"Wanna Cookie?"

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Back in the first part of the century (doesn't that make you feel OLD?) there was a now-defunct board at Slate called "Ballot Box" We're talking circa 2002-03 here and it was the wild west of the first "social media". There was no Facebook, no Twitter, no nothing else, but there was Ballot Box. You could say almost anything anonymously to anybody including the mods. They'd ban you but you'd be back in within a minute or two with a new IP addy created by board hooligans. One of our denizens was a guy who claimed he was black named "Mookie". Mook lived in N.Dakota which pretty much signaled he wasn't black...there are no blacks in N.Dakota who aren't in prison. So we immediately pegged Mookie as an inmate in their state prison at Bismarck.

There were several board standards created there. The first "translation" came from BB from a cat named "White Rat" and then stolen by StanHill who got noticed by national media for using it. White Rat hated BB for letting this happen and often spammed the board for hours at a time, and eventually hacked the board until it barely functioned. But back to Mookie...he invented the now-infamous: "wanna cookie?" when somebody tangled with him. And that's the rest of the story....well...almost.

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  • Banned
  • #7
If there are any old BBers here they will certify my claim......BB is legendary for the characters who hung out there and the foundation for what message boards would become. There were other boards at Slate in those days....one in particular was called "Chatterbox" which was full of true crazies, many of which are no doubt in mental institutions today.
But I'm not done listing the message board FIRSTS that Ballot Box brought to the cyber world. Enjoy posting your jpegs and gifs in your posts do ya? Well, I'm here to tell you it was done FIRST in BB by a poster called "Dread Pirate"...not sure of the year but it wasn't much later than 2003. I was in the first thread he inserted a cartoon and asked...."Did it come through?" We were all stunned...the two dimensional black and whiteness of BB was changed forever. But how had he done it? with the "img /img " we've all taken for granted in the years since. Slate was APPALLED and threatened anybody doing it with a banning. We just laughed at them and filled our posts with as many pics as possible. Slate said it would overwhelm their servers so we told them to get new servers....and they must have because it was the last we heard from them on the subject. I fondly bid my once radical BIRD created in Word Perfect farewell....I still get a little misty when I think about that. :cry:

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.•´
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If there are any old BBers here they will certify my claim......BB is legendary for the characters who hung out there and the foundation for what message boards would become. There were other boards at Slate in those days....one in particular was called "Chatterbox" which was full of true crazies, many of which are no doubt in mental institutions today.

I escaped and still running in the nude from the butterfly net and love me jacket!
But I'm not done listing the message board FIRSTS that Ballot Box brought to the cyber world. Enjoy posting your jpegs and gifs in your posts do ya? Well, I'm here to tell you it was done FIRST in BB by a poster called "Dread Pirate"...not sure of the year but it wasn't much later than 2003. I was in the first thread he inserted a cartoon and asked...."Did it come through?" We were all stunned...the two dimensional black and whiteness of BB was changed forever. But how had he done it? with the "img /img " we've all taken for granted in the years since. Slate was APPALLED and threatened anybody doing it with a banning. We just laughed at them and filled our posts with as many pics as possible. Slate said it would overwhelm their servers so we told them to get new servers....and they must have because it was the last we heard from them on the subject. I fondly bid my once radical BIRD created in Word Perfect farewell....I still get a little misty when I think about that. :cry:

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.•´

It's 420 somewhere!
Notice in the Zone someone is using Union Jack as a screen name?

There was only one Nanu and you know which poster is that twanging mental midget!

Mookie made me laugh with his cookie and Fifi nonsense with me!

Late one night Mook and I once chased a couple of invaders from Chatterbox out of BB by claiming we were FBI agents looking for terrorists. Then the next day several of us invaded CB...we were met by the usual suspects.....witches throwing spells at us, and threats from a couple of their regulars who admitted already being in laughing academies. That room was a little too strange for my tastes. Remember the night I claimed I'd broken into the BB control room and discovered that everybody in BB was the same person? :lol:
Notice in the Zone someone is using Union Jack as a screen name?

There was only one Nanu and you know which poster is that twanging mental midget!

Mookie made me laugh with his cookie and Fifi nonsense with me!

Late one night Mook and I once chased a couple of invaders from Chatterbox out of BB by claiming we were FBI agents looking for terrorists. Then the next day several of us invaded CB...we were met by the usual suspects.....witches throwing spells at us, and threats from a couple of their regulars who admitted already being in laughing academies. That room was a little too strange for my tastes. Remember the night I claimed I'd broken into the BB control room and discovered that everybody in BB was the same person? :lol:

It was easy to sock on the slate. I wish those boards were still up.
Jpg/Gif have replaced the truly unique and inventive keystroke imagery once used in posting. My "bird" was one example...here's another of an art I'm afraid is gone forever......"the stripper".

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