Wanting Their Cake And To Eat It, Too


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

This from the far left drone that voted for Hilary!

They believe that Trump is in office now!
What did Russia do to help Trump win?

Russia prevented hillary from campaigning in the rust belt and stopped her from going to Wisconsin even one time.

Russia forced hillary to call more than half the country deplorable.

Russia told hillary to destroy 33 thousand emails and helped her set up a private server in someone's bathroom. Russia gave her the bleach bit.

Russia forced Huma Abedin to put state department emails on her husband's laptop, then forced Anthony Weiner to wag his weenie on line with his son asleep in the background.

Of course Russia interfered after all that.
The NSA was busted for spying on 123 world leaders and global corporations. I'm certain that there could be a number of suspects in the hacking.

Israel comes to mind considering Obama desperately tried to get Bibi's opposition elected. Then there are the Egyptians who are still royally pissed off that Obama gave them the Muslim Brotherhood for a short but very painful period of time. Then there's the possibility that a Libyan or Syrian wanted to destroy Hillary.

Lots of potential out there.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
and ZERO intelligence.
yet they won.....??
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

Poor butthurt Guno, lost the election based on the words of your corrupt party being leaked.

You can try again in 2020, butthurt boi...

Regardless of HOW the words of your filthy party got out, they remain THE WORDS OF YOUR CORRUPT PARTY, Comrade.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

The good news is that it seems that Congress is going to go its own way, regardless of what Trump wants.

Trump is whom the Founding Fathers had in mind when they created our Republic.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
There's a spot on your surrender flag.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

Sorry, i seem to remember Hillary's poll number mostly staying quite high, despite the leaks. TO the point that going into election night, Hillary was consider to be the 80 plus % favorite.
When are they going to stop whining about Hillary? It's getting scary out there in what's left of Blue America.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

This from the far left drone that voted for Hilary!

They believe that Trump is in office now!
I see that Pizzagate hasn't faded yet.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

Say Guno, I remember on November 7th, you roaming this board INSISTING that your beloved Hillary would win, Trump had NO CHANCE according to you.

BUT, you being completely full of shit is just SOP.

Today is no different.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Putin didn't have to hack anything, Podesta gave it up in a run of the mill phishing scam
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Dude, you fucking nailed it.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.
Putin didn't have to hack anything, Podesta gave it up in a run of the mill phishing scam
to whom? Roger Stone?

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