Walmart to Close All Portland Stores by March

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Rest assured, this is the result of the BLM / ANTIFA riots that have resulted in weak on crime policies which have turned Portland into a lawless hellscape.

Rest assured, this is the result of the BLM / ANTIFA riots that have resulted in weak on crime policies which have turned Portland into a lawless hellscape.

Last sentence in link--suburbia is where the money is anyway:

"There will still be over a dozen Walmart stores in the metro area, outside of Portland’s city limit."
Rest assured, this is the result of the BLM / ANTIFA riots that have resulted in weak on crime policies which have turned Portland into a lawless hellscape.

Bull Fawking Shit. Where, just where, in the linked article does it make the claim that the closings are due to those riots? Here is what it says dumbshit,

Walmart says they are closing the stores because they were not meeting financial expectations.

You don't hit your numbers, over and over again, and Walmart will shut your doors. Were there riots in Bentonville, Arkansas? That is where Walmart is headquartered and guess damn what, they are closing the store in that town too. You got links to the riots in Alberguergue, New Mexico? Closing that store as well. Pinellas Park, Florida--you mean DeSantis can't even keep a Walmart in business?

I mean damn, I see stupid posts day and and day out but yours it just plain idiotic.
WalMart closed a store near me a few months ago, disappointing large numbers of Seniors and low-income folks. No explanation was given, of can only speculate.
Bull Fawking Shit. Where, just where, in the linked article does it make the claim that the closings are due to those riots? Here is what it says dumbshit,

Walmart says they are closing the stores because they were not meeting financial expectations.

You don't hit your numbers, over and over again, and Walmart will shut your doors. Were there riots in Bentonville, Arkansas? That is where Walmart is headquartered and guess damn what, they are closing the store in that town too. You got links to the riots in Alberguergue, New Mexico? Closing that store as well. Pinellas Park, Florida--you mean DeSantis can't even keep a Walmart in business?

I mean damn, I see stupid posts day and and day out but yours it just plain idiotic.

Stating the obvious, like the OP did, seems to make you very angry.
Stating the obvious, like the OP did, seems to make you very angry.
Stupidity makes me angry. I will admit, I don't handle STUPID very well. Walmart closed those stores BECAUSE THEY AIN'T MAKING MONEY, period. Instead of the riots it would be easier to argue that Walmart was leaving because Portland has the second highest percentage of LGBT residents of any metropolitan area in the US, second only to San Francisco.
Rest assured, this is the result of the BLM / ANTIFA riots that have resulted in weak on crime policies which have turned Portland into a lawless hellscape.

It’s not a surprise and apparently they’re thinking about closing one of the Walmarts in my area because people are stealing a ton at the self checkout line
Bull Fawking Shit. Where, just where, in the linked article does it make the claim that the closings are due to those riots? Here is what it says dumbshit,

Walmart says they are closing the stores because they were not meeting financial expectations.

You don't hit your numbers, over and over again, and Walmart will shut your doors. Were there riots in Bentonville, Arkansas? That is where Walmart is headquartered and guess damn what, they are closing the store in that town too. You got links to the riots in Alberguergue, New Mexico? Closing that store as well. Pinellas Park, Florida--you mean DeSantis can't even keep a Walmart in business?

I mean damn, I see stupid posts day and and day out but yours it just plain idiotic.

People would probably be more willing to listen to your counter points if you weren't so rude when responding. The cursing, name calling and general poor attitude doesn't do much to foster interest in what you have to say.

If you Google Portland retail theft you can see where lots of stores have closed down or moved out of Portland. Which came hot on the heels of blm and antifa having a major presence in the city and every citty they have had a major presence in has substantially turned to shit. So it is a very fair judgement to make that call.
Stupidity makes me angry. I will admit, I don't handle STUPID very well. Walmart closed those stores BECAUSE THEY AIN'T MAKING MONEY, period. Instead of the riots it would be easier to argue that Walmart was leaving because Portland has the second highest percentage of LGBT residents of any metropolitan area in the US, second only to San Francisco.

Naaahhh. High theft rates. High security costs. To many lawsuits .High court costs. All things brought on by leftism.
People would probably be more willing to listen to your counter points if you weren't so rude when responding. The cursing, name calling and general poor attitude doesn't do much to foster interest in what you have to say.

If you Google Portland retail theft you can see where lots of stores have closed down or moved out of Portland. Which came hot on the heels of blm and antifa having a major presence in the city and every citty they have had a major presence in has substantially turned to shit. So it is a very fair judgement to make that call.wa
wal marts closing is great news....sending less money to china can only be a good thing in the long run
Stupidity makes me angry. I will admit, I don't handle STUPID very well. Walmart closed those stores BECAUSE THEY AIN'T MAKING MONEY, period. Instead of the riots it would be easier to argue that Walmart was leaving because Portland has the second highest percentage of LGBT residents of any metropolitan area in the US, second only to San Francisco.

The only one here that seems stupid is you to be honest.

And what kind of irrational behavior is it you have that needs treatment from a professional that you fly off the handle over what someone wrote on a internet forum? You get angry over what 1 person out of 8 billion says online? You have a real problem.

Or maybe you just enjoy being a jerk, it's therapeutic for you and cathartic to act like a dick and lazily blame it on "oh stupid people make me angry". No, you like being angry and lashing out online where no one can touch you.
They closed a store in Pittsburgh recently and losses due to stealing was the main reason. No riots, but definitely ghetto-based sleaze involved. There was one shooting there over a year ago.
Naaahhh. High theft rates. High security costs. To many lawsuits .High court costs. All things brought on by leftism.
I was in Walmart yesterday and the lady in front of me was buying booze, Walmart had a security cap on a bottle of Jim Beam whiskey. Do that many people steal whiskey? She had eight or so bottles of (I guess) decent wine that didn't have security caps.
Naaahhh. High theft rates. High security costs. To many lawsuits .High court costs. All things brought on by leftism.
I agree, high theft rates can be a problem, but that is on the management of the store. Portland has some pretty sweet demographics. My son worked at a Walmart in Charlotte, NC. Inner city, and suffered massive losses when riots broke out over the shooting of a black man by the cops. But the door is manned by outside security, usually some dude about six seven and jacked. The store makes bank, the manager knocks down six figures in bonuses alone.
Walmart says they are closing the stores because they were not meeting financial expectations.

That's a broad explanation.

The question is, why aren't they meeting financial expectations?

Retail theft could lead Walmart to close stores, raise prices

Shoplifting has gotten so bad at Walmart stores that the retail giant may shutter locations in areas where local governments are taking a soft-on-crime approach, the company’s boss said.

CEO Doug McMillon, who has led Walmart since 2015, confirmed the retailer has experienced an increase in “shrink” — a term the retail industry uses to address losses related to in-store theft or fraud.


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I agree, high theft rates can be a problem, but that is on the management of the store. Portland has some pretty sweet demographics. My son worked at a Walmart in Charlotte, NC. Inner city, and suffered massive losses when riots broke out over the shooting of a black man by the cops. But the door is manned by outside security, usually some dude about six seven and jacked. The store makes bank, the manager knocks down six figures in bonuses alone.
Wow. The store is paying out that kind of money to catch the scumbags and lowlifes? And it’s not just ONE door. They have to have security all over the store to try to catch the thugs, and they probably miss most.

Good business sense to close shop in those types of areas and remain in areas where fewer people are criminals.
Bull Fawking Shit. Where, just where, in the linked article does it make the claim that the closings are due to those riots? Here is what it says dumbshit,

Walmart says they are closing the stores because they were not meeting financial expectations.

You don't hit your numbers, over and over again, and Walmart will shut your doors. Were there riots in Bentonville, Arkansas? That is where Walmart is headquartered and guess damn what, they are closing the store in that town too. You got links to the riots in Alberguergue, New Mexico? Closing that store as well. Pinellas Park, Florida--you mean DeSantis can't even keep a Walmart in business?

I mean damn, I see stupid posts day and and day out but yours it just plain idiotic.

Portland is soft on crime.

Bentonville is closing a Walmart To Go location.
I think they have 8 more.

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