Want to Get Serious?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Then please explain EXACTLY how a newly born (or conceived, if you prefer) child is "privileged" if it is White, but "disadvantaged" if it is Black. Are we talking about heredity? If so, is the White child genetically superior? If not, what in the environment of a newborn child causes this distinction? Since neither child has yet experienced any external favoritism or discrimination, is it due to something its parents have done or not done (please specify)? If so, who is responsible for this and why hasn't this situation been corrected?

Please spare me the slogans and personal attacks. Just address this issue or go elsewhere. Thank you.
Actually, I would say a child is disadvantaged if he /she is born in a home that is dysfunctional. Race has nothing to do with it. Genetics will play a part on intelligence and the home has to be a model of working to get ahead. If the parent (s) is/are supportive of the child, all systems are "go."

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