Walmart to remove confederate flag merchandise

We cut and ran from Vietnam....That's a loss.
That is not open for debate..........

Of course it is open for debate. Your mere insistence carries no authority.
No it isn't..Facts cannot be debated. Facts are absolute. Opinions "about" facts can be debated...Not the facts themselves.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

You are correct. Facts cannot be defeated. The fact is that there is a huge difference between withdrawing from a conflict and being conquered and forced to offer an unconditional surrender.
Is that all you can do........hurl insults? You wanted to know what they lost.....and you didn't think it was the Civil War, but you never said what you thought they lost.

Really, you have no answers, all you can do is call people names when you are obviously the one that is really stupid.
Did you read your post? Do you really think that belongs in an intelligent discussion?
"The loser's flag"?.....Are you kidding? And that moronic left wing moon bat insult toward conservatives? Did you have a case of vapor lock thinking no one would respond in kind?

Well, moron....the Confederates lost, in case you didn't know it. And they belong to the US, so they don't need to be paying homage to their "loser's" flag.
We lost the war in Vietnam...Should the US stop flying the Stars and Stripes?
Boy, you are really in need of some schooling. We pulled out of Viet Nam, we didn't lose. And, if we had lost it, we weren't fighting against our country, so why would we stop flying the Stars and Stripes? You are really dumb.

".the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union".....Wow! That is brilliant!.....The main focus of the civil war was to keep the country together....

The main focus was the South wanted to keep slaves....and in case you didn't know it, the doofuses states, with their bigoted leaders wanted to secede.....just like they do now, every time they don't get their way.

"I don't have a problem with confederate flag merchandise".....Umm, Yes. You do.
Calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people.

Stupid people like you need to be insulted.

Let me explain it to you Stupid.....if you want to be a bigot and hate blacks, and fly a dozen flags in your private property, by all means do so....I believe in a Free Country.....but you sure as hell don't have the right to shove your "loser's" flag in our faces on Government property, because you are too ignorant to realize that the losers don't get to claim victory by flying a flag on their enemy's lawn.

Geeze, no wonder your leaders are so dumb, they've got dumb people like you electing them.
genius......Read your history. We cut and ran from Vietnam....That's a loss.
That is not open for debate.....Neither is your idiotic premise that the CBF is a symbol of "losers"....I didn't see you on here bitching about it before. Why not?
Could it be that you have no mind of your own and are just following the crowd?.
There is a secession movement in the south? Please, enlighten us...Post a link....Sure.....
Hey titsy...I don't own a CBF. Nor do I think it display should be sanctioned by any government entity.
So now you will move on to "the next thing".....
Why you argue with me knowing full well you cannot win is a mystery.....
Ok, here comes another attempt at clever....Go ahead dummy. You cannot help yourself. Are you going to ask your dopey lib friends what to reply with next?
Why don't you wait until the next time you tote your little cupcakes to their next soccer practice.

There is a difference between Vietnam and the American Civil War.

The Confederacy surrendered to the US. The US negotiated a cease-fire and withdrew from the conflict.

In one case a nation was conquered. In the other a nation simply withdrew from a conflict.
And? didn't understand what he said.......figures.
When you were stumped for an answer. You didn't think they lost the civil war....maybe you are reading the same book that other moron is reading....Irishass....who thinks the Confederate flag is the flag of the Union.
Sweet tits....Please indicate where I stated or implied the south did not lose thew civil way and I will give you a cookie.
You are the beaten child flailing wildly at your tormentors while they laugh uncontrollably at your sniveling.

Well, teenydick, when you aligned yourself with Irishass......she thinks the Confederate flag is the union flag....and the only ones laughing are the ones that realize what losers the Confederate flag droolers are.
gee that's clever.....Hey over user of perfume because of the 'smell'....
I align myself with no one.
Your argument is with Irish lass. Go bother her with your ignorant rants.

Hey bearer of bad think the same way Irishass does....which amounts to "not thinking"....just pointing it out.
Which means you have nothing further to add to the discussion. Another one in the old "L" column for you..

Nothing further to add to your sophomoric insults........what more can I say after I tell you that you are "not thinking".....that sums it all up.

Looks to me like you're the one that didn't want to discuss the topic further.....but switched over to some stupid remark about using're so easy to put down. Loser.......not only is your flag going down....the ACA was given the okay by the Supreme that'll put your panties in a wad.
It's a flag... get over it.

Yeah, the loser's flag. Next thing you know, conservatives are going to be flying the British flag above the United States flag....because that is who they are......:badgrin::badgrin: You can't be a patriot and root for the enemy......the south is lucky that the US didn't kick their ass out of the Union, then they could fly it to their heart's content.

It's a flag and you can't prove intent or purpose. It's part of US history.
It was the flag of the states that were looking to secede the United States and belongs in a museum, not flying over a State building.

Flying a flag of another country is an entire other story.
The South was looking to become a separate nation, so in essence, it is a flag of another country that never came to be.

The first official national flag of the Confederacy, often called the "Stars and Bars", was flown from March 4, 1861 to May 1, 1863.

What are you thoughts on the girl that flew a Mexican flag at her UNITED STATES college graduation?

She's in the same category as those who want to fly a Confederate flag at their graduation. I don't care if they fly whatever flag they want, on their property, or someone else's property that allows them. My concern is flying them on government property.
It's OK to hold a Mexican flag at a graduation but not a Confederate flag.... ?

Ok.. makes sense...

Where did anyone say that? Don't be making up shit. If somebody said it, quote them....don't just act like you know what everyone is thinking.
The girl who waved the Mexican flag was paying tribute to the nation of her birth. Those wanting to fly or wave the confederate flag have no such sentiment. They are waving the flag of a nation that only existed in wartime against the US, and was formed to protect the institution of slavery.

So what do you think about students wearing US Flag shirts etc. on Cinco De Mayo? They are displaying their pride - or does "intent" of why you are wearing your flag dictate the appropriateness of it?

What is your problem? Having a hard time understanding? Nobody cares what a person does on their own property, or wherever they want....for whatever occasion...the matter being discussed has to do with flying it on a Government building....a government building that represents Americans, not just those that were against America at a certain point in time. Get it? We don't have laws against wearing flags on clothing.....and nobody gets bent over it...try to focus.
We cut and ran from Vietnam....That's a loss.
That is not open for debate..........

Of course it is open for debate. Your mere insistence carries no authority.
No it isn't..Facts cannot be debated. Facts are absolute. Opinions "about" facts can be debated...Not the facts themselves.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

It is not a fact.......if you think it is a fact post a link that indicates it is a fact. Just because you and a handful of know-nothings claim it is, doesn't make it so.

Why do you hate the US so much?
What is your problem? Having a hard time understanding? Nobody cares what a person does on their own property, or wherever they want....for whatever occasion...the matter being discussed has to do with flying it on a Government building....a government building that represents Americans, not just those that were against America at a certain point in time. Get it? We don't have laws against wearing flags on clothing.....and nobody gets bent over it...try to focus.

Actually, the original topic was Walmart ceasing to sell the Confederate flag.

any actually we are not supposed to wear flags as clothing by law (I learned recently...)

Charming I must say....
Where did anyone say that? Don't be making up shit. If somebody said it, quote them....don't just act like you know what everyone is thinking.

I've hear your party defend the one, and guess what... I don't have to play by "your rules!" Sorry, you don't know what everyone is thinking either and you don't get to say how they say it or when.....
She's in the same category as those who want to fly a Confederate flag at their graduation. I don't care if they fly whatever flag they want, on their property, or someone else's property that allows them. My concern is flying them on government property.

Laws are so complicated. Not.

If it's legal, you can do it.
If it's not, you still can do it but have to suffer the consequences. Wow. that was hard!
We cut and ran from Vietnam....That's a loss.
That is not open for debate..........

Of course it is open for debate. Your mere insistence carries no authority.
No it isn't..Facts cannot be debated. Facts are absolute. Opinions "about" facts can be debated...Not the facts themselves.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

You are correct. Facts cannot be defeated. The fact is that there is a huge difference between withdrawing from a conflict and being conquered and forced to offer an unconditional surrender.
Splitting hairs does not change the fact that we did not WIN.....If you don't win, it's a loss.
Sweet tits....Please indicate where I stated or implied the south did not lose thew civil way and I will give you a cookie.
You are the beaten child flailing wildly at your tormentors while they laugh uncontrollably at your sniveling.

Well, teenydick, when you aligned yourself with Irishass......she thinks the Confederate flag is the union flag....and the only ones laughing are the ones that realize what losers the Confederate flag droolers are.
gee that's clever.....Hey over user of perfume because of the 'smell'....
I align myself with no one.
Your argument is with Irish lass. Go bother her with your ignorant rants.

Hey bearer of bad think the same way Irishass does....which amounts to "not thinking"....just pointing it out.
Which means you have nothing further to add to the discussion. Another one in the old "L" column for you..

Nothing further to add to your sophomoric insults........what more can I say after I tell you that you are "not thinking".....that sums it all up.

Looks to me like you're the one that didn't want to discuss the topic further.....but switched over to some stupid remark about using're so easy to put down. Loser.......not only is your flag going down....the ACA was given the okay by the Supreme that'll put your panties in a wad.
Hey genius....It's not MY flag.. I could not care less if I ever see another CBF
Oh, once Obama is out of office, within 18 months the current ACA will not be recognizable.
Oh, the GOP wanted the ruling to go this way. That is because the democrats made it very clear if SCOTUS had ruled for the plaintiffs which by the way were NOT GOP, they would use it as a political sledge hammer.
The SCOTUS ACA ruling is not a loss at all. In fact it is huge win.....Essentially, the SCOTUS put the authority back in the hands of the state governments. After all, the states are paying the subsidies anyway.
Why anyone would celebrate a government program that is causing prices and out of pocket expenses to rise for the customers and causing costs to the providers to increase, is a mystery
We cut and ran from Vietnam....That's a loss.
That is not open for debate..........

Of course it is open for debate. Your mere insistence carries no authority.
No it isn't..Facts cannot be debated. Facts are absolute. Opinions "about" facts can be debated...Not the facts themselves.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

You are correct. Facts cannot be defeated. The fact is that there is a huge difference between withdrawing from a conflict and being conquered and forced to offer an unconditional surrender.
Splitting hairs does not change the fact that we did not WIN.....If you don't win, it's a loss.

You are a numbskull.
We cut and ran from Vietnam....That's a loss.
That is not open for debate..........

Of course it is open for debate. Your mere insistence carries no authority.
No it isn't..Facts cannot be debated. Facts are absolute. Opinions "about" facts can be debated...Not the facts themselves.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

You are correct. Facts cannot be defeated. The fact is that there is a huge difference between withdrawing from a conflict and being conquered and forced to offer an unconditional surrender.
Splitting hairs does not change the fact that we did not WIN.....If you don't win, it's a loss.

You are a numbskull.
That's MR Numskull to you.
With the state of affairs the country and world are in right now, I can't believe all this crap about the confederate flag. Holy smokes!! Don't we have more important things to concern ourselves with and to get our undies in a knot over???
What is your problem? Having a hard time understanding? Nobody cares what a person does on their own property, or wherever they want....for whatever occasion...the matter being discussed has to do with flying it on a Government building....a government building that represents Americans, not just those that were against America at a certain point in time. Get it? We don't have laws against wearing flags on clothing.....and nobody gets bent over it...try to focus.

Actually, the original topic was Walmart ceasing to sell the Confederate flag.

any actually we are not supposed to wear flags as clothing by law (I learned recently...)

Charming I must say....

But you're responding to the posts where we're discussing not flying it on Government property. True....the flag itself should not be used as clothing, but clothing that has semblance of the flag is not least you won't get arrested for wearing one.

The United States Flag Code establishes advisory rules for display and care of the national flag of the United States of America. It is Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the United States Code (4 U.S.C. § 1 et seq). This is a U.S. federal law, but the penalty described in Federal Law 18 USC Section 700[1] for failure to comply with it is not enforced. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Eichman that prohibiting desecration of the U.S. flag conflicts with the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and is therefore unconstitutional.[2]

This etiquette is as applied within U.S. jurisdiction. In other countries and places, local etiquette applies.
Where did anyone say that? Don't be making up shit. If somebody said it, quote them....don't just act like you know what everyone is thinking.

I've hear your party defend the one, and guess what... I don't have to play by "your rules!" Sorry, you don't know what everyone is thinking either and you don't get to say how they say it or when.....

Post a link....I don't know what you're talking about my party defending "the one". And, no you don't have to play by my rules, but I'm going to confront you if I didn't say it and you're acting as if I did.
With the state of affairs the country and world are in right now, I can't believe all this crap about the confederate flag. Holy smokes!! Don't we have more important things to concern ourselves with and to get our undies in a knot over???

When people are being killed, that isn't just crap. It's a known fact that the Confederate flag is an insult to Black Americans, and that little twerp obviously hated black people (he said so) and he's pictured with a Confederate certainly is important to most of us, maybe not to you.

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