Wannabe President Can't Write his Own Op-Ed Plagiarizes Ben Carson


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Trump owes everyone an explanation.

This isn't plagiarism.

It passes as plagiarism when entire paragraphs are lifted, and as we speak responsible journalistic outfits are picking up the story. Armstrong Williams a Carson adviser, said many Trump staffers were previously employed by Carson. Trump needs to explain this.
This isn't plagiarism.
. . . and neither was Rand's when he did it from wiki.


Is that why he apologized? Rand Paul admits his plagiarism 'is my fault'
meh. . don't expect an apology from Trump.

That's Okay, as long as the voters understand that he need to steal someone else's ideas to get his message across.
When do you suppose he'll start lifting from Mein Kapmf? :badgrin:
psssst!! do not tell anyone..., but!!!!! Trump and Cason had a little pow-wow a week or so ago, so don't you libertards get your diaper all soiled over nothing, OK !!!
Trump's campaign is t-shirts, caps, signs, Fox shows, and free-association ramblings from a 70 year old draft-dodger turned tough guy surrounded by security. His crowds wouldn't care if he dropped trou and mooned them....when they figure out he's not joking, they'll be terrified.

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