Wanna talk about big brother? Geeze!

I didn't think they were allowed to do that! that is pretty messed up.
That's big brother for you. Unless they catch him driving, he should be allowed to drink himself to a stupor in the privacy of his own home. If this isn't a violation due process, I don't know what is.

It's a questionable ruling, but the doctor was within his rights. Doctor/patient confidentiality may be legally breached if there is a possible threat to others. I think the guy should get his liscence back.
There was an NRA article about 3 years ago on the same topic.


Think about this for a second.

What is REALLY going on?
NewGuy said:
There was an NRA article about 3 years ago on the same topic.


Think about this for a second.

What is REALLY going on?

Now that's overstepping the bounds.
True doctors can report confidential info when threat to other people, but I thought the standard was "imminent" threat. This guy had not had a DUI for over 17 some years (got when he was 21). All he does is drink himself to sleep with six beers. Hardly an imminent threat, especially when you consider that he never misses work and has an excellent work history, a real drunk wouldn't even show up for work.

This reminds me of that future crime movie with Tom Cruise, where they arrest you before you have committed a crime. Truly unconstitutional.
It's also being ratted on by a fellow citizen. Hope his name was published for all to see !

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