Wanna guess which party supports this stuff?

You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend': Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
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Very creepy in more ways then one

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
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Wow traditional morality is now seen as creepy. A new low.

What the fuck isn't creepy about it? Yes daddy, I will stay a virgin until I am married? What business is it of daddy's if the daughter has sex?
It's the DADDY's business until she leaves the nest whether YOU like it or not. And if she doesn't adhere to it? Guess what happens?

with people like the OP you can see why our society is going to hell

no morals, honor or pride anymore

and if you believe something against their thinking you get beat down for it

just awful people today and some of the most intolerant I have come across

this is what you get when you turn the other cheek
with people like the OP you can see why our society is going to hell

no morals, honor or pride anymore

and if you believe something against their thinking you get beat down for it

just awful people today and some of the most intolerant I have come across

this is what you get when you turn the other cheek
Honor or pride never entered their minds hon...it never does...and you may also add respect for others.
Shouldn't it be the teenage boys who make the vow of purity balls?

Naw ... boys are supposed to be sowing their wild oats because, well, 'boys will be boys' and they're not responsible for the pregnancies they cause.

This may not (always) be physical incest but its certainly emotional incest.
I must say I like the pledge of the fathers.

My dad used to check the air pressure on my new date's tires. Check the battery. And give the boy $10. and 4 quarters to call him if "something went wrong".

No excuses. :lol: And I loved him for it.

Completely different.
So what we have here is a tradition, to the best of my knowledge one that is relatively new, a tradition born of their religious beliefs. Nothing they are doing is illegal or seemingly harmful to any of the parties involved.

And we have a couple of members who, presumably, hold differing opinions with regard to religion and, based on the thread title, they certainly share opposing political view points. Said members find the practice "creepy" and have taken it upon themselves to denigrate and ridicule the subjects in question.

Nice. Very tolerant. No bigotry in your party.

Is it creepy? Yeah, personally, it gives me the fucking willies. But they're not forcing me to do it and it affects me not one iota. If it helps them or gives them comfort, more power to them.

Party of inclusion indeed.

Live and let live I say...
Shame on you! Shame on you! If you keep posting that way they will NEVER allow you to join the gop or the tea party. If I am not mistaken one must have a strong drive to control the lives of others before you can become a true republican.
Getting all dressed up to go on a dinner date and dancing with Daddy is Tradition? For whom, the Mormons?

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

How about education and close family ties without the loony tunes religious theatrics
These are the same people who would dance around on the street clutching a bloody sheet, on the honeymoon night.

And that would be before handing over the chattel bride to the groom to finish the job.

There's documentary that's been showing lately on one of the premium channels. Its hard to watch because it really is creepy. I wonder where the mothers are.
Funny thing how the Baptist commune in the area had several rape charges put against their leader...

So do various morm sects.

Watch the documentary that's showing lately on one of the premium channels. Anyone who watches that won't come away feeling like its good, clean, healthy family values.
with people like the OP you can see why our society is going to hell

no morals, honor or pride anymore

and if you believe something against their thinking you get beat down for it

just awful people today and some of the most intolerant I have come across

this is what you get when you turn the other cheek
Honor or pride never entered their minds hon...it never does...and you may also add respect for others.

yes, and compassion is just a word they spew, they have no idea the meaning of it
with people like the OP you can see why our society is going to hell

no morals, honor or pride anymore

and if you believe something against their thinking you get beat down for it

just awful people today and some of the most intolerant I have come across

this is what you get when you turn the other cheek
Honor or pride never entered their minds hon...it never does...and you may also add respect for others.

yes, and compassion is just a word they spew, they have no idea the meaning of it
Compassion to them is THEIR hand in YOUR wallet at the point of a GUN.
A sex themed party for young girls and adult men.

What could possibly be wrong with that?

Watching that documentary, the first thing I thought of was the little made up beauty queen children.

Dress them up like little street walkers and young brides and then hold sexual rituals?

Children, both boys and girls, should be allowed to be children, not dress up, be brainwashed in some religious cult and then pretend to marry daddy.
You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend': Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Very creepy in more ways then one

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
You made me watch 30 second ad just to watch a good father telling his daughter that he is her boyfriend so she would not feel the need to hang out with some crack heads who want to screw her?
fn pathetic. :cuckoo: :eusa_liar::eusa_hand:
And even more pathetic is that this thread has 11 pages of debatings.
Last edited:
You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend': Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Very creepy in more ways then one

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Wow traditional morality is now seen as creepy. A new low.

What the fuck isn't creepy about it? Yes daddy, I will stay a virgin until I am married? What business is it of daddy's if the daughter has sex?

Perhaps the simple fact that daddy has spent sixteen or seventeen years of his life in an effort to get this girl to adulthood in an undamaged condition? Everything she does before she reaches eighteen years of age is his business. Sex can have serious consequences for the girls future, just like drugs and liquor can. Yes, it is his business, most girls recognize that fact, and few of them are bold enough to let their fathers know they are engaging in sex. Where do you people come up with this horseskit?
Shouldn't it be the teenage boys who make the vow of purity balls?

Naw ... boys are supposed to be sowing their wild oats because, well, 'boys will be boys' and they're not responsible for the pregnancies they cause.

This may not (always) be physical incest but its certainly emotional incest.

That pretty much depends on who raised those boys, and what values were instilled in them by their parents.

It is no more incest, emotional or physical, than any other father/daughter activity. If you think that taking one's daughter to dinner and dancing is amoral, then it is you who are the creep.

The only objection to school sponsored father/daughter dinners, and girl scout sponsored father/daughter dinners, was the fact that girls who did not have fathers in the house were left out of the activity.

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