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Wanna Try Out Socialism?

Silence befits one of your......ability.
If you say so rdean........ :lmao:

I told you not to come back until you had a thought in your head.

Wanna try again?

The Democrats are running on socialism, a failed doctrine.

You still can't see that?

Stickin' with "Oh, yeah!!! Well.....duhhhhhhh....."?
Still think that's what I'm arguing....... Really? What a fuckin' moron...... :rofl:

When I bring out the vulgarity in an adversary, I know I've hit a nerve.

Delusional too boot. :lmao:

"...to boot...." you dunce.
If you say so rdean........ :lmao:

I told you not to come back until you had a thought in your head.

Wanna try again?

The Democrats are running on socialism, a failed doctrine.

You still can't see that?

Stickin' with "Oh, yeah!!! Well.....duhhhhhhh....."?
Still think that's what I'm arguing....... Really? What a fuckin' moron...... :rofl:

When I bring out the vulgarity in an adversary, I know I've hit a nerve.

Delusional too boot. :lmao:

"...to boot...." you dunce.
That's all you've got? Really? As expected...... rdean...... :rofl:
I told you not to come back until you had a thought in your head.

Wanna try again?

The Democrats are running on socialism, a failed doctrine.

You still can't see that?

Stickin' with "Oh, yeah!!! Well.....duhhhhhhh....."?
Still think that's what I'm arguing....... Really? What a fuckin' moron...... :rofl:

When I bring out the vulgarity in an adversary, I know I've hit a nerve.

Delusional too boot. :lmao:

"...to boot...." you dunce.
That's all you've got? Really? As expected...... rdean...... :rofl:

Looks like you're on the batting end of a no-hitter.

Wrong on every post, and now we've proven that the English language isn't your area of expertise either, huh?

Time to hand out another trophy for “Not-Tonight-Dear,- I’ve-Got-A-Crushed-Ego.”

Nothing new......the Democrats have ALWAYS been in favor if socialism......along with slavery.

12. To this day, the Democrats favor slavery over freedom…..for all races. How so?
Because now they openly champion socialism, the same theft of one’s labor as slavery is.

Southern Democrat theoretician George Fitzhugh made an interesting admission about two related desires of the Democrats: Slavery and Socialism.

" What society needed was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."

"Socialism," Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully land perfectly attains. [...] Socialism is already slavery in all save the master... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.”

Fitzhugh, George (1854 Sociology for the South, p. 48)

And, they remain, the party of slavery and of socialism to this day.
Still think that's what I'm arguing....... Really? What a fuckin' moron...... :rofl:

When I bring out the vulgarity in an adversary, I know I've hit a nerve.

Delusional too boot. :lmao:

"...to boot...." you dunce.
That's all you've got? Really? As expected...... rdean...... :rofl:

Looks like you're on the batting end of a no-hitter.

Wrong on every post, and now we've proven that the English language isn't your area of expertise either, huh?

Time to hand out another trophy for “Not-Tonight-Dear,- I’ve-Got-A-Crushed-Ego.”

Good lord do you have a serious problem with projection or what rdean? Wow!!
When I bring out the vulgarity in an adversary, I know I've hit a nerve.

Delusional too boot. :lmao:

"...to boot...." you dunce.
That's all you've got? Really? As expected...... rdean...... :rofl:

Looks like you're on the batting end of a no-hitter.

Wrong on every post, and now we've proven that the English language isn't your area of expertise either, huh?

Time to hand out another trophy for “Not-Tonight-Dear,- I’ve-Got-A-Crushed-Ego.”

Good lord do you have a serious problem with projection or what rdean? Wow!!

I made a point and defended it.....you have a point under your hat.

Where's the problem?
Delusional too boot. :lmao:

"...to boot...." you dunce.
That's all you've got? Really? As expected...... rdean...... :rofl:

Looks like you're on the batting end of a no-hitter.

Wrong on every post, and now we've proven that the English language isn't your area of expertise either, huh?

Time to hand out another trophy for “Not-Tonight-Dear,- I’ve-Got-A-Crushed-Ego.”

Good lord do you have a serious problem with projection or what rdean? Wow!!

I made a point and defended it.....you have a point under your hat.

Where's the problem?
Correction, you made a completely incorrect point then posted confirmation bias to defend it, just like rdean does. Way to go wacko.
Why are you back?

Let's review,

I constructed a well supported thesis that the Democrat Party has the failed political and economic policy of socialism, and all you did was pretend that you could support socialism and capitalism equally.

Of course, you couldn't.

I embarrassed you after giving you a chance to support your claimed.

Again, you proved to be a zero.

Somehow, the less intellectually gifted imagine that continuing to post is the equivalent of making a point.

Of course, it isn't.

You've added nothing to the thread, to the debate, not even entertainment. You're a bore.
You must be so very proud: you've taken the Art of Clueless to an epic level!

Sooo.....why are you back?
13. The Democrats must be able to point to one example of socialism working out for a nation????

How about the USSR.....that sure was the real socialism/communism.
Not doubt the Bolshevik 'hometown' would sing the praises of socialism/communism........wouldn't it?????


Boris Yeltsin himself showed the error of this attempt:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” GORBACHEV, YELTSIN SAY COMMUNISM FAILED USSR

Yet....morons still champion it.
And a Marxist is their front-runner for nominee!!!!!

Go for it, Democrats....
14. And on the topic of the fall of the USSR, and socialism everywhere except the DNC, this is the 30th anniversary.

“For Europe, this is a year of important 30th anniversaries which anyone who believes in freedom should care about. In 1989, the political order which had defined the continent since the end of the Second World War, an order that seemed to be set in stone, or at least Soviet concrete, fell apart. Across Eastern Europe, millions of people were pushing against communism and the pressure they created helped bring about its eventual collapse.

… the tens of millions of former Soviet-bloc citizens in their respective countries were not a uniform mass with identical political opinions. But they still collectively proved to be a massive disappointment to the western Left. They were even more upset when former communist countries including Poland, Hungary and the Baltic republics joined Nato, taking shelter behind American strength. To steal a phrase that historically minded socialists are fond of, the world turned upside down.

On the broad Left, in the media, academia and among our self-appointed intelligentsia, were many who disliked old-fashioned Soviet communism. They thought they had an alternative to offer in less authoritarian forms of socialism. They couldn’t understand that the former victims of communism wanted something completely different. The newly liberated peoples weren’t binning hard-line Leninism to opt for a lighter version of Marx, or the social vision of the New Statesman.

They wanted free market capitalism and consumerism instead.”

And in an emphatic two-fingered gesture to the Left in general, many Eastern Europeans adopted as a symbol of their liberation American President Ronald Reagan.”
The death of communism – a 30-year anniversary we won’t be hearing much about

Know who doesn't want free market capitalism????

The Democrat Party.
Trump needs to grow a bigger pair and declare socialism illegal. At worst it would show the country who the commies are among us, at best, it will guarantee him a 2020 win bigly.
Trump needs to grow a bigger pair and declare socialism illegal. At worst it would show the country who the commies are among us, at best, it will guarantee him a 2020 win bigly.
Shut down all those damn employee owned and ran businesses also!
The Democrat Party does.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

A Marxist as the Democrat standard-bearer???? Yup.
Here we see the culmination of the Liberal control of government schooling: indoctrination, certainly not education.Time for the Democrats to be called the ‘know-nothing party.’ And for a remedial course in the history of socialism.

1. I’ve always been a devotee of the Gates Test: when they open the gates, do people rush in, or rush out? It’s a pretty good test of socialism, in all of its forms: communism, fascism, Nazism, Progressivism, and Liberalism [check out the numbers of folks moving out of California and New York].

2. “During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

3. Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

4. After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

5. …there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

6. …socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

7. Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???


I don't want SOCIALISM. certainly not like VENEZUELA!

However the socialism we already have is fine.....

as an example of socialism that I'm pretty sure you would like;

Bob the conservative HATES political correctness.
NOBODY is going to tell Bob that he can't smoke tobacco or eat fatty foods.
He'll smoke what he wants and drink what he wants and eat what he wants.
So over the years bob gets fat, and hardened arteries, and develops heart disease and leg and back problems.

Fortunately he has retired so he gets MEDICARE so TAX payers will pay for ALL of his doctor bills, and all of his treatments and medicines. Thousands of dollars every year. And, since Bob is a conservative, he refuses to diet or exercise (which might have mitigated some or all of his IRRESPONSIBLE LIFESTYLE choices) these problems. Consequently the expenses will continue until Bob dies.....

Is this an acceptable for or socialism for you?

are you happy paying EVERY YEAR for bob's irresponsible lifestyle?

What I want is to be more like Finland and Norway;
a socialist/capitalist country

just enough "socialism" for everyone's benefit

but still the freedom to earn more money.

Your turn
insult me
call me a commie
call me a traitor

do what you do best.....

do what you can't help doing....
The Democrat Party does.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

A Marxist as the Democrat standard-bearer???? Yup.
Here we see the culmination of the Liberal control of government schooling: indoctrination, certainly not education.Time for the Democrats to be called the ‘know-nothing party.’ And for a remedial course in the history of socialism.

1. I’ve always been a devotee of the Gates Test: when they open the gates, do people rush in, or rush out? It’s a pretty good test of socialism, in all of its forms: communism, fascism, Nazism, Progressivism, and Liberalism [check out the numbers of folks moving out of California and New York].

2. “During the first three decades of the 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's top-10 richest nations. It was ahead of Canada and Australia in total and per capita income. After Juan Peron's ideas, captured in his economic creed that he called "national socialism," became a part of Argentina's life, the country fell into economic chaos. Today it has fallen to 25th in terms of GDP.

3. Nicolas Maduro, an avowed socialist, has turned oil-rich Venezuela into a place where there are shortages of everything from toilet paper to beer, where electricity keeps shutting down, and where there are long lines of people hoping to get food. Some people are eating their pets and feeding their children from garbage bins. Socialism has crippled Venezuela's once-thriving economy. Today, Venezuela is among the world's most tragically poor countries.

4. After Germany's defeat in WWII, it was divided into socialist East Germany and capitalist West Germany. West Germans had far greater income, wealth and human rights protections. In large numbers, East Germans tried to flee to West Germany, so much so that the East German government set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent escape. Few, if any, West Germans tried to flee to East Germany, and the West German government spent no resources preventing its citizens from leaving.

5. …there's North Korea and South Korea. North Korea's nominal per capita GDP is only 3.6 percent of South Korea's nominal per capita GDP of $23,838. There are few human rights protections for North Koreans. North Korea, like East Germany, has set up deadly mines and other traps to prevent its citizens from escaping.

6. …socialist nations that have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens such as the case with the former USSR and China.

7. Sanders and other socialists hold Denmark as their dream, but Prime Minister Lars Lekke Rasmussen said: "I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Scandinavian socialism is a myth.” Millennials for Socialism

So, since socialism has never worked, what better plan for the Democrat Party???


I don't want SOCIALISM. certainly not like VENEZUELA!

However the socialism we already have is fine.....

as an example of socialism that I'm pretty sure you would like;

Bob the conservative HATES political correctness.
NOBODY is going to tell Bob that he can't smoke tobacco or eat fatty foods.
He'll smoke what he wants and drink what he wants and eat what he wants.
So over the years bob gets fat, and hardened arteries, and develops heart disease and leg and back problems.

Fortunately he has retired so he gets MEDICARE so TAX payers will pay for ALL of his doctor bills, and all of his treatments and medicines. Thousands of dollars every year. And, since Bob is a conservative, he refuses to diet or exercise (which might have mitigated some or all of his IRRESPONSIBLE LIFESTYLE choices) these problems. Consequently the expenses will continue until Bob dies.....

Is this an acceptable for or socialism for you?

are you happy paying EVERY YEAR for bob's irresponsible lifestyle?

What I want is to be more like Finland and Norway;
a socialist/capitalist country

just enough "socialism" for everyone's benefit

but still the freedom to earn more money.

Your turn
insult me
call me a commie
call me a traitor

do what you do best.....

do what you can't help doing....

What I'll do is educate you.

"What I want is to be more like Finland and Norway;
a socialist/capitalist country"

"Real Socialism

For many on the left, the answer to the last question is “the Scandinavian countries.” The problem, however, is that the Scandinavian countries have, by some measures, freer markets than the US, which the left sees as the archetype of capitalism. At the very least, they are not significantly different from the US in their degree of economic freedom.

Abolishing markets does not describe the Scandinavian countries, though it does capture a lot of what was going on in Venezuela. Socialism, at least historically, did not simply mean “a large welfare state” as we see in Scandinavia. In fact, the only way countries can afford larger welfare states is to have economies productive enough to produce the wealth that can be taxed away to support such programs. This is why the Scandinavian countries deregulated (and lowered tax rates) so much in the last decade or two: only through freer markets could they afford their transfer programs.

If you love the Scandinavian model, you don’t love socialism. You love market capitalism, because that’s what makes that model possible. (Whether large welfare states are necessary or desirable is a matter for another column.)"
You Can't Deny that Venezuela is a Socialist Calamity | Steven Horwitz

“Speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen told students that he had “absolutely no wish to interfere the presidential debate in the US” but nonetheless attempted to set the record straight about his country.

"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.

“The Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security for its citizens, but it is also a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish,” he added.

The PM’s comments come after US presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton used part of the first Democratic debate to discuss how the United States could emulate Scandinavia.” Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

To recap: Capitalism makes countries wealthy…..socialism redistributes wealth, shutting down industry in the process.

Nordic countries have high levels of social services, but this is paid for by exorbitant tax rates. Denmark has a 63% tax rate, plus a 25% sales tax.

And….a 5.5% decline in GDP in the decade.
Opinion | Something Not Rotten in Denmark

“The welfare state we have is excellent in most ways,” says Gunnar Viby Mogensen, a Danish historian. “We only have this little problem. We can’t afford it.”
Northern lights
Why are you back?

Let's review,

I constructed a well supported thesis that the Democrat Party has the failed political and economic policy of socialism, and all you did was pretend that you could support socialism and capitalism equally.

Of course, you couldn't.

I embarrassed you after giving you a chance to support your claimed.

Again, you proved to be a zero.

Somehow, the less intellectually gifted imagine that continuing to post is the equivalent of making a point.

Of course, it isn't.

You've added nothing to the thread, to the debate, not even entertainment. You're a bore.
You must be so very proud: you've taken the Art of Clueless to an epic level!

Sooo.....why are you back?

That is what you got out of everything I posted??!!!! Seek psychiatric treatment..... STAT!!!!!!!!
Why are you back?

Let's review,

I constructed a well supported thesis that the Democrat Party has the failed political and economic policy of socialism, and all you did was pretend that you could support socialism and capitalism equally.

Of course, you couldn't.

I embarrassed you after giving you a chance to support your claimed.

Again, you proved to be a zero.

Somehow, the less intellectually gifted imagine that continuing to post is the equivalent of making a point.

Of course, it isn't.

You've added nothing to the thread, to the debate, not even entertainment. You're a bore.
You must be so very proud: you've taken the Art of Clueless to an epic level!

Sooo.....why are you back?

That is what you got out of everything I posted??!!!! Seek psychiatric treatment..... STAT!!!!!!!!

Why are you back?
Let's review,

I constructed a well supported thesis that the Democrat Party has the failed political and economic policy of socialism, and all you did was pretend that you could support socialism and capitalism equally.

Of course, you couldn't.

I embarrassed you after giving you a chance to support your claimed.

Again, you proved to be a zero.

Somehow, the less intellectually gifted imagine that continuing to post is the equivalent of making a point.

Of course, it isn't.

You've added nothing to the thread, to the debate, not even entertainment. You're a bore.
You must be so very proud: you've taken the Art of Clueless to an epic level!

Sooo.....why are you back?

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