Wanna guess which party supports this stuff?

Freud would have a field day with this "incest is best" crowd. Sometimes it isn't Daddy's cigar.

Regards from Rosie

What incest? Oh...your just projecting because you know there is nothing the matter with young ladies who respect themselves enough to keep their legs closed.

Malarkey. If that were the case, no Ball with Daddy would be necessary.

The little girls beckon Daddy to come hold their knees. What do you want to do to your daughters, perv?

You stopped reading comprehension at about fifth grade also, I see.

Regards from Rosie
If what were the case? LMAO...you make no sense because you know there is nothing wrong with a young lady remaining a virgin. You seem to be projecting again.

Let me guess, you have daddy issues.
Freud would have a field day with this "incest is best" crowd. Sometimes it isn't Daddy's cigar.

Regards from Rosie

What incest? Oh...your just projecting because you know there is nothing the matter with young ladies who respect themselves enough to keep their legs closed.

Malarkey. If that were the case, no Ball with Daddy would be necessary.

The little girls beckon Daddy to come hold their knees. What do you want to do to your daughters, perv?

You stopped reading comprehension at about fifth grade also, I see.

Regards from Rosie

Those are some intense fantasies you're spinning. Better get that checked out.
Which Party had a KKK Grand Kleagel as Senate Majority Leader?

Which party has a President that said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" (By destroying the black family)

Which party had a Senior Senator who talked with his family lawyer while his (Pregnant) GF drowned his GF to death?
Which Party had a KKK Grand Kleagel as Senate Majority Leader?

Which party has a President that said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" (By destroying the black family)

Which party had a Senior Senator who talked with his family lawyer while his (Pregnant) GF drowned his GF to death?
Which party do the people of color vote for? Sucks to be you eh...
Which Party had a KKK Grand Kleagel as Senate Majority Leader?

Which party has a President that said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" (By destroying the black family)

Which party had a Senior Senator who talked with his family lawyer while his (Pregnant) GF drowned his GF to death?
Which party do the people of color vote for? Sucks to be you eh...

White is a color. More like people of colors that more closely resemble my vomit and refuse.
Which Party had a KKK Grand Kleagel as Senate Majority Leader?

Which party has a President that said "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" (By destroying the black family)

Which party had a Senior Senator who talked with his family lawyer while his (Pregnant) GF drowned his GF to death?
Which party do the people of color vote for? Sucks to be you eh...

White is a color. More like people of colors that more closely resemble my vomit and refuse.
White is more like black. no color or all color. Regardless, only one votes for you and they become a smaller group by the day, no mater what snake oil you attempt to sell.
Which party do the people of color vote for? Sucks to be you eh...

White is a color. More like people of colors that more closely resemble my vomit and refuse.
White is more like black. no color or all color. Regardless, only one votes for you and they become a smaller group by the day, no mater what snake oil you attempt to sell.

Yea, you are really threatening rich white republicans by allowing an unrestricted flow of low skilled labor from the third world.

Not sure if serious...
What incest? Oh...your just projecting because you know there is nothing the matter with young ladies who respect themselves enough to keep their legs closed.

Malarkey. If that were the case, no Ball with Daddy would be necessary.

The little girls beckon Daddy to come hold their knees. What do you want to do to your daughters, perv?

You stopped reading comprehension at about fifth grade also, I see.

Regards from Rosie
If what were the case? LMAO...you make no sense because you know there is nothing wrong with a young lady remaining a virgin. You seem to be projecting again.

Let me guess, you have daddy issues.

Again with the reading comprehension.

I will type slowly for you and Peach both.

If such young "pure" girls respected themselves there would be no need for Daddy's "protection" and giving herself to Daddy and needing a Purity Ball.

Plenty of young women refrain from sex before marriage without Daddy laying claim to their virginity.

What do you need to do to your daughters? As the article says, it is all about Daddy. And Daddy's sicko desires.

Incest fantasies acted out are approved of - Freud could spend years analyzing you sickies.

Shame on mothers who give their daughters over to Daddy. Incest fantasy is sicko. Reality is sickest.

And you are PROUD of it too!!

Such trash needs taking out.

Sick sick sick.

Regards from Rosie
White is a color. More like people of colors that more closely resemble my vomit and refuse.
White is more like black. no color or all color. Regardless, only one votes for you and they become a smaller group by the day, no mater what snake oil you attempt to sell.

Yea, you are really threatening rich white republicans by allowing an unrestricted flow of low skilled labor from the third world.

Not sure if serious...
I know who is making babies, and who is voting for whom.
White is more like black. no color or all color. Regardless, only one votes for you and they become a smaller group by the day, no mater what snake oil you attempt to sell.

Yea, you are really threatening rich white republicans by allowing an unrestricted flow of low skilled labor from the third world.

Not sure if serious...
I know who is making babies, and who is voting for whom.

You think republican leadership cares about anything other than money. Elections, lol, get your head of your ass.

Maybe the Chamber of Commerce will send you a Christmas card next holiday season to thank you for advocating for the padding of their bank accounts.
Yea, you are really threatening rich white republicans by allowing an unrestricted flow of low skilled labor from the third world.

Not sure if serious...
I know who is making babies, and who is voting for whom.

You think republican leadership cares about anything other than money. Elections, lol, get your head of your ass.

Maybe the Chamber of Commerce will send you a Christmas card next holiday season to thank you for advocating for the padding of their bank accounts.
The Chamber and I are currently at odds...
Malarkey. If that were the case, no Ball with Daddy would be necessary.

The little girls beckon Daddy to come hold their knees. What do you want to do to your daughters, perv?

You stopped reading comprehension at about fifth grade also, I see.

Regards from Rosie
If what were the case? LMAO...you make no sense because you know there is nothing wrong with a young lady remaining a virgin. You seem to be projecting again.

Let me guess, you have daddy issues.

Again with the reading comprehension.

I will type slowly for you and Peach both.

If such young "pure" girls respected themselves there would be no need for Daddy's "protection" and giving herself to Daddy and needing a Purity Ball.

Plenty of young women refrain from sex before marriage without Daddy laying claim to their virginity.

What do you need to do to your daughters? As the article says, it is all about Daddy. And Daddy's sicko desires.

Incest fantasies acted out are approved of - Freud could spend years analyzing you sickies.

Shame on mothers who give their daughters over to Daddy. Incest fantasy is sicko. Reality is sickest.

And you are PROUD of it too!!

Such trash needs taking out.

Sick sick sick.

Regards from Rosie
Let me type even slower for the brain dead ***** on the board.

That is not what is happening.
I know who is making babies, and who is voting for whom.

You think republican leadership cares about anything other than money. Elections, lol, get your head of your ass.

Maybe the Chamber of Commerce will send you a Christmas card next holiday season to thank you for advocating for the padding of their bank accounts.
The Chamber and I are currently at odds...

So they found out about your fetish for facial abuse porn and rape victims?
Malarkey. If that were the case, no Ball with Daddy would be necessary.

The little girls beckon Daddy to come hold their knees. What do you want to do to your daughters, perv?

You stopped reading comprehension at about fifth grade also, I see.

Regards from Rosie
If what were the case? LMAO...you make no sense because you know there is nothing wrong with a young lady remaining a virgin. You seem to be projecting again.

Let me guess, you have daddy issues.

Again with the reading comprehension.

I will type slowly for you and Peach both.

If such young "pure" girls respected themselves there would be no need for Daddy's "protection" and giving herself to Daddy and needing a Purity Ball.

Plenty of young women refrain from sex before marriage without Daddy laying claim to their virginity.

What do you need to do to your daughters? As the article says, it is all about Daddy. And Daddy's sicko desires.

Incest fantasies acted out are approved of - Freud could spend years analyzing you sickies.

Shame on mothers who give their daughters over to Daddy. Incest fantasy is sicko. Reality is sickest.

And you are PROUD of it too!!

Such trash needs taking out.

Sick sick sick.

Regards from Rosie
You seem fixated on incest. Is there something you need to tell us here? Because nothijng, nothing, in the article even hints at it.
I realize this is actually coming from your typical inability to read and draw reasonabl conclusions--a failing I find in plenty of liberals.
Putting aside how much the Op has been distorted and twisted into something it's not and never was I will just go to the question asked in the thread title as far as I know no one from any party has had anything to say about this so the answer is neither or none take your pick.
Malarkey. If that were the case, no Ball with Daddy would be necessary.

The little girls beckon Daddy to come hold their knees. What do you want to do to your daughters, perv?

You stopped reading comprehension at about fifth grade also, I see.

Regards from Rosie
If what were the case? LMAO...you make no sense because you know there is nothing wrong with a young lady remaining a virgin. You seem to be projecting again.

Let me guess, you have daddy issues.

Again with the reading comprehension.

I will type slowly for you and Peach both.

If such young "pure" girls respected themselves there would be no need for Daddy's "protection" and giving herself to Daddy and needing a Purity Ball.

Plenty of young women refrain from sex before marriage without Daddy laying claim to their virginity.

What do you need to do to your daughters? As the article says, it is all about Daddy. And Daddy's sicko desires.

Incest fantasies acted out are approved of - Freud could spend years analyzing you sickies.

Shame on mothers who give their daughters over to Daddy. Incest fantasy is sicko. Reality is sickest.

And you are PROUD of it too!!

Such trash needs taking out.

Sick sick sick.

Regards from Rosie

This has nothing to do with incest. Your assertions are ridiculous and your attacks - trying to claim no one has reading comprehension...is disingenuous.

Either you are so blinded with hate for Christianity that you simply can't see the truth and have to make up nonsense to justify your skewed and amoral life view or you are a troll.

Either way, you are pathetic, absolutely pathetic. You are taking something good, something innocent and trying to make it into something evil. You are so blind, you can't see the good in maintaining one's innocence.

I'm sorry your life was/ is so horrific that you have such a negative view on innocent, pro-family lifestyles. It may not be your reality, but many fathers love their daughters, not sexually, but as daughters. We are talking about real men, that will sacrifice everything to make sure their daughters are happy. We are talking about real men, that sit at the dinner table and are involved in their daughters lives...because they love them. We are talking about real men, who will kill or be killed to protect their children and sacrifice EVERYTHING so their children can have a positive future. We are talking about real men, who raise their children, instilling faith, prayer, morality and love.

Again, I am sorry you are not privy to this reality...BUT IT DOES EXIST. There is nothing the matter with a man loving his family and teaching his children traditional family values. There is no ulterior motive in a father encouraging his daughter to respect herself, her body and her family.

So, be honest. Are you denying the idea of family values and virtue or are you just denying God and Christianity?
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You are married to the Lord and your daddy is your boyfriend': Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers until marriage, sweeping America

The daughters silently commit to live pure lives before God through the symbol of laying down a white rose at the cross, before engaging in a wedding-type dance with their father.

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
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Very creepy in more ways then one

Read more: Purity balls, in which girls 'gift their virginity' to their fathers, sweeping America | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Wow traditional morality is now seen as creepy. A new low.
Just when you think the left can't sink any lower...they are now mining Whaleshit at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

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