Wanna guess which party supports this stuff?

You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend': Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
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Very creepy in more ways then one

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
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Dude? YOU have a serious problem. Look in the nearest mirror to reveal the answer. YOU need to stop with the projection. YOU are sick in the head.
Are the parents having sex with their daughters? If not, this isn't an issue. It's just more religious cultism and weird rituals. Unless a crime is being committed, general society doesn't have anything to complain about.
Purity balls, the taming and shaming.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVlNjLLKzVM]Kevin Butler: VP of Chastity Pledges (NSFW) - YouTube[/ame]
You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend': Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Very creepy in more ways then one

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
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yeah... that's kinda creepy...

'n I 'spect that a certain number of the girls in question will nonetheless go on to be fuckbunnies and/or porn stars...

oh 'n btw... guno can go take a flying fuck for having framed the issue like this: "Wanna guess which party supports this stuff?"
I guess Bristol Palin didn't get her invitation to the Purity Ball, huh?

Maybe they didn't have them when she fell victim to Mr. Johnson's, well...johnson.

See how useful it might have been if she had?

I've heard of these chastity agreements for years. And remember, Bristol at one time extolled the virtures of virtue and abstinence until she got pregnant while in high school and unmarried.

I'd be willing to bet you can't find a psychiatrist who thinks this is 'normal' behavior.

Freud would have a field day with this "incest is best" crowd. Sometimes it isn't Daddy's cigar.

Regards from Rosie

What incest? Oh...your just projecting because you know there is nothing the matter with young ladies who respect themselves enough to keep their legs closed.

Aha...I remember. That's the Republican birth control plan. Keep your legs shut with a dime between them!
I guess Bristol Palin didn't get her invitation to the Purity Ball, huh?

Maybe they didn't have them when she fell victim to Mr. Johnson's, well...johnson.

See how useful it might have been if she had?

I've heard of these chastity agreements for years. And remember, Bristol at one time extolled the virtures of virtue and abstinence until she got pregnant while in high school and unmarried.


Under your same logic, gay marriage is an abject failure because the first gay couple to be married divorced shortly after.
I guess Bristol Palin didn't get her invitation to the Purity Ball, huh?

Maybe they didn't have them when she fell victim to Mr. Johnson's, well...johnson.

See how useful it might have been if she had?

I've heard of these chastity agreements for years. And remember, Bristol at one time extolled the virtures of virtue and abstinence until she got pregnant while in high school and unmarried.


Yeah, way to make fun of a young girl's misjudgement.

Maybe they didn't have them when she fell victim to Mr. Johnson's, well...johnson.

See how useful it might have been if she had?

I've heard of these chastity agreements for years. And remember, Bristol at one time extolled the virtures of virtue and abstinence until she got pregnant while in high school and unmarried.


Yeah, way to make fun of a young girl's misjudgement.

Her judgment isn't the problem here. She's a kid, like the rest. She's also no saint, or the Virgin Mary, like the rest.
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I've heard of these chastity agreements for years. And remember, Bristol at one time extolled the virtures of virtue and abstinence until she got pregnant while in high school and unmarried.


Yeah, way to make fun of a young girl's misjudgement.

Her judgment isn't the problem here. She's a kid, like the rest. She's also no saint, or the Virgin Mary, like the rest.

No one contended otherwise.

You guys all just hate her mom.

And for what?

She hasn't been your elected representative unless you live in Alaska.

What you hate is what she (Sarah) stands for.

And THAT you can't demean no matter how mean you are to her child.

You cruel, stinking, extremist bastards.

And speaking of the Virgin Mary, you assail Sarah Palin as though she was the Daughter of God!

Jesus himself gets only slightly worse contempt from you motherhaters.
Yeah, way to make fun of a young girl's misjudgement.

Her judgment isn't the problem here. She's a kid, like the rest. She's also no saint, or the Virgin Mary, like the rest.

No one contended otherwise.

You guys all just hate her mom.

And for what?

She hasn't been your elected representative unless you live in Alaska.

What you hate is what she (Sarah) stands for.

And THAT you can't demean no matter how mean you are to her child.

You cruel, stinking, extremist bastards.

And speaking of the Virgin Mary, you assail Sarah Palin as though she was the Daughter of God!

Jesus himself gets only slightly worse contempt from you motherhaters.
Sarah stands for Sarah. That's all she's ever stood for.
You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend': Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Very creepy in more ways then one

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Wow traditional morality is now seen as creepy. A new low.

What the fuck isn't creepy about it? Yes daddy, I will stay a virgin until I am married? What business is it of daddy's if the daughter has sex?
. Who raised you that you would have a twisted outlook like that?
record welfare and food stamps in obama's 6th year; the 8th straight year of Progressive Majority Rule

guess which Party calls that "forward progress"?

idiots and hypocrites
the fewest number of ABLE-BODIED Americans working in more than a generation.

guess which Party thinks obama's unemployment figure actually means something; as opposed to worthless as shit?

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