Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Of course you would object to some promoting an American value such as free speech. I haven't seen you condemning those who chose to slander Christians and other faiths, why should Muslims be special?
her stunt didn't promote free speech. it promoted hate.

Pppfffttttt.. whatev.
awesome retort.
can you tell me why geller protested the 'stand with the prophet' event held in garland?

I have no Earthly clue nor could I care any less. Frankly, until you moonbats freaked out about this non-event, I'd never even heard of this woman.
so without knowing anything about her you're willing to disregard the opinion that she held her contest as a hateful stunt?

No, I'm saying whatever... I don't care. But, in my opinion it wasn't hateful. Poor taste perhaps? Perhaps...
I thinks she is making a stand against jihadists and she has the balls to do it. People like you that think we should be polite to muslim extremeists are the problem.

the absence of OFFENSE does not equate to appeasement.
He has the right to say whatever he wants, and people have the right to respond. No one has the right to take up violence for someone speaking his or her mind.

tell that to Netanyahu regarding Iran...
....I didn't notice anyone on the left bitching about the images of Christian religious symbols being defiled....you guys relished that.....

Again you pull "facts" out of your arse and expect others to believe you.
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

Of course you would object to some promoting an American value such as free speech. I haven't seen you condemning those who chose to slander Christians and other faiths, why should Muslims be special?
her stunt didn't promote free speech. it promoted hate.
She has the right to say how she feels, she is allowed her opinions, she is no different than you and your freedom. I disagree with her however she has a right to say. Violence crosses a line. I cannot figure out why a cartoon would cause people to kill, that is just insane.
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

Of course you would object to some promoting an American value such as free speech. I haven't seen you condemning those who chose to slander Christians and other faiths, why should Muslims be special?
her stunt didn't promote free speech. it promoted hate.
She has the right to say how she feels, she is allowed her opinions, she is no different than you and your freedom. I disagree with her however she has a right to say. Violence crosses a line. I cannot figure out why a cartoon would cause people to kill, that is just insane.
i don't disagree with any of that. that doesn't mean that her event wasn't based on hate.
right wingers' hypocrisy.....You're ready to "condemn" (and I couldn't give a fuck about that) my original post.......and then you spew your craps about the sanctity of free speech.
Of course you would object to some promoting an American value such as free speech. I haven't seen you condemning those who chose to slander Christians and other faiths, why should Muslims be special?
her stunt didn't promote free speech. it promoted hate.

Pppfffttttt.. whatev.
awesome retort.
can you tell me why geller protested the 'stand with the prophet' event held in garland?

I have no Earthly clue nor could I care any less. Frankly, until you moonbats freaked out about this non-event, I'd never even heard of this woman.
so without knowing anything about her you're willing to disregard the opinion that she held her contest as a hateful stunt?

Let me put it this way. I hate those who claim religious justification for stoning women, beheading captured soldiers, persecuting Christians, beheading captured journalist, justifies killing artist who offend ....ect.

If hating them is wrong.......

After all it is just art! No, Piss Christ doesn't bother me but the money does.
her stunt didn't promote free speech. it promoted hate.

Pppfffttttt.. whatev.
awesome retort.
can you tell me why geller protested the 'stand with the prophet' event held in garland?

I have no Earthly clue nor could I care any less. Frankly, until you moonbats freaked out about this non-event, I'd never even heard of this woman.
so without knowing anything about her you're willing to disregard the opinion that she held her contest as a hateful stunt?

Let me put it this way. I hate those who claim religious justification for stoning women, beheading captured soldiers, persecuting Christians, beheading captured journalist, justifies killing artist who offend ....ect.

If hating them is wrong.......

After all it is just art! No, Piss Christ doesn't bother me but the money does.
i don't disagree with that.
but her event wasn't offensive to just them.
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

She used no guns. She committed no violent act. She cut off no heads.
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.

Of course you would object to some promoting an American value such as free speech. I haven't seen you condemning those who chose to slander Christians and other faiths, why should Muslims be special?
her stunt didn't promote free speech. it promoted hate.
She has the right to say how she feels, she is allowed her opinions, she is no different than you and your freedom. I disagree with her however she has a right to say. Violence crosses a line. I cannot figure out why a cartoon would cause people to kill, that is just insane.
i don't disagree with any of that. that doesn't mean that her event wasn't based on hate.

Yup...Atlas Jugs, like the Phelps crowd, are free to say what they want. They don't deserve violence inflicted upon them, but that doesn't make them any less despicable. Geller and Phelps are cut from the same vile cloth.
Pppfffttttt.. whatev.
awesome retort.
can you tell me why geller protested the 'stand with the prophet' event held in garland?

I have no Earthly clue nor could I care any less. Frankly, until you moonbats freaked out about this non-event, I'd never even heard of this woman.
so without knowing anything about her you're willing to disregard the opinion that she held her contest as a hateful stunt?

Let me put it this way. I hate those who claim religious justification for stoning women, beheading captured soldiers, persecuting Christians, beheading captured journalist, justifies killing artist who offend ....ect.

If hating them is wrong.......

After all it is just art! No, Piss Christ doesn't bother me but the money does.
i don't disagree with that.
but her event wasn't offensive to just them.

Who was it offensive to?
awesome retort.
can you tell me why geller protested the 'stand with the prophet' event held in garland?

I have no Earthly clue nor could I care any less. Frankly, until you moonbats freaked out about this non-event, I'd never even heard of this woman.
so without knowing anything about her you're willing to disregard the opinion that she held her contest as a hateful stunt?

Let me put it this way. I hate those who claim religious justification for stoning women, beheading captured soldiers, persecuting Christians, beheading captured journalist, justifies killing artist who offend ....ect.

If hating them is wrong.......

After all it is just art! No, Piss Christ doesn't bother me but the money does.
i don't disagree with that.
but her event wasn't offensive to just them.

Who was it offensive to?
i think most muslims would find it offensive, don't you?

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