Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

I don't think PAMELA was looking for approval or condoning

Sure, Geller was doing al this to promote "art"....right?

It doesn't matter if she was or wasn't promoting art, she had a right to hold the event. It is free speech and she followed the procedures to hold the event.

I don't care for what she did, it doesn't change the fact she had the right to do it and the two men killed were in the wrong.
I thinks she is making a stand against jihadists and she has the balls to do it. People like you that think we should be polite to muslim extremeists are the problem.

the absence of OFFENSE does not equate to appeasement.

In this case it absolutely does.......it is exactly appeasement of the worst monsters we have seen since WW2....
Pppfffttttt.. whatev.
awesome retort.
can you tell me why geller protested the 'stand with the prophet' event held in garland?

I have no Earthly clue nor could I care any less. Frankly, until you moonbats freaked out about this non-event, I'd never even heard of this woman.
so without knowing anything about her you're willing to disregard the opinion that she held her contest as a hateful stunt?

Let me put it this way. I hate those who claim religious justification for stoning women, beheading captured soldiers, persecuting Christians, beheading captured journalist, justifies killing artist who offend ....ect.

If hating them is wrong.......

After all it is just art! No, Piss Christ doesn't bother me but the money does.
i don't disagree with that.
but her event wasn't offensive to just them.

Okay. It was offensive to some, not to me, so what?
I have no Earthly clue nor could I care any less. Frankly, until you moonbats freaked out about this non-event, I'd never even heard of this woman.
so without knowing anything about her you're willing to disregard the opinion that she held her contest as a hateful stunt?

Let me put it this way. I hate those who claim religious justification for stoning women, beheading captured soldiers, persecuting Christians, beheading captured journalist, justifies killing artist who offend ....ect.

If hating them is wrong.......

After all it is just art! No, Piss Christ doesn't bother me but the money does.
i don't disagree with that.
but her event wasn't offensive to just them.

Who was it offensive to?
i think most muslims would find it offensive, don't you?

Yep, but in America we have to have tolerance for the worst expressions of speech. The crucifix in piss was offensive to most Christians, it was allowed and the guy got money from the government for the crap. No one was threatened or killed over it. I find Pam Gellar's event to be offensive, but she had the right to hold it. The two dead guys had no right to threaten violence or try to harm anyone over the event.
Who knew that all of the right wingers on here were STRONG supporters of the ACLU......

Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

Good for you, right wingers.
Living in a free society means people have the right to offend and piss you off I see things on this board that offend and disgust me that though does not give me the right to try and stop people from posting this stuff and dam sure doesn't give me the right to try and kill them. We all see and hear things we find offensive not just Muslims so I suggest they do what the rest of us have had to grow some thick skin and learn to live with it.
Just out of curiosity, what was your stance on Piss Christ?

What's my stance?....That it is a horrible insensitive and stupid show in trying to gain some measure of notoriety even if it is offensive...

Pamela Geller showed that she can be just as insensitive and stupid and that she is a whore for the same offensive notoriety.
And your position on Islamists beheading people and posting the videos on YouTube?
Who knew that all of the right wingers on here were STRONG supporters of the ACLU......

Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

Good for you, right wingers.

The ACLU is rightwing?

Who knew?
Yep, but in America we have to have tolerance for the worst expressions of speech. The crucifix in piss was offensive to most Christians, it was allowed and the guy got money from the government for the crap. No one was threatened or killed over it. I find Pam Gellar's event to be offensive, but she had the right to hold it. The two dead guys had no right to threaten violence or try to harm anyone over the event.

I actually agree and violence cannot be condoned......Nonetheless, I am stating that Geller did not do this as a supporter of free speech, but more so she could get on every network and promote he own personal agenda and thirst for notoriety....She got her wish.
Gellar's tolerance worked perfectly. She held an event to celebrate the art of Muhammed.

Then two goat fucking Allah Monkeys showed up just in time to meet Allah.

I only hope the security guard who was shot in the ankle has a full recovery.

Bottom line, because of Gellar, the world is a better place today. We have 2 LESS ALLAH MONKEYS!

And your position on Islamists beheading people and posting the videos on YouTube?

Don't be an idiot....you should know the answer to that without trying to bait someone so that you could come off as "smart."
Who knew that all of the right wingers on here were STRONG supporters of the ACLU......

Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

Good for you, right wingers.

The ACLU is rightwing?

Who knew?

Nope...they're actually pretty non partisan in their defence of freedom and privacy. They defended Rush Limpballs for pity sake.
Bottom line, because of Gellar, the world is a better place today. We have 2 LESS ALLAH MONKEYS!

Yeah, and that makes you a "good Christian" and, most of all, a fucked up right winger.
Yep, but in America we have to have tolerance for the worst expressions of speech. The crucifix in piss was offensive to most Christians, it was allowed and the guy got money from the government for the crap. No one was threatened or killed over it. I find Pam Gellar's event to be offensive, but she had the right to hold it. The two dead guys had no right to threaten violence or try to harm anyone over the event.

I actually agree and violence cannot be condoned......Nonetheless, I am stating that Geller did not do this as a supporter of free speech, but more so she could get on every network and promote he own personal agenda and thirst for notoriety....She got her wish.

It doesn't matter to me why she did it, I don't care, I support her in her right to do it, I don't agree with her at all.
Yep, but in America we have to have tolerance for the worst expressions of speech. The crucifix in piss was offensive to most Christians, it was allowed and the guy got money from the government for the crap. No one was threatened or killed over it. I find Pam Gellar's event to be offensive, but she had the right to hold it. The two dead guys had no right to threaten violence or try to harm anyone over the event.

I actually agree and violence cannot be condoned......Nonetheless, I am stating that Geller did not do this as a supporter of free speech, but more so she could get on every network and promote he own personal agenda and thirst for notoriety....She got her wish.

It doesn't matter to me why she did it, I don't care, I support her in her right to do it, I don't agree with her at all.

Just like the Westboro Baptists and the Phelps. Same whores, different dresses.
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

Do you demand a panel of Mullahs to determine what speech Americans will be permitted?

Is this the position of the party?

Oh and fuckwad, to Christians


Virgin dung is anathema - BUT since the Christians are your enemies and radical Islam is your ally - you have two standards.
Who knew that all of the right wingers on here were STRONG supporters of the ACLU......

Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

Good for you, right wingers.
See, Nat, we are tolerant! We even went along with the ACLU defending that great Democrat institution, the KKK........

Doesn't that make you proud to be an American?

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