Wanted: A Wall To "Tear Down". Did Reagan Take Out The Last One?

When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.

It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?

And no one saw the dead weight of the soviet sphere until it collapsed. Atleast among the mainstream.

And the mainstream is saying that those who are seeing the dead weight among us are nutjobs. Go figure.

And I might have added, the wall came down during the (first) Bush administration. The catalyst had more to do with actions by Hungary and Czechoslovakia than with Reagan. Good on Reagan for encouraging it, but that was more than two years earlier.

So where are the dead weight walls about to come down now? As long as it's not the wall between the Carolinas. We need that one. Have ya seen those people??

(Hjmick's not in this thread is he?)
you ask any Obama supporter how long the Great Wall Of China is, or why/when they built it, they would have no clue, if anything they would guess,,,,,ahh, great wall of china? uhm, ah, is that the wall that divides china and hong kong? isn't it about 500 feet long?
you ask any Obama supporter how long the Great Wall Of China is, or why/when they built it, they would have no clue, if anything they would guess,,,,,ahh, great wall of china? uhm, ah, is that the wall that divides china and hong kong? isn't it about 500 feet long?

What the hell gives you that idea?

I like this one myself....

"Mister Cameron, tear down this wall! Bring on the Picts!"
When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.

It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?

It was class and it was all-American. Get over your bigotry. Reagan's speech was America at it's best. What did Clinton give us? "I never had sex with that woman". Case closed.
When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.

It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?

It was class and it was all-American. Get over your bigotry. Reagan's speech was America at it's best. What did Clinton give us? "I never had sex with that woman". Case closed.

"Bigotry"?? How the FUCK is historical analysis "bigotry"? Are you insane, or just new to English?

Your Clinton quote has nothing to do with the Berlin wall or anything like it. The cognate Reagan quote would be "I can't recall" (Iran Contra? Hello?)
It was a photo op by an actor. Get over it. The wall and the Soviet sphere collapsed of its own dead weight.

Kennedy did not call himself a "jelly donut". The fact that the same word for a resident of Berlin is used for a pastry doesn't mean he was inviting the Germans to "eat me".

What if the wall had been in Frankfurt or Hamburg? What if he made a similar speech in Sardinia? Or Denmark?

And no one saw the dead weight of the soviet sphere until it collapsed. Atleast among the mainstream.

And the mainstream is saying that those who are seeing the dead weight among us are nutjobs. Go figure.

And I might have added, the wall came down during the (first) Bush administration. The catalyst had more to do with actions by Hungary and Czechoslovakia than with Reagan. Good on Reagan for encouraging it, but that was more than two years earlier.

So where are the dead weight walls about to come down now? As long as it's not the wall between the Carolinas. We need that one. Have ya seen those people??

(Hjmick's not in this thread is he?)

Insane debt. Deficit spending. Inflating the currency. Corruption in all departments of government. Both parties looking out solely for those currently in power.

Not to mention the corruption among the people. We need serious change to avoid what's coming.
Republicans are 90% white. Their walls are made of fear. You only have to read at the USMB to know this to be so.
And no one saw the dead weight of the soviet sphere until it collapsed. Atleast among the mainstream.

And the mainstream is saying that those who are seeing the dead weight among us are nutjobs. Go figure.

And I might have added, the wall came down during the (first) Bush administration. The catalyst had more to do with actions by Hungary and Czechoslovakia than with Reagan. Good on Reagan for encouraging it, but that was more than two years earlier.

So where are the dead weight walls about to come down now? As long as it's not the wall between the Carolinas. We need that one. Have ya seen those people??

(Hjmick's not in this thread is he?)

Insane debt. Deficit spending. Inflating the currency. Corruption in all departments of government. Both parties looking out solely for those currently in power.

Not to mention the corruption among the people. We need serious change to avoid what's coming.

None of which hasn't been true over my entire lifetime, so forgive me if I'm underwhelmed.
Hey! DO NOT go messin' with the wall between the Carolinas. It's there for a reason.

Actually we're trying to get Georgia in on a joint project where we can just saw off the border and push SC out to the Bermuda Triangle. You'll thank us.

Fox should send that reporter (forgot his name) to a city like Cleveland or Los Angeles and ask people on the street what they think of the wall that separates North and South Carolina and if they feel it would be a good idea for Obama to go there and promote a Reagan type speech (To Tear It Down). Imagine asking Obama-Phone Girl? she would respond,,,,ha? what? what's north and south Carolina? are day like countries in Alaska?
You people are really stupid, LOL. I hate to say it, but the end of the cold war was the worst thing to ever happen to planet earth. You stand at the brink of WWIII and most of you are too stupid to even realize it. It's pathetic.

Putin is trying his best to back away from this abyss but the west keeps pushing the buttons like a spoiled child that has had carte blanche to do whatever the hell it wants for almost 22 years.

We've killed millions of people for empire. The United States and it's allies are a shit stain on the planet with blood on their hands. No different than Hitler or Stalin.

Russia and China are equally complicit but not so much recently. There is a world changing power move at hand here the likes of which the world has never seen and the consequences of miscalculation, insanity, or the accidental failure to follow protocols may kill us all. Russia is abandoning Syria to minimize the risk of thermonuclear war while the west piles it's surrogates on the borders.

In my 43 years of life I've been at defense condition 3 only twice before. This is 3rd. Think about it.
Hey! DO NOT go messin' with the wall between the Carolinas. It's there for a reason.

Actually we're trying to get Georgia in on a joint project where we can just saw off the border and push SC out to the Bermuda Triangle. You'll thank us.

Fox should send that reporter (forgot his name) to a city like Cleveland or Los Angeles and ask people on the street what they think of the wall that separates North and South Carolina and if they feel it would be a good idea for Obama to go there and promote a Reagan type speech (To Tear It Down). Imagine asking Obama-Phone Girl? she would respond,,,,ha? what? what's north and south Carolina? are day like countries in Alaska?

I'm warning you -- tear down that Carolina wall and there will be repercussions.
You want this running around?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQc6oBCuDXk]Parents of Miss Teen South Carolina - YouTube[/ame]
Hey! DO NOT go messin' with the wall between the Carolinas. It's there for a reason.

Actually we're trying to get Georgia in on a joint project where we can just saw off the border and push SC out to the Bermuda Triangle. You'll thank us.

Fox should send that reporter (forgot his name) to a city like Cleveland or Los Angeles and ask people on the street what they think of the wall that separates North and South Carolina and if they feel it would be a good idea for Obama to go there and promote a Reagan type speech (To Tear It Down). Imagine asking Obama-Phone Girl? she would respond,,,,ha? what? what's north and south Carolina? are day like countries in Alaska?

I'm warning you -- tear down that Carolina wall and there will be repercussions.
You want this running around?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQc6oBCuDXk]Parents of Miss Teen South Carolina - YouTube[/ame]

So far the golden line goes to Putin for referring to obama as a pig. Although I think the translator might have gotten it wrong. Putin probably referred to obama as a sheep.

you could pretty much read Putin's face in that moment sitting across Barry, "Get This {Fill In The Blank} Away From Me !!! I am so embarrassed !!!
When the Russians started building the Berlin Wall JFK took a trip to Germany and called himself a jelly donut (Berliner) and promised the German people all sorts of things. The media loved the speech and JFK went home. LBJ ignored the Wall. Nixon ignored the Wall and Carter ignored the Wall. Reagan went to Germany and did what he did best. He made Americans feel good and he spit in the eye of the failing Russian government. We may not remember JFK's speech even though the media loved it but we remember Reagan's line even though the media tried to ignore it. It was a brilliant move that is unlikely to ever be duplicated.
If you're referring to Reagan's, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall," stunt, those who know the background think of it as a sleazy political maneuver. The circumstances are the CIA learned Gorbachev was planning to order removal of the Berlin Wall. When Reagan was informed of that he scheduled a news conference for some unrelated reason and made that announcement just a few days before the removal commenced.

It was typical of Reagan, who was a phony as a wooden nickel.

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