Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

How very childish to demand tolerance without any consideration given to what, exactly, we are expected to tolerate or whether such toleration is reciprocal.

Tolerating the sort of totalitarianism that represents the ultimate expression of complete intolerance only enables that intolerance.
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?

Wait, what? Cartoonist draw. Radical Muslims murder. No question which is more intolerant and offensive. At least to me no drawing is so offensive that murdered justified.

Well, you're right.....we send in the drones, instead.[/QUOTE]

Your comments offend me...shall I go Jihad on you?[/QUOTE]

Feel free, but be warned even liberals in Texas own guns. Lots of guns.
If the Libs get so excited over free speech, I have a proposal for them....

The riots Shady Al Sharpton is promoting offend me, so let's just lock up all the Idiots that that protest over cops doing their jobs or defending themselves.

Is that fair enough?
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?
Nope. But it was a naked hate fest of bigotry and intolerance.

And a lot of people have come here to defend her bullshit rather than condemn it.
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?

That one's an escaped mental patient we think... yes, to them cartoons = terror.

I wonder...if Geller had a cartoon contest about blacks and a couple of blacks attacked her show, would the same players be here defending Geller's anti-black contest?

I have news for you. THIS WAS THE SAME THING.
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?
Nope. But it was a naked hate fest of bigotry and intolerance.

And a lot of people have come here to defend her bullshit rather than condemn it.

Ok... here goes.. "CARTOON... I CONDEMN THEE!!!!!!"
Ms. Geller is a media whore....There's no other way to describe the "why" an event is sponsored to simply irk Islamists, and then go on every media outlet that would have you to be incensed that such an event is controversial.

We all know that for Muslims the depiction of the prophet Mohammed is an anathema...that stated, why would anyone want to show that they can openly insult another faith and then demand impunity? Do the Gellers of the world simply wish to show that they can be as intolerant as anyone within an open society?

There's no other way to condone such behavior, except to wish that your ugly face and moronic reasoning be plastered all over the media for personal and selfish gain.
I don't think PAMELA was looking for approval or condoning . Seem to me that people can have any opinion or demonstration that they like outside of mayhem , violence and attempted murder . Course the jihadists got snuffed so that alone is good enough for me and I'm hoping that Pamela Geller is busy organizing the next 'Mohamed cartoon contest' Nat !!
Yeah, we have free speech in our country....But such didn't stop the smashing of heads in Selma...or the killing of students at Kent State....

You may have noticed that individual rights seem to stop for right wingers when it comes to a woman's right to choose or two gays getting married.

Free speech does not equate to intentional vulgarity (well, maybe on this forum its the norm.)

When the press broadcast the images of Selma, the winds of change started blowing. Same thing with KSU, images of that girl crying in agony over one of the innocent victims was also very powerful.
Unfortunately, the criminals were not punished.
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?

That one's an escaped mental patient we think... yes, to them cartoons = terror.

You have to be pretty retarded to think I said the contest was an act of terror. Seriously.

Willfully stupid.
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?
Nope. But it was a naked hate fest of bigotry and intolerance.

And a lot of people have come here to defend her bullshit rather than condemn it.
I thinks she is making a stand against jihadists and she has the balls to do it. People like you that think we should be polite to muslim extremeists are the problem.
I wonder...if Geller had a cartoon contest about blacks and a couple of blacks attacked her show, would the same players be here defending Geller's anti-black contest?

I have news for you. THIS WAS THE SAME THING.

No it wasn't... not even close. Go back to sleep.
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Hey scumbag, Christians didn't go around shooting the fucking place up, did they?

We know you don't like the 2nd, 4th and 10th Amendments, you don't like the Religion part of the 1st Amendment and now you don't like the Free Speech part of the 1st.

Did you see any Christian shooting up this event?


"The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,"
a troupe of anti-clerical gay provocateurs who
cross-dress as bizarre nuns to insult the church and
conventional morality of all sorts,
stage a "Hunky Jesus" competition in San Franscisco

dimocraps really are the scum of the earth
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?

That one's an escaped mental patient we think... yes, to them cartoons = terror.

You have to be pretty retarded to think I said the contest was an act of terror. Seriously.

Willfully stupid.
You compared her contest to an act of terror, read your own words.
The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?

That one's an escaped mental patient we think... yes, to them cartoons = terror.

You have to be pretty retarded to think I said the contest was an act of terror. Seriously.

Willfully stupid.

Well, you sorta did bub... you said this:

"So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror" as a moral equivocation for us not condemning a cartoon contest.

Like I said, go back to sleep.

The point, boys and girls, is that you steadfastly refuse to unequivocally condemn Pam Geller. So if you ever catch yourselves whining that ALL Muslims aren't condemning the latest act of terror, take a good look in the mirror first and remember how you came to Geller's defense.

And then you hypocrites have the audacity to try a "gotcha" with the Piss Christ thing? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
So having a cartoon contest is terror?

That one's an escaped mental patient we think... yes, to them cartoons = terror.

You have to be pretty retarded to think I said the contest was an act of terror. Seriously.

Willfully stupid.
You compared her contest to an act of terror, read your own words.

I know, too funny... but hey, he's the smartest guy here... just ask him.
Pam Geller is a bigoted Americunt. Her next event will be a "Negro Art and Cartoon Contest" to be held in Selma, Alabama. Top prize to go to the artist who draws the biggest lips.

So, you didn't slam republicans as being anti-art, or intolerant for wanting to pull the funding for that "horrible insensitive and stupid show"?
Do you think Jesus was proud of the winner of the most offensive anti-Islamic cartoon? You ever wonder if maybe longstanding bigoted shit like that from some of his more ignorant asshole bleevers is how he ended up in a glass of piss?

As for how I felt about Piss Christ way back in the 80s, I was opposed to federal taxpayer dollars being used to fund that turd.

Now what do you have to say about that? I guess your not-so-clever straw man/tu quoque ploy just blew up in your face, eh?

I think that artist was an anti-Christian bigot who wanted to insult Christians. I doubt his bigotry was the result of any injustice he faced.

I think the response from the Right, ie wanting to remove his public funding was completely reasonable.

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