Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Because of our in-bred conviction of American exceptional ism, we assume that the rest of the world should emulate and be just like us... That is ignorant thinking......It is wrong for us to NOT try to understand that others have different values and see what to us seems trivial as of extreme importance.
Sure Geller has EVERY right to be an idiot....as I have EVERY right to call her a self-aggrandizing idiot.

I agree, but no matter how much one disagrees, there is no room for violence. If the rest of the world doesn't understand or some Muslims don't understand,mother they need to learn.
I agree, but no matter how much one disagrees, there is no room for violence. If the rest of the world doesn't understand or some Muslims don't understand,mother they need to learn.

likewise, I agree with your post......However, here's my fear while Geller gathers up her hefty speech fees......One of our own citizens who may be innocent of all this 'free speech" manifestations, who is in a ME venue, will be killed in retaliation under the crazed "justification" that, "now you're in my culture and this is how we treat blasphemers of our faith."
I agree, but no matter how much one disagrees, there is no room for violence. If the rest of the world doesn't understand or some Muslims don't understand,mother they need to learn.

likewise, I agree with your post......However, here's my fear while Geller gathers up her hefty speech fees......One of our own citizens who may be innocent of all this 'free speech" manifestations, who is in a ME venue, will be killed in retaliation under the crazed "justification" that, "now you're in my culture and this is how we treat blasphemers of our faith."

I think anyone that goes to those events are taking a risk, I would think they would realize how risky it is. It's almost a dare.
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with you on that, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.

Absolutely - just like any bigot, racist or hatemonger - she should be marginalized and ignored.
Something about who Geller is...(hero or provocateur?, you judge)

She became the face of the opposition to construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in 2010. Through her groups, she launched controversial ads on Washington subways in 2012 that read, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad."

In April, Geller's group won a federal court victory to allow the ads to run on New York City buses and trains. New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority had tried to stop similar ads on their buses and trains because it said the ads could incite violence between Muslims and Jews, but a court ruling allowed the ads based on the First Amendment guarantee of free speech. The new ads will show a photo of a young man in a checkered head scarf that will say, "Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah. That's His Jihad. What's yours?"

Such rhetoric has landed the Initiative [Geller's group] on the Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate groups as an active anti-Muslim group.

Who is the group behind Mohammed cartoon contest
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with it, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.

What does Mohammad look like anyway. That way I'll know not to draw his likeness by accident!

Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with it, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.

What does Mohammad look like anyway. That way I'll know not to draw his likeness by accident!
how would i know?

How would anyone know?

It wasn't always blasphemy to portray Mohammed - there have been images in Islamic religious art: Depictions of Muhammad - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.

I LOVE free speech....yet not a big fan of vulgarity, blasphemy and self-aggrandizing stances.

Then you don't love free speech. You love speech you approve of...how very leftist of you

Do you "love" all free speech? How about leftist free speech? How about Neo-Nazi free speech?

You can support the right of free speech - even the most contemptable - without being a fan of it.

Of course, that's a leftist concept you might not understand ;)
Do you "love" all free speech? How about leftist free speech? How about Neo-Nazi free speech?

You can support the right of free speech - even the most contemptable - without being a fan of it.

Of course, that's a leftist concept you might not understand ;)

Thank you, really ....My intent with the O/P was PRECISELY what you wrote above......Not a defense of terrorists, nor an anti-freedom of speech statement....Just my belief that Geller is a self-serving "media whore" not much different than that Rev, Jones in Florida burning the Korans.
She's an idiot. Free speech or not. A cop is fighting for his life cuz of her stupidity.
There is no "or not".

YOU don't get to limit free speech

"Free speech" is not limitless.

No...it's not. But you have to be damn careful how you choose to restrict it. I think she's joyuous that this occurred - it brings her more media attention. Perhaps she was hoping for it, I would not be in the least surprised. But in the end - the actions are the responsibility of the actors. And once you start limiting free speech because it's insulting and might anger people...where do you draw the line?

She chose a good venue for it. There is a large, thriving Muslim community. They ignored it. Just like we ignore the Westboro Baptists. That's what we do in a country where free speech, and the right to ignore it, or protest peacefully are all well established.

A Texas imam says Muslims are better off ignoring this woman s anti-Islamic hate group and others like it Public Radio International

But Suleiman, along with other Muslim leaders from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, urged his fellow Muslims not to make a stink. Don't go protest, they said. Just ignore it.

And that’s what they did.

“I was actually throwing a football with my kids in the park when I got a text message,” Suleiman says about the moment he heard about the shooting. “I had even forgotten that the event was taking place.”

The choice not to react to the event was a smart one, says Suleiman, who's an imam and a resident scholar at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center in Irving, Texas. “The people that came out to this event were about 100 or so and the vast majority of them were not from Dallas," he says. "This is a traveling circus of sorts."
Since this put an end to two terrorists one of whom was under investigation for terrorism it was a very good thing. No one was seriously hurt. The terrorists are dead.

Drawing a cartoon is not intolerance.
Since this put an end to two terrorists one of whom was under investigation for terrorism it was a very good thing. No one was seriously hurt. The terrorists are dead.

Unfortunately you may be proven wrong as the future days progress....When the idiot, rev. jones burned the Koran, on 4 April 2011 two US soldiers were shot and killed by an Afghan policeman in an attack that was attributed to his anger over the burning of the Koran.....

My point was and is, that while Geller "enjoys" the media frenzy over her stunt, innocents may die for her sins.
BTW, Pamela Geller was a strong supporter of Donald Trump's efforts to "prove" that Obama was not American-born....aka, another "birther."
yeah cause being against violent jihad and shariah law is terribly hateful.........how

You must be thinking of the wrong person. She is against all Muslims, wants the religion banned, Muslims deported or killed.
BTW, Pamela Geller was a strong supporter of Donald Trump's efforts to "prove" that Obama was not American-born....aka, another "birther."
She's all kinds of crazy, and unfortunately this stunt and the idiots who attacked have earned her lots of attention and lined her pockets
And if you REALLY want to show intolerance....ACT LIKE YOUR'E A MEMBER OF THE RELIGION OF ISLAM !

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