Want to show intolerance?...Act like Pamela Geller

Who knew that all of the right wingers on here were STRONG supporters of the ACLU......

Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

Good for you, right wingers.

Yet, if some Jewish terrorist group were to try the same thing at a KKK rally, I think most would feel the same way about the attackers fate, mostly!
Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

It was Nazis, not the Klan.

Yet, if some Jewish terrorist group were to try the same thing at a KKK rally, I think most would feel the same way about the attackers fate, mostly!
Would most feel the same way toward the Nazis as they do toward Pam Geller?
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
Who knew that all of the right wingers on here were STRONG supporters of the ACLU......

Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

Good for you, right wingers.

Yet, if some Jewish terrorist group were to try the same thing at a KKK rally, I think most would feel the same way about the attackers fate, mostly!

But what if it was a Patriot Guard rider attacking Fred Phelps? What do you think the reaction would be then?
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with you on that, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.
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Yep, but in America we have to have tolerance for the worst expressions of speech. The crucifix in piss was offensive to most Christians, it was allowed and the guy got money from the government for the crap. No one was threatened or killed over it. I find Pam Gellar's event to be offensive, but she had the right to hold it. The two dead guys had no right to threaten violence or try to harm anyone over the event.

I actually agree and violence cannot be condoned......Nonetheless, I am stating that Geller did not do this as a supporter of free speech, but more so she could get on every network and promote he own personal agenda and thirst for notoriety....She got her wish.

It doesn't matter to me why she did it, I don't care, I support her in her right to do it, I don't agree with her at all.

Just like the Westboro Baptists and the Phelps. Same whores, different dresses.

Just like them and the Klan and all those disgusting groups. I hate what they say and what they stand for, but it is our tolerance of those sickos that allow for others to flourish. In fact I would say that the Klan helped push the Civil Rights movement. Their despicable actions shamed America to action.
Remember that it was the ACLU who, in 1977 defended the Klan's right to march in a predominantly Jewish suburb in Skokie and that the KKK had a right not only to march but to also display
a swastika.

It was Nazis, not the Klan.

Yet, if some Jewish terrorist group were to try the same thing at a KKK rally, I think most would feel the same way about the attackers fate, mostly!
Would most feel the same way toward the Nazis as they do toward Pam Geller?

Only in Germany.
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.

I LOVE free speech....yet not a big fan of vulgarity, blasphemy and self-aggrandizing stances.
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with it, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.

What does Mohammad look like anyway. That way I'll know not to draw his likeness by accident!
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with it, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.

What does Mohammad look like anyway. That way I'll know not to draw his likeness by accident!
how would i know?
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with it, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.

What does Mohammad look like anyway. That way I'll know not to draw his likeness by accident!
how would i know?

How would anyone know?
I actually agree and violence cannot be condoned......Nonetheless, I am stating that Geller did not do this as a supporter of free speech, but more so she could get on every network and promote he own personal agenda and thirst for notoriety....She got her wish.

Geller did this to show that Americans will not be silenced - not by the Muzzie Beasts, not by you Communists.

Civil rights still exist in this nation - though your party works hard to revoke them.
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.
i don't think you'll find anyone disagreeing with it, just that geller's speech should be held in the same sort of contempt that we reserve for the westboro baptists, klan, and nazis.

What does Mohammad look like anyway. That way I'll know not to draw his likeness by accident!
how would i know?

How would anyone know?

There's got to be an old Polaroid floating around somewhere...
Because of our in-bred conviction of American exceptional ism, we assume that the rest of the world should emulate and be just like us... That is ignorant thinking......It is wrong for us to NOT try to understand that others have different values and see what to us seems trivial as of extreme importance.
Sure Geller has EVERY right to be an idiot....as I have EVERY right to call her a self-aggrandizing idiot.
Free speech is free speech - even at it's most intolerant - Pamela Geller, the Westboro Baptists, the KKK....however loathsome, that is no excuse for murder. Extremists and fanatics however, don't like free speech.

I LOVE free speech....yet not a big fan of vulgarity, blasphemy and self-aggrandizing stances.

Then you don't love free speech. You love speech you approve of...how very leftist of you
Civil rights still exist in this nation - though your party works hard to revoke them.

Get that other half brain of yours working and stop the stupid comments that serve only to underscore your ignorance and biases.

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