Walmart to remove confederate flag merchandise

With the state of affairs the country and world are in right now, I can't believe all this crap about the confederate flag. Holy smokes!! Don't we have more important things to concern ourselves with and to get our undies in a knot over???
Apparently not...The left wing media forgot all about the victims and their families and took on a flag.....Those people in Charleston should be PISSED....
Breaking News!!! The State of South Carolina is banning the sale of Tylenol and other OTC medications that use cotton in their bottles for fear of perpetuating slavery by making people pick it out.
Well, I don't see racism in the flag. The flag actually freed the slaves.

Really? Where did you hear that? Faux News? The flag that was being flown by the rebels wanting to keep slavery freed the slaves...right? How far do you conservatives wish to go, making up shit like this to protect your real motives?
Did the North Win? Were the slaves freed? Did the South Lose? Did the South carry the Rebel Flag? Is the Flag not a representation of victory for the salves? Is the flag a reminder of victory for the slaves? That flag was defeated by the North. In defeat of the South, the salves won.

Well that's a weird way of looking at it........I suppose we should be waving the British flag, and placing it on our state buildings....after represents freedom for America, freedom from the Brits........:badgrin:

You're definitely twisted.
Breaking News!!! The State of South Carolina is banning the sale of Tylenol and other OTC medications that use cotton in their bottles for fear of perpetuating slavery by making people pick it out.

Er, South Carolina may be banning the sale of Tylenol but the truth is it is because they are homophobes...Tylenol is pro-gay and has advertised with gays. And SC would be the first to insist on putting cotton in every bottle, they identify with slavery.
Most people that fly this flag are proud of being Southern. People just like to use it to cause a stir.. silly.

No one really cares, people just like to bitch and create drama.


Oh, I see, it's okay for you to post insults, you just don't like it when it is done to you.

And again, moron, I don't care if they want to appear ignorant and want to fly it at their graduation, in their yard, or wipe their butt with it.....flying it over a State building is what is offensive and I'm glad that action is being taken to take them down.

Well I'm calling everyone "moron" including myself, that lets themselves be dragged into this nonsense when there are serious issues going on in our country and our world.

This became a serious issue when 9 people were killed in SC......and the twerp that killed them gives homage to the Confederate flag.

Oh so 1 guy gets to call the shots... I see... that make sense.... and a nutjob at that!
How about worrying about our MENTAL HEALTH CARE instead... maybe??? ;)

Boy, you are really, it's not 1's been happening for years, this was just the straw that broke the camel's back....but you probably didn't notice. And we worry about mental health care all the time....and the fact that you cons want to sell guns to those that are mental....why don't you worry about that?
Remember, that's coming from a liberal clown. The fact is, none of this would be happening if we had just picked our own cotton.
Remember, that's coming from a liberal clown. The fact is, none of this would be happening if we had just picked our own cotton.
Your genetics rendered that impossible. Its the main reason the loser south went to war. Mississippi spelled it out in their declaration of secession.

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin."
[What ideals are those?

Conservatism. Personal Responsibility. Local Government Superiority over Federal Government. Things of that nature.
You seem to be living in a fantasy world. I don't see self-proclaimed Conservatives taking personal responsibility for anything. And can you define "conservativatism?"

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[You seem to be living in a fantasy world. I don't see self-proclaimed Conservatives taking personal responsibility for anything. And can you define "conservatism?"

Conservatism is defined as a political philosophy embracing Traditional Moral Values and Ideals over new ones. It's based on the idea of handing down core values from generation to generation so people understand the potential pitfalls of varying from the ideal without having to make the mistakes themselves. Conservatism measures new ideas, science and technology against Right and Wrong and tradition rather than anything else.
[You seem to be living in a fantasy world. I don't see self-proclaimed Conservatives taking personal responsibility for anything. And can you define "conservatism?"

Conservatism is defined as a political philosophy embracing Traditional Moral Values and Ideals over new ones. It's based on the idea of handing down core values from generation to generation so people understand the potential pitfalls of varying from the ideal without having to make the mistakes themselves. Conservatism measures new ideas, science and technology against Right and Wrong and tradition rather than anything else.
Sounds like retards stuck in a rut and unable to get out to me. Just imagine if conservatives were in charge when it was discovered that the world was round instead of flat?
And thousands if not millions boycott Wal Mart. I for one am enjoying not hearing Spanish being spoken,fat sow negroes with their nigglets running around like idiots,long lines etc....its awesome!
And thousands if not millions boycott Wal Mart. I for one am enjoying not hearing Spanish being spoken,fat sow negroes with their nigglets running around like idiots,long lines etc....its awesome!
That comment made me think of this. Can you find the white woman?


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