Walmart To Raise Age Requirement To Purchase Firearms, Ammunition

I hope I'm not taking the wrong side here......but I personally think raising the age to buy a weapon might be a good idea.
18 year olds (in my opinion) aren't quite mature enough to be buying guns. UNLESS...they are in active military service.

However, if the age is raised to 21, the gun grabbers MUST be prepared to loosen some other part of their demands.
ie....stop going after semi-automatic weapons or hi capacity magazines.

We can't have a one way situation where gun rights are only ERODED and never enhanced.

---------------------------------- feck the military and police special people exceptions . That being said , guns should be sold at 18 in the world of 2018 . The only fun thing is that as already pointed out to me by another poster . The young hip hop types that are having the large pity party are the only punks that will be affected by raising the age BHUnit .
You are correct, it will not affect either.
Of course, you could not possibly know the truth of that. It might very well be that a teenager who cant immediately buy a gun at the Wal-Mart 3 miles away doesn't buy a gun at all, or cools off before he does.

You are right, anything is possible but I am not a big fan of making laws based off of "could happens".
Fine, visit the Parkland cemetery, then.

I visited this one last week, it is filled with the graves of people that fought to defend the Constitution, the whole Constitution.

Are you really that dumb? Did you click on Walmart's statement link in the OP? Here, try The New York Times.

Walmart and Dick’s Raise Minimum Age for Gun Buyers to 21
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

Companies can set any age limit they want. I do not know if they still require it but when I was a manager for WalMart you had to be 18 to buy spray paint.
Because that was the law.

Well, what do you know, you are right. I thought it was some dumb WalMart policy. Thanks for the info.
No problem. Just kinda thinking corporations shouldn't be creating law based on the latest left wing melt down on facebook.

Funny. Did you hear Trump talking about gun control today?

Will Trump Follow Through On Guns?

The retail giant said it’s making changes to its gun sale policies “in light of recent events.”

Walmart has vowed to raise its age requirement to 21 years old for customers looking to purchase firearms or ammunition from their stores.

The retail giant decided to change its firearms policy “in light of recent events,” Walmart said in a statement to reporters on Wednesday.

In addition to the age requirement, Walmart will be removing from its website any items that resemble “assault-style rifles, including nonlethal airsoft guns and toys.”

“We take seriously our obligation to be a responsible seller of firearms and go beyond Federal law by requiring customers to pass a background check before purchasing any firearm,” the company’s statement read.


More: Walmart To Raise Age Requirement To Purchase Firearms, Ammunition

I salute Walmart for doing the right thing. What do you think?

Funny how they didn't care after Columbine, or the others.
Are you really that dumb? Did you click on Walmart's statement link in the OP? Here, try The New York Times.

Walmart and Dick’s Raise Minimum Age for Gun Buyers to 21
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

Companies can set any age limit they want. I do not know if they still require it but when I was a manager for WalMart you had to be 18 to buy spray paint.
Because that was the law.

Well, what do you know, you are right. I thought it was some dumb WalMart policy. Thanks for the info.
No problem. Just kinda thinking corporations shouldn't be creating law based on the latest left wing melt down on facebook.

it's a business decision, not law

unbunch your pantaloons
Are you really that dumb? Did you click on Walmart's statement link in the OP? Here, try The New York Times.

Walmart and Dick’s Raise Minimum Age for Gun Buyers to 21
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

Companies can set any age limit they want. I do not know if they still require it but when I was a manager for WalMart you had to be 18 to buy spray paint.
Because that was the law.

Well, what do you know, you are right. I thought it was some dumb WalMart policy. Thanks for the info.
No problem. Just kinda thinking corporations shouldn't be creating law based on the latest left wing melt down on facebook.

I will always side with the right of private corporations to make whatever business decisions they want. WalMart is just terrible about knee jerk reactions. Used to drive me crazy when I was there.
Keep this in mind all you 18 to 20 year olds...liberals want your vote, but cheer when your rights are stripped away.

They don't trust you.
Keep this in mind all you 18 to 20 year olds...liberals want your vote, but cheer when your rights are stripped away.

They don't trust you.

It was not liberals that moved the drinking age to 21.
Is that good news or bad news to the left? It's kind of funny that the left petitioned and paraded and freaking rioted to have the voting age dropped to 18 because kids are mature enough to vote. They can join the Military at 18 and be issued a weapon but they can't buy one at Walmart. It's the crazies who are shooting at kids and baseball teams and concerts but the left seems to avoid the issue. Maybe because the crazies are the democrat base.
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That is their prerogative and I respect their decision. Dick's branded stores haven't sold the AR style rifle since 2012, the change in age for sales aside, this move only applies only to their Field and Stream branded stores. But good on them. Though I believe the decision is as much a publicity play as anything else.

That being said... and I posted this in another thread in reference to this topic...

Fucking pussies. Sell them all or sell none at all.

This is like a store saying they will no longer sell cigarettes, but they'll continue selling loose tobacco and Zig Zags...

All or none? Damn, that's pretty dumb.

Why? If they really want to make a difference, terminate all gun sales. They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings. Both Dick's and Field and Stream have plenty of other products to keep customers coming in the door and their websites, what's the big deal?

Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip.

If you think banning one particular style of rifle and one specific caliber with suddenly change things, you are not very well informed.

And Dicks will most likely still carry .223 ammo. It is a popular round with varmint hunters, especially in wooded areas.
I think you've been lied to by the Huffpost. Why would Walmart ever do that? They are in rural areas and probably not going to take legal gun ownership age on their own. That's not their job. I think this is bullshit since all your links go back to a hufpo article and nothing to Walmart.

Are you really that dumb? Did you click on Walmart's statement link in the OP? Here, try The New York Times.

Walmart and Dick’s Raise Minimum Age for Gun Buyers to 21
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

i know, right?

what nerve for a private business to decide what and to whom it will sell!

the horror...
You know what? Maybe Walmart should not be in the Constituional restrictions business but jump into the immigration debate. Let's have a background check before selling any food to illegals. Would you be ok with that?
That is their prerogative and I respect their decision. Dick's branded stores haven't sold the AR style rifle since 2012, the change in age for sales aside, this move only applies only to their Field and Stream branded stores. But good on them. Though I believe the decision is as much a publicity play as anything else.

That being said... and I posted this in another thread in reference to this topic...

Fucking pussies. Sell them all or sell none at all.

This is like a store saying they will no longer sell cigarettes, but they'll continue selling loose tobacco and Zig Zags...

All or none? Damn, that's pretty dumb.

Why? If they really want to make a difference, terminate all gun sales. They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings. Both Dick's and Field and Stream have plenty of other products to keep customers coming in the door and their websites, what's the big deal?

Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip.

If you think banning one particular style of rifle and one specific caliber with suddenly change things, you are not very well informed.

And Dicks will most likely still carry .223 ammo. It is a popular round with varmint hunters, especially in wooded areas.

So what? The .223 is a fine little varmint cartridge. However, I prefer the .22-250. BTW, I've never thought of the .223 as good for "wooded areas".
I think you've been lied to by the Huffpost. Why would Walmart ever do that? They are in rural areas and probably not going to take legal gun ownership age on their own. That's not their job. I think this is bullshit since all your links go back to a hufpo article and nothing to Walmart.

Are you really that dumb? Did you click on Walmart's statement link in the OP? Here, try The New York Times.

Walmart and Dick’s Raise Minimum Age for Gun Buyers to 21
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

i know, right?

what nerve for a private business to decide what and to whom it will sell!

the horror...
You know what? Maybe Walmart should not be in the Constituional restrictions business but jump into the immigration debate. Let's have a background check before selling any food to illegals. Would you be ok with that?

if that's what walmart wants to do, i really don't give a rat's ass. what part of business decision are you failing to comprehend?

all they care about is their bottom line; obviously, they feel this action will improve it or they wouldn't bother

cons are always flapping their beaks about over regulation, but when a private business does something they don't like, they want the govt to dope slap them until they stop

is there a word for that?
That is their prerogative and I respect their decision. Dick's branded stores haven't sold the AR style rifle since 2012, the change in age for sales aside, this move only applies only to their Field and Stream branded stores. But good on them. Though I believe the decision is as much a publicity play as anything else.

That being said... and I posted this in another thread in reference to this topic...

Fucking pussies. Sell them all or sell none at all.

This is like a store saying they will no longer sell cigarettes, but they'll continue selling loose tobacco and Zig Zags...

All or none? Damn, that's pretty dumb.

Why? If they really want to make a difference, terminate all gun sales. They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings. Both Dick's and Field and Stream have plenty of other products to keep customers coming in the door and their websites, what's the big deal?

Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip.

If you think banning one particular style of rifle and one specific caliber with suddenly change things, you are not very well informed.

And Dicks will most likely still carry .223 ammo. It is a popular round with varmint hunters, especially in wooded areas.

So what? The .223 is a fine little varmint cartridge. However, I prefer the .22-250.

You were the one responding to a comment that Dicks will still be selling semi-auto handguns with high capacity magazine by saying "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip". (which makes not sense in the context of the post you quoted)

22-250 has a greater range. But a heavy varmint rifle in .223 has such a low recoil, you can keep your target in the field of view of your scope.
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

Companies can set any age limit they want. I do not know if they still require it but when I was a manager for WalMart you had to be 18 to buy spray paint.
Because that was the law.

Well, what do you know, you are right. I thought it was some dumb WalMart policy. Thanks for the info.
No problem. Just kinda thinking corporations shouldn't be creating law based on the latest left wing melt down on facebook.

I will always side with the right of private corporations to make whatever business decisions they want. WalMart is just terrible about knee jerk reactions. Used to drive me crazy when I was there.
I'm still not sure this is an actual thing. I'm yet to see a Wlamart policy post on this.
In light of recent events, we’ve taken an opportunity to review our policy on firearm sales. Going forward, we are raising the age restriction for purchase of firearms and ammunition to 21 years of age. We will update our processes as quickly as possible to implement this change.

In 2015, Walmart ended sales of modern sporting rifles, including the AR-15. We also do not sell handguns, except in Alaska where we feel we should continue to offer them to our customers. Additionally, we do not sell bump stocks, high-capacity magazines and similar accessories. We have a process to monitor our eCommerce marketplace and ensure our policies are applied.

Walmart Statement on Firearms Policy

If they stopped selling sporting rifles, including AR-15, handguns, bumps stocks, hc magazines and similar accessories in 2015, what firearms do they sell that this change applies to?
Keep this in mind all you 18 to 20 year olds...liberals want your vote, but cheer when your rights are stripped away.

They don't trust you.

Their rights have not been stripped away. A private business made a decision for their business. That is it. If you are shopping for guns in Walmart, you aren't expecting much anyway.
All or none? Damn, that's pretty dumb.

Why? If they really want to make a difference, terminate all gun sales. They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings. Both Dick's and Field and Stream have plenty of other products to keep customers coming in the door and their websites, what's the big deal?

Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip.

If you think banning one particular style of rifle and one specific caliber with suddenly change things, you are not very well informed.

And Dicks will most likely still carry .223 ammo. It is a popular round with varmint hunters, especially in wooded areas.

So what? The .223 is a fine little varmint cartridge. However, I prefer the .22-250.

You were the one responding to a comment that Dicks will still be selling semi-auto handguns with high capacity magazine by saying "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip". (which makes not sense in the context of the post you quoted)

22-250 has a greater range. But a heavy varmint rifle in .223 has such a low recoil, you can keep your target in the field of view of your scope.

That has to do with ones proficiency. The first time I ever shot an AR-15 (.223) on full auto, it walked on me - but I quickly corrected that.
This is great news for small businesses that sell guns and ammo.

Thanks Wal-Mart!
In light of recent events, we’ve taken an opportunity to review our policy on firearm sales. Going forward, we are raising the age restriction for purchase of firearms and ammunition to 21 years of age. We will update our processes as quickly as possible to implement this change.

In 2015, Walmart ended sales of modern sporting rifles, including the AR-15. We also do not sell handguns, except in Alaska where we feel we should continue to offer them to our customers. Additionally, we do not sell bump stocks, high-capacity magazines and similar accessories. We have a process to monitor our eCommerce marketplace and ensure our policies are applied.

Walmart Statement on Firearms Policy

If they stopped selling sporting rifles, including AR-15, handguns, bumps stocks, hc magazines and similar accessories in 2015, what firearms do they sell that this change applies to?

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