Wanted: A Wall To "Tear Down". Did Reagan Take Out The Last One?

Feb 1, 2013

So Barry has been attempting to create his own "Reagan" or "Kennedy Moment". So far no luck, not even with that massive crowd of 4000 in Germany.
So are they any walls in the United States that need to be taken out? is there a wall separating North and South Carolina? or the Dakotas where Barry can recreate what Reagan did back in the 80's?
Or maybe he can call the President of China and work out some kind of deal where he can make a speech somewhere on that 10 mile long wall (well according to the "Uninformed") that runs throughout China. Oh Yah! we can all see it now, Obama and his two teleprompters speaking to a massive crowd of 2000 Asians declaring that they need to tear down this wall for the sake of fairness and to honor the Chinese Navy CorpseMen!!
There are lots of walls to tear down. Walls of ignorance and hate. Walls of pride. Walls of apathy. etc.
I got an idea, Obama buys "The Wall" from Pink Floyd, and uses it as a backdrop for a "Tear Down This Wall" speech.
I thought Gorbachev tore down the wall :confused:

And aren't we currently working on putting one up? :confused::confused::confused:
When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.
Hey! DO NOT go messin' with the wall between the Carolinas. It's there for a reason.

Actually we're trying to get Georgia in on a joint project where we can just saw off the border and push SC out to the Bermuda Triangle. You'll thank us.
When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.

It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?
So far the golden line goes to Putin for referring to obama as a pig. Although I think the translator might have gotten it wrong. Putin probably referred to obama as a sheep.
Reagan makes Barry look like Greg Brady competing against Josh Groban in American Idol.

I like how Republicans mock Democrats that Obama is their messiah, yet here we are more than 20 years later and Republicans are still OOOOOOBSESSED with their actor hero! How many threads do you see started by lefties on this site about how amazing Obama is huh? Umm... 0

Who has a "messiah" complex again? Wtf are you talking about walls? That's some crazy s
When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.

It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?

No Kennedy did refer to himself as a jelly doughnut. The Germans found the mixup charming.

Kennedy said ich bin ein Berliner meaning I am a jelly doughnut. The appropriate phrase was ich bin Berliner meaning I am a person from Berlin.
When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.

It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?

No Kennedy did refer to himself as a jelly doughnut. The Germans found the mixup charming.

Kennedy said ich bin ein Berliner meaning I am a jelly doughnut. The appropriate phrase was ich bin Berliner meaning I am a person from Berlin.

Tomato, tomahto... it's a matter of syntax, not lexiography.

Nothing beats Jimmy Carter's Polish interpreter:
>> Carter was speaking through a $150-a-day freelance translator who barely spoke Polish. The guy's mistakes started early on and never let up: When Carter opened with "I left the United States this morning," it got translated to, "I left the United States, never to return." When he said, "I have come to learn your opinions and understand your desires for the future," it was translated into, "I desire the Poles carnally."

If the people of Poland weren't creeped out enough by Carter's apparently insatiable lust for some Polish sausage, the interpreter made things even more confusing by using archaic words and Russian syntax, and while he was at it, he made fun of the Polish constitution, too. Carter couldn't catch a break with this guy << (Six mistranslations that changed the world)

^^ pretty interesting list - see Khrushchev
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well maybe we can build a wall out of styrafoam and place it in one of those Denver stadiums, and Barry can make his speech, then a bunch of midgets can tear down the wall after the teleprompter crashes to the floor.
Reagan makes Barry look like Greg Brady competing against Josh Groban in American Idol.

So far Obama administration hasn't had any felony convictions. Reagan's? The worst in history. Not too choosy about picking heroes to worship are you?
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When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.

It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?

And no one saw the dead weight of the soviet sphere until it collapsed. Atleast among the mainstream.

And the mainstream is saying that those who are seeing the dead weight among us are nutjobs. Go figure.

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