Wanna feel REALLY old, REALLY fast? Watch this...

40 years ago, I built my first computer.
It had an 8088 processor.
Back then you could mail order all of the parts that you needed to build one.
But eventually it became cheaper to buy readymade computers.
I bet that I have had 20+ computers.
Amazon used to sell used Dell desktop computers dirt cheap.
I bet that I have also had 20+ cellphones.
I have a drawer full of old cellphones.
You can use an old cell phone for 911.
So maybe keep an old cell phone in your car for emergencies.

I've never felt SO old, SO fast, within just 10 minutes.

Never really realized either, just how much technology and gadgets have been replaced with the "smart phone".

I saw a pay phone at a rest stop yesterday. I literally stopped and stared.

...then I laughed my ass off--as I noticed the phone was card only~
Yes, we ALL know about your constant and irreversable shopping habit...............

"OH GURL!!! You HAVE to have this one!!! It goes SO well with your invisible midnight camo"!!!

I like Splinter night camo.

I use cash almost exclusively.
I always pay cash to people I care about
I deal in cash when dealing FTF
I still deal in a lot of cash

Everyone should use cash as much as possible, IMO. (If you are doing any buying or selling on Friday, use cash exclusively.)


I loved HBO's old opening. :)

Heaven help you if your opening showing a white nuclear family these days.

Remember when they had a new movie every Saturday night?

Hell, now you are lucky to get one about every month and a half.
LOL....I wonder how many new threads are queued up waiting for the server problem to go away?
I still use a regular alarm clock. My mom still uses a check registry.

Sure. Why wouldn't anyone? Why would I throw away a perfectly fine working alarm clock? Having all your needs centralized on a smartphone just means that:
  1. All you need is for ONE THING to break or malfunction to have all aspects of your life screwed up!
  2. All they need is to CONTROL one thing and they run your life.
You must live in a small town.
I don't even know many places that even keep cash in a till anymore.

Great! You have address?! Because if a store refuses cash payment without having a sign out front SAYING they accept no cash, legally, they cannot refuse you services for free and have in effect, declined to take your legal payment.
Great! You have address?! Because if a store refuses cash payment without having a sign out front SAYING they accept no cash, legally, they cannot refuse you services for free and have in effect, declined to take your legal payment.
I'm waiting for the first lawsuit against one of these "card only" venues, for violating the legal tender law.
I'm waiting for the first lawsuit against one of these "card only" venues, for violating the legal tender law.

To be sure, I'm 100% cash. I don't own any credit cards. It is all a scam. I keep a bank debit card just for those things I must order online and that is it. Nor do I use a cellular phone. Fuck all of this crap, it is all designed to spy on and control people. I don't even care what my "credit score" is! :auiqs.jpg:

It is all a fucking scam.
I keep a bank debit card just for those things I must order online
I used a debit card connected to a paypal account back a decade or so ago. . . had my identy stolen.

What a pain in the ass.

Now, if I must buy something on-line, which only ever really happens around the holidays, because, you know, friends & relatives, what are you going to do with 'em? :dunno:

I now just bite the bullet, pay the five dollar surcharge for the pre-paid debit card, and use those. Nothing I buy on-line is ever connected to my Credit Union anymore.
I used a debit card connected to a paypal account back a decade or so ago. . . had my identy stolen.

What a pain in the ass.

Now, if I must buy something on-line, which only ever really happens around the holidays, because, you know, friends & relatives, what are you going to do with 'em? :dunno:

I know just bite the bullet, pay the five dollar surcharge for the pre-paid debit card, and use those. Nothing I buy on-line is ever connected to my Credit Union anymore.

Before I had my problems with my hip and we ate out all the time we were getting compromised cards constantly.
It seemed like every two months we had to cancel cards.
Now that we dont go out it's stopped completely.
I never had a Facebook or Twitter account
I never used an Uber or ordered food delivered
I still use an IPhone 6.0
I still have cable
I have a 15 year old car

Yeah, Chinese bootlickers aren't treated very well. But you have never ordered pizza delivered?

I find that very hard to belive.

I phone 6 huh. SLOW....

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