Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.

I LOVE free speech....yet not a big fan of vulgarity, blasphemy and self-aggrandizing stances.

Then you don't love free speech. You love speech you approve of...how very leftist of you

Funny, it wasn't "leftists" that tried to limit Wesboro's free speech.
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.

I LOVE free speech....yet not a big fan of vulgarity, blasphemy and self-aggrandizing stances.

Then you don't love free speech. You love speech you approve of...how very leftist of you
that's dumb even for you.

a person can love free speech and not love everything that is said by everyone. come on, this is elementary school stuff.
Then you don't love free speech. You love speech you approve of...how very leftist of you

Oh no, I would EXPECT you to be vulgar and
self-aggrandizing...otherwise you wouldn't be the right wing dingbat that we have all know you as.
Get that other half brain of yours working and stop the stupid comments that serve only to underscore your ignorance and biases.

Your party seeks to crush free speech, freedom of religion other than Islam, the right to defend one's life and property, the right to be secure in our person and papers, et al.

Reality exists - your filthy party works diligently to deny civil rights to those groups identified as enemies of the party.

This is yet another thread by a democrat calling for the revocation of free speech.
Our USMB nutters sure do love what Geller did here.

Just as these losers won't go up to a black person in the mall and call him or her a ****** (something they claim is their right), they won't go to their local Islamic center or mosque and hand out drawings of Mohammed.

It's all talk. And it's boring.
Then you don't love free speech. You love speech you approve of...how very leftist of you

Oh no, I would EXPECT you to be vulgar and
self-aggrandizing...otherwise you wouldn't be the right wing dingbat that we have all know you as.

Who is "we" Nutty Professor? Your problem is you love the concept if free speech but the actual use? Not so much.

I have a message for you from someone that sees through you...just as I do.

I wouldn't call that half-wit a nemesis. A foil...maybe.

The "professor" should stick to what he knows, making and instructing others in the decorative art of macrame. Selling said creations in various swap meets and yard sales.

I am of the opinion that he loves taking it up the ass. He is a semi-educated hump playing the Devil's Advocate. He's in it for the attention and those are the types of people that don't care if that attention is negative. His ilk is a vexation. He should be given some words, kicked in the ass and sent on his way. I wasted far too much time on that jackass. Too many times he as brought a butter knife to a gunfight.

Spindleman sends his regards....AHAHAHAHAHA
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.
Oh you mean like Muslims show tolerance:
Tax or kill all non believers
Rape women because they are infidels or their wife.
Kill rape victims because they didn't have two men to witness the rape and women are unreliable witnesses.
Oppress women because your men can't learn to keep their dick in their pants.
Throw gays off buildings or hang them.
Kill Sunni's because they don't believe the right way
Kill Shiites because they don't believe the right way
Kill anyone who insults the prophet because apparently allah can't do it himself.
Cut off healthy appendages of thieves.
Kill women who dishonor you family.
Beat your wife if she disobey's you.
Kill anyone who defiles a Koran but have no problem doing the same to others holy books.
Destroy all things not related to Islam even if they are world historic sites and others want to keep it. I.E. Blow up ancient statues of Buddha,burn churches,destroy any trace of ancient civilizations...
Support slavery
Use planes as bombs and run them into sky scrapers full of people.
Blow or shoot up night clubs,planes,buses,trains,news papers,schools...
Kidnap Christian girls, force them to convert or die and them rape them until they marry you. This was going on long before Boko Haram did it.
Force people to convert or die.

I could go on all day about the "tolerant" Muslims. Islam is the least tolerant of all the religions equal to Hitler and final solution.
Funny, it wasn't "leftists" that tried to limit Wesboro's free speech.

No one did. Fred Phelps was a leftist scum who sought to defame and slander Christians with his filth. Phelps and the other six vermin of his "church" (funded no doubt by George Soros) had the right to spew his shit - just as Stephen Colbert does. Call it "satire" or the more correct term, demagoguery, they have the right to this.

Counter protests are also free speech, as Phelps and his fellow democrats found out.
I AM condemning violence.......and any attempt to evoke and provoke such acts of violence......I don't expect for you to stand by "tolerant" if I practive my own free speech and call your mother ...well, you know what.

Burning an American flag could evoke and provoke violence.

Hanging a political leader in effigy could evoke and provoke violence.

Abortion DID evoke and provoke violence.

Do you stand against these actions in the name of tolerance?
Funny, it wasn't "leftists" that tried to limit Wesboro's free speech.

No one did. Fred Phelps was a leftist scum who sought to defame and slander Christians with his filth. Phelps and the other six vermin of his "church" (funded no doubt by George Soros) had the right to spew his shit - just as Stephen Colbert does. Call it "satire" or the more correct term, demagoguery, they have the right to this.

Counter protests are also free speech, as Phelps and his fellow democrats found out.

No, actually, the Phelps are just a family of lawyers that figured out how to make a buck. But their free speech did get laws passed against them. You can't just lie...

Federal judge OK s Mo. law aimed at Westboro Baptist Church - CBS News
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.
Oh you mean like Muslims show tolerance:
Tax or kill all non believers
Rape women because they are infidels or their wife.
Kill rape victims because they didn't have two men to witness the rape and women are unreliable witnesses.
Oppress women because your men can't learn to keep their dick in their pants.
Throw gays off buildings or hang them.
Kill Sunni's because they don't believe the right way
Kill Shiites because they don't believe the right way
Kill anyone who insults the prophet because apparently allah can't do it himself.
Cut off healthy appendages of thieves.
Kill women who dishonor you family.
Beat your wife if she disobey's you.
Kill anyone who defiles a Koran but have no problem doing the same to others holy books.
Destroy all things not related to Islam even if they are world historic sites and others want to keep it. I.E. Blow up ancient statues of Buddha,burn churches,destroy any trace of ancient civilizations...
Support slavery
Use planes as bombs and run them into sky scrapers full of people.
Blow or shoot up night clubs,planes,buses,trains,news papers,schools...
Kidnap Christian girls, force them to convert or die and them rape them until they marry you. This was going on long before Boko Haram did it.
Force people to convert or die.

I could go on all day about the "tolerant" Muslims. Islam is the least tolerant of all the religions equal to Hitler and final solution.

No, actually, the Phelps are just a family of lawyers that figured out how to make a buck. But their free speech did get laws passed against them. You can't just lie...

Federal judge OK s Mo. law aimed at Westboro Baptist Church - CBS News

Phelps was a wild eyed leftist.

The law which required a safe zone on Phelps is based on the one the ghouls use to keep abortion protesters away from slaughter houses.

Unintended consequences?

Oh yeah? And what happened to those "buffer zones" at the SCOTUS?
She's an idiot. Free speech or not. A cop is fighting for his life cuz of her stupidity.

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