Wanna Be Black????

Blacks would be wise to return to the GOP.

Why would blacks move to a party which so clearly HATES them?

Democrats haven't done jack shit for them. I defy any democrat to prove me wrong.

If your mom neglects to feed you, are you going to go live with a guy who kicks you in the teeth every night?

Just because Democrats have not served blacks well does not automatically mean the Republicans will. The Republicans have made it very clear they hate minorities.

Oh really??/ Senator TIm Scott Justice Thomas, Michael Steele, Ben Carson and so on.
Want to try again?
Exceptions who prove the rule.

I'll see your three guys and raise you 95% of the black vote.

Wanna try again?

You are the one who said the GOP hates minorities therefore according to your logic no black, Hispanic, female, gay etc is a Republican. BTW John Kasich got 26 percent of the black vote for Gov in 2014. Mike Huckabee got close to half the black vote in 2 of his elections for Gov. of Arkansas. Sorry to break the bad news to you.
What does the GOP talk about?

Anchor babies, rapist Mexicans, pedophile homosexuals, blacks using food stamps to buy hookers and blow and steaks, and Muslims being either terrorists or terrorists-in-waiting.

I don't recall hearing any candidates talking about how capitalism is going to solve our problems. Our candidates are saying MINORITIES are the problem!
Asked if there is any presidential candidate right now who is promoting viable solutions to poverty, Woodson said "no."

So...yeah. He's not going to be going over to Republicans any time soon.

This is a guy who says it all. There is nobody out there who has the answers. The Republicans don't even try, and they hate minorities. Shit, we have idiots on this forum who say in one breath there are no poor people and so we don't need food stamps, and in the next breath say there are as many poor people as there were when LBJ initiated the War on Poverty!

Positively schizophrenic.

They are wrong on both counts.

The solution to poverty is well known.

It's called capitalism.
Agreed... or for the Libs too stupid to understand, it means "Get a job!!!"
It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

It's funny how you tards always neglect to mention the chief motivation was religious, not political.

The people who hate blacks are the ones who defraud and exploit them. The Democrats.
It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

It's funny how you tards neglect to mention the chief motivation was religious, not political.

How many years ago was that?

What does the GOP talk about?

Anchor babies, rapist Mexicans, pedophile homosexuals, blacks using food stamps to buy hookers and blow and steaks, and Muslims being either terrorists or terrorists-in-waiting.

I don't recall hearing any candidates talking about how capitalism is going to solve our problems. Our candidates are saying MINORITIES are the problem!
Lawlessness is the problem, not the ethnicity of anyone, genius:slap:
It's weird how the tards think talking about people from 60 to 150 years ago has some relevance to the Democrats of today, and yet will fucking LOSE IT if you point out the Christian connection.
What does the GOP talk about?

Anchor babies, rapist Mexicans, pedophile homosexuals, blacks using food stamps to buy hookers and blow and steaks, and Muslims being either terrorists or terrorists-in-waiting.

I don't recall hearing any candidates talking about how capitalism is going to solve our problems. Our candidates are saying MINORITIES are the problem!
Lawlessness is the problem, not the ethnicity of anyone, genius:slap:
Lawlessness? I see. Please go on and tell us about the lawlessness of all the Muslims, gays, blacks, and anchor babies.

I had no idea every time a bigot compared being gay to pedophilia they were talking about the lawlessness of gays and weren't just being assholes.

I cannot recall a time when a right winger talked about a minority and it was not in a negative light.

Minorities notice shit like that.
It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

I said GOP elected officials sanctioning what I mentioned before, not clowns dressed for whatever suits them. Your dodge is noted.

It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

I said GOP elected officials sanctioning what I mentioned before, not clowns dressed for whatever suits them. Your dodge is noted.

It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

It's funny how you tards neglect to mention the chief motivation was religious, not political.

How many years ago was that?

Right wingers? those are all members of the Democrat party no doubt. it's we liberty loving conservatives who fought for the liberty of black people.
PoliticalChic and her ilk have a problem with minorites. They don't like 'em. PC couches her bigotry by whining about "multiculturalism" and must believe minorities are too stupid to know what she is really about.

But they do know. They get it.

I'm sure they laugh their asses off when they see her pretend to be baffled why they don't vote GOP.

They don't vote GOP because the GOP tolerates the existence of assholes like PC in their ranks. Not only tolerate bigots like PC, the GOP panders to them.
Asked if there is any presidential candidate right now who is promoting viable solutions to poverty, Woodson said "no."

So...yeah. He's not going to be going over to Republicans any time soon.

This is a guy who says it all. There is nobody out there who has the answers. The Republicans don't even try, and they hate minorities. Shit, we have idiots on this forum who say in one breath there are no poor people and so we don't need food stamps, and in the next breath say there are as many poor people as there were when LBJ initiated the War on Poverty!

Positively schizophrenic.

They are wrong on both counts.

The solution to poverty is well known.

It's called capitalism.
I guess Woodsen is stupid then, eh?

There's no necessity to guessing about you being stupid.
It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

It's funny how you tards always neglect to mention the chief motivation was religious, not political.

Why do you keep showing us pictures of Southern Democrats???
Blacks would be wise to return to the GOP.

Why would blacks move to a party which so clearly HATES them?

Democrats haven't done jack shit for them. I defy any democrat to prove me wrong.

If your mom neglects to feed you, are you going to go live with a guy who kicks you in the teeth every night?

Just because Democrats have not served blacks well does not automatically mean the Republicans will. The Republicans have made it very clear they hate minorities. At best, they tolerate and nurture bigots.


Coulter nailed morons like you with this pithy quote:

"Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line:
“Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”"
How appropriate you quote one of the very people who hates minorities.


Absolute imbeciles never seem able to see beyond skin color.

Raise your paw.
It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

It's funny how you tards neglect to mention the chief motivation was religious, not political.

How many years ago was that?

Right wingers? those are all members of the Democrat party no doubt. it's we liberty loving conservatives who fought for the liberty of black people.
You probably werent' even alive back then. How dare you try to take credit.

By the way, I'm a lifelong Republican. But I stopped voting in 2006 precisely because the Republican Party of today is not the GOP of yesterday.

Why are you attempting to throw out red herrings from the past to divert attention from the modern day GOP bigotry?

It's too bad the GOP puts bigotry ahead of capitalism.

Gotta get those priorities straight!

Alright asshole. Show us where a GOP gov, mayor etc let blacks get lynched, forced blacks to the back of the bus etc. Fish or cut bait as they say.

I can show you plenty of right wing Christian extremists lynching blacks, etc. No problem.

It's funny how you tards neglect to mention the chief motivation was religious, not political.

How many years ago was that?

Right wingers? those are all members of the Democrat party no doubt. it's we liberty loving conservatives who fought for the liberty of black people.

Oh really? Then I'm sure you will name all the Civil Rights leaders in the Republican Party who are heroes to Black Americans.

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