Walmart To Raise Age Requirement To Purchase Firearms, Ammunition

I visited this one last week, it is filled with the graves of people that fought to defend the Constitution, the whole Constitution.
The same Constitution that defines as "constitutional" that which the SCOTUS says is Constitutional? Okay, great. well, those dead came back from the dead to tell me to tell you that the SCOTUS has already ruled that not all gun control is unconstitutional. So your argument is pretty thin.
Always the idiot ASS CLOWN. You know damn well it is because conservatives don't go around calling all of your advertisers and business partners and threatening them with slander, law suits and bad press. They don't show up on your doorstep in mobs with angry hateful signs making all kinds of unfounded allegations. The Fascist Left like you threatens these companies that they are afraid of the potential loss of business, the bad press, or both. Or just don't want the headache and expense of fighting you. Most companies are cowards built upon making money, not standing up for principles.

idiot ASS CLOWN says wut?

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right
Why? If they really want to make a difference, terminate all gun sales. They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings. Both Dick's and Field and Stream have plenty of other products to keep customers coming in the door and their websites, what's the big deal?

Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip.

If you think banning one particular style of rifle and one specific caliber with suddenly change things, you are not very well informed.

And Dicks will most likely still carry .223 ammo. It is a popular round with varmint hunters, especially in wooded areas.

So what? The .223 is a fine little varmint cartridge. However, I prefer the .22-250.

You were the one responding to a comment that Dicks will still be selling semi-auto handguns with high capacity magazine by saying "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip". (which makes not sense in the context of the post you quoted)

22-250 has a greater range. But a heavy varmint rifle in .223 has such a low recoil, you can keep your target in the field of view of your scope.

That has to do with ones proficiency. The first time I ever shot an AR-15 (.223), it walked on me - but I quickly corrected that.

Pretty much all phases of shooting have to do with proficiency.

But I am still trying to figure out what "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip" has to do with the posting of "They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings".
Always the idiot ASS CLOWN. You know damn well it is because conservatives don't go around calling all of your advertisers and business partners and threatening them with slander, law suits and bad press. They don't show up on your doorstep in mobs with angry hateful signs making all kinds of unfounded allegations. The Fascist Left like you threatens these companies that they are afraid of the potential loss of business, the bad press, or both. Or just don't want the headache and expense of fighting you. Most companies are cowards built upon making money, not standing up for principles.

idiot ASS CLOWN says wut?

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right

Funny how smashing Keurigs is defending something, and terminating discounts is an attack, huh?
I think you've been lied to by the Huffpost. Why would Walmart ever do that? They are in rural areas and probably not going to take legal gun ownership age on their own. That's not their job. I think this is bullshit since all your links go back to a hufpo article and nothing to Walmart.

Are you really that dumb? Did you click on Walmart's statement link in the OP? Here, try The New York Times.

Walmart and Dick’s Raise Minimum Age for Gun Buyers to 21
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

i know, right?

what nerve for a private business to decide what and to whom it will sell!

the horror...
You know what? Maybe Walmart should not be in the Constituional restrictions business but jump into the immigration debate. Let's have a background check before selling any food to illegals. Would you be ok with that?

if that's what walmart wants to do, i really don't give a rat's ass. what part of business decision are you failing to comprehend?

all they care about is their bottom line; obviously, they feel this action will improve it or they wouldn't bother

cons are always flapping their beaks about over regulation, but when a private business does something they don't like, they want the govt to dope slap them until they stop

is there a word for that?
The word for you? I think it's retard.

Walmart can do whatever they want. I don't think it's going to work out well for them.

You idiots hated Walmart 30 minutes ago. Now you love them. Have you lost your mind?
Always the idiot ASS CLOWN. You know damn well it is because conservatives don't go around calling all of your advertisers and business partners and threatening them with slander, law suits and bad press. They don't show up on your doorstep in mobs with angry hateful signs making all kinds of unfounded allegations. The Fascist Left like you threatens these companies that they are afraid of the potential loss of business, the bad press, or both. Or just don't want the headache and expense of fighting you. Most companies are cowards built upon making money, not standing up for principles.

idiot ASS CLOWN says wut?

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right

ftr i take umbrage at labeling such idiocy as "conservative". :eusa_hand:

right wing nutjobs are FAUX conservative!
Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip.

If you think banning one particular style of rifle and one specific caliber with suddenly change things, you are not very well informed.

And Dicks will most likely still carry .223 ammo. It is a popular round with varmint hunters, especially in wooded areas.

So what? The .223 is a fine little varmint cartridge. However, I prefer the .22-250.

You were the one responding to a comment that Dicks will still be selling semi-auto handguns with high capacity magazine by saying "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip". (which makes not sense in the context of the post you quoted)

22-250 has a greater range. But a heavy varmint rifle in .223 has such a low recoil, you can keep your target in the field of view of your scope.

That has to do with ones proficiency. The first time I ever shot an AR-15 (.223), it walked on me - but I quickly corrected that.

Pretty much all phases of shooting have to do with proficiency.

But I am still trying to figure out what "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip" has to do with the posting of "They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings".

Yes, handguns are less dangerous than AR-15s. Handgun calibers are generally less deadly than an AR-15 in .223 caliber. Since you've already gone BOLD, I guess large fonts are next.
Are you really that dumb? Did you click on Walmart's statement link in the OP? Here, try The New York Times.

Walmart and Dick’s Raise Minimum Age for Gun Buyers to 21
Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

i know, right?

what nerve for a private business to decide what and to whom it will sell!

the horror...
You know what? Maybe Walmart should not be in the Constituional restrictions business but jump into the immigration debate. Let's have a background check before selling any food to illegals. Would you be ok with that?

if that's what walmart wants to do, i really don't give a rat's ass. what part of business decision are you failing to comprehend?

all they care about is their bottom line; obviously, they feel this action will improve it or they wouldn't bother

cons are always flapping their beaks about over regulation, but when a private business does something they don't like, they want the govt to dope slap them until they stop

is there a word for that?
The word for you? I think it's retard.

Walmart can do whatever they want. I don't think it's going to work out well for them.

You idiots hated Walmart 30 minutes ago. Now you love them. Have you lost your mind?

you do realize liberals don't actually live by the fantasy narrative you assign them

Well there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Since when do companies set legal age limits? Are you seriously thinking all these nasty corporations you hate are suddenly ok with setting national law? How the fuck does that work? Can gas companies not sell fuel to 16 year olds cars because they may have a wreck?

Any time you the person who hates corporations such as Walmart are cheering when they are setting national policy and law seems concerning to me.

i know, right?

what nerve for a private business to decide what and to whom it will sell!

the horror...
You know what? Maybe Walmart should not be in the Constituional restrictions business but jump into the immigration debate. Let's have a background check before selling any food to illegals. Would you be ok with that?

if that's what walmart wants to do, i really don't give a rat's ass. what part of business decision are you failing to comprehend?

all they care about is their bottom line; obviously, they feel this action will improve it or they wouldn't bother

cons are always flapping their beaks about over regulation, but when a private business does something they don't like, they want the govt to dope slap them until they stop

is there a word for that?
The word for you? I think it's retard.

Walmart can do whatever they want. I don't think it's going to work out well for them.

You idiots hated Walmart 30 minutes ago. Now you love them. Have you lost your mind?

you do realize liberals don't actually live by the fantasy narrative you assign them

You're yet to prove me wrong.
Always the idiot ASS CLOWN. You know damn well it is because conservatives don't go around calling all of your advertisers and business partners and threatening them with slander, law suits and bad press. They don't show up on your doorstep in mobs with angry hateful signs making all kinds of unfounded allegations. The Fascist Left like you threatens these companies that they are afraid of the potential loss of business, the bad press, or both. Or just don't want the headache and expense of fighting you. Most companies are cowards built upon making money, not standing up for principles.

idiot ASS CLOWN says wut?

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right

Conservatives are smashing Keurigs to defend Sean Hannity — here are the other brands that have incurred the wrath of the right

ftr i take umbrage at labeling such idiocy as "conservative". :eusa_hand:

right wing nutjobs are FAUX conservative!

Thank you. I have been saying that conservatism has been abandoned by so many rightwingers.
Their rights have not been stripped away. A private business made a decision for their business. That is it. If you are shopping for guns in Walmart, you aren't expecting much anyway.

No matter how you slice it, liberals cheer a decision that limits 18 to 20 year olds...because they do not trust them. Period.

I wouldn't vote for a group that trusted my generation so little...or judge my abilities based on a the actions of two or three people my age.
No matter how you slice it, liberals cheer a decision that limits 18 to 20 year olds...because they do not trust them. Period.
You mean, they do not trust them purchasing firearms. Please use your big boy words.
Can they be trusted with their first amendment rights? I'm just thinking maybe someone so shit ass stupid can't be trusted with a gun may not be the legal scholar and leader we are looking for.
If you think banning one particular style of rifle and one specific caliber with suddenly change things, you are not very well informed.

And Dicks will most likely still carry .223 ammo. It is a popular round with varmint hunters, especially in wooded areas.

So what? The .223 is a fine little varmint cartridge. However, I prefer the .22-250.

You were the one responding to a comment that Dicks will still be selling semi-auto handguns with high capacity magazine by saying "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip". (which makes not sense in the context of the post you quoted)

22-250 has a greater range. But a heavy varmint rifle in .223 has such a low recoil, you can keep your target in the field of view of your scope.

That has to do with ones proficiency. The first time I ever shot an AR-15 (.223), it walked on me - but I quickly corrected that.

Pretty much all phases of shooting have to do with proficiency.

But I am still trying to figure out what "Hanguns in .223 caliber? Must be one hellacious pistol grip" has to do with the posting of "They're still selling semi-automatic handguns with 17 round magazines. Somehow they're less deadly? Not in the right hands they're not, especially in the settings in which we see most of these these shootings".

Yes, handguns are less dangerous than AR-15s. Handgun calibers are generally less deadly than an AR-15 in .223 caliber. Since you've already gone BOLD, I guess large fonts are next.

Considering how many shootings, school and otherwise, have been accomplished with semi-auto handguns, the deadliness is relative.

Between 1982 and 2017, there have been 67 mass shooting involving semi-auto handguns, and 35 involving rifles.

The AR ban is not the cure-all you think.

from: An 'Assault Weapon' Ban Won't Stop Mass Shootings
"First, it is clearly possible to carry out attacks similar to yesterday's, which killed 17 people, without using "assault weapons." Nine of the mass shootings with the 20 highest death tolls involved handguns or long guns that are not covered by Feinstein's bill. That includes the third deadliest mass shooting, which killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007, as well as two other attacks that killed 17 or more people."

"Second, the fact that the perpetrators of the deadliest mass shootings tend to favor "assault weapons" does not mean that choice makes the attacks deadlier than they otherwise would be. That proposition seems pretty doubtful in light of the "assault weapon" definitions used by legislators, which are based on appearance rather than lethality"

"Americans own something like 15 million AR-15-style rifles, which have been one of the biggest-selling firearm categories during the last decade or so. These guns are almost never used to commit violent crimes. According to the FBI, rifles of all kinds accounted for just 3 percent of firearm homicides in 2016, while handguns accounted for 65 percent. Contrary to what you may have heard, handguns are also by far the most common choice for mass shooters. A Mother Jones review of mass shootings from 1982 through 2012 found that 66 percent of the weapons were handguns, while just 14 percent would qualify as "assault weapons" under the definition used in a 2013 bill sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)."

So all rifles account for just 3% of the gun murders in 2016. Handguns, by comparison account for 65% of gun murders. Dismissing them as "less deadly" is laughable. Especially when you consider how much easier handguns are to get into places where more people are.

And FYI, I use Bold to emphasize specific parts of quotes.

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