free trade.
If they can't pay for college on minimum wage who the fuck do you think they are going to make more than minimum wage when almost every freaken job that pays more requires college?

The last thing we need are more people with college degrees. The market is already saturated with Bachelor's Degrees. I have an MBA and I applied for several positions outside of my company before I took this promotion in Vegas and I couldn't even get an interview anywhere with that graduate degree and years of experience under my belt.
I actually agree somewhat with the 'Evil Corporation' crowd when it comes to Walmart. They pay their Employees shite and treat em like shite. But on the other hand, the People want their cheap goods. Most just don't take the time to understand how Walmart is able to provide those cheap goods. They do it by way of Slave Labor in China and here at home. Most goods at Walmart are produced in China.

So actually, many who work at Walmart are also receiving Government Entitlements. They can't survive on Walmart wages. The Taxpayer is picking up the slack because many large Corporations are engaged in Slave Labor practices. Walmart just represents the worst of the worst. Why would Corporations like Walmart pay more? They understand the Taxpayer will pick up the tab. But hey, would you pay more for your goods if you knew it would lead to Employees being compensated more fairly? I hate to say it, but most Americans would say 'HELLS NOO!!" It is the high cost of low prices.
Again proving that libertarians are one step off from liberals.
They dont shit. They pay market wages. They dont treat them like shit. If they did no one would work there. I spoke to one girl once who said she liked working there because she didnt have to worry her paycheck would bounce, which can be a problem.
But nice to see a narco libertarian railing against a market economy in labor and free trade.

He is not a Libertarian. He's a conspiracy loon. Libertarians support a market rate for labor.
If they can't pay for college on minimum wage who the fuck do you think they are going to make more than minimum wage when almost every freaken job that pays more requires college?

The last thing we need are more people with college degrees. The market is already saturated with Bachelor's Degrees. I have an MBA and I applied for several positions outside of my company before I took this promotion in Vegas and I couldn't even get an interview anywhere with that graduate degree and years of experience under my belt.
The unemployment/underemployment rate for college grads out 5 years or less is nearly 50%. No, college is not preparation to enter the job market.
If they can't pay for college on minimum wage who the fuck do you think they are going to make more than minimum wage when almost every freaken job that pays more requires college?

The last thing we need are more people with college degrees. The market is already saturated with Bachelor's Degrees. I have an MBA and I applied for several positions outside of my company before I took this promotion in Vegas and I couldn't even get an interview anywhere with that graduate degree and years of experience under my belt.
The unemployment/underemployment rate for college grads out 5 years or less is nearly 50%. No, college is not preparation to enter the job market.

Unless your degree is in a profession that needs people, like Engineering or Accounting. But those programs are HAAAARRRRDDD!!! so most people go with something easier.
Walmart merely represents and caters to what most Americans have become... Fat, Greedy, Lazy, and Ignorant. They truly represent the People. Much like our Politicians, they're just giving the People what they want.

There's been many Polls conducted in which they asked Americans if they would pay more for their goods if they knew it would help Employees be compensated more fairly. And in Landslides, the People repeatedly answered 'HELL NO!!' They want their cheap goods, and that's that. They don't care about the consequences.
Walmart merely represents and caters to what most Americans have become... Fat, Greedy, Lazy, and Ignorant. They truly represent the People. Much like our Politicians, they're just giving the People what they want.

There's been many Polls conducted in which they asked Americans if they would pay more for their goods if they knew it would help Employees be compensated more fairly. And in Landslides, the People repeatedly answered 'HELL NO!!' They want their cheap goods, and that's that. They don't care about the consequences.
Dont Taz Me was right; you are a conspiracy loon, not a libertarian.
Walmart merely represents and caters to what most Americans have become... Fat, Greedy, Lazy, and Ignorant. They truly represent the People. Much like our Politicians, they're just giving the People what they want.

There's been many Polls conducted in which they asked Americans if they would pay more for their goods if they knew it would help Employees be compensated more fairly. And in Landslides, the People repeatedly answered 'HELL NO!!' They want their cheap goods, and that's that. They don't care about the consequences.
Dont Taz Me was right; you are a conspiracy loon, not a libertarian.

Fair enough.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

I would certainly argue that the government subsidizing wages because voters are too stupid to realize that tax money is used to subsidize low prices is unAmerican.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

I would certainly argue that the government subsidizing wages because voters are too stupid to realize that tax money is used to subsidize low prices is unAmerican.
You probably would. As usual you would be wrong.
The gov't is not subsidizing wages. That is a typical lib talking point distortion. If they eliminated welfare, food stamps, etc do you think WM would pay any more? No. WM pays the least it can to attract the workers they need. Like every other business.
I see a lot of hope in this topic. Within lies the possibility that (some) liberals may wake up and see the fly in the ointment.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

Americans want everything for nothing. It's a greedy Entitlement mentality that's destroying our Nation. They want their goods dirt cheap and five star service, but they don't feel they should have to pay for it. I always get a kick out of the Walmart whiner customers. They feel they deserve that five star service from Employees who are paid like shite and treated like shite. Five Star Service and products costs more. You get what you pay for. How do they think Walmart is able to provide those products so cheap?

Most who vigorously defend Walmart, don't understand that it's they the Taxpayer who's paying for the low wages. More & more Citizens are turning to Government Entitlements. And Corporations like Walmart are laughing all the way to the bank. They continue on with their Tax breaks and Slave Labor, while you the Taxpayer gets stuck with the tab. It is pretty shameful. Sorry, but that's just how i feel.
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

Hey hey rabbit. I noticed a big milestone coming up for you; 44000 posts of bullshit and distortions..
You going to Walmart to celebrate?
America has become everything Jesus wouldn't have wanted it to become. Most Americans lack compassion. They only care about gettin theirs. Walmart reflects that sentiment perfectly. They just give the greedy people what they want.
Wow, a retailer selling what customers want to buy at prices they want to pay. It's downright unAmerican!

I would certainly argue that the government subsidizing wages because voters are too stupid to realize that tax money is used to subsidize low prices is unAmerican.
You probably would. As usual you would be wrong.
The gov't is not subsidizing wages. That is a typical lib talking point distortion. If they eliminated welfare, food stamps, etc do you think WM would pay any more? No. WM pays the least it can to attract the workers they need. Like every other business.

I think it's great that Walmart gets to pay low wages and I think it's great the those receiving those low wage are able to qualify for government assistance. It really serves the tax payers well to use tax dollars so that people have enough money while they work at Walmart.

Do you think it great too rabbit? Maybe you could get a job at Walmart rabbit. And continue to draw government benefits as well. Great gig for a rabbit I tell you.
I shop at Walmart as little as possible. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. I recommend all who have a problem with Walmart to do the same. There are other businesses worth supporting. So you pay a little more, it's worth it. You get better quality service and products. And you don't have to put up with the dirt, stank, and ignorance.

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