Want to lower unemployment???

This is preposterous.

Low wage jobs are not charity. They only exist because the employer needs them.

If an employer has 10 people working for him at $7.25 an hour, it's because he needs 10 man-hours of work done per hour.

If you lower the minimum wage to 6.25, does he hire an extra person? Of course not. He doesn't NEED an extra person. 10 people are getting the job done that he needs done...

...lower the minimum wage to 6.25, and all that happens is that the employer pockets an extra 10 bucks for every hour his people work.

As usual....wrong.

1. Employers, of course, are free to make adjustments in their use of labor. Often said adjustments are at the expense of the workers who are most disadvantaged in terms of their marketable skills. They will lose their jobs, or not be hired in the first place.

a. The workers who suffer most are the most marginal, usually youths, and racial minorities, disproportionally represented among low-skilled workers.

b. Not only are the above made less employable by minimum wage laws, but they lose the opportunity to upgrade their skills via on-the-job training.

2. The weight of research by academic scholars concludes that unemployment among some segments of the work force is directly related to legal minimum wages, See K.R. Kearl, et al., “What Economists Think,” and Alston, Kearl, and Vaughn, “Is There Global Economic Consensus,” both in the ‘American Economic Review.’

3. . “You want to know how to solve the low-income
housing crisis? Get rid of Davis-Bacon.” That’s what
Elzie Higginbottom says, and Higginbottom builds
low-income housing in Chicago’s grim South Side
ghetto and manages his 2,500 units with a magic

The law requires Higginbottom to pay the
prevailing wage to all workers on federally assisted
projects of more than 11 units. In Chicago, that
means paying carpenters $23 an hour, including ben-
efits, and paying laborers $18.82 an hour for hauling
in the drywall….

So let’s say Higginbottom wants to hire some of
the unskilled black men from the neighborhood
where he is building houses. He is black himself and
fiercely committed to building a social and economic
base in Chicago’s poor neighborhoods.

But to give a
local guy a chance, Higginbottom has to pay him a
wage set by Department of Labor bureaucrats. “I’ve
got to start out a guy at $16 an hour to find out if he
knows how to dig a hole. I can’t do that.”
"Congress's Deconstruction Theory", by Patrick Barry, The Washington Monthly, January 1990, p. 10

Do you know of employers who hire workers they don't need, simply and only because they can get them for low wages?

Can you cite them specifically?

Can you learn to read???

Employers hire workers they need....and would pay what the job is worth if busy-bodies and morons would leave it to them.

The post specifies carrying drywall or digging a hole. Even you could (probably) do those jobs efficiently.
What the job is worth is the question.
Nothing in the above rant has anything to do with what I posted, you asshole.

"Low wage jobs are not charity. They only exist because the employer needs them."
SO what the f...k does that have to do with reality??? Of course the employer would LIKE workers to work for NOTHING! But he'd have no workers!
Employers want the lowest cost to produce a profit...DUH!!! do you understand???

"If an employer has 10 people working for him at $7.25 an hour, it's because he needs 10 man-hours of work done per hour."
First of all YOU are wrong! It is NOT $7.25 per hour BUT add the additional SS/Medicare/FUTA taxes which YOU obviously didn't know Employers pay,
THAT makes the job $8.26 per hour you dummy!

"If you lower the minimum wage to 6.25, does he hire an extra person? Of course not.
He doesn't NEED an extra person. 10 people are getting the job done that he needs done..."
How in the f..k do you know?? YOU don't! But at now $7.12 ($6.25 PLUS 87 cents for SS/Medicare/FUTA taxes)
He can INCREASE business hours, increase production INCREASE Profits with MORE workers dummy!!!

"lower the minimum wage to 6.25, and all that happens is that the employer pockets an extra 10 bucks for every hour his people work."

SO f..king WHAT the difference?? Is the employer as you said a CHARITY offering work for people because the business is an eleemosynary entity?
F..K no! So what if he did keep the difference??
Unlike you he probably won't hide the extra money under his mattress or bury in the backyard!
MOST likely would spend it ... YEA... increase consumption!! Or invest it.. YEA!!! lower interest rates!
All of the above is BETTER then RAISING the minimum to $9.00 which really means the employer pays $10.25/ hour with SS/Medicare/FUTA!!!
So the employer at $10.25 because of the $9.00 minimum has to let people go!

So you admit that the lower minimum wage just means higher profits for the employer, not more jobs for the worker.

You do understand that the lower the minimum wage, the more the worker will be eligible for in tax payer funded needs based benefits, right?

If it means hiring more workers....why the heck is it your darn business what profit an employer makes?
As usual....wrong.

1. Employers, of course, are free to make adjustments in their use of labor. Often said adjustments are at the expense of the workers who are most disadvantaged in terms of their marketable skills. They will lose their jobs, or not be hired in the first place.

a. The workers who suffer most are the most marginal, usually youths, and racial minorities, disproportionally represented among low-skilled workers.

b. Not only are the above made less employable by minimum wage laws, but they lose the opportunity to upgrade their skills via on-the-job training.

2. The weight of research by academic scholars concludes that unemployment among some segments of the work force is directly related to legal minimum wages, See K.R. Kearl, et al., “What Economists Think,” and Alston, Kearl, and Vaughn, “Is There Global Economic Consensus,” both in the ‘American Economic Review.’

3. . “You want to know how to solve the low-income
housing crisis? Get rid of Davis-Bacon.” That’s what
Elzie Higginbottom says, and Higginbottom builds
low-income housing in Chicago’s grim South Side
ghetto and manages his 2,500 units with a magic

The law requires Higginbottom to pay the
prevailing wage to all workers on federally assisted
projects of more than 11 units. In Chicago, that
means paying carpenters $23 an hour, including ben-
efits, and paying laborers $18.82 an hour for hauling
in the drywall….

So let’s say Higginbottom wants to hire some of
the unskilled black men from the neighborhood
where he is building houses. He is black himself and
fiercely committed to building a social and economic
base in Chicago’s poor neighborhoods.

But to give a
local guy a chance, Higginbottom has to pay him a
wage set by Department of Labor bureaucrats. “I’ve
got to start out a guy at $16 an hour to find out if he
knows how to dig a hole. I can’t do that.”
"Congress's Deconstruction Theory", by Patrick Barry, The Washington Monthly, January 1990, p. 10

Do you know of employers who hire workers they don't need, simply and only because they can get them for low wages?

Can you cite them specifically?

Can you learn to read???

Employers hire workers they need....and would pay what the job is worth if busy-bodies and morons would leave it to them.

The post specifies carrying drywall or digging a hole. Even you could (probably) do those jobs efficiently.
What the job is worth is the question.

Now you're agreeing with me and disagreeing with the idiot who started this thread.

You said I was wrong; now you're acknowledging I was right.
Adjusted for inflation (which is the only meaningful way to use historical economic data, btw)

we have been lowering the minimum wage since 1968.

What's gotten better?

Apparently not your insight. But, heck, your hand-wringing has improved remarkably.

Better: middle class status.

1. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.” Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents.
Do you know of employers who hire workers they don't need, simply and only because they can get them for low wages?

Can you cite them specifically?

OF course NOT because employers are profit oriented and NOT one employer will hire just because they can get them for lower wages!
BUT they will hire more to get more revenue if their costs are the same!
By hiring $7.12/hour (with taxes included) they can get MORE workers for the same costs.. therefore MORE production means more profits!!!
Are you really that economically ignorant???
BUT they are making these $8.25 hr ($7.25 min wage) workers work harder and therefore more mistakes etc. they would prefer MORE workers at lower wages
because they can get the same production with LESS errors!!!

Now here is what the Government massive Obamcare is causing PEOPLE TO WORK LESS HOURS!
And people having to do more with less co-workers!

John Mackey, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods, an outspoken critic of the Obama health reform law.

His chain already offers health care to workers at the 30-hour threshold. But the company may be forced to reconsider its full-time staffing levels, if the final employer mandate rules still being crafted by the Obama administration require companies to offer costly benefit options, he said.
Read more at Obamacare Fallout: Cut Worker Hours or Drop Coverage
"Say we're paying $3,200 a year for insurance for somebody, and the new regulations cost us $5,000 to insure somebody.
If they work fewer hours, we just saved $5,000 per person," because there is no mandate to provide coverage for part-time workers, he explained.
Read more at Obamacare Fallout: Cut Worker Hours or Drop Coverage

The only case where you would hire more workers at 7.00 per hour instead of 8.00 per hour would be if you were losing money on labor at 8.00 an hour.

How come your not out there hiring folks?

Oh...cause you never had a business....just lots of opinions about how awful folks with businesses are.
Do you know of employers who hire workers they don't need, simply and only because they can get them for low wages?

Can you cite them specifically?

Can you learn to read???

Employers hire workers they need....and would pay what the job is worth if busy-bodies and morons would leave it to them.

The post specifies carrying drywall or digging a hole. Even you could (probably) do those jobs efficiently.
What the job is worth is the question.

Now you're agreeing with me and disagreeing with the idiot who started this thread.

You said I was wrong; now you're acknowledging I was right.

Hey look who agreed with you....another CEO.

No, Einstein....the employer who wants to hire unskilled or low skilled workers cannot because of the legal wage scales.

He could hire if there were a free market.
I think we should go back to company stores and wage tokens. Poor Corporations need all the help they can get.
Adjusted for inflation (which is the only meaningful way to use historical economic data, btw)

we have been lowering the minimum wage since 1968.

What's gotten better?

Apparently not your insight. But, heck, your hand-wringing has improved remarkably.

Better: middle class status.

1. Let’s be clear: the broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

b. For those who insist that wealth has fallen, this in a discussion of the recession: “The decline in home prices and stock portfolios in 2008 wiped out gains in net worth from the previous three years, the Fed said. Median household net worth increased 17.7 percent between 2004 and 2007, but fell 3.2 percent from 2004 through last October, according to the Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances.” Average American Net Worth Drops 23% - CBS News

c.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents.

We've also seen a massive increase in the 2 earner household as opposed to the 1 earner household,

which means, simply put, that we are seeing a huge increase in the number of families that need 80 hours of labor outside the home as opposed to 40.
Can you learn to read???

Employers hire workers they need....and would pay what the job is worth if busy-bodies and morons would leave it to them.

The post specifies carrying drywall or digging a hole. Even you could (probably) do those jobs efficiently.
What the job is worth is the question.

Now you're agreeing with me and disagreeing with the idiot who started this thread.

You said I was wrong; now you're acknowledging I was right.

Hey look who agreed with you....another CEO.

No, Einstein....the employer who wants to hire unskilled or low skilled workers cannot because of the legal wage scales.

He could hire if there were a free market.

In other words, we could build the I-Phone and several thousand other products here instead of in China,

if American workers could be forced to work for 50 cents an hour.
Adjusted for inflation (which is the only meaningful way to use historical economic data, btw)

we have been lowering the minimum wage since 1968.

What's gotten better?

Executive compensation.

Yes, and corporate profits:


As you can see, there has been a huge redistribution of wealth from the makers to the takers.

1. Do you own any stock? Then you're part of the 'corporate profits' that you hate. So are most Americans.

2. Labor gets most of the money in the economy.
"So, as productivity and skills increase, workers earn more. Productivity of workers in competitive markets is what determines the earnings of most workers; and it is not an accident that labor earns about 70% of the total output of the American economy, and capital earns about 30%."
Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb," chapter nine.
I think we should go back to company stores and wage tokens. Poor Corporations need all the help they can get.

Good idea. As long as people are working they should be happy since money can't buy happiness. The employers will prosper and will trickle down their profits on the employees. We could call it trickle down.
OF course NOT because employers are profit oriented and NOT one employer will hire just because they can get them for lower wages!
BUT they will hire more to get more revenue if their costs are the same!
By hiring $7.12/hour (with taxes included) they can get MORE workers for the same costs.. therefore MORE production means more profits!!!
Are you really that economically ignorant???
BUT they are making these $8.25 hr ($7.25 min wage) workers work harder and therefore more mistakes etc. they would prefer MORE workers at lower wages
because they can get the same production with LESS errors!!!

Now here is what the Government massive Obamcare is causing PEOPLE TO WORK LESS HOURS!
And people having to do more with less co-workers!

John Mackey, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods, an outspoken critic of the Obama health reform law.

His chain already offers health care to workers at the 30-hour threshold. But the company may be forced to reconsider its full-time staffing levels, if the final employer mandate rules still being crafted by the Obama administration require companies to offer costly benefit options, he said.
Read more at Obamacare Fallout: Cut Worker Hours or Drop Coverage
"Say we're paying $3,200 a year for insurance for somebody, and the new regulations cost us $5,000 to insure somebody.
If they work fewer hours, we just saved $5,000 per person," because there is no mandate to provide coverage for part-time workers, he explained.
Read more at Obamacare Fallout: Cut Worker Hours or Drop Coverage

The only case where you would hire more workers at 7.00 per hour instead of 8.00 per hour would be if you were losing money on labor at 8.00 an hour.

How come your not out there hiring folks?

Oh...cause you never had a business....just lots of opinions about how awful folks with businesses are.

If you can't make a profit paying workers at least the current minimum wage, then you're probably not cut out to be a businessman,

at least not in America.
Now you're agreeing with me and disagreeing with the idiot who started this thread.

You said I was wrong; now you're acknowledging I was right.

Hey look who agreed with you....another CEO.

No, Einstein....the employer who wants to hire unskilled or low skilled workers cannot because of the legal wage scales.

He could hire if there were a free market.

In other words, we could build the I-Phone and several thousand other products here instead of in China,

if American workers could be forced to work for 50 cents an hour.

Why other words, I'm pretty articulate. Use mine.

Bulletin: 13th amendment passed.

You don't like the pay, don't take the job.

Move to another one, or create your own.

"Angie’s official title is Founder and Chief Marketing Officer. She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree in economics from DePauw University, in Greencastle, IN, which named her a 2007 Distinguished Alumni for Management and Entrepreneurship. She was named a Torchbearer Award winner in March 2009 by the Indiana Commission for Women, in recognition of her entrepreneurial accomplishments and for providing a positive example of the influence women have on their community and the state of Indiana. She was also selected as a "Forty Under 40" honoree by Indianapolis Business Journal for outstanding professional achievements."
Meet the Angie behind Angie's List, Angies List
I think we should go back to company stores and wage tokens. Poor Corporations need all the help they can get.

Good idea. As long as people are working they should be happy since money can't buy happiness. The employers will prosper and will trickle down their profits on the employees. We could call it trickle down.

“ONCE UPON A time in the land of America, there lived triplet brothers named Tom, Dick, and Harry Class. They were 45 years old, had virtually the same aptitude (skill), and were raised in the same home. Each was married and had two children. All three were employed as carpenters making $25 per hour, working 50 weeks a year.

While they were almost identical in most respects, they had somewhat different preferences and values. For example, Tom, who worked 20 hours a week, had a different work ethic from his brothers, Dick and Harry, who each worked 60 hours per week.

Neither Tom’s nor Dick’s wives worked, while Harry’s wife worked 40 hours per week as an office manager making $50,000 per year (the same hourly rate as her husband).

Tom and Dick spent all of their income, and were relying on Social Security to take care of them when they retired. Harry and his wife, on the other hand, saved most of her after-tax income over many years, gradually accumulating $300,000. They invested this money in bonds and real estate that produced $25,000 a year in interest and rental income. “The Inequity of the Progressive Income Tax | Hoover Institution

a. Obama: “ If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
Which one… Tom, Dick, or Harry Class? From which one should we ‘redistribute”?
And, how much?

Wise up.
The only case where you would hire more workers at 7.00 per hour instead of 8.00 per hour would be if you were losing money on labor at 8.00 an hour.

How come your not out there hiring folks?

Oh...cause you never had a business....just lots of opinions about how awful folks with businesses are.

If you can't make a profit paying workers at least the current minimum wage, then you're probably not cut out to be a businessman,

at least not in America.

"... then you're probably not cut out to be a businessman...."

And here we have the problem with America today: the more ignorant one is, the more they feel imbued with the knowledge of how others should live.
I think we should go back to company stores and wage tokens. Poor Corporations need all the help they can get.

Imagine, if you actually knew anything.....wow, you'd be a real threat.

Here are your corporations:

1. Small business owners make 19% less than government managers. Salary Search | CareerBuilder.com

a. Comparing Federal and Private Sector Compensation Comparing Federal and Private Sector Compensation - Economics - AEI

b. “WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nearly half of self-employed Americans (49%) report working more than 44 hours in a typical work week, compared to 39% of American workers overall, 38% in government and in private business, …” Self-Employed Workers Clock the Most Hours Each Week

c. The average small-business owner earns $44,576 per year. http://www.cbsalary.com/national-sa...Business+Development&jn=jn037&edu=&tid=105988

They work harder, longer....and have to contend with morons insulting them as well.
Lower the minimum wage.
That simple.
If you want the economic reality ask and I will share!

If all your theories are as "sound" as this one, you'll forgive me for not asking, won't you?

A businessman will hire exactly as many employees as he needs to to meet the demand for his goods and/or services. Period.

The fact that he can pay his workers less, just puts more coin in HIS pocket. No one elses.

If you want him to hire more people, that means there has to be an increase in demand for his product or service. When more people can afford his product or service, then the demand may go up and he will hire more people to meet the increased demand.
Last edited:
Nothing in the above rant has anything to do with what I posted, you asshole.

"Low wage jobs are not charity. They only exist because the employer needs them."
SO what the f...k does that have to do with reality??? Of course the employer would LIKE workers to work for NOTHING! But he'd have no workers!
Employers want the lowest cost to produce a profit...DUH!!! do you understand???

"If an employer has 10 people working for him at $7.25 an hour, it's because he needs 10 man-hours of work done per hour."
First of all YOU are wrong! It is NOT $7.25 per hour BUT add the additional SS/Medicare/FUTA taxes which YOU obviously didn't know Employers pay,
THAT makes the job $8.26 per hour you dummy!

"If you lower the minimum wage to 6.25, does he hire an extra person? Of course not.
He doesn't NEED an extra person. 10 people are getting the job done that he needs done..."
How in the f..k do you know?? YOU don't! But at now $7.12 ($6.25 PLUS 87 cents for SS/Medicare/FUTA taxes)
He can INCREASE business hours, increase production INCREASE Profits with MORE workers dummy!!!

"lower the minimum wage to 6.25, and all that happens is that the employer pockets an extra 10 bucks for every hour his people work."

SO f..king WHAT the difference?? Is the employer as you said a CHARITY offering work for people because the business is an eleemosynary entity?
F..K no! So what if he did keep the difference??
Unlike you he probably won't hide the extra money under his mattress or bury in the backyard!
MOST likely would spend it ... YEA... increase consumption!! Or invest it.. YEA!!! lower interest rates!
All of the above is BETTER then RAISING the minimum to $9.00 which really means the employer pays $10.25/ hour with SS/Medicare/FUTA!!!
So the employer at $10.25 because of the $9.00 minimum has to let people go!

So you admit that the lower minimum wage just means higher profits for the employer, not more jobs for the worker.

You do understand that the lower the minimum wage, the more the worker will be eligible for in tax payer funded needs based benefits, right?

First of all be accurate! The employer doesn't pay $7.25 but $8.25.. due to SS/Medicare/FUTA you keep forgetting that.
50 employees at 40 hours at 52 weeks is NOT $754,000 as you calculate but $858,800..
So get that straight the employer pays over 13% above the $7.25! Do you understand now what the distinction is!!!

But who would these tax payer funded payments go to ? Mostly teenagers who live with their parents?
Because you are totally ignoring who makes up the "minimum wage" population!!

Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011
Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum.
Since the majority of minimum wage, minimum skills are Teenagers (16 to 19 years) over 23.4 million

And even so .. So what??? The owner gets lower wage employees GETS all those EVIL profits... and what does he do with them?
He certainly isn't as stupid as you by burying these EXCESS profits in his backyard or under his mattress!
I bet he's smarter then you and he goes out buys a yacht!! Yea way to go spend the money!
OR he invests it and as a result more companies can hire more people and buy more computers etc.
because unlike stupid you he wouldn't just bury the evil profits!
OH and guess what??? Those evil profits GENERATE TAXES and what's left the evil profiteer spends generates taxes!

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