Wanna feel REALLY old, REALLY fast? Watch this...

Been on business trips to Detroit several times... for sure the bad parts are BAD parts.
But there is an element of awesomeness in Detroit, the people are friendly and the city government is very favorable to small businesses and startups.
I said this to my neighbor yesterday. "It's crazy that just 30 minutes away there are cold blooded murderers who wouldn't think twice about shooting us. We may even pass these people while driving around.

There are probably a lot less cold blooded murderers in North Dakota. Remember Fargo and No Country For Old Men? I just looked it up No Country was in Texas. I didn't realize that. But my point is, a real cold blooded murderer was looking for someone and he found himself in rural America. Where people are simple and crime practically doesn't exist. That character reminds me of the murderers in Detroit I'm talking about. Only he was white.


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