Wanna feel REALLY old, REALLY fast? Watch this...

I never had a Facebook or Twitter account
I never used an Uber or ordered food delivered
I still use an IPhone 6.0
I still have cable
I have a 15 year old car

Slightly off topic, I was having a conversation with a young friend of mine today which led us to the "Champagne Music" of Lawrence Welk, the big band musical variety show from 1951 to 1982. My friend had no idea who Lawrence Welk was and of course, when I brought up Welk's show on my computer, my friend was bored. Welk is a Midwest history lesson, and living in the Midwest again after spending my adult life of the West Coast, I cherish my own history as part of this culture.

I thought a lot this afternoon about those days and how glad I am that I had the Lennon Sisters as my role models, instead of some teacher who gets their rocks off by "transitioning" children too young to even know what gender is, with said teacher scoring points for each innocent little life they destroy.


Slightly off topic, I was having a conversation with a young friend of mine today which led us to the "Champagne Music" of Lawrence Welk, the big band musical variety show from 1951 to 1982. My friend had no idea who Lawrence Welk was and of course, when I brought up Welk's show on my computer, my friend was bored. Welk is a Midwest history lesson, and living in the Midwest again after spending my adult life of the West Coast, I cherish my own history as part of this culture.

I thought a lot this afternoon about those days and how glad I am that I had the Lennon Sisters as my role models, instead of some teacher who gets their rocks off by "transitioning" children too young to even know what gender is, with said teacher scoring points for each innocent little life they destroy.

polkas, accordions & bubbles....lots and lots of bubbles.......~S~
Let's see:

Still have a land line.

Still use a alarm clock.

I deal in cash when dealing FTF.

My daughter gave me a smart phone.....It sits in the car all the time, I never take it with me outside the car.

What I like:

No need to ever go to a movie theater again.

Like in the 50-60s I can have my groceries delivered to my door.

There is very little I can't buy on-line and that frees-up time to go to the places where I can't get the stuff on-line.....Like gun shops. ;)

On-line bill paying. I believe the only bill I can't pay on-line anymore is my bi-yearly taxes.
Let's see:

Still have a land line.

Still use a alarm clock.

I deal in cash when dealing FTF.

My daughter gave me a smart phone.....It sits in the car all the time, I never take it with me outside the car.

What I like:

No need to ever go to a movie theater again.

Like in the 50-60s I can have my groceries delivered to my door.

There is very little I can't buy on-line and that frees-up time to go to the places where I can't get the stuff on-line.....Like gun shops. ;)

On-line bill paying. I believe the only bill I can't pay on-line anymore is my bi-yearly taxes.
Only thing I miss about the movie theaters is the popcorn.
Let's see:

Still have a land line.

Still use a alarm clock.

I deal in cash when dealing FTF.

My daughter gave me a smart phone.....It sits in the car all the time, I never take it with me outside the car.

What I like:

No need to ever go to a movie theater again.

Like in the 50-60s I can have my groceries delivered to my door.

There is very little I can't buy on-line and that frees-up time to go to the places where I can't get the stuff on-line.....Like gun shops. ;)

On-line bill paying. I believe the only bill I can't pay on-line anymore is my bi-yearly taxes.

Yes, we ALL know about your constant and irreversable shopping habit...............

"OH GURL!!! You HAVE to have this one!!! It goes SO well with your invisible midnight camo"!!!


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